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原创 linux command - sort

sort by numberuse -n use -V

2015-12-27 14:21:22 1342

原创 OpenFST notes

symbol tableThe internal representation of an arc label is an integer.The symbols are used for I/O purpose.You can store the symbols table with the FST file or not. If you do, use the options --keep

2015-12-26 19:57:58 2003

原创 Thrax Tutorial

Thrax Tutorial Thrax is used for compiling grammars expressed as regular expressions and content-dependent rewrite rules into WFSTs.commandsthraxmakedep --save_symbols=truethraxcompiler -input_g

2015-12-26 15:49:41 2582

原创 Github logo in LaTeX

fontawesome – Font containing web-related icons The pack­age of­fers ac­cess to the large num­ber of web-re­lated icons pro­vided by the in­cluded font. The pack­age re­quires the pack­age, fontspec,

2015-12-24 12:26:18 1871

原创 kd-tree

papers:Silpa-Anan, Chanop, and Richard Hartley. “Optimised KD-trees for fast image descriptor matching.” CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2008.

2015-12-21 22:06:05 1661

原创 kaldi parallelism

This post focus on run.pl of local parallelism.run.pl <options> <log-file> <command><options>: a job range specifier (e.g. JOB=1:4)<log-file>: file name for array jobs must contain identifier of the

2015-12-21 10:34:03 1503

原创 AWK programming

程序模型pattern { action }变量两种变量scalararray变量名内建变量大写全局变量首字母大写局部变量小写数组允许任意数字或字符串做索引内建变量 变量 说明 FILENAME input file name FNR 文件的record数 FS field分隔符 RS record分隔符 NF field数 NR

2015-12-20 14:37:35 1468

原创 Viterbi training

Viterbi training has another name segmental K-means.Within each state, a further alignment of observations to mixture components is made. HTK provides two methods for this: 1. use clustering to alloc

2015-12-20 00:08:09 1910

原创 visual vocabulary of binary features

How to use bag of words example with BRIEF descriptors?opencv c++ ORB Bag Of WordsHow to use bag of words example with BRIEF descriptors?Is there a way of using ORB with BOW?DBoW2: Enhanced hierarc

2015-12-19 00:20:30 1401

原创 kaldi increasing GMM components in the training procedure

This (continuous Gaussian distribution) allows simple single Gaussian distributions to be used for an initial untied model set where the training data is very patchy. Then once tying has been performed

2015-12-17 22:45:05 1365

转载 install Adobe Reader on Ubuntu

How to Install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 14.10How do I install Adobe Acrobat Reader from the repository?

2015-12-17 17:46:32 1268

原创 WFST papers

M. Mohri, F. C. N. Pereira, and M. Riley. Weighted FiniteState Transducers in Speech Recognition. Computer Speech and Language, 16(1):69–88, 2002.Allauzen, C., Mohri, M., Riley, M., Roark, B., A Gener

2015-12-17 11:27:17 1527

转载 customize mac terminal prompt

Customize Your Shell & Command PromptHow to Customize the Command Prompt

2015-12-16 16:54:13 1808

转载 change default text editor to sublime text

How do I make Sublime Text 3 the default text editor [duplicate] Open /usr/share/applications/defaults.list , search for all instances of gedit.desktop and replace them with sublime_text.desktop. Sav

2015-12-16 14:50:49 1318

原创 useful kaldi posts

[Kaldi-developers] Baum-Welch training for HMMs

2015-12-16 14:26:23 1643

原创 Mentally grasp large project

How do you keep track of large projects? The trick to understanding a large code base is to not try to understand all of it. After a certain size, you can’t hold a mental model in your head of the en

2015-12-16 11:07:45 404

原创 python dict

LPTHW - Exercise 39: Dictionaries, Oh Lovely DictionariesPyCon 2010: The Mighty Dictionary

2015-12-15 10:02:27 331

原创 kaldi monophone training outline

This outline is based on the steps/train_mono.sh script.Use a subset of the training set to init the monophone modelgmm-init-mono [options] Topo-in Dim Model-out Tree-out gmm-init-mono "--train-feats=$

2015-12-10 22:29:24 1035

转载 mac install JDK

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24342886/how-to-install-java-8-on-macDon’t rely on Oracle to install Java properly on your mac. Use HomeBrew.brew tap caskroom/caskbrew install brew-caskIf you g

2015-12-10 11:38:01 492

原创 whitening

Data matrix XX shape (D,N)(D, N). Zero mean centering or not depending on circumstance. Compute eigen vectors with SVD: U,S,V=linalg.svd(X)U, S, V = \texttt{linalg.svd}(X)Projection: X′=U⊺∗XX' = U

2015-12-08 21:43:02 624

原创 image pre-processing

For natural images, it make little sense to have separate mean and variance values for each pixel. They are already have equivalent variances.The desiderata are that our learning algorithms sees a tra

2015-12-08 16:04:31 544

原创 ASR evaluation

ASR evaluationTranscription accuracyWER(Word Error Rate)SER(Sentence Error Rate)Semantic accuracyConcept Accuracy(based on domain concepts)

2015-12-07 20:14:20 1321

原创 dot(.) is a synonym of `source`

In a bash script what does a dot followed by a space and then a path mean?It’s a synonym of the builtin source. It will execute commands from a file in the current shell, as read from help source or h

2015-12-04 23:04:38 437

原创 WFST over semiring

A weighted finite state transducer (WFST) T(x,y)T(x, y) over a semiring is defined as:T(x,y)=⊕π∈P(I,x,y,F)λ(p[π])⊗w[π]⊗ρ(n[π])T(x, y) = \underset{\pi\in P(I,x,y,F)}{\oplus}\lambda(p[\pi])\otimes w[\p

2015-12-03 17:03:49 917

原创 kaldi can link with openfst-1.5.0 without patch

openfst-1.5.0$ mkdir build && cd build$ ../configure --prefix=/opt/openfst-1.5.0 \--enable-static=no \--enable-far \--enable-ngram-fsts \--enable-pdt \--enable-python \LDLIBS="-ldl"kaldi-c09caf9

2015-12-02 19:22:02 911

原创 language model

ARPA format language modelhttp://www.statmt.org/book/slides/07-language-models.pdfToolkits: - SRILM - IRSTLM

2015-12-01 16:38:08 3410 1

Bash manual

Bash manual for reference



Color Image Enhancement using Multi Scale Retinex with Color Restoration(MSRCR) Code Reference: http://www-prima.inrialpes.fr/pelisson/MSRCR.php



四六级词汇表 更多word list见: Kevin's Word List Page - http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/



txt format,just words


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