Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

efore going to the difference between microprocessor and micro controller, let’s see the brief introduction of micro processor and micro controller


The microprocessor is a small computer or CPU (central processing unit) used to do arithmetic and logical operation, controlling the system and storing the data etc. the micro processor will process the data of the input/output peripherals and give the results back to them to function. The first commercial Microprocessor was released by Intel in year 1971 November named as 4004. It is 4-bit micro processor. But first micro processor was development by Garrett Research’s in the year 1968.  Block diagram of microcontroller shown below:


The initial Microprocessor uses the Von-Neumann architecture. In the Von Neumann architecture the data memory and program memory are placed in one memory. If processor wants to process an instruction from memory or request from the I/O, it has to get instruction through a bus from the memory or I/O, Place it in the registers and process it in the registers. Processor can save the result in the memory through the bus. But this architecture has some drawbacks like it is slow and data operations cannot occur at the same time because they share the same common bus. Later Harvard architecture is developed. In the Harvard architecture the data memory and program memory are placed as separate memory and separate buses are connected to communicate each other. There are also two types of CPU micro programming and hardwired programming. Microprogramming is slow when compared to hardwired. Hardwired implementation is mainly of logic gates and passive elements. Microcode is used  to in the microprogramming.

Microprocess Architecture Models

The instruction set architecture (ISA) also plays an important role in the microprocessors. There are different instructions set architecture microprocessors available in them market. They are

  1. Complex programming Instruction Set Computer:  this was first ISA. In the complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set is complex instructions which will take long time to execute; complex instruction may consist of opcode addressing mode operand etc.  The execution speed will be slow. X86 architecture is example
  2. Reduced Instruction Set Computer: in the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) the instruction set will be small and execution speed will be fast. The implementation is simple and does not require complex architecture. RISC is widely used in embedded applications. SHARC and POWERPC use RISC.

There are other architecture like Very Long Instruction word (VLIW) and FUSION of RISC AND CISC architecture etc.

Microprocessor should be chosen according to the application for small application you don’t need CISC. You cannot use RISC for large application. According to the application and peripherals you are using micro processor should be taken.

Note: Read the post All about Microprocessors for more information


It is also a small computer in which CPU, memory unit (RAM, ROM), I/O peripherals, timers, counters, are embedded in one integrated circuit(IC) where as in the microprocessor all these units are combined on a board through buses. Microcontroller can be interfaced easily to external peripherals like serial ports, ADC, DAC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. the interfacing process is fast when compared to the microprocessor interfacing. The most of microcontroller uses RISC architecture. There are also some microcontroller uses CISC architecture like 8051, motorolla, etc.


Note: Read the post Types and Applications of Microcontrollers to get more information.

Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller:

  • Architecture: Most of the microprocessors use CISC and Von-Neumann architecture. There microprocessors used Harvard and RISC also. But popularly microprocessor uses CISC. Where as Microcontroller uses RISC and Harvard architecture. But there are some microcontroller uses CISC architecture like 8051 and SHARC. Microcontroller has ROM, RAM, secondary storage memory I/O peripherals, timers; counters etc are placed on a board and connected through buses where as in the microcontroller all these peripherals are combined in a single integrated circuit (IC).
  • CPU Speed: Processors are more speed than controllers because of the clock. Processors can have high clock rate, even if they become heat due to over clock rate the heat sink will stop from over heating. Controllers may be slow when compared to the processors but they are reliably fast. The execution speed will always depends up on the clock. If we take the overall performance and application execution speed microcontroller will be fast because all the peripherals are inbuilt. Processors will be slow because it has get every resource from outside of the cpu through buses
  • Design Time: The design an application microcontroller will take less time when compared to the processor. The interfacing between the peripherals and programming them will be easy when compared to the processor.
  • Protection: if you programmed the microcontroller it is hard to get the program from the Rom by other users. The rom will be locked and it is very hard to retrieve the program from the rom of microcontroller. Processor will not give that much protection to its program.
  • Cost: cost of microprocessors and implementing microprocessor based systems will be costly when compared to the microcontroller based system. The microprocessor system will never be a compact system. Most of the microcontroller based systems are compact systems
  • Applications: processors are mainly used in computation systems, defense systems, network communications etc. microcontrollers are mainly used in embedded application like watches, cellphone, mp3 player, etc.

What ever is the difference between controllers and processors, processors cannot be replaced by controllers and controllers cannot be replaced by processors. Each of them have unique way of usage in application development.

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### 回答1: 《数字逻辑与微处理器设计及接口第二版》是一本介绍数字逻辑和微处理器设计的相关知识的书籍。本书主要涉及数字逻辑、微处理器体系结构、指令和编程、存储器和输入输出接口等方面内容,着重讲述了如何设计和实现一个微处理器系统。 本书的第一部分介绍了数字逻辑和数字系统的基础知识,包括布尔代数、逻辑门、组合逻辑和时序电路等内容。第二部分则深入讲解了微处理器的不同体系结构,包括单总线结构、多总线结构和总线组织结构等。同时,本书还介绍了不同类型的微处理器,包括8位、16位、32位等。第三部分重点讲述了微处理器的编程和指令集设计,涉及了寄存器、指针、堆栈等概念。此外,本书还涵盖了存储器的结构和组织、存取周期、存储器类型以及输入输出接口的设计等内容。 本书采用了清晰易懂的语言,通过实例和图表来解释相关的概念和原理,使读者更容易理解。此外,本书还提供了许多实践应用的例子和习题,帮助读者加深对知识的理解和掌握。 在当今数字化时代,微处理器系统应用广泛,本书的内容是非常重要和实用的。对于学习数字逻辑和微处理器设计的学生和专业人士,本书是一本不可多得的好书。 ### 回答2: 《数字逻辑与微处理器设计及接口技术》第二版是一本针对数字逻辑和微处理器设计的教材,它介绍了数字逻辑原理和微处理器的设计、工作方式、应用场景以及相应的接口技术。 在数字逻辑方面,本书主要涉及数字电路的基础知识,例如数字信号、布尔代数、逻辑门的基本类型和功能、集成电路等。此外,本书还介绍了数字电路中常见的设计方法,如卡诺图、多路选择器和计数器等。通过这些方面的介绍,读者能够深刻理解数字逻辑电路设计的基本原理和实现方法。 在微处理器设计方面,本书涵盖了微处理器的组成结构、内部寄存器、指令集以及程序设计。同时,也介绍了微处理器与其他外部设备如存储器、输入输出端口、定时器等的接口技术。通过这些方面的介绍,读者能够全面了解微处理器的工作原理和应用方法。 总体来说,本书旨在帮助读者深入掌握数字逻辑和微处理器设计原理,并提供丰富的实例和实践应用场景,从而使读者能够掌握基本的数字电路设计和微处理器编程技术,为日后的相关工作打下坚实的基础。




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