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转载 Space Launch Sites over Time

Continuing from last weeks post, I am now looking at space launch sites.DataData are from the main table. In addition, this sites table was manually browsed for interpretation of abbreviatio

2015-03-30 09:05:49 626

转载 Launch into space

I saw a linkto a list with all rocket launches into space the other day. This post contains some plots concerning day of launch made from that.DataData is a fixed format file with eleven columns

2015-03-30 09:05:09 864

转载 Machine Learning in R for beginners

Introducing: Machine Learning in RMachine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical machine learning tasks are concept learning, function

2015-03-27 09:40:12 1309

转载 Factor Evaluation in Quantitative Portfolio Management

(This article was first published on  The R Trader » R, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     When it comes to managing a portfolio of stocks versus a benchmark the problem is very different

2015-03-25 15:29:15 887

转载 R Package ‘smbinning’: Optimal Binning for Scoring Modeling

by Herman JopiaWhat is Binning?Binning is the term used in scoring modeling for what is also known in Machine Learning asDiscretization, the process of transforming a continuous characteristic i

2015-03-25 14:52:25 4597

转载 Packaging your Shiny App as an Windows desktop app

In developing SkyScorer I've sought ways to package it as a standalone Windows app. The advantages of doing this is quite clear:The end-user doesn't need any R knowledge to run the appThe app ca

2015-03-25 11:57:47 3599

转载 A Simple Shiny App for Monitoring Trading Strategies – Part II

This is a follow up on my previous post “A Simple Shiny App for Monitoring Trading Strategies“.  I added a few improvements that make the app a bit better (at least for me!). Below is the list of ne

2015-03-25 11:46:39 1275

转载 Installing R/RStudio on Ubuntu 14.04

My last experience with Linux was back in 2002/2003. At that time pretty much everything on Linux was done in the console. I remmember struggling for days with a simple Wifi connection because drivers

2015-03-25 11:45:38 876

转载 Trading Strategies Performance Report with R and Knitr

I’ve been looking for template reports using R and Knitr for a while but I didn’t find anything that suits my needs so far. I therefore decided to create them myself.What I like to see about trading

2015-03-25 11:44:22 682

转载 A Simple Shiny App for Monitoring Trading Strategies

In a previous post I showed how to use  R, Knitr and LaTeX to build a template strategy report. This post goes a step further by making  the analysis  interactive. Besides the interactivity, the Shi

2015-03-25 11:43:23 616

转载 Memory Management in R: A Few Tips and Tricks

This post discusses a few strategies that I have used to to manage memory in  R.Stack Overflow TipsStack Overflow has a thread on Memory Management Tricks. I tend to follow these suggestions:

2015-03-25 11:28:24 533

转载 Make your ggplots shareable, collaborative, and with D3

Make your ggplots shareable, collaborative, and with D3                      Matt Sundquist                                        April 17, 2014 Editor's note: This is a guest post by Mat

2015-03-25 00:20:57 827

转载 FileZilla 425 Can't open data connection

WIN 2008 SERVER+FileZilla FTP Server,FTP端口:7890防火墙中已允许FTP Server及端口访问,设置好后,FileZilla FTP Client客户端,被动模式,能连接,但是出错:425 Can't open data connection,不能读出目录列表,服务端也提示:425 Can't open data connectio。解决

2015-03-23 16:55:40 4230

转载 用R进行文件系统管理


2015-03-23 16:35:00 705

转载 New Online Tool for Seasonal Adjustment

Seasonal adjustment of time series can be a hassle. The softwares used by statistical agencies (X-13, X-12, TRAMO-SEATS) have tons of fantastic options, but the steep learning curve prevents users fro

2015-03-22 23:35:17 944

转载 Digital Data Collection course

Another year, another web scraping course. Taught through SSRMC at the University of Cambridge. Below are slides from all three sessions.In the course I tried to achieve the following:- Show how

2015-03-22 23:32:33 401

转载 how dplyr replaced my most common r idioms


2015-03-22 22:43:22 418

转载 Launch into space

I saw a link to a list with all rocket launches into space the other day. This post contains some plots concerning day of launch made from that.DataData is a fixed format file with eleven column

