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转载 Lecture 21 Parallel Algorithms II

2017-04-23 22:19:32 344

转载 Lecture 20 Parallel Algorithms I

2017-04-23 22:06:45 268

转载 Lecture 19 Shortest Paths III

2017-04-22 07:43:00 199

转载 Lecture 18 Shortest Paths II

2017-04-21 22:52:46 243

转载 06 MapReduce工作机制


2017-04-18 09:42:05 290

转载 TF02 入门


2017-04-17 17:49:36 1460

转载 TF01 简介


2017-04-16 20:07:57 603

转载 Lecture 17 Shortest Paths I

2017-04-13 10:56:50 542

转载 Lecture 16 Minimum Spanning Trees

2017-04-13 10:47:53 333

转载 Lecture 15 Dynamic Programming

2017-04-13 10:04:33 583

转载 Lecture 14 Competive Analysis

2017-04-13 09:51:09 307

原创 Lecture 13 Amortized Analysis

2017-04-13 09:31:22 239

转载 Lecture 12 Skip Lists [Pugh 1989]

---simple efficient dynamic randomized search structure---others: Treap[1993]  RB-Trees  B-Trees---O(logn) in expectation with high probability.Starting form scratch:(sorted) linked list

2017-04-06 17:24:27 261

转载 Lecture 11 Augmenting Data Structures

Take the basic data structure and add new operations on it.Dynamic order statistics:OS-Select(i)--returns ith smallest item in dynamic set.OS-Rank(x)--returns rank of x in sorted order.I

2017-04-06 11:09:29 622

转载 Lecture 10 Balanced Search Trees

Search tree data structure maintaining dynamic set of n elements using tree of height O(logn).Examples:    >AVL trees    >2-3 trees    >2-3-4 trees    >B-trees    >Red-black trees    >Sk

2017-04-06 09:15:30 421

转载 Lecture 9 Random built Binary Search Trees BSTs

Random built Binary Search Trees  BSTs   E[hight] near 3lognQuick Sort?Relation to Quick Sort:BST sort & Quick sort make same comparisons but in a different order

2017-04-05 23:00:22 315

转载 Lecture 8 Hashing II

Weakness of hashing:For any choice of hash function, exists bad set of keys that all hash to same slot.Idea:Choose hash function at random, independently from keys. Universal hashing:Define:...

2017-04-05 20:06:14 271

转载 Lecture 7 Hashing Table I

Hash|---Hash function:  Division, Multiplication|---Collision:  Chaining, Open addressing(Linear,Double hasing)  Symbol-table problem:Table S holding n recordspointer --> key|satelite...

2017-04-05 18:55:08 586

转载 Lecture 6 Order Statistics

Given n elements in array, find kth smallest element (element of rank k)Worst-case linear time order statistics --by Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, Tarjan--idea:

2017-04-05 15:17:09 701

转载 Lecture 5 Sorting Algorithm

How fast can we sort? Depends on the computational model of what you can do with the elements.Comparison sorting model:Only use comparisons to determine the relative order of element

2017-04-02 09:35:56 315

转载 Lecture 4 Quick Sort and Randomized Quick Sort

Quick Sort--Divide and Conquer--Sorts “in place”--Very practical with tuningDivide and Conquer:1.Divide: Partition array into 2 sub-arrays around pivot x such that elements in lower sub-

2017-04-01 23:50:01 265

转载 Lecture 3 Divide and Conquer

1.Divide the problem(instance) into one or more sub-problem;2.Conquer each sub-problem recursively;3.Combine solutions.

2017-04-01 23:44:03 336

转载 Lecture 2 Asymptotic Notation

2017-04-01 23:25:40 1353

转载 Lecture 1 Analysis of Algorithms

Analysis of AlgorithmsThe theoretical study of computer programperformance and resource usage.Performance: timeResource: communication, RAM memory or disk memory and so on. What's more

2017-04-01 23:19:51 412

原创 09 类的继承

继承一个类class Person(object): def __init__(self, name, gender): self.name = name self.gender = genderclass Student(Person): def __init__(self, name, gender, score):...

2017-04-01 20:51:10 201

原创 08 面向对象编程

1 介绍面向对象编程是一种程序设计范式把程序看做不同对象的相互调用,对现实世界建立对象模型。面向对象编程的基本思想:类和实例:类用于定义抽象类型实例根据类的定义被创建出来2 定义类并创建实例类通过class关键字定义,类名以大写字母开头,紧接着是(object),表示该类是从哪个类继承下来的。class Person(object): pa...

2017-04-01 18:23:02 186

原创 07 模块

模块和包的概念等同于java中的Package模块名=文件名(无后缀)在文件系統中,包就是文件夾,模块就是xxx.py文件每层包下面都有__init__.py文件导入模块>>> import math>>> math.pow(2, 0.5)>>> math.pi精确导入函数、变量>...

2017-04-01 17:15:16 196

原创 06 函数式編程

1 函数式编程简介函数:function函数式:functional 一种编程范式特点:把计算视为函数而非指令纯函数式编程:不需要变量,没有副作用,测试简单支持高阶函数,代码简洁Python支持的函数式編程:不是纯函数式編程:允许有变量支持高阶函数:函数也可以作为变量传入支持闭包:有了闭包就能返回函数有限度的支持匿名函数变量可以指向...

2017-04-01 16:40:05 235

原创 05 切片、迭代、列表生成

切片>>> L = ['Adam', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Paul']>>> L[0:3] #取前3个元素>>> L[:3]>>> L[1:3]>>> L[:]>>> L[::2] #第三个参数表示每2个元素取一个元素,也就是隔一个取一个['...

2017-04-01 13:36:19 167

转载 04 函數

內置函數Python內置了很多有用的函數,可以直接調用。要調用一個函數,需要知道函數的名稱和參數。可以直接從Python的官方網站查看文檔:http://docs.python.org/2/library>>> abs(-20)>>> help(abs)>>> cmp(x, y)  #xy,1>>> int('123')>>> int(12.34)>

2017-04-01 11:43:18 146

原创 03 控制語句

if语句if age >= 18 print 'your age is', ageelse print 'teenager'Python代码的缩进规则:具有相同缩进的代码被视为代码块。if age >= 18 print 'adult'elif age >= 6 print 'teenager'elif age...

2017-04-01 11:06:34 198

原创 02 List、Tuple、Dict、Set

List线性表创建List:>>> classmates = ['Michael', 'Bob', 'Tracy']>>> L = ['Michael', 100, True] #可以在list中包含各种类型的数据>>> empty_list = [] #空List按索引访问List:>>...

2017-04-01 11:06:06 158



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