hibernate source code 阅读一


import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

public class  SimpleTest{

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
		Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
		Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

		Tparam param = new Tparam();
		param.setFremark("hibernate test");



	 * Use the mappings and properties specified in an application
	 * resource named <tt>hibernate.cfg.xml</tt>.
	public Configuration configure() throws HibernateException {
		configure( "/hibernate.cfg.xml" );
		return this;
	 * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application
	 * resource. The format of the resource is defined in
	 * <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>.
	 * <p/>
	 * The resource is found via <tt>getConfigurationInputStream(resource)</tt>.
	public Configuration configure(String resource) throws HibernateException {
		log.info( "configuring from resource: " + resource );
		InputStream stream = getConfigurationInputStream( resource );
		return doConfigure( stream, resource );
	 * Get the configuration file as an <tt>InputStream</tt>. Might be overridden
	 * by subclasses to allow the configuration to be located by some arbitrary
	 * mechanism.
	protected InputStream getConfigurationInputStream(String resource) throws HibernateException {

		log.info( "Configuration resource: " + resource );

		return ConfigHelper.getResourceAsStream( resource );

	public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {
		String stripped = resource.startsWith("/") ?
				resource.substring(1) : resource;

		InputStream stream = null;
		ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
		if (classLoader!=null) {
			stream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream( stripped );
		if ( stream == null ) {
			stream = Environment.class.getResourceAsStream( resource );
		if ( stream == null ) {
			stream = Environment.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( stripped );
		if ( stream == null ) {
			throw new HibernateException( resource + " not found" );
		return stream;
	 * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application
	 * resource. The format of the resource is defined in
	 * <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>.
	 * @param stream	   Inputstream to be read from
	 * @param resourceName The name to use in warning/error messages
	 * @return A configuration configured via the stream
	 * @throws HibernateException
	protected Configuration doConfigure(InputStream stream, String resourceName) throws HibernateException {

		org.dom4j.Document doc;
		try {
			List errors = new ArrayList();
			doc = xmlHelper.createSAXReader( resourceName, errors, entityResolver )
					.read( new InputSource( stream ) );
			if ( errors.size() != 0 ) {
				throw new MappingException(
						"invalid configuration",
						(Throwable) errors.get( 0 )
		catch (DocumentException e) {
			throw new HibernateException(
					"Could not parse configuration: " + resourceName,
		finally {
			try {
			catch (IOException ioe) {
				log.warn( "could not close input stream for: " + resourceName, ioe );

		return doConfigure( doc );


protected Configuration doConfigure(org.dom4j.Document doc) throws HibernateException {

		Element sfNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "session-factory" );
		String name = sfNode.attributeValue( "name" );
		if ( name != null ) {
			properties.setProperty( Environment.SESSION_FACTORY_NAME, name );
		addProperties( sfNode );
		parseSessionFactory( sfNode, name );

		Element secNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "security" );
		if ( secNode != null ) {
			parseSecurity( secNode );

		log.info( "Configured SessionFactory: " + name );
		log.debug( "properties: " + properties );

		return this;

private void addProperties(Element parent) {
		Iterator iter = parent.elementIterator( "property" );
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Element node = (Element) iter.next();
			String name = node.attributeValue( "name" );
			String value = node.getText().trim();
			log.debug( name + "=" + value );
			properties.setProperty( name, value );
			if ( !name.startsWith( "hibernate" ) ) {
				properties.setProperty( "hibernate." + name, value );
		Environment.verifyProperties( properties );

这里我们可以看到,上面针对hibernate.cfg.xml文件解析完了之后在这里用到了copy.putAll( propertites )。

	 * Instantiate a new <tt>SessionFactory</tt>, using the properties and
	 * mappings in this configuration. The <tt>SessionFactory</tt> will be
	 * immutable, so changes made to the <tt>Configuration</tt> after
	 * building the <tt>SessionFactory</tt> will not affect it.
	 * @return a new factory for <tt>Session</tt>s
	 * @see org.hibernate.SessionFactory
	public SessionFactory buildSessionFactory() throws HibernateException {
		log.debug( "Preparing to build session factory with filters : " + filterDefinitions );
		Environment.verifyProperties( properties );
		Properties copy = new Properties();
		copy.putAll( properties );
		PropertiesHelper.resolvePlaceHolders( copy );
		Settings settings = buildSettings( copy );

		return new SessionFactoryImpl(

currentSessionContext = buildCurrentSessionContext();因为getCurrentSession()就是通过这里构建出来的实现类对SessionFactory接口中getCurrentSession()方法进行实现

	public SessionFactoryImpl(
			Configuration cfg,
	        Mapping mapping,
	        Settings settings,
	        EventListeners listeners)
	throws HibernateException {

		log.info("building session factory");

		this.properties = new Properties();
		this.properties.putAll( cfg.getProperties() );
		this.interceptor = cfg.getInterceptor();
		this.settings = settings;
		this.sqlFunctionRegistry = new SQLFunctionRegistry(settings.getDialect(), cfg.getSqlFunctions());
        this.eventListeners = listeners;
        this.filters = new HashMap();
		this.filters.putAll( cfg.getFilterDefinitions() );

		if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
			log.debug("Session factory constructed with filter configurations : " + filters);

		if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
					"instantiating session factory with properties: " + properties

