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原创 SUSE安装配置JDK

 1.安装JDK首先,到http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp下载最新版本的Linux 平台的JDK,建议下载RPM自解压格式的例如本文所用jdk-1_5_0_06-linux-i586-rpm.bin,先下载文件到/tmp,打开终端,输入:cd /tmpsu输入root密码直接执行文件:./jdk-1_5_0_06-linux-i586-rpm

2007-10-01 18:14:00 1187

转载 Jabber 简介(Technology Computer English)

Jabber is an open XML protocol for the real-timeexchange of messages and presence between any two points onthe Internet. The first application of Jabber technology is anasynchronous, extensible instan

2007-05-25 11:29:00 882

转载 JSF 简介(Technology Computer English)

Building user interfaces (UIs) with Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition (J2EE) has never been completely satisfactory.Today, most developers using JavaServer Pages (JSP) applyHTML user controls, which

2007-05-25 11:25:00 803

转载 XML Web 服务基础(Technology Computer English)

XML Web services are the fundamental building blocks in themove to distributed computing on the Internet. Open standards and thefocus on communication and collaboration among people and applicationsha

2007-05-25 11:15:00 861

转载 如何进行项目规划(Technology Computer English)

 二、ADSL猫路由功能的设置1、单击“WAN”,点击“ATM VC”进入“ATM VC”的查看和设置页。在这里就需要查找我们所使用的VPI/VCI值。前面说了当前的VPI/VCI为0/35,依据这个我们可以看到所对应的“Interface”项为“aal5-1”。如下图。   fiximg(848, "files/1102222514_54_013.jpg",250,220,38,"fil

2007-05-25 11:06:00 839

转载 EPOC OPL 开发介绍(Technology Computer English)

IntroductionThe Symbian EPOC operating system is a powerfulplatform for the development of palmtop and wirelessapplications. Its robust object orientated architecture makesefficient use of the reduce

2007-05-25 10:55:00 1502

转载 关于SQL(Technology Computer English)

Tired of not knowing what SQL is? Any serious applicationdeveloper is going to need to learn some SQL atsome point in their career. And once you start learning it,youll use it. A lot.Once upon a time

2007-05-25 10:51:00 987

转载 垃圾收集算法(Technology Computer English)

Garbage collection algorithmsThe JVMs heap stores all objects created by an executingJava program. Objects are created by Javas "new"operator, and memory for new objects is allocated on theheap at r

2007-05-25 10:44:00 837

转载 设计模式(Technology Computer English)

Initially, you can think of a pattern as an especiallyclever and insightful way of solving a particular class ofproblems. That is, it looks like a lot of people have workedout all the angles of a prob

2007-05-24 01:39:00 845

转载 存储概述(Technology Computer English)

What is Data Storage and Why is it So Important?As computers have a limited amount of memory, most computerowners require storage media such as hard disks, tape drives, andcompact disks (CDs) to save

2007-05-24 01:30:00 963

转载 EAI概况(Technology Computer English)

What is EAI? (企业应用集成)Enterprise Application Integration, or EAI, is the combination ofprocesses, software, standards, and hardware resulting in the seamless integrationof two or more enterprise system

2007-05-24 01:28:00 1146

转载 CRM简介(Technology Computer English)

What is CRM?Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is an informationtechnology industry term for methodologies, strategies, software,and other web-based capabilities that help an enterprise organiz

2007-05-24 01:25:00 1228

转载 ERP综述(Technology Computer English)

What is ERP?Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is an industry term forintegrated, muti-module application software packages that are designedto serve and support multiple business functions. An ERPsy

2007-05-24 01:22:00 1046

转载 什么是UML(Technology Computer English)

The Unified Model ing Language (UML) i s a st andard way tospecify, construct, and document systems that use obj ect-orient ed codesuch as Java, C++ or IDL. As with any language, the UML has it s ownn

2007-05-23 21:18:00 914

转载 Windows XP 常见问题(Technology Computer English)

Q: What is Windows XPA: Windows Whis tl er i s the codename for the fi rs t joint bus ines s/consumer vers ion of Windows buil t on the Windows 2000 OS kernelfor stability and reliability. Windows XP

2007-05-23 21:15:00 1185

转载 Thoughts on Peer-to-Peer(Technology Computer English)

Many of thes e PCs are home connections, usually dialup. They do not,in general, have stable IP addresses, and are not ready to respond to incomingInternet requests 7x24. The "Peers" are the normal PC

2007-05-23 21:12:00 728

转载 Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB)适合你吗?(Technology Computer English)

Although EJB technology is one of the leading platforms, along withDCOM and CORBA, for the development of mission-critical applications,it isnt the best fit for every project.How do you know when it

2007-05-23 21:08:00 854

转载 What is Liunx?(Technology Computer English)

 Linux is a free, UNIX-like operating system, developed originally forhome PCs, but which now runs on a variety of platforms including PowerPC,Macintosh, Amiga, Atari, DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc, ARM,

2007-05-23 20:56:00 804

转载 Jini网络技术介绍(Technology Computer English)

 Jini -- a technical specification developed by SunMicrosystems that uses a small piece (48K) of Java code toallow any network device with a Java virtual machine (JVM)to announce its availabil

2007-05-23 20:50:00 969

原创 多线程_wait()/notify()

通常,多线程之间需要协调工作。例如,浏览器的一个显示图片的线程displayThread想要执行显示图片的任务,必须等待下载线程downloadThread将该图片下载完毕。如果图片还没有下载完,displayThread可以暂停,当downloadThread完成了任务后,再通知displayThread“图片准备完毕,可以显示了”,这时,displayThread继续执行。    以上逻辑简单

2007-05-23 00:21:00 555

原创 RIA目前的发展态势及未来预测

1.RIA门前的发展态势  在过去的几年中,Web开发人员一直是想构建一种比传统HTML更丰富的客户端:这是一个用户接口,它比用HTML能实现的接口更加健壮、反应更加灵敏和更具有令人感兴趣的可视化特性。RIA技术的出现允许我们在因特网上以一种像使用Web一样简单的方式来部署富客户端程序。无论将来RIA是否能够如人们所猜测的那样完全代替HTML应用系统,对于那些采用C/S架构的胖客户端技术运行复

2007-05-23 00:10:00 883

原创 RIA技术简介

1.的定义  RIA(Rich Internet Application,富互联网应用系统)技术允许我们在因特网上以一种象使用Web一样简单的方式来部署富客户端程序。这是一个用户接口,它比用HTML能实现的接口更加健壮、反应更加灵敏和更具有令人感兴趣的可视化特性。无论将来RIA是否能够如人们所猜测的那样完全代替HTML应用系统,对于那些采用胖客户端技术运行复杂应用系统的机构来说,RIA确实提供

2007-05-23 00:09:00 1306



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