地精排序(Gnome Sort)——最简单的排序算法
写的GLSL程序要用中值滤波,于是想写一个简单的排序算法,看了维基百科的选择排序、插入排序,发现了一个有意思,号称最简单的排序算法,地精排序(Gnome Sort)
The simplest sort algorithm is not Bubble Sort..., it is not Insertion Sort..., it's Gnome Sort!
Gnome Sort is based on the technique used by the standard Dutch Garden Gnome (Du.: tuinkabouter). Here is how a garden gnome sorts a line of flower pots. Basically, he looks at the flower pot next to him and the previous one; if they are in the right order he steps one pot forward, otherwise he swaps them and steps one pot backwards. Boundary conditions: if there is no previous pot, he steps forwards; if there is no pot next to him, he is done.
—Dick Grune
// Gnome sort
// http://www.cs.vu.nl/~dick/gnomesort.html
void gnomesort(int n, int ar[]) {
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
if (i == 0 || ar[i-1] <= ar[i]) i++;
else {int tmp = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[i-1]; ar[--i] = tmp;}
// Gnome sort version 1
template<class T>
void gnome_sort_1(T data[], int n, bool comparator(T, T))
int i = 1;
while (i < n)
if (i > 0 && comparator(data[i], data[i-1]))
swap(data[i], data[i-1]);
The gnome sort may be optimized by introducing a variable to store the position before traversing back toward the beginning of the list. This would allow the "gnome" to teleport back to his previous position after moving a flower pot. With this optimization, the gnome sort would become a variant of the insertion sort.
Gnome sort version 2,地精在回头检查花盘顺序前记下当前位置,整理完就瞬间转移到之前位置的下一个位置。瞬间转移,很强大,哈哈。
// Gnome sort version 2
template<class T>
void gnome_sort_2(T data[], int n, bool comparator(T, T))
int i = 1, previous_position = -1;
while (i < n)
if (i > 0 && comparator(data[i], data[i-1]))
// Mark the Gnome's previous position before traverse backward
if (previous_position == -1)
previous_position = i;
swap(data[i], data[i-1]);
if (previous_position == -1)
// After traverse backward, go to the position next to the previous
i = previous_position + 1;
previous_position = -1;
Gnome sort version 2类似插入排序,不断把列表后面待排序的元素插入到列表前面已排序的部分中,但类似于冒泡排序那样比较并交换相邻元素。因此其算法复杂度与插入排序相当,但比插入排序需要更多的复制操作(用于交换相邻元素)。
Gnome sort version 3,搬了无数花盘后,地精想到一个新方法。如果交换相邻两个花盘,每次要搬花盘三次(复制三次),如果先拿起来当前位置的花盘(temp=data[i]),就有空位给其他花盘移动,每次只搬一次花盘(复制一次,data[i]=data[i-1])。这次地精先拿一个花盘在手(temp),如果手中花盘(temp)应放到上一个花盘(i-1)前面,就用脚(地精一般不高,脚够长吗?^_^)将上一个花盘(i-1)踢到当前位置(i),然后拿着花盘(temp)走到上一个位置(i=i-1),重复此过程。
// Gnome sort version 3
template<class T>
void gnome_sort_3(T data[], int n, bool comparator(T, T))
int i = 0, previous_position = -1;
T temp;
while (i < n)
if (i > 0 && comparator(temp, data[i-1]))
// Mark the Gnome's previous position before traverse backward
if (previous_position == -1)
previous_position = i;
data[i] = data[i-1];
if (previous_position == -1)
// Put the previous value here
data[i] = temp;
// After traverse backward, go to the position next to the previous
i = previous_position + 1;
previous_position = -1;
temp = data[i];
Gnome sort version 3已经和插入排序一样了,呵呵。
// Insertion sort
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort
template<class T>
void insertion_sort(T data[], int n, bool comparator(T, T))
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
T temp = data[i];
int j;
for (j=i-1; j>=0; j--)
if (comparator(temp, data[j]))
data[j+1] = data[j];
data[j+1] = temp;
// Selection sort
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_sort
template<class T>
void selection_sort(T data[], int n, bool comparator(T, T))
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
// Select the minimum
int min = i;
for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
if (comparator(data[j], data[min]))
min = j;
if (min != i)
swap(data[min], data[i]);
// Comparator
template<class T>
bool smaller(T v1, T v2)
return v1 < v2;