
Uninstalling previous version of the package

If you have a previous version of the package already installed, you should remove it using the following method.

  1. Open the "Component/Install packages" menu item in Delphi/C++ Builder and remove Alpha packages there
  2. Remove all AlphaControls files in the AlphaControls directory. This directory should be equal to directory which was defined in the Delphi/C++ Builder "Library path" field
  3. Search all acnt*.bpl and acnt*.dcp files and remove them. These files are created in directories which are defined in Delphi/C++ Builder as "BPL output directory" and "DCP output directory" usually
  4. If such packages as AlphaDB or AlphaExtra were installed, then remove them too.

Installing the package in Delphi 5..XE3
  1. Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack each new version to the same path, so it would not produce extra folders with older versions
  2. Folder with components must be registered in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path)
  3. Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.dpk file, X - version of Delphi)*
  4. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Build" menu item
  5. Open the design-time package project file (acntX.dpk file)*
  6. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Install" menu item
  7. AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main AlphaControls package

* If package should be installed in the Delphi and C++Builder at the same time, then on steps 3 and 5 open the "Output - C/C++" page in "Project options" window and set "Generate all C++Builder files (including package libs)" in the "C/C++ Output file generation" field. Full sources of the package are needed.

Installing the package in C++ Builder 6..XE3
  1. Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack each new version to the same path, not to produce extra folders with old versions of files
  2. Folder with components must be registered in С+ Builder (Tools->Environment Options->C++ Options->Paths and Directories->Library Path)
  3. Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.cbproj file, X - version of С+ Builder)*
  4. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Make" menu item. If full sources of the package are not exist then do not click the "Build" menu item!
  5. Open the design-time package project file (acntX.cbproj file)*
  6. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Install" menu item
  7. AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main AlphaControls package

Using of the 64-bit units under Delphi XE2/XE3
  1. Install the package in 32-bit mode as described above. Delphi supports installation of 32-bit packages only
  2. If full sources of the package are available then additional actions are not required. 64-bit units are generated automatically when project is compiling in x64 mode.

    Otherwise, additional precompiled 64-bit units should be downloaded and unpacked to separate folder. And add this folder in the "Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path" field for x64 mode.

Problems which occurs while installing and ways for they solving are described at the next page

Below we try describe the main questions that may arise during installation of components and recommendations for addressing them.

Common questions
1. The package is installed, but the components are not visible on the components palette

Open the "Component/Cofigure palette" window in Delphi/C++ Builder. Components may have "Hidden" state in the "All" list selected, press the "Show" button in this case.

Error messages
1. Error: File not found xxxxx.dcu

It means that IDE cannot find 'xxxx.pas' file. Firstly, make sure this file is included in the package (it may also have Dcu extension). If the file is included but the program still returns the error, it is necessary to find out when exactly this error occurs. If it happens when the project is compiled, then most likely the pathway to this file is not registered in IDE. You just need to register it in IDE menu/Tools/Environment options/Library/Library path.

2. Error: compiled with a different version

Before installing a new version of the package be sure that previous version was removed from PC or files are not available for compiler. This error arises when there is a conflict between files of different version.

3. Error: Class xxxx not found (when opening a form in project)

The component can't be found because a package is not installed or not loaded in IDE. If you press the "Ignore" button then declaration of this component will be removed from the unit. Press "Cancel" and check why the package is not loaded.

4. Error: Property xxxx does not exist

The message arises if a property not exist in a component. This is a common case for Delphi/C++ Builder, which can arise for following reasons :
- the property was obsolete and removed in newer version of the package (in which case it may just be ignored);
- files from previous version of the package were used while compiling the aplication.
Before installing a new version of the package be sure that previous version was removed from PC or files are not available for compiler.

5. Error: procedure entry point could not be found

If this message arises after compiling of a run-time package then it means that previous version was not removed before installing of the newer version. In this case exists a conflict between a loaded design-time package and new run-time package. Recompile both packages (run-time and design-time) again.

If this message arises while compiling an application then it means that the files from previous package version were used in compiling. Before installing a new version of the package be sure that previous version was removed from PC or files are not available for compiler.

6. Error: Cannot load package 'xxxx'. It contains unit 'yyyy', which is also contained in package 'zzzz'

In Delphi & C++Builder, a unit can be used in one package only. This error happens when you try to install two or more packages that use the same unit. To solve this, remove the unit(s) that is/are used in multiple packages from the package files (choose Remove from Project Manager). Then, from the IDE create a new package and add the unit(s) to this new package and compile this package. Then, in the packages where the unit was used, add a reference in the Requires list of the package to this new compiled package (.DCP file in Delphi / .BPI file in C++Builder) that contains the unit(s).

7. Error: Can't load package xxxx.bpl

Delphi/C++ Builder can't find a required package. Be sure that file exists and path to this file was added in the system path : "Сontrol Panel->System->Advanced Settings->Environment".

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修改版,全源码,本人懒,导致修改后xe6用户可能无法正常安装此版本。 xe7用户就按照xe6的方法安装吧。如果各位想不掏分或是想要AlphaControls9.10FullSource原版的就留言吧。我共享上百度盘。要1分也无非是想赚点分然厚伸手下载其它代码而已。哈哈! 注: 以下内容除括号中注意部分其它纯属抄袭 1. 安装前需先卸载以前的版本(如果是第一次安装,请跳过此步骤),移除IDE里的AlphaControls控件包,然后到bpl文件夹和dcp文件夹,删除所有(acnt*.*)文件,如图1所示: WIN8 X64操作系统路径: C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Bpl C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp 下图为XP操作系统路径: 2.解压压缩包到文件夹,把这个文件夹加到"Library Path"; 例如:.增加librarypath 环境变量路径E:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\Components\AlphaControls\acnt_regdelphixe5和E:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\Components\AlphaControls\acnt_regdelphixe5\DelphiXE5(操作菜单:Tools->EnvironmentOptions->Library->Library Path,点ADD,再OK) 3.运行Delphi XXXX,打开"acntXXXX_R.dpk",编译此运行期库,再打开"acntXXXX.dpk",安装;XXXX为具体版本号 (注意:xe7用户请先编译acntDelphiXE7_R.dpk,然后编译并安装acntDelphiXE7.dpk即可) 4.安装完毕后,就可以在组件面板上看到AlphaControls组件了,如下图所示: XE5安装总结分享:(32位和64位的文件名称有明显的数字64区别,注意版本) 以32位操作系统安装为例 XE5安装很简单,复制AlphaControls到任何位置,我习惯放新建Components文件夹所有的插件都放在里面,启动软件DELPHI XE5并添加插件库路径 双击acntDelphiXE5_R.dpk,然后对右侧面的面板中的acntDelphiXE5_R,鼠标右键,选择compile, 然后再双击acntDelphiXE5.dpk,然后对右侧面的面板中的acntDelphiXE5,鼠标右键,选择Install 完成后,就可以在VCL应用程序模式下,组件面板上找到AlphaControls相关的三个组件菜单 (安装完成后,建议重启一次XE5)


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