		// Caches
		settings.getCacheProvider().start( properties );


		identifierGenerators = new HashMap();
		Iterator classes = cfg.getClassMappings();
		while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
			PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass) classes.next();
			if ( !model.isInherited() ) {
				IdentifierGenerator generator = model.getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator(
				        (RootClass) model
				identifierGenerators.put( model.getEntityName(), generator );


		Map caches = new HashMap();
		entityPersisters = new HashMap();
		Map classMeta = new HashMap();
		classes = cfg.getClassMappings();
		while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
			PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass) classes.next();
			model.prepareTemporaryTables( mapping, settings.getDialect() );
			String cacheRegion = model.getRootClass().getCacheRegionName();
			CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache = (CacheConcurrencyStrategy) caches.get(cacheRegion);
			if (cache==null) {
				cache = CacheFactory.createCache(
				if (cache!=null) {
					caches.put(cacheRegion, cache);
					allCacheRegions.put( cache.getRegionName(), cache.getCache() );
			EntityPersister cp = PersisterFactory.createClassPersister(model, cache, this, mapping);
			if ( cache != null && cache.getCache() instanceof OptimisticCache ) {
				( ( OptimisticCache ) cache.getCache() ).setSource( cp );
			entityPersisters.put( model.getEntityName(), cp );
			classMeta.put( model.getEntityName(), cp.getClassMetadata() );
		classMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(classMeta);

		Map tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap = new HashMap();
		collectionPersisters = new HashMap();
		Iterator collections = cfg.getCollectionMappings();
		while ( collections.hasNext() ) {
			Collection model = (Collection) collections.next();
			CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache = CacheFactory.createCache(
			if ( cache != null ) {
				allCacheRegions.put( cache.getRegionName(), cache.getCache() );
			CollectionPersister persister = PersisterFactory.createCollectionPersister(cfg, model, cache, this);
			collectionPersisters.put( model.getRole(), persister.getCollectionMetadata() );
			Type indexType = persister.getIndexType();
			if ( indexType != null && indexType.isAssociationType() && !indexType.isAnyType() ) {
				String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) indexType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this );
				Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName );
				if ( roles == null ) {
					roles = new HashSet();
					tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles );
				roles.add( persister.getRole() );
			Type elementType = persister.getElementType();
			if ( elementType.isAssociationType() && !elementType.isAnyType() ) {
				String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) elementType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this );
				Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName );
				if ( roles == null ) {
					roles = new HashSet();
					tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles );
				roles.add( persister.getRole() );
		collectionMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(collectionPersisters);
		Iterator itr = tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.entrySet().iterator();
		while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
			final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) itr.next();
			entry.setValue( Collections.unmodifiableSet( ( Set ) entry.getValue() ) );
		collectionRolesByEntityParticipant = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap );

		//Named Queries:
		namedQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedQueries() );
		namedSqlQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedSQLQueries() );
		sqlResultSetMappings = new HashMap( cfg.getSqlResultSetMappings() );
		imports = new HashMap( cfg.getImports() );

		// after *all* persisters and named queries are registered
		Iterator iter = entityPersisters.values().iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			( (EntityPersister) iter.next() ).postInstantiate();
		iter = collectionPersisters.values().iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			( (CollectionPersister) iter.next() ).postInstantiate();

		//JNDI + Serialization:

		name = settings.getSessionFactoryName();
		try {
			uuid = (String) UUID_GENERATOR.generate(null, null);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new AssertionFailure("Could not generate UUID");
		SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance(uuid, name, this, properties);

		log.debug("instantiated session factory");

		if ( settings.isAutoCreateSchema() ) {
			new SchemaExport( cfg, settings ).create( false, true );
		if ( settings.isAutoUpdateSchema() ) {
			new SchemaUpdate( cfg, settings ).execute( false, true );
		if ( settings.isAutoValidateSchema() ) {
			new SchemaValidator( cfg, settings ).validate();
		if ( settings.isAutoDropSchema() ) {
			schemaExport = new SchemaExport( cfg, settings );

		if ( settings.getTransactionManagerLookup()!=null ) {
			log.debug("obtaining JTA TransactionManager");
			transactionManager = settings.getTransactionManagerLookup().getTransactionManager(properties);
		else {
			if ( settings.getTransactionFactory().isTransactionManagerRequired() ) {
				throw new HibernateException("The chosen transaction strategy requires access to the JTA TransactionManager");
			transactionManager = null;

		currentSessionContext = buildCurrentSessionContext();

		if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) {
			updateTimestampsCache = new UpdateTimestampsCache(settings, properties);
			queryCache = settings.getQueryCacheFactory()
			        .getQueryCache(null, updateTimestampsCache, settings, properties);
			queryCaches = new HashMap();
			allCacheRegions.put( updateTimestampsCache.getRegionName(), updateTimestampsCache.getCache() );
			allCacheRegions.put( queryCache.getRegionName(), queryCache.getCache() );
		else {
			updateTimestampsCache = null;
			queryCache = null;
			queryCaches = null;

