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原创 iOS开发 - Core Bluetooth蓝牙开发

Core BluetoothCore Bluetooth测试比较麻烦,正常情况下,得至少有2台真实的蓝牙4.0设备如何让iOS模拟器也能测试蓝牙4.0程序? 买一个CSR蓝牙4.0 USB适配器,插在Mac上 在终端输入sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior=”never” 重启Mac 用Xcode 4.6调试代码,将程序跑在iOS

2015-10-26 09:58:16 3114

原创 iOS开发 -GameKit蓝牙开发

蓝牙4.0蓝牙4.0是2012年最新蓝牙版本,是3.0的升级版本;较3.0版本更省电、成本低、3毫秒低延迟、超长有效连接距离、AES-128加密等;通常用在蓝牙耳机、蓝牙音箱等设备上。蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth SIG)2010年7月7日宣布,正式采纳蓝牙4.0核心规范(Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.0 ),并启动对应的认证计划。会员厂商可以提交

2015-10-26 09:47:27 2274

翻译 Clever Code Is Hard to Maintain

Clever Code Is Hard to MaintainDavid Wood Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S. DEvEloPERS ARE oFTEn ASKED To CREATE MIRAClES. They must find clever ways to make today’s project code work with yesterday’s an

2015-10-25 08:59:43 1443 1

翻译 Empowering Developers: A Man Named Tim

Empowering Developers: A Man Named TimKen Sipe St. Charles, Missouri, U.S. oFTEn ThE BEST ThIng a software project manager can do is set the vision, set the priorities, and get out of the way. Here’s

2015-10-25 08:59:05 1262

翻译 Project Management Is Problem Management

Project Management Is Problem ManagementLorin Unger Hoboken, New Jersey, U.S. In ThE BEST oF CIRCUMSTAnCES, software project management is a chal- lenging and complex endeavor. Yet, I often see PMs m

2015-10-25 08:58:16 1555

原创 iOS开发 - SQLite数据库(CRUD)

iOS中的数据存储方式Plist(NSArray\NSDictionary) Preference(偏好设置\NSUserDefaults) NSCoding(NSKeyedArchiver\NSkeyedUnarchiver) SQLite3 Core DataSQLite简介什么是SQLite SQLite是一款轻型的嵌入式数据库 它占用资源非常的低,在嵌入式设备中,可能只需要几百K

2015-10-19 16:16:31 1609

翻译 Provide Regular Time to Focus

Provide Regular Time to FocusJames Leigh Toronto, Ontario, Canada SoFTWARE DEvEloPERS REgUlARly REPoRT that interruptions such as meetings, demos, and urgent bug fixes keep them from completing their

2015-10-13 13:12:52 994

翻译 Don’t Skip Vacations for the Project

Don’t Skip Vacations for the ProjectJoe Zenevitch New York, New York, U.S. SoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgEMEnT is a demanding profession. Besides being the most visible position on the team, usually you are

2015-10-13 13:12:14 987

翻译 Success Is Always Measured in Business Value

Success Is Always Measured in Business ValueBarbee Davis, MA, PHR, PMP Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. AS PRojECT MAnAgERS, it’s easy to get caught up in meeting our time, cost, scope, and quality baselines. T

2015-10-13 13:11:09 927

翻译 Requirement Specifications: An Oxymoron

Requirement Specifications: An OxymoronAlan Greenblatt Sudbury, Massachusetts, U.S. gooD REqUIREMEnTS (R) describe how features of a product are going to solve particular existing or potential proble

2015-10-12 09:20:34 1085

翻译 Go Ahead, Throw That Practice Out

Go Ahead, Throw That Practice OutNaresh Jain Malad, Mumbai, India WhAT Do SUCCESSFUl TEAMS Do ThAT oThERS Don’T? They constantly question their own practices and try to eliminate wasteful ones. They m

2015-10-12 09:18:47 898

翻译 Document Your Process, Then Make Sure It Is Followed

Document Your Process, Then Make Sure It Is FollowedMonte Davis, MCSE Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. DURIng An EMAIl MIgRATIon FRoM onE PlATFoRM To AnoThER, a woman got married and brought our email system to

2015-10-12 09:18:10 1013

翻译 Size Matters

Size MattersAnupam Kundu New York, New York, U.S.ThE SIzE oF ThE PRojECT, the size of the team, the size of the deliverables, and the size of the checklists—everything in a project depends on its SIZE.

2015-10-09 08:38:12 1178

翻译 Developer Productivity: Skilled Versus Average

Developer Productivity: Skilled Versus AverageNeal Ford Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.lET’S DEBUnK SoME oF ThE MyThS about developer skills for project man- agers who have been assigned for the first time to s

2015-10-09 08:37:20 979 1

翻译 How to Spot a Good IT Developer

How to Spot a Good IT DeveloperJames Graham, PMP Ta’ l-Ibrag, MaltaSoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgERS know that project success rests on having excellent developers. How do you spot stellar performers in the ap

2015-10-09 08:36:08 1002

翻译 Save Money on Your Issues

Save Money on Your IssuesRandy Loomis, PMP Andover, Connecticut, U.S.oUR CoMPAny WAS USIng TRAInIng SoFTWARE that was five upgrades behind. We reached the point where it was so out of date that the ven

2015-10-07 07:26:27 1136

翻译 Scrolling Through Time

Scrolling Through TimeKim MacCormack Leesburg, Virginia, U.S.TWElvE yEARS Ago, my team was hired to develop a web application as a subcontractor for a graphic design firm. We were to have no direct con

2015-10-07 07:25:33 1933

翻译 You Aren’t Special

You Aren’t SpecialJared Richardson Morrisville, North Carolina, U.S.REMEMBER WhAT yoUR MoM TolD yoU? “You’re special! You’re unique!” Right, just like every other boy or girl who had a mom! Believing t

2015-10-07 07:23:33 1136


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