Tips for writing ASP.NET composite controls

Here are some tips I picked up in a Microsoft newsgroup regarding the creation of composite ASP.NET web controls.

1) My composite controls are created based on a property of my control. When the postback of a page occurs due to a button click, my CreateChildControls() method is called before the button code is executed, so if that button code changes the property in question it is already too late to reflect this in the control. Is there a way to "Invalidate" my control when this property is set so that it's child controls are recreated?

A) Yes, set ChildControlsCreate to false.

2) Dropping my control onto a design surface displays only a blank control, none of the composite controls are visible at all.

First add the following method in order to expose the functionality of a protected method in your component

public new void EnsureChildControls()

Next add the following attribute to your class

Finally, create a designer class like so

public class MyControlDesigner : ControlDesigner


public override String GetDesignTimeHtml()


( (MyControl) Control).EnsureChildControls();

return base.GetDesignTimeHtml();



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Sure, here are some tips for installing EGSnrc on Ubuntu: 1. Update your system: Before starting the installation process, it's always a good idea to update your system. Open a terminal and run the following command: ``` sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y ``` 2. Install required dependencies: EGSnrc requires some libraries and packages to be installed. Run the following command to install them: ``` sudo apt install build-essential gfortran libx11-dev libxt-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxmu-dev libglu1-mesa-dev ``` 3. Download the EGSnrc distribution: Visit the EGSnrc website ( and download the latest distribution file (e.g., egsnrc_vn.mmm.tar.gz), where "vn" represents the version number and "mmm" represents the release number. 4. Extract the distribution: Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the distribution file. Use the following command to extract it: ``` tar -xvf egsnrc_vn.mmm.tar.gz ``` 5. Set up environment variables: In order to use EGSnrc, you need to set up some environment variables. Open your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc) in a text editor and add the following lines at the end: ``` export EGS_HOME=/path/to/egsnrc export EGS_CONFIG=/path/to/egsnrc/HEN_HOUSE/specs/your_machine_name export PATH=$PATH:$EGS_HOME/bin/$my_machine ``` Replace "/path/to/egsnrc" with the actual path where you extracted the EGSnrc distribution, and "your_machine_name" with the appropriate name for your machine (e.g., linux). 6. Compile EGSnrc: Open a terminal and navigate to the EGSnrc directory. Run the following command to compile EGSnrc: ``` make ``` 7. Verify the installation: After the compilation process completes successfully, you can run some example simulations provided with EGSnrc to verify the installation. Refer to the EGSnrc documentation for instructions on running the examples. That's it! You have now successfully installed EGSnrc on Ubuntu. Remember to consult the EGSnrc documentation for further usage instructions and details.


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