		//checking for named queries
		if ( settings.isNamedQueryStartupCheckingEnabled() ) {
			Map errors = checkNamedQueries();
			if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) {
				Set keys = errors.keySet();
				StringBuffer failingQueries = new StringBuffer( "Errors in named queries: " );
				for ( Iterator iterator = keys.iterator() ; iterator.hasNext() ; ) {
					String queryName = ( String ) iterator.next();
					HibernateException e = ( HibernateException ) errors.get( queryName );
					failingQueries.append( queryName );
					if ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
						failingQueries.append( ", " );
					log.error( "Error in named query: " + queryName, e );
				throw new HibernateException( failingQueries.toString() );

		getStatistics().setStatisticsEnabled( settings.isStatisticsEnabled() );

		// EntityNotFoundDelegate
		EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate = cfg.getEntityNotFoundDelegate();
		if ( entityNotFoundDelegate == null ) {
			entityNotFoundDelegate = new EntityNotFoundDelegate() {
				public void handleEntityNotFound(String entityName, Serializable id) {
					throw new ObjectNotFoundException( id, entityName );
		this.entityNotFoundDelegate = entityNotFoundDelegate;

这里面代码很多,有些我也不太知道做了些什么,我抓住的关键点是这句:EntityPersister cp = PersisterFactory.createClassPersister(model, cache, this, mapping);


public static EntityPersister createClassPersister(
			PersistentClass model, 
			CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, 
			SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
			Mapping cfg)
	throws HibernateException {
		Class persisterClass = model.getEntityPersisterClass();
		if (persisterClass==null || persisterClass==SingleTableEntityPersister.class) {
			return new SingleTableEntityPersister(model, cache, factory, cfg);
		else if (persisterClass==JoinedSubclassEntityPersister.class) {
			return new JoinedSubclassEntityPersister(model, cache, factory, cfg);
		else if (persisterClass==UnionSubclassEntityPersister.class) {
			return new UnionSubclassEntityPersister(model, cache, factory, cfg);
		else {
			return create(persisterClass, model, cache, factory, cfg);

我们现在操作的单表,那么我们进入new SingleTableEntityPersister(model, cache, factory, cfg);这句看看里面执行了什么:

public SingleTableEntityPersister(
			final PersistentClass persistentClass, 
			final CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache,
			final SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
			final Mapping mapping)
	throws HibernateException {

		super(persistentClass, cache, factory);


		joinSpan = persistentClass.getJoinClosureSpan()+1;
		qualifiedTableNames = new String[joinSpan];
		isInverseTable = new boolean[joinSpan];
		isNullableTable = new boolean[joinSpan];
		keyColumnNames = new String[joinSpan][];
		final Table table = persistentClass.getRootTable();
		qualifiedTableNames[0] = table.getQualifiedName( 
		isInverseTable[0] = false;
		isNullableTable[0] = false;
		keyColumnNames[0] = getIdentifierColumnNames();
		cascadeDeleteEnabled = new boolean[joinSpan];

		// Custom sql
		customSQLInsert = new String[joinSpan];
		customSQLUpdate = new String[joinSpan];
		customSQLDelete = new String[joinSpan];
		insertCallable = new boolean[joinSpan];
		updateCallable = new boolean[joinSpan];
		deleteCallable = new boolean[joinSpan];
		insertResultCheckStyles = new ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle[joinSpan];
		updateResultCheckStyles = new ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle[joinSpan];
		deleteResultCheckStyles = new ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle[joinSpan];

		customSQLInsert[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLInsert();
		insertCallable[0] = customSQLInsert[0] != null && persistentClass.isCustomInsertCallable();
		insertResultCheckStyles[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle() == null
									  ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLInsert[0], insertCallable[0] )
									  : persistentClass.getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle();
		customSQLUpdate[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLUpdate();
		updateCallable[0] = customSQLUpdate[0] != null && persistentClass.isCustomUpdateCallable();
		updateResultCheckStyles[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle() == null
									  ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLUpdate[0], updateCallable[0] )
									  : persistentClass.getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle();
		customSQLDelete[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLDelete();
		deleteCallable[0] = customSQLDelete[0] != null && persistentClass.isCustomDeleteCallable();
		deleteResultCheckStyles[0] = persistentClass.getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle() == null
									  ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLDelete[0], deleteCallable[0] )
									  : persistentClass.getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle();

