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翻译 It’s Never Too Early to Think About Performance

It’s Never Too Early to Think About PerformanceRebecca ParsonsBuSinESS uSERS SpECiFy THEiR nEEdS primarily through functional requirements. The nonfunctional aspects of the systems, like performance,

2015-07-31 09:05:18 1108 1

翻译 One Line of Working Code Is Worth 500 of Specification

One Line of Working Code Is Worth 500 of SpecificationAllison RandaldESign iS A BEAuTiFul THing. A systematic, detailed presentation and review of a problem space and solution reveals errors and oppor

2015-07-31 09:05:10 969 2

翻译 Quantify

QuantifyKeith Braithwaite“FAST” iS noT A REquiREMEnT. Neither is “responsive.” Nor “extensible.” The primary reason why not is that you have no objective way to tell if they’re met. But still users wa

2015-07-31 09:04:01 1077 1

翻译 You’re Negotiating More Often Than You Think

 You’re Negotiating More Often Than You ThinkMichael NygardWE’vE All BEEn HiT WiTH BudgETECTuRE. That’s when sound technol- ogy choices go out the window in favor of cost-cutting. The conversation go

2015-07-30 09:32:24 9098

翻译 Everything Will Ultimately Fail

 Everything Will Ultimately Fail Michael NygardHARdWARE iS FAlliBlE, So WE Add REdundAnCy. This allows us to sur- vive individual hardware failures, but increases the likelihood of having at least on

2015-07-30 09:31:53 957

翻译 Stand Up!

Stand Up!Udi DahanAS ARCHiTECTS, MAny oF uS HAvE gRoWn from highly technical positions where our success was derived mainly from our ability to talk to machines. However, in the role of architect much

2015-07-30 09:25:06 1004

翻译 Seek the Value in Requested Capabilities

Seek the Value in Requested CapabilitiesEinar LandreoFTEn CuSToMERS And End uSERS state what they think is a viable solu- tion to a problem as a requirement. The classic story on this was told by Harr

2015-07-29 10:00:07 949

翻译 Communication Is King;. Clarity and Leadership, Its Humble Servants

Communication Is King;. Clarity and Leadership, Its Humble ServantsMark RichardsAll Too oFTEn, SoFTWARE ARCHiTECTS sit in their ivory towers, dictating specifications, technology decisions, and techno

2015-07-29 09:56:46 982 2

翻译 Application Architecture Determines Application Performance

Application Architecture Determines Application PerformanceRandy StaffordAppliCATion ARCHiTECTuRE dETERMinES application performance. That might seem rather obvious, but real-world experience shows t

2015-07-29 09:56:37 793 1

原创 iPad开发 - UIPopoverController控制器

iPad简介什么是iPad 一款苹果公司于2010年发布的平板电脑 定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品之间 跟iPhone一样,搭载的是iOS操作系统iPad的市场情况 截止至2013年10月23日,iPad已经累计销售1.7亿台 在平板市场的占有率高达81%iPhone和iPad开发的区别iPhone是手机,iPad、iPad Mini是平板电脑iPhone和iPad开发

2015-07-28 10:41:18 1633

原创 iOS开发 - Core Animation 核心动画

Core AnimationCore Animation,中文翻译为核心动画,它是一组非常强大的动画处理API,使用它能做出非常炫丽的动画效果,而且往往是事半功倍。也就是说,使用少量的代码就可以实现非常强大的功能。 Core Animation可以用在Mac OS X和iOS平台。 Core Animation的动画执行过程都是在后台操作的,不会阻塞主线程。 要注意的是,Core Ani

2015-07-22 09:25:14 1834

原创 iOS开发 - CALayer图层

CALayer的基本使用在iOS中,你能看得见摸得着的东西基本上都是UIView,比如一个按钮、一个文本标签、一个文本输入框、一个图标等等,这些都是UIView其实UIView之所以能显示在屏幕上,完全是因为它内部的一个图层在创建UIView对象时,UIView内部会自动创建一个图层(即CALayer对象),通过UIView的layer属性可以访问这个层 @property(nonatomic,r

