
Chinese translated version of Documentation/xz.txt

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Chinese maintainer: zhuweijing <>


中文版维护者: 朱伟婧  <>
中文版翻译者: 朱伟婧  <>
中文版校译者: 朱伟婧  <>
 XZ data compression in Linux
-Linux XZ数据压缩 
     XZ is a general purpose data compression format with high compression
     ratio and relatively fast decompression. The primary compression
     algorithm (filter) is LZMA2. Additional filters can be used to improve
     compression ratio even further. E.g. Branch/Call/Jump (BCJ) filters
     improve compression ratio of executable data.
     The XZ decompressor in Linux is called XZ Embedded. It supports
     the LZMA2 filter and optionally also BCJ filters. CRC32 is supported
     for integrity checking. The home page of XZ Embedded is at
     <>, where you can find the
     latest version and also information about using the code outside
     the Linux kernel.
     For userspace, XZ Utils provide a zlib-like compression library
     and a gzip-like command line tool. XZ Utils can be downloaded from
-主要的压缩算法(过滤器)是lzma2。额外的过滤器可以用于进一步提高压缩比。例如 Branch/Call/Jump (BCJ)滤波器提高执行的数据压缩比。
XZ related components in the kernel

    The xz_dec module provides XZ decompressor with single-call (buffer
    to buffer) and multi-call (stateful) APIs. The usage of the xz_dec
    module is documented in include/linux/xz.h.

    The xz_dec_test module is for testing xz_dec. xz_dec_test is not
    useful unless you are hacking the XZ decompressor. xz_dec_test
    allocates a char device major dynamically to which one can write
    .xz files from userspace. The decompressed output is thrown away.
    Keep an eye on dmesg to see diagnostics printed by xz_dec_test.
    See the xz_dec_test source code for the details.

    For decompressing the kernel image, initramfs, and initrd, there
    is a wrapper function in lib/decompress_unxz.c. Its API is the
    same as in other decompress_*.c files, which is defined in

    scripts/ is a wrapper for the xz command line tool found
    from XZ Utils. The wrapper sets compression options to values suitable
    for compressing the kernel image.

    For kernel makefiles, two commands are provided for use with
    $(call if_needed). The kernel image should be compressed with
    $(call if_needed,xzkern) which will use a BCJ filter and a big LZMA2
    dictionary. It will also append a four-byte trailer containing the
    uncompressed size of the file, which is needed by the boot code.
    Other things should be compressed with $(call if_needed,xzmisc)
    which will use no BCJ filter and 1 MiB LZMA2 dictionary.
 该xz_dec_test模块测试xz_dec xz_dec_test是没有用的,除非你是黑客XZ减压器。xz_dec_test分配一个动态字符设备可以从用户空间写到xz文件。
-解压缩内核映像,initramfs 以及initrd, 在lib/decompress_unxz.c有一个函数,它的API和其他相同,它是在include/linux/decompress/generic.h
 内核映像应该被压缩成美元(称if_needed,xzkern),将使用一个滤波器和一个较大的lzma2 BCJ词典。
 其他的东西应该被压缩(称if_needed,xzmisc)将不使用BCJ滤波器和1 MIB lzma2词典。

 Notes on compression options

    Since the XZ Embedded supports only streams with no integrity check or
    CRC32, make sure that you don't use some other integrity check type
    when encoding files that are supposed to be decoded by the kernel. With
    liblzma, you need to use either LZMA_CHECK_NONE or LZMA_CHECK_CRC32
    when encoding. With the xz command line tool, use --check=none or

    Using CRC32 is strongly recommended unless there is some other layer
    which will verify the integrity of the uncompressed data anyway.
    Double checking the integrity would probably be waste of CPU cycles.
    Note that the headers will always have a CRC32 which will be validated
    by the decoder; you can only change the integrity check type (or
    disable it) for the actual uncompressed data.