		// JOINS

		Iterator joinIter = persistentClass.getJoinClosureIterator();
		int j = 1;
		while ( joinIter.hasNext() ) {
			Join join = (Join) joinIter.next();
			qualifiedTableNames[j] = join.getTable().getQualifiedName( 
			isInverseTable[j] = join.isInverse();
			isNullableTable[j] = join.isOptional();
			cascadeDeleteEnabled[j] = join.getKey().isCascadeDeleteEnabled() && 

			customSQLInsert[j] = join.getCustomSQLInsert();
			insertCallable[j] = customSQLInsert[j] != null && join.isCustomInsertCallable();
			insertResultCheckStyles[j] = join.getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle() == null
			                              ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLInsert[j], insertCallable[j] )
		                                  : join.getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle();
			customSQLUpdate[j] = join.getCustomSQLUpdate();
			updateCallable[j] = customSQLUpdate[j] != null && join.isCustomUpdateCallable();
			updateResultCheckStyles[j] = join.getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle() == null
			                              ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLUpdate[j], updateCallable[j] )
		                                  : join.getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle();
			customSQLDelete[j] = join.getCustomSQLDelete();
			deleteCallable[j] = customSQLDelete[j] != null && join.isCustomDeleteCallable();
			deleteResultCheckStyles[j] = join.getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle() == null
			                              ? ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.determineDefault( customSQLDelete[j], deleteCallable[j] )
		                                  : join.getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle();

			Iterator iter = join.getKey().getColumnIterator();
			keyColumnNames[j] = new String[ join.getKey().getColumnSpan() ];
			int i = 0;
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				Column col = (Column) iter.next();
				keyColumnNames[j][i++] = col.getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() );


		constraintOrderedTableNames = new String[qualifiedTableNames.length];
		constraintOrderedKeyColumnNames = new String[qualifiedTableNames.length][];
		for ( int i = qualifiedTableNames.length - 1, position = 0; i >= 0; i--, position++ ) {
			constraintOrderedTableNames[position] = qualifiedTableNames[i];
			constraintOrderedKeyColumnNames[position] = keyColumnNames[i];

		spaces = ArrayHelper.join(
				ArrayHelper.toStringArray( persistentClass.getSynchronizedTables() )
		final boolean lazyAvailable = isInstrumented(EntityMode.POJO);

		boolean hasDeferred = false;
		ArrayList subclassTables = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList joinKeyColumns = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList isConcretes = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList isDeferreds = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList isInverses = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList isNullables = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList isLazies = new ArrayList();
		subclassTables.add( qualifiedTableNames[0] );
		joinKeyColumns.add( getIdentifierColumnNames() );
		joinIter = persistentClass.getSubclassJoinClosureIterator();
		while ( joinIter.hasNext() ) {
			Join join = (Join) joinIter.next();
			isConcretes.add( new Boolean( persistentClass.isClassOrSuperclassJoin(join) ) );
			isDeferreds.add( new Boolean( join.isSequentialSelect() ) );
			isInverses.add( new Boolean( join.isInverse() ) );
			isNullables.add( new Boolean( join.isOptional() ) );
			isLazies.add( new Boolean( lazyAvailable && join.isLazy() ) );
			if ( join.isSequentialSelect() && !persistentClass.isClassOrSuperclassJoin(join) ) hasDeferred = true;
			subclassTables.add( join.getTable().getQualifiedName( 
			) );
			Iterator iter = join.getKey().getColumnIterator();
			String[] keyCols = new String[ join.getKey().getColumnSpan() ];
			int i = 0;
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				Column col = (Column) iter.next();
				keyCols[i++] = col.getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() );
		subclassTableSequentialSelect = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(isDeferreds);
		subclassTableNameClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray(subclassTables);
		subclassTableIsLazyClosure = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(isLazies);
		subclassTableKeyColumnClosure = ArrayHelper.to2DStringArray(joinKeyColumns);
		isClassOrSuperclassTable = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(isConcretes);
		isInverseSubclassTable = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(isInverses);
		isNullableSubclassTable = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(isNullables);
		hasSequentialSelects = hasDeferred;


