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原创 10723 Cyborg Genes (LCS + 记忆化搜索)

Problem FCyborg GenesTime Limit1 SecondSeptember 11, 2132.This is the day that marks the beginning of the end – the end of you the miserable humans. For years you h

2013-10-30 08:32:20 1311

原创 uva 10304 Optimal Binary Search Tree(区间dp)

Problem EOptimal Binary Search TreeInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 30 secondsMemory Limit: 32 MBGiven a set S = (e1, e2, ..., en) of n distinct elements such that e

2013-10-29 20:18:48 957

原创 UVA 11081 Strings(dp)

string by combining two subsequences from the first two strings.           After deleting 0 or more characters from a string we can get its subsequence. For example “a”, “b”, “c”, “ab”, “ac”, “bc”

2013-10-29 19:24:19 991

原创 UVA 10817 - Headmaster's Headache(dp记忆化搜索)

Problem D: Headmaster's HeadacheTime limit: 2 secondsThe headmaster of Spring Field School is considering employing some new teachers for certain subjects. There are a number of

2013-10-28 21:25:41 1443

原创 UVA 10604 (记忆化搜索 + hash)

In a chemist’s lab, there are several types of chemicals in tubes. The chemist wants to mix all these chemicals together, two chemicals at a time. Whenever two chemicals are mixed, some heat is genera

2013-10-25 22:22:47 962

原创 UVA 607 (dp记忆化搜索)

Scheduling Lectures You are teaching a course and must cover n ( ) topics. The length of each lecture is L () minutes. The topics require  ( ) minutes each. For each topic, you must

2013-10-25 12:56:39 1057

原创 UVA 10626 Buying Coke(dp + 记忆化搜索)

Problem DBuying Coke Input: Standard InputOutput: Standard OutputTime Limit: 2 SecondsI often buy Coca-Cola from the vending machine at work. Usually I buy several cokes at once, since my wo

2013-10-24 21:07:17 3293

原创 UVA 662 Fast Food(dp)

Fast Food The fastfood chain McBurger owns several restaurants along a highway. Recently, they have decided to build several depots along the highway, each one located at a restaurent an

2013-10-23 20:08:06 1106

原创 UVA 10564 Paths through the Hourglass(dp)

Problem FPaths through the HourglassInput: Standard InputOutput: Standard OutputTime Limit: 2 SecondsIn the hourglass to the right a path is marked. A path always starts at the first row and

2013-10-21 20:54:04 1261

原创 uva 10154 Weights and Measures(dp)

Problem F: Weights and MeasuresI know, up on top you are seeing great sights, But down at the bottom, we, too, should have rights. We turtles can't stand it. Our shells will all crack! Besides

2013-10-21 18:52:59 1400

原创 HDU 1671 Phone List(

Given a list of phone numbers, determine if it is consistent in the sense that no number is the prefix of another. Let’s say the phone catalogue listed these numbers:1. Emergency 9112. Alice 97 62

2013-10-21 17:55:39 931

原创 POJ 2418 Hardwood Species (二叉搜索树)

Hardwoods are the botanical group of trees that have broad leaves, produce a fruit or nut, and generally go dormant in the winter. America's temperate climates produce forests with hundreds of hardw

2013-10-21 17:51:42 1115

原创 UVA 10943 - How do you add?(dp)

Problem A: How do you add?Larry is very bad at math - he usually uses a calculator, which worked well throughout college. Unforunately, he is now struck in a deserted island with his good buddy Ry

2013-10-19 20:43:55 1124

原创 UVa 11069 A Graph Problem (斐波那契)

A Graph Problem Time limit: 2sGiven an undirected graph of the following form with n nodes, 1 ≤ n ≤ 76:  Your task is to calculate the number of subsets of nodes of the graph with the fo

2013-10-19 20:05:39 1449

原创 UVA 10006 - Carmichael Numbers(快速幂取模)

Carmichael Numbers An important topic nowadays in computer science is cryptography. Some people even think that cryptography is the only important field in computer science, and that life

2013-10-19 19:41:02 1109

原创 UVA 138 - Street Numbers (数论)

Street Numbers A computer programmer lives in a street with houses numbered consecutively (from 1) down one side of the street. Every evening she walks her dog by leaving her house and r

2013-10-19 19:16:35 1203

原创 HDU 1022 Train Problem I 栈

As the new term comes, the Ignatius Train Station is very busy nowadays. A lot of student want to get back to school by train(because the trains in the Ignatius Train Station is the fastest all over t

2013-10-18 10:05:15 2299

原创 POJ 1573 Robot Motion 模拟

A robot has been programmed to follow the instructions in its path. Instructions for the next direction the robot is to move are laid down in a grid. The possible instructions are N north (up the

2013-10-18 10:04:05 679

原创 POJ 1068 Parencodings 栈模拟

Let S = s1 s2...s2n be a well-formed string of parentheses. S can be encoded in two different ways: q By an integer sequence P = p1 p2...pn where pi is the number of left parentheses before the ith

2013-10-18 10:02:58 717

原创 CodeForces 251A 二分

Little Petya likes points a lot. Recently his mom has presented him n points lying on the line OX. Now Petya is wondering in how many ways he can choose three distinct points so that the distance be

2013-10-18 10:01:37 1953

原创 CodeForces 275C 贪心

A k-multiple free set is a set of integers where there is no pair of integers where one is equal to another integer multiplied by k. That is, there are no two integers x and y (x y) from the set,

2013-10-18 09:59:46 1318

原创 CodeForces 287B 二分贪心

Vova, the Ultimate Thule new shaman, wants to build a pipeline. As there are exactly n houses in Ultimate Thule, Vova wants the city to have exactly n pipes, each such pipe should be connected to th

2013-10-18 09:58:02 2062

原创 CodeForces 302B 二分

Eugeny loves listening to music. He has n songs in his play list. We know that song number i has the duration of ti minutes. Eugeny listens to each song, perhaps more than once. He listens to song n

2013-10-18 09:55:53 1016



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