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原创 bash background tasks

Append & after the command detaches it from stdin which means the shell isn’t tied up by the command and you can execute other commands. However, the command process is still managed by the shell

2015-09-29 20:36:23 661

原创 学习方法

孟岩: 我主张,在具备基础之后,学习任何新东西,都要抓住主线,突出重点。对于关键理论的学习,要集中精力,速战速决。而旁枝末节和非本质性的知识内容,完全可以留给实践去零敲碎打。 原因是这样的,任何一个高级的知识内容,其中都只有一小部分是有思想创新、有重大影响的,而其它很多东西都是琐碎的、非本质的。因此,集中学习时必须把握住真正重要那部分,把其它东西留给实践。对于重点知识,只有集中学习其理

2015-09-23 18:47:57 530

原创 intro: what's the problem

the problemA tiny introduction to asynchronous IOReferenceFast portable non-blocking network programming with Libevent谈一谈网络编程学习经验 by 陈硕

2015-09-23 18:46:29 430

原创 lmdb notes

Howard Chu Indeed, LMDB is a single-writer design so you wouldn’t see any performance gain using multiple writer threads.

2015-09-23 17:04:41 449

原创 mincepie

launcher modulelaunch_local() start server and client processes.def launch_local(): """ launches both the server and the clients on the local machine. The number of clients is defined in FLAGS.n

2015-09-23 16:41:37 616

原创 python gflags

DEFINE_* creates a Flag object and registers it with a FlagValues object (typically the global FlagValues FLAGS).The FlagValues object can scan the command line arguments and pass flag arguments to the

2015-09-23 13:39:58 1287

原创 multiprocessing with ugly pickle

Parallelism and Serialization : how poor pickling breaks multiprocessingPython Pickling and multiprocessingWhat can multiprocessing and dill do together?

2015-09-21 21:05:20 740

原创 [-]boost python notes

I’ve known the basics under the hood, next step:Call PoliciesPolymophism

2015-09-17 22:13:41 511

原创 boost python object creation process

Test codes and pipelinefoo.cpp:#include <boost/python.hpp>#include <iostream>namespace bp = boost::python;using namespace std;class Foo{public: Foo(int n) { cout << "in Foo::Foo()" <<

2015-09-17 19:45:22 531

原创 Python C++ interoperability

Python C++ interoperabilityBernhard Kaplan’s slidesBuilding Hybrid Systems with Boost.PythonBridging Python to C++ - and vice-versaHow does Boost.Python hold C++ class?

2015-09-17 15:58:16 489

原创 Chrome extension permissions

Chrome extension permissionscross-origin permissionsHost names in permissions item of manifest.json is for cross-origin permissions of XMLHttpRequest.By adding hosts or host match patterns (or both) to

2015-09-16 21:38:37 1636

原创 chrome textension Content Security Policy

Content Security PolicyCSP works as a black/whitelisting mechanism for resources loaded or executed by your extensions.These policies provide security over and above the host permissions your extension

2015-09-16 10:48:43 808

原创 Chrome extension message parssing

Send a message from content script:chrome.runtime.sendMessage({greeting: "hello"}, function(response) { console.log(response.farewell);});Send a message from an extension to content script:chrome.ta

2015-09-16 10:12:03 940

原创 Python string format

Python String Format Cookbook

2015-09-15 01:35:32 880

原创 install pyzmq in cygwin

Use the github version, the version has include cygwin support.

2015-09-14 01:12:41 480

原创 HDF5 notes

killer featureshierarchical groupsattributes descriptive metadataslicing actural data is on disk, slicing made it red to memroyhave control of storage allocatedsupport compressionHDF5large num

2015-09-13 20:07:55 795

原创 Caffe blob reshape

Release original memory and hold new:template <typename Dtype>void Blob<Dtype>::Reshape(const vector<int>& shape) { CHECK_LE(shape.size(), kMaxBlobAxes); count_ = 1; shape_.resize(shape.size())

2015-09-12 21:54:11 5291

原创 Notes on Caffe layers

to finish.ReferencesDeveloping new layersSwitch LayerType to string for extensibility #1685Layer type is a string #1694

2015-09-12 13:32:33 769

原创 loss functions for NN

cross entropy or log lossIn binary classification, the output is a single probability value yy. L(x,z)=−(zln(y)+(1−z)ln(1−y))\mathcal{L}(x, z)=-(z\ln(y)+(1-z)\ln(1-y))For multi-class problem, the ou

2015-09-11 16:54:08 566

原创 atlas tutorial

Getting started with ATLAS, BLAS and LAPACK

2015-09-11 00:59:31 366

原创 Using git with proxy

set git config –global http.proxy http://proxyuser:proxypwd@proxy.server.com:8080 git config –global https.proxy https://proxyuser:proxypwd@proxy.server.com:8080unset git config –global –unset

2015-09-10 20:59:32 454

原创 fully connected layer as 1x1 convolution

Quoting Lecun’s post: In Convolutional Nets, there is no such thing as “fully-connected layers”. There are only convolution layers with 1x1 convolution kernels and a full connection table. It’s a

2015-09-07 19:07:53 2062

原创 VC commands and tools

build a dll in command line1) with extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) in the prototype: cl.exe /LD hello.cpp2) with a def file cl.exe /LD /DEF hello.def hello.cppgenerate import library with lib

2015-09-05 20:57:20 558

原创 BeautifulSoup4 and lxml notes

BeautifulSoup4 parsing with lxml as the backend may have issues in Windows if lxml is not installed properly.I encountered BS4 not correctly parse html content when lxml is installed with pip. I red th

2015-09-04 18:42:08 549

原创 gcc notes

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used for program running, LIBRARY_PATH is used for gcc when building.

2015-09-01 18:56:19 355

Bash manual

Bash manual for reference



Color Image Enhancement using Multi Scale Retinex with Color Restoration(MSRCR) Code Reference: http://www-prima.inrialpes.fr/pelisson/MSRCR.php



四六级词汇表 更多word list见: Kevin's Word List Page - http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/



txt format,just words



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