		final Object discriminatorValue;
		if ( persistentClass.isPolymorphic() ) {
			Value discrimValue = persistentClass.getDiscriminator();
			if (discrimValue==null) {
				throw new MappingException("discriminator mapping required for single table polymorphic persistence");
			forceDiscriminator = persistentClass.isForceDiscriminator();
			Selectable selectable = (Selectable) discrimValue.getColumnIterator().next();
			if ( discrimValue.hasFormula() ) {
				Formula formula = (Formula) selectable;
				discriminatorFormula = formula.getFormula();
				discriminatorFormulaTemplate = formula.getTemplate( factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
				discriminatorColumnName = null;
				discriminatorAlias = "clazz_";
			else {
				Column column = (Column) selectable;
				discriminatorColumnName = column.getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() );
				discriminatorAlias = column.getAlias( factory.getDialect(), persistentClass.getRootTable() );
				discriminatorFormula = null;
				discriminatorFormulaTemplate = null;
			discriminatorType = persistentClass.getDiscriminator().getType();
			if ( persistentClass.isDiscriminatorValueNull() ) {
				discriminatorValue = NULL_DISCRIMINATOR;
				discriminatorSQLValue = InFragment.NULL;
				discriminatorInsertable = false;
			else if ( persistentClass.isDiscriminatorValueNotNull() ) {
				discriminatorValue = NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR;
				discriminatorSQLValue = InFragment.NOT_NULL;
				discriminatorInsertable = false;
			else {
				discriminatorInsertable = persistentClass.isDiscriminatorInsertable() && !discrimValue.hasFormula();
				try {
					DiscriminatorType dtype = (DiscriminatorType) discriminatorType;
					discriminatorValue = dtype.stringToObject( persistentClass.getDiscriminatorValue() );
					discriminatorSQLValue = dtype.objectToSQLString( discriminatorValue, factory.getDialect() );
				catch (ClassCastException cce) {
					throw new MappingException("Illegal discriminator type: " + discriminatorType.getName() );
				catch (Exception e) {
					throw new MappingException("Could not format discriminator value to SQL string", e);
		else {
			forceDiscriminator = false;
			discriminatorInsertable = false;
			discriminatorColumnName = null;
			discriminatorAlias = null;
			discriminatorType = null;
			discriminatorValue = null;
			discriminatorSQLValue = null;
			discriminatorFormula = null;
			discriminatorFormulaTemplate = null;


		propertyTableNumbers = new int[ getPropertySpan() ];
		Iterator iter = persistentClass.getPropertyClosureIterator();
		int i=0;
		while( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Property prop = (Property) iter.next();
			propertyTableNumbers[i++] = persistentClass.getJoinNumber(prop);


		//TODO: code duplication with JoinedSubclassEntityPersister
		ArrayList columnJoinNumbers = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList formulaJoinedNumbers = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList propertyJoinNumbers = new ArrayList();
		iter = persistentClass.getSubclassPropertyClosureIterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Property prop = (Property) iter.next();
			Integer join = new Integer( persistentClass.getJoinNumber(prop) );

			//propertyTableNumbersByName.put( prop.getName(), join );
					prop.getPersistentClass().getEntityName() + '.' + prop.getName(), 

			Iterator citer = prop.getColumnIterator();
			while ( citer.hasNext() ) {
				Selectable thing = (Selectable) citer.next();
				if ( thing.isFormula() ) {
				else {
		subclassColumnTableNumberClosure = ArrayHelper.toIntArray(columnJoinNumbers);
		subclassFormulaTableNumberClosure = ArrayHelper.toIntArray(formulaJoinedNumbers);
		subclassPropertyTableNumberClosure = ArrayHelper.toIntArray(propertyJoinNumbers);

		int subclassSpan = persistentClass.getSubclassSpan() + 1;
		subclassClosure = new String[subclassSpan];
		subclassClosure[0] = getEntityName();
		if ( persistentClass.isPolymorphic() ) {
			subclassesByDiscriminatorValue.put( discriminatorValue, getEntityName() );

		if ( persistentClass.isPolymorphic() ) {
			iter = persistentClass.getSubclassIterator();
			int k=1;
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				Subclass sc = (Subclass) iter.next();
				subclassClosure[k++] = sc.getEntityName();
				if ( sc.isDiscriminatorValueNull() ) {
					subclassesByDiscriminatorValue.put( NULL_DISCRIMINATOR, sc.getEntityName() );
				else if ( sc.isDiscriminatorValueNotNull() ) {
					subclassesByDiscriminatorValue.put( NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR, sc.getEntityName() );
				else {
					try {
						DiscriminatorType dtype = (DiscriminatorType) discriminatorType;
							dtype.stringToObject( sc.getDiscriminatorValue() ),
					catch (ClassCastException cce) {
						throw new MappingException("Illegal discriminator type: " + discriminatorType.getName() );
					catch (Exception e) {
						throw new MappingException("Error parsing discriminator value", e);




上面代码中第一行是:super(persistentClass, cache, factory);


public AbstractEntityPersister(
			final PersistentClass persistentClass,
			final CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache,
			final SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
	throws HibernateException {

