Data Structures and algorithm analysis—1.1 What's the book about? (数据结构1.1—关于本书)



In this chapter, we discuss the aims and goals of this text and briefly review programming concepts and discrete mathematics. We will


· See that how a program performs for reasonably large input is just as important as its performance on moderate amounts of input.


· Review good programming style.


· Summarize the basic mathematical background needed for the rest of the book.


· Briefly review recursion.



1.1. What's the Book About?


Suppose you have a group of n numbers and would like to determine the kth largest. This is known as the selection problem. Most students who have had a programming course or two would have no difficulty writing a program to solve this problem. There are quite a few "obvious" solutions.


One way to solve this problem would be to read the n numbers into an array, sort the array in decreasing order by some simple algorithm such as bubblesort, and then return the element in position k.


A somewhat better algorithm might be to read the first k elements into an array and sort them (in decreasing order). Next, each remaining element is read one by one. As a new element arrives, it is ignored if it is smaller than the kth element in the array. Otherwise, it is placed in its correct spot in the array, bumping one element out of the array. When the algorithm ends, the element in the kth position is returned as the answer.


Both algorithms are simple to code, and you are encouraged to do so. The natural questions, then, are which algorithm is better and, more importantly, is either algorithm good enough? A simulation using a random file of 1 million elements and k = 500,000 will show that neither algorithm finishes in a reasonable amount of time--each requires several days of computer processing to terminate (albeit eventually with a correct answer). An alternative method, discussed in Chapter 7, gives a solution in about a second. Thus, although our proposed algorithms work, they cannot be considered good algorithms, because they are entirely impractical for input sizes that a third algorithm can handle in a reasonable amount of time.


A second problem is to solve a popular word puzzle. The input consists of a two-dimensional array of letters and a list of words. The object is to find the words in the puzzle. These words may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal in any direction. As an example, the puzzle shown in Figure 1.1 contains the words this, two, fat, and that. The word this begins at row 1, column 1 (1,1) and extends to (1, 4); two goes from (1, 1) to (3, 1); fat goes from (4, 1) to (2, 3); and that goes from (4, 4) to (1, 1).

第二个问题是解决一个众数单词问题。输入是由一个二维字母数组和一列单词组成的。目的是在问题中找出众数单词。这些单词或水平或竖直或对角的任意方向。举个栗子,如图1.1所示,该图包含了单词thistwofatand thatThis这个单词从(1,1)延伸到(1,4);Two (1,1)延伸到(3,1)Fat(4,1)(2,3);That(4,4)(1,1)

Again, there are at least two straightforward algorithms that solve the problem. For each word in the word list, we check each ordered triple (row, column, orientation) for the presence of the word. This amounts to lots of nested for loops but is basically straightforward.


Alternatively, for each ordered quadruple (row, column, orientation, number of characters) that doesn't run off an end of the puzzle, we can test whether the word indicated is in the word list. Again, this amounts to lots of nested for loops. It is possible to save some time if the maximum number of characters in any word is known.


It is relatively easy to code up either solution and solve many of the real-life puzzles commonly published in magazines. These typically have 16 rows, 16 columns, and 40 or so words. Suppose, however, we consider the variation where only the puzzle board is given and the word list is essentially an English dictionary. Both of the solutions proposed require considerable time to solve this problem and therefore are not acceptable. However, it is possible, even with a large word list, to solve the problem in a matter of seconds.


An important concept is that, in many problems, writing a working program is not good enough. If the program is to be run on a large data set, then the running time becomes an issue. Throughout this book we will see how to estimate the running time of a program for large inputs and, more importantly, how to compare the running times of two programs without actually coding them. We will see techniques for drastically improving the speed of a program and for determining program bottlenecks. These techniques will enable us to find the section of the code on which to concentrate our optimization efforts.


Figure 1.1 Sample word puzzle





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