2015-07-22 09:00:22 1738

翻译 Chances Are,Your Biggest Problem Isn’t Technical

Chances Are,Your Biggest Problem Isn’t TechnicalMark RammRigHT noW SoMEonE’S Running a failing project to build a payroll system. Probably more than one someone. Why? Was it because they chose Ruby o

2015-07-17 14:04:24 1151

翻译  Simplify Essential Complexity; Diminish Accidental Complexity

 Simplify Essential Complexity; Diminish Accidental ComplexityNeal FordESSEnTiAl CoMplExiTy REpRESEnTS the difficulty inherent in any prob- lem. For example, coordinating a nation’s air traffic is an

2015-07-17 14:02:42 1432

原创 iOS开发 - CoreData框架 数据持久化

Core DataCore Data是iOS5之后才出现的一个框架,它提供了对象-关系映射(ORM)的功能,即能够将OC对象转化成数据,保存在SQLite数据库文件中,也能够将保存在数据库中的数据还原成OC对象。在此数据操作期间,我们不需要编写任何SQL语句,这个有点类似于著名的Hibernate持久化框架,不过功能肯定是没有Hibernate强大的。传统的数据库要把数据写到数据库,而且要写SQL语

2015-07-17 09:34:37 2002

翻译 Your Customers Do Not Mean What They Say

Your Customers Do Not Mean What They SayNate JacksonI’VE NEVER MET A CUSTOMER YET that wasn’t all too happy to tell me what they wanted—usually in great detail. The problem is that customers don’t alwa

2015-07-16 09:11:12 1212

翻译 You Gotta Care About the Code

You Gotta Care About the CodePete GoodliffeIT DOESN’T TAKE SHERLOCK HOLMES to work out that good programmers write good code. Bad programmers…don’t. They produce monstrosities that the rest of us have

2015-07-15 10:08:57 995

翻译 Write Tests for People

Write Tests for PeopleGerard MeszarosYOU ARE WRITING AUTOMATED TESTS for some or all of your production code. Congratulations! You are writing your tests before you write the code? Even better!! Just d

2015-07-15 10:08:06 1057

翻译 Write Small Functions Using Examples

Write Small Functions Using ExamplesKeith BraithwaiteWE WOULD LIKE TO WRITE CODE THAT IS CORRECT, and have evidence on hand that it is correct. It can help with both issues to think about the “size” of

2015-07-15 10:07:21 964

翻译 Write Code As If You Had to Support It for the Rest of Your Life

Write Code As If You Had to Support It for the Rest of Your LifeYuriy ZubarevYOU COULD ASK 97 PEOPLE what every programmer should know and do, and you might get 97 distinct answers. This could be both

2015-07-14 09:58:39 1367

翻译 When Programmers and Testers Collaborate

When Programmers and Testers CollaborateJanet GregorySOMETHING MAGICAL HAPPENS when testers and programmers start to col- laborate. There is less time spent sending bugs back and forth through the defe

2015-07-14 09:57:54 1040

翻译 WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks

WET Dilutes Performance BottlenecksKirk PepperdineTHE IMPORTANCE OF THE DRY PRINCIPLE (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is that it codifies the idea that every piece of knowledge in a system should have a singul

2015-07-14 09:52:38 1261

翻译 Verbose Logging Will Disturb Your Sleep

Verbose Logging Will Disturb Your SleepJohannes BrodwallWHEN I ENCOUNTER A SYSTEM that has already been in development or pro- duction for a while, the first sign of real trouble is always a dirty log.

