免费开源的网站分析软件,Piwik 2.0

Piwik是一套基于Php+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页 浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等,并且采用了大量的AJAX/Flash技术,使得在操作上更加便易。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让开发人员根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能.

  1. Piwik的架构设计比较通用,可以开发插件进行扩展。
  2. Piwik的数据显示比较强大,至少看上去如此。例如有曲线图,直方图,饼图,标签云等等。插件可以通过拖拽的方式任意布置。
  3. 开源,免费,并且有相对完整的文档。

免费开源的网站分析软件,Piwik 2.0

在线演示地址: http://piwik.org/demo/

免费开源的网站分析软件,Piwik 2.0


  • Our vision is to liberate web analytics by building an open platform which will create innovation in the analytics world.
  • New beautiful theme for Piwik: Morpheus is a flat design theme designed to let you focus on your analytics.
  • Launch of the Piwik Marketplace for Plugins and Themes!
  • Browse and install plugins and themes from within your Piwik, in one click. Maybe you would like to try the new TreemapVisualization plugin?
  • We hope there will be many ‘third party plugins’ available on the Marketplace in 2014 – let us know your ideas or feedback about this.


  • #3942 Theming: Let Artists change the Look and Feel of Piwik!
  • #4127 New Default Theme design for Piwik 2: Morpheus
  • #1816 Add a new column in all reports for % percentage of visits
  • #3089 New “Visitor Profile” report showing all info about a specific Visitor
  • #3710 Anonymize IP should anonymize IPv6 addresses
  • #3124 Make “All Websites Dashboard” usable with 20,000+ websites
  • #4273 Option to use raw IP for more accurate Geo location instead of the anonimized IP
  • #2781 Add support for segmentation on Goals.getItems* API
  • #4300 Make sure Piwik works on IE8+

Marketplace Release

  • #4119 Plugins Marketplace project, available at plugins.piwik.org
  • #4053 Piwik Plugins Marketplace in Core: list, install and manage new Third Party Plugins
  • #4367 Make Plugins and Themes listings clear and beautiful
  • #4342 Create Github webhook for Piwik Plugins to release new versions
  • #4120 Move some core plugins to the Marketplace
  • #4077 New Treemap Visualization plugin
  • #4081 New LeftMenu plugin which move the horizontal menu to a vertical one

Core Platform Upgrades

  • #3741 Upgrade Piwik 2.0 codebase to PHP 5.3
  • #4059 Convert Piwik classes (core + plugins) to use PHP Namespaces
  • #4019 Migrate our templating engine from Smarty to Twig
  • #4052 Migrate CSS to LESS for easier Theming (eg. Color customization refactored)
  • #4134 Review list of Event names, Piwik 2 plugin hooks
  • #4086 Convert Translations files of core and plugin to use simple json format
  • #3960 Update jQuery / jQueryUI & jqPlot
  • #4131 Check Piwik 2.0 runs well on WAMP
  • #4202 Remove all files called functions.php and use static helpers instead
  • #4208 Use Singleton parent class app-wide
  • #4265 Increase minimum PHP version required to 5.3.2
  • #4278 refactor ArchiveProcessor & Plugins Archiver mechanism
  • #4288 Update TCPDF to latest version
  • #4310 Make it easier to profile via XHProf
  • #4188 Remove Zend_Registry from Core/Plugins
  • #4113 Remove compat code for PHP older than 5.3

Tests & QA

  • #4087 New Screenshot tests for Continuous User Interface Testing
  • #4225 Run Piwik.js javascript tests on continuous integration
  • #4233 Enable Continuous Integration on MYSQLI

Start of Developer Guides Project

  • #4266 New site developer.piwik.org for listing Piwik Platform Developer docs
  • #4279 Migrate dev docs from piwik.org to developer.piwik.org
  • #4122 Provide useful Plugin Developer Documentation
  • #4200 Create Framework Documentation for developers (php source code doc)
  • #4199 Document Hook Events for plugin developers
  • #4194 Automatically generate PHP Source code documentation for developers (classes, methods)
  • #3994 Update ExampleUI plugin with latest widget APIs