		// moved up from AbstractEntityPersister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
		this.factory = factory;
		this.cache = cache;
		isLazyPropertiesCacheable = persistentClass.isLazyPropertiesCacheable();
		this.cacheEntryStructure = factory.getSettings().isStructuredCacheEntriesEnabled() ?
				(CacheEntryStructure) new StructuredCacheEntry(this) :
				(CacheEntryStructure) new UnstructuredCacheEntry();

		this.entityMetamodel = new EntityMetamodel( persistentClass, factory );

		if ( persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() ) {
			//TODO: this is currently specific to pojos, but need to be available for all entity-modes
			Iterator iter = persistentClass.getSubclassIterator();
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				PersistentClass pc = ( PersistentClass ) iter.next();
				entityNameBySubclass.put( pc.getMappedClass(), pc.getEntityName() );
		// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

		int batch = persistentClass.getBatchSize();
		if ( batch == -1 ) {
			batch = factory.getSettings().getDefaultBatchFetchSize();
		batchSize = batch;
		hasSubselectLoadableCollections = persistentClass.hasSubselectLoadableCollections();

		propertyMapping = new BasicEntityPropertyMapping( this );


		identifierColumnSpan = persistentClass.getIdentifier().getColumnSpan();
		rootTableKeyColumnNames = new String[identifierColumnSpan];
		identifierAliases = new String[identifierColumnSpan];

		rowIdName = persistentClass.getRootTable().getRowId();

		loaderName = persistentClass.getLoaderName();

		Iterator iter = persistentClass.getIdentifier().getColumnIterator();
		int i = 0;
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Column col = ( Column ) iter.next();
			rootTableKeyColumnNames[i] = col.getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() );
			identifierAliases[i] = col.getAlias( factory.getDialect(), persistentClass.getRootTable() );


		if ( persistentClass.isVersioned() ) {
			versionColumnName = ( ( Column ) persistentClass.getVersion().getColumnIterator().next() ).getQuotedName( factory.getDialect() );
		else {
			versionColumnName = null;


		sqlWhereString = StringHelper.isNotEmpty( persistentClass.getWhere() ) ? "( " + persistentClass.getWhere() + ") " : null;
		sqlWhereStringTemplate = sqlWhereString == null ?
				null :
				Template.renderWhereStringTemplate( sqlWhereString, factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );


		final boolean lazyAvailable = isInstrumented(EntityMode.POJO);

		int hydrateSpan = entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan();
		propertyColumnSpans = new int[hydrateSpan];
		propertySubclassNames = new String[hydrateSpan];
		propertyColumnAliases = new String[hydrateSpan][];
		propertyColumnNames = new String[hydrateSpan][];
		propertyColumnFormulaTemplates = new String[hydrateSpan][];
		propertyUniqueness = new boolean[hydrateSpan];
		propertySelectable = new boolean[hydrateSpan];
		propertyColumnUpdateable = new boolean[hydrateSpan][];
		propertyColumnInsertable = new boolean[hydrateSpan][];
		HashSet thisClassProperties = new HashSet();

		lazyProperties = new HashSet();
		ArrayList lazyNames = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList lazyNumbers = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList lazyTypes = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList lazyColAliases = new ArrayList();

		iter = persistentClass.getPropertyClosureIterator();
		i = 0;
		boolean foundFormula = false;
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Property prop = ( Property ) iter.next();
			thisClassProperties.add( prop );

			int span = prop.getColumnSpan();
			propertyColumnSpans[i] = span;
			propertySubclassNames[i] = prop.getPersistentClass().getEntityName();
			String[] colNames = new String[span];
			String[] colAliases = new String[span];
			String[] templates = new String[span];
			Iterator colIter = prop.getColumnIterator();
			int k = 0;
			while ( colIter.hasNext() ) {
				Selectable thing = ( Selectable ) colIter.next();
				colAliases[k] = thing.getAlias( factory.getDialect() , prop.getValue().getTable() );
				if ( thing.isFormula() ) {
					foundFormula = true;
					templates[k] = thing.getTemplate( factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
				else {
					colNames[k] = thing.getTemplate( factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
			propertyColumnNames[i] = colNames;
			propertyColumnFormulaTemplates[i] = templates;
			propertyColumnAliases[i] = colAliases;

			if ( lazyAvailable && prop.isLazy() ) {
				lazyProperties.add( prop.getName() );
				lazyNames.add( prop.getName() );
				lazyNumbers.add( new Integer( i ) );
				lazyTypes.add( prop.getValue().getType() );
				lazyColAliases.add( colAliases );

			propertyColumnUpdateable[i] = prop.getValue().getColumnUpdateability();
			propertyColumnInsertable[i] = prop.getValue().getColumnInsertability();

			propertySelectable[i] = prop.isSelectable();

			propertyUniqueness[i] = prop.getValue().isAlternateUniqueKey();


		hasFormulaProperties = foundFormula;
		lazyPropertyColumnAliases = ArrayHelper.to2DStringArray( lazyColAliases );
		lazyPropertyNames = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( lazyNames );
		lazyPropertyNumbers = ArrayHelper.toIntArray( lazyNumbers );
		lazyPropertyTypes = ArrayHelper.toTypeArray( lazyTypes );