2015-07-13 09:08:08 1165

翻译 Use the Right Algorithm and Data Structure

Use the Right Algorithm and Data StructureJan Christiaan “JC” van WinkelA big bank with many branch offices complained that the new computers it had bought for the tellers were too slow. This was in th

2015-07-13 09:07:14 1060

翻译 The Unix Tools Are Your Friends

The Unix Tools Are Your FriendsDiomidis SpinellisIF, ON MY WAY TO EXILE ON A DESERT ISLAND, I had to choose between an IDE and the Unix toolchest, I’d pick the Unix tools without a second thought. Here

2015-07-12 11:16:36 1123

翻译 Ubuntu Coding for Your Friends

Ubuntu Coding for Your FriendsAslam KhanSO OFTEN, WE WRITE CODE IN ISOLATION and that code reflects our per- sonal interpretation of a problem, as well as a very personalized solution. We may be part o

2015-07-12 11:15:44 1100

翻译 Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix)

Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix)Allan KellyCODE NEVER LIES, BUT IT CAN CONTRADICT ITSELF. Some contradictions lead to those “How can that possibly work?” moments. In an interview

2015-07-12 11:14:59 1137

翻译 Two Heads Are Often Better Than One

Two Heads Are Often Better Than OneAdrian WiblePROGRAMMING REQUIRES DEEP THOUGHT, and deep thought requires soli- tude. So goes the programmer stereotype. This “lone wolf ” approach to programming has

2015-07-11 07:25:13 1279

翻译 Thinking in States

Thinking in StatesNiclas Nilsson PEOPLE IN THE REAL WORLD HAVE A WEIRD RELATIONSHIP WITH STATE. This morning, I stopped by the local store to prepare for another day of con- verting caffeine to code.

2015-07-11 07:24:14 1248

翻译 Testing Is the Engineering Rigor of Software Development

Test for Required Behavior, Not Incidental BehaviorKevlin Henney A COMMON PITFALL IN TESTING is to assume that exactly what an imple- mentation does is precisely what you want to test for. At first gl

2015-07-11 07:23:08 1199

翻译 Test While You Sleep (and over Weekends)

Test While You Sleep (and over Weekends)Rajith AttapattuRELAX. I am not referring to offshore development centers, overtime on week- ends, or working the night shift. Rather, I want to draw your attent

2015-07-10 13:53:36 1039

翻译 Test Precisely and Concretely

Test Precisely and ConcretelyKevlin Henney IT IS IMPORTANT TO TEST for the desired, essential behavior of a unit of code, rather than for the incidental behavior of its particular implementation. But

2015-07-10 13:52:52 1053

原创 iOS开发 - CoreLocation地理定位

简介在移动互联网时代,移动app能解决用户的很多生活琐事,比如 导航:去任意陌生的地方 周边:找餐馆、找酒店、找银行、找电影院在上述应用中,都用到了地图和定位功能,在iOS开发中,要想加入这2大功能,必须基于2个框架进行开发 Map Kit :用于地图展示 Core Location :用于地理定位2个热门专业术语 LBS :Location Based Service SoLoMo :

2015-07-09 11:36:49 2795

原创 Objective-C - NSObject常用方法

NSObject常用方法//用来判断对象中是否实现了某个方法(被封装在一个selector的对象里传递) -(BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector //用来判断对象中是否实现了某个方法. 和上面一个不同之处在于, 前面这个方法可以用在实例上,而此方法用在类上. +(BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector: selector -(id)

2015-07-07 15:14:29 1517

翻译 Test for Required Behavior, Not Incidental Behavior

Test for Required Behavior, Not Incidental BehaviorKevlin Henney A COMMON PITFALL IN TESTING is to assume that exactly what an imple- mentation does is precisely what you want to test for. At first gl

2015-07-07 15:07:33 895

翻译 Take Advantage of Code Analysis Tools

Take Advantage of Code Analysis ToolsSarah Mount THE VALUE OF TESTING is something that is drummed into software devel- opers from the early stages of their programming journey. In recent years, the r

2015-07-01 09:48:00 1131


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