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原创 .net控件FreeTextBox使用方法

1.先把freetextbox.dll添加到项目中 2.把 - ftb.colorpicker.aspx - ftb.imagegallery.aspx - ftb.inserttable.aspx 从文件夹HelperScripts复制出来,放到外面与 - test.aspx (测试)同等级目录, (不这么做,插入背景色,图片,表格就不好使) 3.把images文件夹放到test.aspx (测

2005-03-21 18:44:00 1169 1

原创 用ASP.net(c#)上传各种文件的实例

public void uploadFile(object sender , EventArgs E) { //检查上传文件不为空 if(inputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) { //设定上传文件的保存路径 string strSaveDir = "./upload/"; string strName = inputFile.PostedFile.F

2005-03-21 17:04:00 1815

原创 Asp.net中对象使用的实例

void Page_Load() { pi.Text = Math.PI.ToString(); exp.Text = Math.E.ToString(); } void Update(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double dblInput = Convert.ToDouble(input.Text); sqrt_input.Text = dbl

2005-03-21 16:52:00 984

原创 Asp.net中使用对象的实例

public class Key { private int shape; public Key(int newshape) { shape = newshape; } public int Shape { get { return shape; } } } public class Car { private string color; private int gear; private i

2005-03-21 16:49:00 812

原创 Asp.net中对像使用继承的方法(:)

public class ScientificCalculator : Calculator { public void SquareRoot() { double root = Math.Sqrt(CurrentValue); Clear(); Add(root); } } public class Calculator { private double currentValue; public

2005-03-21 16:43:00 1166

原创 收集的WEB编程开发常用代码

 1. ASP与Access数据库连接: dim conn,mdbfile mdbfile=server.mappath("数据库名称.mdb") set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") conn.open "driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};uid=admin;pwd=数据库密码;dbq="

2005-03-21 11:17:00 1382 1

原创 Asp.net中Application的使用

Application state changed successfully Company Telephone =

2005-03-21 10:49:00 1388 1

原创 asp.net中打开文件的方法Response.WriteFile();

Response.WriteFile() string FileName; //make sure the text file is in the correct place. FileName = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "demo.asp"; Response.WriteFile(FileName); %>

2005-03-21 10:41:00 3463 1

原创 asp.net中 cookies的应用,自己写的一个简单登陆程序。

public void Page_sub(object Sender,EventArgs e) { if(IsPostBack) { if((username.Text=="netboyc") && (pass.Text=="123456")) { HttpCookie mycook=new HttpCookie("username"); mycook.Value=username.Text;

2005-03-21 10:38:00 1498

原创 Asp.net出错提示"无法找到脚本"/aspnet_client/syste..."解决办法

"无法找到脚本"/aspnet_client/system_web/1_1_4322/WebUIValidation.js"请尝试手动放置或通过运行aspnet_client _C"重新安装"!  点击开始>运行 输入 cmd 然后回车,在DOS界面下输入以下内容 cd C:/winnt/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322 然后回车(其中C:/windows 表示你

2005-03-17 11:24:00 1231 1

原创 ASP.NET环境下完整的treeview使用类

#region 声明//----------------------------------------------------------------------//// 作者: 李淼(Nick.Lee)//// ASP.NET环境下完整的treeview控件使用方案类//// 时间:2005-2-17// boyorgril@msn.com// QQ:16503096////---------

2005-03-17 09:50:00 1002

原创 asp.net使用常见问题

提示错误:分析器错误信息: 在应用程序级别以外使用注册为 allowDefinition=MachineToApplication 的节是错误的。导致该错误的原因可能是在 IIS 中没有将虚拟目录作为应用程序进行配置。或未能加载类型“.........”。解决办法:设置程序目录为虚拟目录出错信息System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 操作必须使用一个可更新的查询

2005-03-17 09:41:00 1588

原创 .net中使用Random()产生一个随机数

void Page_load() { Random r = new Random(); int diceRoll = 0; diceRoll = Convert.ToInt32(r.Next(6)) + 1; message1.Text = message1.Text + "Rolled a: " + diceRoll + ""; } Do Loop Example

2005-03-16 13:17:00 3053

原创 .net中使用while语句的使用

void Page_load() { Random r = new Random(); int diceRoll = 0; while (diceRoll != 6) { diceRoll = Convert.ToInt32(r.Next(6)) + 1; message1.Text = message1.Text + "Rolled a: " + diceRoll + ""; } }

2005-03-16 13:07:00 1335

原创 .net中swith,case开关语句的使用

void Page_Load() { if (Page.IsPostBack) { switch(Destination.SelectedItem.Value) { case "Barcelona": Message.Text = "You selected Spains lively Catalan city"; break; case "Oslo": Message.Text = "Ex

2005-03-16 13:05:00 4097

原创 .net中for循环的使用

void Page_Load() { int number, counter; if (Page.IsPostBack) { number = Convert.ToInt32(NumberAttendees.SelectedItem.Value); Message1.Text = ""; for (counter = 0; counter { Message1.Text += "Attende

2005-03-16 13:04:00 4865

原创 .net中函数介绍实例2

void Page_Load() { message1.Text=""; message1.Text+="Calling Function 1..."; Function1(); message1.Text+="Calling Function 2..."; Function2(); message1.Text+="Calling Function 1..."; Function1(); }

2005-03-16 13:03:00 882

原创 .net中if和else的使用

void Page_Load() { int intNumber, intGuess; Random r = new Random(); intNumber = Convert.ToInt32(r.Next(10)) + 1; if (Page.IsPostBack) { intGuess = Convert.ToInt32(Guess.SelectedItem.Value); if (int