		ArrayList columns = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList columnsLazy = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList aliases = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList formulas = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList formulaAliases = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList formulaTemplates = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList formulasLazy = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList types = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList classes = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList templates = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList propColumns = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList joinedFetchesList = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList cascades = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList definedBySubclass = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList propColumnNumbers = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList propFormulaNumbers = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList columnSelectables = new ArrayList();
		ArrayList propNullables = new ArrayList();

		iter = persistentClass.getSubclassPropertyClosureIterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			Property prop = ( Property ) iter.next();
			names.add( prop.getName() );
			classes.add( prop.getPersistentClass().getEntityName() );
			boolean isDefinedBySubclass = !thisClassProperties.contains( prop );
			definedBySubclass.add( Boolean.valueOf( isDefinedBySubclass ) );
			propNullables.add( Boolean.valueOf( prop.isOptional() || isDefinedBySubclass ) ); //TODO: is this completely correct?
			types.add( prop.getType() );

			Iterator colIter = prop.getColumnIterator();
			String[] cols = new String[prop.getColumnSpan()];
			String[] forms = new String[prop.getColumnSpan()];
			int[] colnos = new int[prop.getColumnSpan()];
			int[] formnos = new int[prop.getColumnSpan()];
			int l = 0;
			Boolean lazy = Boolean.valueOf( prop.isLazy() && lazyAvailable );
			while ( colIter.hasNext() ) {
				Selectable thing = ( Selectable ) colIter.next();
				if ( thing.isFormula() ) {
					String template = thing.getTemplate( factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
					formnos[l] = formulaTemplates.size();
					colnos[l] = -1;
					formulaTemplates.add( template );
					forms[l] = template;
					formulas.add( thing.getText( factory.getDialect() ) );
					formulaAliases.add( thing.getAlias( factory.getDialect() ) );
					formulasLazy.add( lazy );
				else {
					String colName = thing.getTemplate( factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );
					colnos[l] = columns.size(); //before add :-)
					formnos[l] = -1;
					columns.add( colName );
					cols[l] = colName;
					aliases.add( thing.getAlias( factory.getDialect(), prop.getValue().getTable() ) );
					columnsLazy.add( lazy );
					columnSelectables.add( Boolean.valueOf( prop.isSelectable() ) );
			propColumns.add( cols );
			templates.add( forms );
			propColumnNumbers.add( colnos );
			propFormulaNumbers.add( formnos );

			joinedFetchesList.add( prop.getValue().getFetchMode() );
			cascades.add( prop.getCascadeStyle() );
		subclassColumnClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( columns );
		subclassColumnAliasClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( aliases );
		subclassColumnLazyClosure = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray( columnsLazy );
		subclassColumnSelectableClosure = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray( columnSelectables );

		subclassFormulaClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( formulas );
		subclassFormulaTemplateClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( formulaTemplates );
		subclassFormulaAliasClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( formulaAliases );
		subclassFormulaLazyClosure = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray( formulasLazy );

		subclassPropertyNameClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( names );
		subclassPropertySubclassNameClosure = ArrayHelper.toStringArray( classes );
		subclassPropertyTypeClosure = ArrayHelper.toTypeArray( types );
		subclassPropertyNullabilityClosure = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray( propNullables );
		subclassPropertyFormulaTemplateClosure = ArrayHelper.to2DStringArray( templates );
		subclassPropertyColumnNameClosure = ArrayHelper.to2DStringArray( propColumns );
		subclassPropertyColumnNumberClosure = ArrayHelper.to2DIntArray( propColumnNumbers );
		subclassPropertyFormulaNumberClosure = ArrayHelper.to2DIntArray( propFormulaNumbers );

		subclassPropertyCascadeStyleClosure = new CascadeStyle[cascades.size()];
		iter = cascades.iterator();
		int j = 0;
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			subclassPropertyCascadeStyleClosure[j++] = ( CascadeStyle ) iter.next();
		subclassPropertyFetchModeClosure = new FetchMode[joinedFetchesList.size()];
		iter = joinedFetchesList.iterator();
		j = 0;
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			subclassPropertyFetchModeClosure[j++] = ( FetchMode ) iter.next();

		propertyDefinedOnSubclass = new boolean[definedBySubclass.size()];
		iter = definedBySubclass.iterator();
		j = 0;
		while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
			propertyDefinedOnSubclass[j++] = ( ( Boolean ) iter.next() ).booleanValue();