Plugins Framework

  • #4223 Separate Active plugins from Inactive plugins in the Plugins page
  • #4128 Plugin metadata in piwik.json file
  • #4121 Piwik Plugin files generator to easily create your first plugin!
  • #4041 Allow plugins to define new Visualizations and custom ViewDataTable
  • #1673 Allow plugins to bundle unit tests files
  • #3317 Plugins API: let plugins customize datatable footer icons
  • #4126 Let Plugin developers easily store Settings and customize them via UI
  • #4179 New Notification service: Let Plugin developers easily output info, notice, warning, error messages on screen
  • #4151 Plugins define translations they need as a hook: Remove _js hack!
  • #4204 Let Plugins define Schema changes
  • #4241 Let Plugins add new Console Tasks
  • #607 Add link to install a plugin by uploading the .zip file
  • #546 Add link to uninstall a plugin
  • #4226 Publish plugin “TreemapVisualization” on the plugin marketplace
  • #4222 Publish plugin “SecurityInfo” on the plugin marketplace
  • #4227 Publish plugin “VisitorGenerator” on the plugin marketplace
  • #4285 Move PleineLune to Marketplace

Bugs fixes & improvements

  • #4040 Allow ViewDataTables to be rendered via metadata alone
  • #4123 Fix all Phpstorm php warnings in Inspection tool
  • #4261 Detect clicks from Adwords as Referrer = Campaign and set the keyword to the host website that sent the visitor
  • #4125 NON BREAKING API CHANGE: Plugin Referers now called Referrers
  • #4219 NON BREAKING API CHANGE: Plugin PDFReports now called ScheduledReports
  • #2270 Faster Date Ranges: should use Year archives when period contains a full year
  • #4229 New config setting: disable Marketplace feature
  • #4254 [Marketplace] Add API to return developer information
  • #4338 Enable Plugins Marketplace menu in Piwik
  • #3974 DevicesDetection breaks Seamonkey browser recognition
  • #3989 Fix segmentation using ‘deviceType’ segment
  • #3991 Missing Device Brand icons
  • #4132 desktop vs mobile report user gets notice “No data for this graph”
  • #4149 Bug: When adding urls to a site the german umlauts are not handled correctly
  • #4187 Evolution of date range fails to export data
  • #4209 remove outdated code from Example* plugins
  • #4220 OPcache breaks update
  • #4054 Move Plugin getInformation() function call to piwik.plugin.json file
  • #4195 Zambian kwacha ISO code was changed
  • #3786 MultiSites.getAll: Add option to not remove sites that have no visits
  • #3405 when archive.php is run multiple times, each concurrent run should archive different websites
  • #3452 Error: Class ‘Piwik_UserCountry_LocationProvider’ not found
  • #4143 Disable all third party plugins after update to 2.0
  • #2621 UserAgentParser.php: use actual IE version instead IE7 when in compatibility mode
  • #4072 Set User-Agent for import_logs.py
  • #4094 show city instead of GPS (lat/long) in visitor log
  • #4242 Plugin documentation generator – add support for inline tag link
  • #4244 Hook documentation generator – add links to classes and methods in the developer guides and auto generated docs
  • #4247 Customize the javascript tracking tag via getJavascriptTag API call parameters
  • #4248 Improve accuracy of visit count attribute and segment
  • #4256 Replace existing feedback messages with Notifications
  • #4292 developer.piwik.org improvements
  • #4309 archive.php new parameter –force-idsites=1,2,n to process archiving only on the specified idsites
  • #4316 archive.php new parameter –skip-idsites=1,2,n to skip archiving for specified idsites
  • #4325 New hook to let plugins change the attributes for a website
  • #4326 Add new ‘type’ column to piwik_site table, defaults to ‘website’
  • #4341 Console command to generate unit tests or integration tests for a Plugin
  • #4343 Make Visitor log look good when viewed a s widget in the dashboard
  • #4349 New segment filter type: custom events name, category, action
  • #4368 Support transparent background custom logos
  • #2335 Metadata filter_truncate slightly buggy: “Others” shows as “Othersh” in the VisitTime output
  • #2885 New search engines
  • #3074 Date Range is not correctly recognized in Metadata API
  • #3549 “&” characters are transformed to “&” in pagetitles of tracked goals when editing them
  • #3781 getUserPreference bug: “defaultReport” preference is “false” by default
