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原创 Screen Scraping, ViewState, and Authentication using ASP.Net

 Before web services came along, screen scraping was a popular technique for grabbing the output from another application by examining the text it displays on the screen. For web applications, this

2004-08-31 20:15:00 2133 1

原创 Secrets of Great Architects

Applying Levels of Abstraction to IT SolutionsEnterprise architects are challenged by the vast amount of complexity they face. Its one thing to develop an isolated, departmental application that au

2004-08-31 12:05:00 945

原创 go configure IISLogs component

IISLogs is beta software now,  you might be wondering, now what?! How do I actually get some benefit from IISLogs?  The goal of the article is provide a practical side to actually getting some benefit

2004-08-31 11:58:00 831

原创 Extending the DataGrid Control

Introduction:In this article, I will explain how to extend the DataGrid class to provide some new functionalities. Building new web controls from scratch is not the best solution in most of cases, j

2004-08-30 13:09:00 825

原创 MDI With C#

MDI (Multiple Document Interface) is nothing but a way of displaying windows form where there is atleast one parent and many child windows eg. word Excel Powerpoint kind of windows where each document

2004-08-29 06:08:00 1129

原创 Creating and Deleting Custom Menus in Visio

Introduction There are several ways to handle the menus in Microsoft Visio application but are no events generated when the user click the menu.The best way to handle the menus and menu event handli

2004-08-29 06:07:00 1059

原创 TFTP in C#

The following source code is for a TFTP application. I searched hard and long and all I found was controls for sale. The library I currently have only does file "gets" as that is all I needed for the

2004-08-29 06:06:00 2724

原创 Simple Messenger Developed in .NET Using C#

This is a simple Messenger developed in .NET using C#. You will find the server and the client.You can run many clients to talk to each other and that is controlled by the server. You will find the se

2004-08-29 06:05:00 692

原创 Multiparameter Indexer in C#

By Ramkumar Durgam // PhoneDirIndex.cs - PhoneDirectory to simulate the use of an Multiparameter Indexer using C#// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-08-29 06:04:00 820

原创 Navigation Through Records With TrackBar(Slider)

IntroductionThis application will show a different way how to navigate through records in a data source with a TrackBar (Slider) by using either the mouse or the direction keys(Left, Right, Up, Down

2004-08-29 06:03:00 1000

原创 Wallpaper Changer in C#

Wallpaper Changer in C#By Kfiz Arbel using System;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

2004-08-29 05:57:00 1365

转载 C#如何实现两个WINFORM之间的访问

在VB中我们通常可以通过form1!text1.text等进行窗体之间的访问,但是在C#中我们发现这样是行不同的,通过我这几天的研究,终于想出了进行两个WINFORM之间访问的办法,那就是通过一个中间的类进行实例的控制,代码如下://=============================Form1.cs//=============================using System;us

2004-08-29 04:18:00 1375

转载 对ASP页面进行加密

 为有效地防止ASP源代码泄露,可以对ASP页面进行加密。一般有两种方法对ASP页面进行加密。一种是使用组件技术将编程逻辑封装入DLL之中;另一种是使用微软的Script Encoder对ASP页面进行加密。笔者认为,使用组件技术存在的主要问题是每段代码均需组件化,操作比较烦琐,工作量较大;而使用Script Encoder对ASP页面进行加密,操作简单、收效良好。Script Encoder方法

2004-08-29 04:13:00 1777

转载 关于页面缓存清除的方法小结

1、在Asp页面首部加入Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "No-Cache" 2、在HtML代码中加入3、在重新调用原页面的时候在

2004-08-29 04:04:00 1790

转载 C#农历

using System;      namespace CNCalendar   {   public class CNDate   {   private const ushort START_YEAR = 1901;   private const ushort END_YEAR = 2050;   private string[] ConstellationName =   {   "白羊

2004-08-29 02:52:00 928


简介不管使用哪种底层平台,可靠性和性能都是对所有 Web 应用程序的主要要求,尽管从某种意义上讲,这两个要求是相互矛盾的。例如,要构建更可靠、更健壮的应用程序,可能需要将 Web 服务器与具体的应用程序分离,使应用程序在进程外工作。但是,如果在不同于 Web 服务器进程的内存环境中工作,应用程序将变慢。因此,需要采取合理的措施,以确保进程外代码尽可能快地运行。在构建 Microsoft®

2004-08-29 00:55:00 1488

转载 将数据库表中的数据生成Insert脚本的存储过程!!!