		// Handle any filters applied to the class level
		filterHelper = new FilterHelper( persistentClass.getFilterMap(), factory.getDialect(), factory.getSqlFunctionRegistry() );

		temporaryIdTableName = persistentClass.getTemporaryIdTableName();
		temporaryIdTableDDL = persistentClass.getTemporaryIdTableDDL();


protected void postConstruct(Mapping mapping) throws MappingException {

		//insert/update/delete SQL
		final int joinSpan = getTableSpan();
		sqlDeleteStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlInsertStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlUpdateStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlLazyUpdateStrings = new String[joinSpan];

		sqlUpdateByRowIdString = rowIdName == null ?
				null :
				generateUpdateString( getPropertyUpdateability(), 0, true );
		sqlLazyUpdateByRowIdString = rowIdName == null ?
				null :
				generateUpdateString( getNonLazyPropertyUpdateability(), 0, true );

		for ( int j = 0; j < joinSpan; j++ ) {
			sqlInsertStrings[j] = customSQLInsert[j] == null ?
					generateInsertString( getPropertyInsertability(), j ) :
			sqlUpdateStrings[j] = customSQLUpdate[j] == null ?
					generateUpdateString( getPropertyUpdateability(), j, false ) :
			sqlLazyUpdateStrings[j] = customSQLUpdate[j] == null ?
					generateUpdateString( getNonLazyPropertyUpdateability(), j, false ) :
			sqlDeleteStrings[j] = customSQLDelete[j] == null ?
					generateDeleteString( j ) :

		tableHasColumns = new boolean[joinSpan];
		for ( int j = 0; j < joinSpan; j++ ) {
			tableHasColumns[j] = sqlUpdateStrings[j] != null;

		//select SQL
		sqlSnapshotSelectString = generateSnapshotSelectString();
		sqlLazySelectString = generateLazySelectString();
		sqlVersionSelectString = generateSelectVersionString();
		if ( hasInsertGeneratedProperties() ) {
			sqlInsertGeneratedValuesSelectString = generateInsertGeneratedValuesSelectString();
		if ( hasUpdateGeneratedProperties() ) {
			sqlUpdateGeneratedValuesSelectString = generateUpdateGeneratedValuesSelectString();
		if ( isIdentifierAssignedByInsert() ) {
			identityDelegate = ( ( PostInsertIdentifierGenerator ) getIdentifierGenerator() )
					.getInsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate( this, getFactory().getDialect(), useGetGeneratedKeys() );
			sqlIdentityInsertString = customSQLInsert[0] == null
					? generateIdentityInsertString( getPropertyInsertability() )
					: customSQLInsert[0];
		else {
			sqlIdentityInsertString = null;



		sqlDeleteStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlInsertStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlUpdateStrings = new String[joinSpan];
		sqlLazyUpdateStrings = new String[joinSpan];

generateInsertString( getPropertyInsertability(), j ) :

protected String generateInsertString(boolean[] includeProperty, int j) {
		return generateInsertString( false, includeProperty, j );

	 * Generate the SQL that inserts a row
	protected String generateInsertString(boolean identityInsert, boolean[] includeProperty, int j) {

		// todo : remove the identityInsert param and variations;
		//   identity-insert strings are now generated from generateIdentityInsertString()

		Insert insert = new Insert( getFactory().getDialect() )
				.setTableName( getTableName( j ) );

		// add normal properties
		for ( int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.getPropertySpan(); i++ ) {
			if ( includeProperty[i] && isPropertyOfTable( i, j ) ) {
				// this property belongs on the table and is to be inserted
				insert.addColumns( getPropertyColumnNames(i), propertyColumnInsertable[i] );

		// add the discriminator
		if ( j == 0 ) {
			addDiscriminatorToInsert( insert );

		// add the primary key
		if ( j == 0 && identityInsert ) {
			insert.addIdentityColumn( getKeyColumns( 0 )[0] );
		else {
			insert.addColumns( getKeyColumns( j ) );

		if ( getFactory().getSettings().isCommentsEnabled() ) {
			insert.setComment( "insert " + getEntityName() );

		String result = insert.toStatementString();

		// append the SQL to return the generated identifier
		if ( j == 0 && identityInsert && useInsertSelectIdentity() ) { //TODO: suck into Insert
			result = getFactory().getDialect().appendIdentitySelectToInsert( result );

		return result;

public String toStatementString() {
		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( columns.size()*15 + tableName.length() + 10 );
		if ( comment != null ) {
			buf.append( "/* " ).append( comment ).append( " */ " );
		buf.append("insert into ")
		if ( columns.size()==0 ) {
			buf.append(' ').append( dialect.getNoColumnsInsertString() );
		else {
			buf.append(" (");
			Iterator iter = columns.keySet().iterator();
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				buf.append( iter.next() );
				if ( iter.hasNext() ) {
					buf.append( ", " );
			buf.append(") values (");
			iter = columns.values().iterator();
			while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
				buf.append( iter.next() );
				if ( iter.hasNext() ) {
					buf.append( ", " );
		return buf.toString();






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