2015-03-22 21:40:33 769

转载 Weather Data Analysis Example:Part 3a

Part 3a: Plotting with ggplot2We will start off this first section of Part 3 with a brief introduction of the plotting system ggplot2. Then, with the attention focused mainly on the synt

2015-03-18 09:57:04 1003

转载 Weather Data Analysis Example:Part 3b

Part 3b: EDA with ggplot2In Part 3a I have introduced the plotting system ggplot2. I talked about its concept and syntax with some detail, and then created a few general plots, using t

2015-03-18 09:57:04 959

转载 Weather Data Analysis Example:Part 2

Part 2: Data PreparationIn Part 1 I have introduced the weather data set we will be using in this series of tutorials. We are now going to have the data prepared for the subsequent EDA. We

2015-03-18 09:55:35 681

转载 Weather Data Analysis Example:Part 1

http://theanalyticalminds.blogspot.jp/2015/02/part-1-introduction.htmlPart 1: Introduction The ultimate goal of every data scientist is to extract as much valuable information as possible fr

2015-03-18 09:54:38 738

转载 Open Source Software Fuels a Revolution in Data Science

In this special guest feature, Neera Talbert of Revolution Analytics discusses the role of open source software in making data science the rising field it is today. Neera Talbert is Vice President,

2015-03-18 09:19:03 953

转载 python和ggplot2

python有个非常强大的工具,那就是ipython notebook。用户可以在浏览器中直接编写python脚本,并立即得到输出结果。这类文档可以存为ipynb分享给其它人,也可以存为html直接放在网站上,非常有利于学习交流。在R语言方面就缺乏这类工具,不过ipython有一种“魔法”,可以在ipython中运行其它语言。在数据分析时,可以将python和R代码混编,充分利用两种语言的

2015-03-13 11:45:01 4371

转载 基于opencpu构建R语言的RESTful API


2015-03-13 11:06:56 1613

转载 python的数据科学资源


2015-03-10 15:20:03 1213

转载 机器学习(非传统统计方法如回归)到底在量化金融里哪些方面有应用?

机器学习和统计很难隔离,这里排除传统统计方法是想知道现代机器学习方法在量化金融的应用,如有困难请忽略此要求。Weicong Liu答:尝试回答一下这个问题,也算是对自己阅读的一些论文的总结,顺带谈下一点自己的思考。前一阵子被吐槽说中英夹杂,也不是为了装逼,因为其实翻译过来,意思反而有了偏差。如果你去搜索早期的神经网络、SVM的相关论文,会发现不少是做股票预测的。原因很简单,因为似乎我们

2015-03-09 09:59:03 1289

转载 Why the Ban on P-Values? And What Now?

(This article was first published on  Quality and Innovation » R, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)Just recently, the editors of the academic journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology hav

2015-03-07 20:29:34 757

转载 Introducing shinyStan

As a project for Andrew’s Statistical Communication and Graphics graduate course at Columbia, a few of us (Michael Andreae, Yuanjun Gao, Dongying Song, and I) had the goal of giving RStan’s print an

2015-03-06 17:19:18 629

转载 Plotly Graphs with Domino’s New R Notebook

(This article was first published on  Revolutions, and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)     by Matt Sundquistco-founder of PlotlyDomino's new R Notebook and Plotly's R API let you co

2015-03-05 10:00:59 862

转载 R语言逐行读取并处理大文件

用R语言作分析时,有时候需要逐行处理非常大文件,各种教材中推荐的read.table 和scan都是一次性读入内存,如果文件有好几个Gb大小,一般电脑肯定吃不消。其实R中可以逐行读取的行数,这里示例一个函数,作为备忘:con line=readLines(con,n=1)while( length(line) != 0 ) {     print(line)     line=

2015-03-03 23:06:04 6952

转载 Electric Power System simulations using R

The field of electric power systems engineering relies heavily on computer simulations for analysis because of its nature. These computer simulations aid the planning, operation and management of the

2015-03-02 19:44:19 1664

转载 rOpenSci packages

This is a complete list of all available rOpenSci packages. Packages are grouped by ones that acquiredata,full-text of journal articles,altmetrics,data-publication, reproducibility and d

2015-03-02 17:07:22 990



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