2005-03-16 13:02:00 2243

原创 .net中函数的使用实例

string Global ="Hello Im a persistent global variable"; void Page_Load() { message1.Text=""; message1.Text+= Global; message1.Text+="Calling Function 1..."; Function1(); message1.Text+="Calling Fun

2005-03-16 13:00:00 951

原创 .net中函数Function的用法

void Page_Load() { DateTime DueDate; DateTime CheckOutDate; CheckOutDate = DateTime.Now; DueDate = FindDueDate(CheckOutDate); message1.Text = "Your books were checked OUT on " + CheckOutDate; messag

2005-03-16 12:58:00 3683 1

原创 .net中do while的用法

void Page_load() { Random r = new Random(); int diceRoll; do { diceRoll = Convert.ToInt32(r.Next(6)) + 1; message1.Text = message1.Text + "Rolled a: " + diceRoll + ""; } while (diceRoll != 6); }

2005-03-16 12:56:00 5113 1

原创 .net中xml用样式表输出格式

  Beginning ASP.NET 1.0 using C#   1-861007-34-5         Chris Ullman      .Matt Butler       John Kauffman      Rob Birdwell      Chris Goode      Gary Johnson      Srinavasa Sivakumar      Juan Llib

2005-03-16 12:54:00 1445

原创 .net xml样式表范例

  Beginning ASP.NET 1.0 with C#   1-861007-34-5         .Matt Butler       Rob Birdwell      Ollie Cornes       Chris Goode      Gary Johnson      John Kauffman      Ajoy Krishnamoorthy      Juan Llib

2005-03-16 12:52:00 1121

原创 .net不同类型的输出格式

void Page_Load() { string CapitalCityOfUK; int NumberOfStates; CapitalCityOfUK = "London"; NumberOfStates = 50; Display1.Text = CapitalCityOfUK; Display2.Text = NumberOfStates.ToString(); } Creat

2005-03-16 12:49:00 902

原创 .net用数组读表单的值

void Page_Load() { string[] strArrayDetails = new string[3]; int intLoop; strArrayDetails[0] = text1.Text; strArrayDetails[1] = text2.Text; strArrayDetails[2] = text3.Text; Message1.Text = strArrayD

2005-03-16 12:08:00 1069

原创 .net数据类型的计算

void Page_Load() { double dblEarn = 150; double dblTax = 23; double dblTotal = dblEarn - ((dblEarn/100)*dblTax); Display1.Text = dblTotal.ToString(); } Declaring Variables Your total earnings a

2005-03-16 12:04:00 786

原创 asp.net(c#)各数据类型的转换,和输出

void Page_Load() { string strEarn = "150"; string strTax = "23.0"; double dblEarn = Convert.ToInt32(strEarn); decimal decTax = Convert.ToDecimal(strTax); double dblTotal = dblEarn - ((dblEarn/100) *

2005-03-16 10:46:00 1216

原创 .net服务器控件,文本框,密码框,文本区域的控件的使用

void Page_Load() { Message1.Text = ""; Message2.Text = ""; Message3.Text = ""; if (text1.Text != "") { Message1.Text = "You have entered the following name: " + text1.Text; } if (text2.Text != "") {

2005-03-16 10:38:00 4111

原创 .net服务器控件,radio列表的使用

void Page_Load() { if (Page.IsPostBack) { Message.Text = "You have selected the following: " + radio1.SelectedItem.Value; } } Radio Button List Example Which city do you wish to look at hote

2005-03-16 10:34:00 1308

原创 ASP.net服务器控件,下拉框使用数组取值

b void Page_Load() { string msg = "You have selected: "; if (list1.Items[0].Selected) { msg = msg + list1.Items[0].Text + ""; } if (list1.Items[1].Selected) { msg = msg + list1.Items[1].Text + ""; }

2005-03-16 10:18:00 1429

原创 web 服务器控件,下拉框控件的使用

void Page_Load() { if (Page.IsPostBack) { Message.Text = "You have selected " + list1.SelectedItem.Value; } } Drop Down List Example Which city do you wish to look at hotels for? Madrid Os

2005-03-16 10:15:00 3670

原创 .net的服务器控件,labe的使用

   Label Control page    Feiertag Holidays                Thank you you have    selected to receive information about .    The information pack will be sent out within the next 24 hours.

2005-03-16 10:10:00 1168

原创 asp.net(c#)web服务器控件,多选框checkboxlist控件。

void Page_Load() { string msg = "You have selected the following items:"; if (check1.Items[0].Selected) { msg = msg + check1.Items[0].Text + ""; } if (check1.Items[1].Selected) { msg = msg + check1.

2005-03-16 10:08:00 9118 1

原创 asp.net中使用Response.Write和html交叉显示数据

Interweaving ASP.NET code and HTML Example Line1: First HTML Line "); %>Line2: Second HTML Line "); %>Line3: Third HTML Line "); %>

2005-03-16 10:01:00 2946

原创 asp.net(C#)连接xml,显示数据。

void Page_Load() { string xmlFilename = @"D:/aspx/db/artists.xml"; DataSet newDataSet = new DataSet(); newDataSet.ReadXml(xmlFilename); DataGrid1.DataSource = newDataSet; DataGrid1.DataBind(); }

2005-03-16 10:00:00 1120

原创 asp.net(c#)连接ACCESS数据库

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OleDbConnection objConnection; OleDbDataAdapter objCommand; string strConnect; string strCommand; DataSet DataSet1 = new DataSet(); strConnect = @"Prov

2005-03-16 09:48:00 1528

原创 asp.net with c#连接sql 2000数据库

void Page_Load() { string strConnection = "user id=netboyc;password=wd111l;"; strConnection += "initial catalog=aspx;data source=localhost1;"; strConnection += "Connect Timeout=30"; data_src.Text

2005-03-15 09:09:00 1213



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