将数据库表中的数据生成Insert脚本的存储过程!!! CREATE Procedure DBGenData?@tableName? Varchar(100)?--表名ASDECLARE @columnName VARCHAR(100)??--列名DECLARE @TypeName VARCHAR(100)??--数据类型DECLARE @columns VARCHAR(3000)???-

2004-08-28 17:21:00 1257

原创 ASP.NET Interfaces: Internet File Select and Upload Dialog

Download demo project - 0.8 Kb Internet File Select and Upload Dialog (latest version) IntroductionUploading files to the Internet has become much easier since we have

2004-08-28 17:16:00 1216

原创 Beginners guide to accessing SQL Server through C#

IntroductionIn this article I plan to demonstrate how to insert and read data from a SQL Server or MSDE database. This code should work on both SQL Server , I am using 2000, and MSDE. I am using Vis

2004-08-27 13:48:00 1032

原创 XPath Querying Over DataSets with the DataSetNavigator - Arpan Desai

Summary: Arpan Desai discusses the DataSetNavigator, which provides the power and flexibility of the XML programming model without the overhead of having to convert the entire DataSet into an XmlDataD

2004-08-27 13:33:00 917

原创 Multi-select ASP.NET datagrid

Download source files - 3.72 Kb Download demo project - 8.83 Kb Download demo project for VS.NET 2003 - 15.8 Kb IntroductionASP.NET datagrid is a very powerful and flexible control, howeve

2004-08-27 13:30:00 1523

转载 编写可移植数据访问层

编写可移植数据访问层发布日期: 8/25/2004 | 更新日期: 8/25/2004Silvano CorianiMicrosoft Corporation适用于:Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003Microsoft® .NET Framework 1.1ADO.NET各种 RDBMS摘要:了解如何编写透明地使用不同

2004-08-27 02:32:00 1740 1

转载 XSLT轻松入门

XSLT轻松入门第一章:XSLT概念 作者: 阿捷     前言 大家好,从今天起我们将一起来学习XML家族的另一种语言XSLT,XSLT类似HTML中的CSS,但是比CSS功能要强大的多。学习XSLT的前提是您对XML已经有一些了解,如果您没有学习过XML,可以先点这里(http://www.etechnic.com.cn/columns/xml_1.shtml)看我先前写的一篇文章《XML

2004-08-27 02:20:00 1041

转载 XSL语法介绍

作者: 胡朝晖       例子已经放在上面,下面我们可以来仔细的分析其中的语法结果和关键所在:   首先注意到的是,XSL文件本身即是一份 XML文件,所以在XSL文件的开头,一样有和XML文件相同的声明。W3C这个XML的标准机构为XSL定义了很多标记(元素),XSL文件就是这些标记和HTML标记的组合。在XSL文件中,必须有如下一行的代码:   <xsl:stylesheet xml

2004-08-27 02:19:00 1305

转载 XMLHTTP: 网站超级粘合剂

翻译:Batman  简介 许多ASP开发者都希望在自己的网站中能够使用到微软提供的支持XML 的新功能。其中,有些人发现可以使用XML来装饰网站,但是,如果仅仅 是只使用XMLDOM的话,你就会失去其他一些更重要的东西。毕竟,XML是用来 作为一种网上数据表现和数据交换的形象出现的。尽管使用XML可以非常满意 地描绘你的数据,但是开发者却不得不使用CGI来进行浏览器和服务器之间的 数据交换,除非

2004-08-27 02:18:00 1066

原创 Middle-Tier Hosting: Enterprise Services, IIS, DCOM, Web Services, and Remoting

Introduction There is this broad-reaching debate that has been going on for months about remoting, Web services, Enterprise Services, DCOM and so forth. In short, it is a debate about the best techn

2004-08-26 22:33:00 1402

原创 Towards Next Generation URLs

By Thomas A. Powell and Joe LimaFor many years we have heard about the impending death of URLs that are difficult to type, remember and preserve. The use of URLs has actually improved little thus far,

