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unity 2017.x-2018.x torrent

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NGUI Next-Gen UIv3.5.1

- NEW: CSV reader will now convert the "\n" character sequence into a new line char. - FIX: Scenes using NGUI should no longer get marked edited so much. - FIX: Reduced the size of meshes used by NGUI draw calls. - FIX: Changing the panel's alpha will now properly inform child panels. - FIX: Fix for how URL tags get parsed in labels.


NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.0.7

3.0.7 f1 is out. The anchoring system has been improved further, letting you freely move, rotate and scale anchored components and simplifying the overall presentation. 3.0.7 f1 - NEW: Further improved the layout system's presentation, making it less daunting. - NEW: Enabling anchoring will automatically anchor to the first parent by default. - NEW: It's now possible to automatically anchor to the mid-points (sides, center). - NEW: Made it possible to move and scale anchored widgets. - FIX: Rotating a widget should no longer hide its side handles. - FIX: Mobile keyboard will now have the multi-line option. - FIX: Re-added support for packed fonts.


NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.0.6

3.0.6 - NEW: NGUI now has new written documentation. - NEW: NGUI now has an abundance of context-sensitive help. Just right click on an NGUI component and choose the Help option. - NEW: NGUI now has robust context menus letting you add, create and modify widgets by right-clicking on stuff in the Scene View. - NEW: You can now find an assortment of ready-made controls ready to be drag & dropped into your scenes (search for "Wooden"). - NEW: You can now drag & drop GUI prefabs from your Project Folder right into the Scene View. No need to create the UI beforehand. - NEW: You can now copy/paste label styles by right-clicking the UILabel script in Inspector. - NEW: Redesigned the draggable panel class a bit, and renamed it to UIScrollView. UIDragPanelContents is now UIDragScrollView. - NEW: Labels can now have gradients. - NEW: Clipped panels now have handles you can drag around instead of adjusting clipping in inspector. - NEW: Added a new widget type capable of drawing Unity 4.3 sprites. - NEW: Added UIToggle.GetActiveToggle. - NEW: You can now specify a material on dynamic font-using UILabels. - NEW: You can now specify character spacing on labels, and it works with both bitmap and dynamic fonts. - NEW: Labels set to maintain their crispness will now take UIRoot's size into account, resulting in crisp labels with fixed size UIs. - NEW: Added a simple script that makes it possible to center a scrollable panel on a child when clicked on. - NEW: Redesigned the scroll bar and the slider components. They now also derive from a new common class (Progress Bar). - NEW: UIButtonKeyBinding has been replaced with UIKeyBinding and its functionality has been enhanced. - FIX: Panels will now add rigidbodies to themselves since Unity 4.3 mentions it should improve performance. - FIX: UIScrollView's movement restriction now makes sense (no more weird 'scale') - FIX: Draggable panels should no longer move on Play. - FIX: Improved performance by reducing GC allocations and mesh assignments. - FIX: Typewriter and text list scripts can now be used with dynamic fonts. - FIX: Reference atlas references should no longer get broken when modifying sprites. - FIX: Popup list now offers a way to change the font's size even for fixed size fonts. - FIX: Popup list was not enveloping the content correctly. - FIX: Atlas and font selector will now show all existing assets, not just recently used ones. - FIX: Atlas maker should no longer throw an exception when trying to edit old atlases (SciFi etc). - FIX: Enabling and disabling widgets will no longer cause the draw call list to be rebuilt unless it's necessary. - FIX: Improving the process of NGUI remembering the last used values. - FIX: Drag handles will now hide if there is not enough space to draw them. - FIX: Anchors and stretch scripts set to "run only once" will still respond to screen size changes. - FIX: Switching panel to clipped mode then back should refresh the shader correctly. - FIX: Moving widgets around no longer causes their buffers to get rebuilt. Just re-transformed. - FIX: Added extra code to ensure that draw calls won't get orphaned. - FIX: Panel alpha is now cumulative (parents affect children). - FIX: Got rid of old double-buffering code that was causing issues. - FIX: More Win8 tweaks. - DEL: UIPopupList no longer has a 'textLabel' option. Instead use label's SetCurrentSelection for OnValueChanged. - DEL: UIGrid and UITable no longer have 'repositionNow' member variable. Right-click it to execute it instead.


NGUI Next-Gen UI v3.0.5

3.0.5 - NEW: Added a way to set Localization's language using specified name and dictionary combo - NEW: Added UIInput.onChange that gets called whenever the input field's text changes for any reason. - NEW: Right-clicking in the scene view with a UI element selected now presents the hierarchy list


NGUI_Next_Gen_UI v3.0.2(最新)

NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework. Features - Full Inspector integration - No need to hit Play to see the results - Supports all platforms - Flexible event system - Make UIs that take 1 draw call - Clean, short and simple C# code - No DLLs or external resources - Extensively optimized 该资源来源与网络,仅供试用和学习,正式使用请购买正版


NGUI_Next_Gen_UI v3.0.2.unitypackage

用于UNITY 3D 最佳的 UI设计开发工具包



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