    In userspace, LZMA2 is typically used with dictionary sizes of several
    megabytes. The decoder needs to have the dictionary in RAM, thus big
    dictionaries cannot be used for files that are intended to be decoded
    by the kernel. 1 MiB is probably the maximum reasonable dictionary
    size for in-kernel use (maybe more is OK for initramfs). The presets
    in XZ Utils may not be optimal when creating files for the kernel,
    so don't hesitate to use custom settings. Example:

        xz --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=512KiB inputfile

    An exception to above dictionary size limitation is when the decoder
    is used in single-call mode. Decompressing the kernel itself is an
    example of this situation. In single-call mode, the memory usage
    doesn't depend on the dictionary size, and it is perfectly fine to
    use a big dictionary: for maximum compression, the dictionary should
    be at least as big as the uncompressed data itself.
 带着 liblzma,当编码时,你需要使用 LZMA_CHECK_NONE 或 LZMA_CHECK_CRC32。XZ命令行工具use --check=none or --check=crc32.
 对于内核使用来说,1 MIB可能是最大的合理字典的大小(或许对于initramfs更好),
   xz --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=512KiB inputfile

 Future plans

    Creating a limited XZ encoder may be considered if people think it is
    useful. LZMA2 is slower to compress than e.g. Deflate or LZO even at
    the fastest settings, so it isn't clear if LZMA2 encoder is wanted
    into the kernel.

    Support for limited random-access reading is planned for the
    decompression code. I don't know if it could have any use in the
    kernel, but I know that it would be useful in some embedded projects
    outside the Linux kernel.
 在最快的设置下,lzma2比Deflate 或者 LZO压缩更慢,现在还不清楚是否lzma2编码器是要到内核。

 Conformance to the .xz file format specification

    There are a couple of corner cases where things have been simplified
    at expense of detecting errors as early as possible. These should not
    matter in practice all, since they don't cause security issues. But
    it is good to know this if testing the code e.g. with the test files
    from XZ Utils.
Reporting bugs

    Before reporting a bug, please check that it's not fixed already
    at upstream. See <> to get the
    latest code.

    Report bugs to <> or visit #tukaani on
    Freenode and talk to Larhzu. I don't actively read LKML or other
    kernel-related mailing lists, so if there's something I should know,
    you should email to me personally or use IRC.

    Don't bother Igor Pavlov with questions about the XZ implementation
    in the kernel or about XZ Utils. While these two implementations
    include essential code that is directly based on Igor Pavlov's code,
    these implementations aren't maintained nor supported by him.

-报告错误到< >或访问#tukaani on Freenode以及larhzu。我不积极读LKML或其他相关的邮件列表的内核,
-不要打扰Igor Pavlov 关于XZ在内核或XZ工具实施问题。虽然这两个实现包括是直接基于Igor Pavlov代码的必要代码,这些实现不被他支持。

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将QT += core QT -= gui CONFIG += c++11 TARGET = UavRectifyLoadLIb CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS win32{ CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ DESTDIR = $$PWD/../../../../RasterManager/bin/Debug } else{ DESTDIR = $$PWD/../../../../RasterManager/bin/release } INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../include/gdal1101 DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../include/gdal1101 } else{ CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ DESTDIR = $$PWD/../../../product/release32 } else{ DESTDIR = $$PWD/../../../product/release32 } } # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../product/release32/ -lUAVAutoRectifyMt -lUAVAutoRectify -lUAVAutoRectifyFi INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../include DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../include unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../lib/opencvf249/ -lopencv_core unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../lib/opencvf249/ -lopencv_highgui unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../lib/opencvf249/ -lopencv_imgproc INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../lib/opencvf249 DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../lib/opencvf249 unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lopencv_core #unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lopencv_highgui unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lopencv_imgproc unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lopencv_features2d unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/lib/ -lopencv_imgcodecs INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/include DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../../usr/local/include unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../product/release32/ -lDEMDriver unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../product/release32/ -lProjection unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../product/release32/ -lIImage_gC QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = $$QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUGINFO QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE = $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUGINFO 转为cmake格式


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