2004-08-26 22:31:00 1786

原创 Authentication in IIS

By Joe LimaWe often think about security measures as ways of protecting resources by preventing access to them. The need for authentication arises because, in the real world, keeping people out of pro

2004-08-26 22:30:00 1876

原创 Client Side Validation Using the XMLHTTPRequest Object

Client Side Validation Using the XMLHTTPRequest ObjectBy Jonathan ZufiRating: 4.3 out of 5Rate this article document.write("print this article")print this article email this

2004-08-26 22:25:00 3132

原创 Introduction to Active Server Pages

DiscussionASP is a set of software components that run on a Web server and allow Web developers to build dynamic Web pages. The advantage of ASP over static HTML Web pages is that an ASP page is lik

2004-08-26 14:55:00 1013

原创 Handling SQL Server Errors in Nested Procedures

Basic error handling in SQL Servers programming language, Transact-SQL, is straightforward.But when you nest calls to stored procedures, and the procedures have SQL transactions, error handling becom

2004-08-26 09:39:00 1775

原创 What is Mono?™

Mono is a comprehensive open source development platform based on the .NET framework that allows developers to build Linux and cross-platform applications with unprecedented productivity.Monos .NET

2004-08-26 09:27:00 911

原创 Generics in C#

IntroductionSome New features have been added to C# language with version 2.0 of .NET. which are: Generics Iterators Anonymous methods Partial classes In this Article I will explain abou

2004-08-24 20:13:00 961

原创 Sorting ArrayList Containing User Defined Types

Introduction: We all know about ArrayList and its functionlity, it is the dynamic array of the .Net Framework, where you can add, delete, search & sort objects in it. The issue we will descuss in th

2004-08-24 20:04:00 989

原创 Linux 的目录树

发言者:skylove 目录树可以分为小的部分,每个部分可以在自己的磁盘或分区上。主要部分是根、/usr 、/var 和 /home 文件系统。每个部分有不同的目的。 每台机器都有根文件系统,它包含系统引导和使其他文件系统得以 mount 所必要的文件,根文件系统应该有单用户状态所必须的足够的内容。还应该包括修复损坏系统、恢复备份等的工具。 /usr 文件系统包含所有命令、库、man 页和其他一般

2004-08-24 14:18:00 1740

转载 C语言时钟源程序(既能按机械表行走,又能按电子表显示时间和日期)

************************************************************** * C语言时钟源程序 * 南阳理工学院计算机系01612班大鹏课程设计作品 * 运行环境:TC2.0 * Email:ypsky@mail2.nyist.net ********************************************************

2004-08-24 14:14:00 3328

原创 C++语言五子棋源程序 (利用坐标确定棋子位置)

************************************************************** C++语言五子棋源程序 * 南阳理工学院计算机系01612班大鹏课程设计作品 * 运行环境:TC3.0 (vc6.0不支持画图函数,无法画出棋盘和棋子) * Email:ypsky@mail2.nyist.net ******************************

2004-08-24 14:13:00 5383 17

原创 编程技巧汇萃(下)

/*显示警告窗口*/ void warn_message(char *s1,char *s2) { char buffer[2000]; gettext(30,8,76,16,buffer); CLSXY(8,32,9,30,6); CLSXY(4,30,8,30,6); COLOR(15,4); gotoxy(35,10); DISPLAY(s1); gotoxy(35,12); DISPLAY

2004-08-24 14:12:00 1049

原创 编程技巧汇萃(上)

/*从键盘中读取字符 功能:按下普通键时,返回其ASCII码 扫描码CODE=0*/ int INKEY(int *code) { int m; while(!bioskey(1))/*可加入无按键时代码*/; *code=bioskey(0); m=*code*255; if(!m) m=*code>>8; *code=*code&255; return m; } /*获取机器日期*/ int

2004-08-24 14:11:00 837

原创 Simplified and Extended Data Binding Syntax in ASP.NET 2.0 -- Cont'd

The New Data Binding Syntax for XML Data Increasingly, the data you have to work with in your Web applications is presented as XML. It might be static XML documents, or (more likely) XML that has be

2004-08-24 13:29:00 1265



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