  • #3884 Report Visits Summary, Weekly report shows last Day’s summary
  • #3943 Evolution graph fails to load and returns stack trace for Actions.getPageUrls
  • #3964 Piwik detects Opera 15 as Chrome 28
  • #3967 false province name on the austria map
  • #3970 API method API.getBulkRequest converts whitespace to HTML entities
  • #3973 Wrong message text when deleting a widget (sometimes)
  • #3975 Incorrect define() signature
  • #3988 iPod Touch – DeviceType
  • #3995 check website name is url decoded
  • #4000 FAQ: Bad default value for proxy_host_headers[]
  • #4005 archive.php outputs messages when pre-processing segments
  • #4007 Dashboard Suggestions
  • #4009 Make PDF Reports Truncation limit configurable in config file
  • #4011 Creating a segment using the visitor IP “visitIp” should work for users with ‘view’ access
  • #4028 no data with selected “date range” and flat table
  • #4035 Bug when exporting report
  • #4044 Problem with API method Live.getLastVisitDetails and filter_offset
  • #4045 import_logs.py autodetection hangs
  • #4047 Remove the /.git test in the System Check file integrity
  • #4049 Do not report visits from Google PageSpeed-Insights
  • #4076 Segment editor visitor IP range as filter
  • #4079 Wrong argument substitution in spanish translation
  • #4082 Tracking code has double slashes
  • #4097 Add Vimeo and YouTube to SocialNetworks
  • #4098 Add video.search.yahoo.co.jp to Search Engines
  • #4099 missing info popup at visitor log
  • #4107 Installation is broken when trying to re-use tables
  • #4135 Properly handle bulk tracking
  • #4217 PiwikTracker should load the visitor ID from the first party cookie if available
  • #4260 Make campaign name and campaign keyword lowercase when tracking
  • #4239 Set first party client cookies from PiwikTracker.php to improve dual JS-PHP tracking and data accuracy
  • #4140 Notice on bulk import when authenticateSuperUserOrAdmin is called
  • #4141 Bulk import API
  • #4148 Actions > Downloads exports only combined statistics per site, it should be possible to export statistics per file
  • #4150 Actions > Downloads flattening or aggregating reports with lots of date results in: There is no data for this report.
  • #4156 MySQL Warning: Statement may not be safe to log in statement form
  • #4163 error when creating an email-report with a Custom Segment as a normal user (works for admin)
  • #4186 Archive.php triggered multiple times simultaneously can result in mysql deadlock situation
  • #4191 UpgradePHP json_decode doesn’t work for assoc = TRUE
  • #4203 fields config_os_version and config_device_type are not large enough
  • #4206 GD with JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support
  • #4235 Detect windows 8.1
  • #4237 Segment attribute not kept during live widget updates
  • #4250 Visit summary graph is cached in mail client
  • #4263 geoip DB automatic update doesn’t respect update period
  • #4264 When embedding the custom dashboard and using &token_auth the sparklines should also work
  • #4267 import_logs.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘-’
  • #4272 Problem in archive script
  • #4274 visitor-Profile: “location” bug + enhancement
  • #4276 Campaign Reports don’t work with IE8
  • #4296 User profile slowness in getAdjacentVisitorId()
  • #4332 archive.php should only process websites which exist
  • #4334 “wait” meesage sometimes partically hide
  • #4340 Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘XYZ’ for key unique_idsite_idorder In query: UPDATE piwik_log_conversion
  • #4352 import_logs.py crashes on invalid requests
  • #4317 visitor log: not enough room, icons overlap when ecommerce conversions
  • #4063 “Notice: Array to string conversion” when downloading CSV or TSV files from Visitor Log in 1.12
  • #4366 Message for THEME activation talks about PLUGIN
  • #2608 Allow bar graph as well as line graph
  • #3917 API request Referers.getUrlsForSocial fails with idSubtable
  • #3965 Visits over time Graph fails to load with 3 metrics
  • #4006 SecurityInfo Plugin: Cannot get rid of warning
  • #4014 Generating scheduled reports fail for date ranges
  • #4022 Opt-out/in iframe code is not following HTML standard
  • #4313 API Bulk Requests: invalid output when multiple dates and format is xml
  • #4012 Segment Editor should work to list segments in IE8
评论 1




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