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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the Jav

2014-02-12 05:59:09 824

原创 python unicode

History of Character CodesASCII defined numeric codes for various characters, with the numeric values running from 0 to 127. For example, the lowercase letter ‘a’ is assigned 97 as its code value.

2014-02-12 05:58:10 3268

转载 linux下的c++(base 1)

c++程序的(运行系统linux)编译和运行编写如下的一个程序,并保存为hello.cpp#include "iostream.h"int main(){cout"hello"endl;}运行:g++ -o hello hello.cpp-o 表示将编译后的二进制文件保存到名为hello的文件中在类中不能对定义的变量进行初始化,如下:#include

2013-12-29 06:22:23 1722

转载 linux下打开windows txt文件中文乱码问题


2013-12-26 16:41:09 872

原创 linux extract rar files

Extract rar-archivesIf you need to extract rar files in Linux, you have to download and install unrar from rarlabs.com. You can accomplish that by making use of the following methods:Method 1: Aut

2013-07-31 10:15:19 1630

原创 Installing the ATI Catalyst Drivers for 13.04

These instructions will install Catalyst v13.4, in order to see what is the latest available driver visit theOfficial AMD WebsiteInstructionsCheck your cardOnly RadeonHD cards are suppor

2013-07-26 22:55:04 1352

转载 Jade + Bootstrap

Moving on with the next part of this series of tutorial, today I will give an introduction about theJade template engine for Nodejs and Bootstrap tookit provided by twitter. In the PREVIOUSpost,

2013-07-25 12:11:00 3190

原创 Using Github for version control

The git branch command lets you create, list, rename, and delete branches. It doesn't let you switch between branches or put a forked history back together again. For this reason, git branch is tightl

2013-07-23 05:06:13 1427 2

原创 Find The Largest Top 10 Files and Directories on Linux

Sometime it is necessary to find out what file(s) or directories are eating up all your disk space. Further, it may be necessary to find out it at the particular location such as /tmp or /var or /home

2013-07-20 03:58:01 1503

转载 Top 10 Ways to Promote your Website easily

Every blogger on the internet has an eventual desire to get his/her article enjoy appreciation by the targeted audience. In doing so, bloggers practise different methods to promote their websites. The

2013-07-19 12:35:37 1801

原创 How to get the Information leakage

1. BannersBanners are the text presented to a user when they attempt to log into a system via any one of the many services. Banners can be found on such services as File Transfer Protocol (FTP), sec

2013-07-18 07:12:29 1214

原创 8 Deadly Commands You Should Never Run on Linux

Linux’s terminal commands are powerful, and Linux won’t ask you for confirmation if you run a command that won’t break your system. It’s not uncommon to see trolls online recommending new Linux users

2013-07-14 04:07:54 1464

转载 Seven habits of effective text editing using Vim

Seven habits of effective text editingBram MoolenaarNovember 2000If you spend a lot of time typing plain text, writing programs or HTML, you can save much of that time by using a good edit

2013-07-10 12:25:15 1002

转载 Node.js and the JavaScript Age

Three months ago, we decided to tear down the framework we were using for our dashboard, Python’s Django, and rebuild it entirely in server-side JavaScript, using node.js. (If there is ever a time in

2013-07-10 12:11:01 1274

原创 Ubuntu find files

For example, we need to find a file called *.pemWe could use this method though a little bit slow:find / -name "*.pem"locate and variants need index files, but they work -really- faster. 'lo

2013-07-08 02:13:39 1184 1

转载 12 Amazing and Essential Linux Books To Enrich Your Brain and Library

I have developed the habit of reading at least 30 minutes everyday before going to bed.  I always have a technical and a non-technical book in my reading queue. I read lot of infrastructure related bo

2013-07-07 03:37:30 1154

转载 Apache configuration files on Ubuntu

Let's take a look at where apache's config files wind up when installed with the Ubuntu package manager.The apache config directoryLet's take a look at where apache gets its settings from. N

2013-07-04 12:25:03 1234

原创 Linux bash 快捷键

Ctrl + A: Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on• Ctrl + E: Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on• Ctrl + F: Forward one character.• Ctrl + B: Backward one c

2013-07-04 10:59:28 1001

原创 Installing LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) On Linux

Through this tutorial, you'll learn how to Install Apache, MySQL and PHP.If you're a webpage designer or developer and use PHP, mySQL and Apache, you'll be needing these applications to be install

2013-07-03 23:58:32 1161

原创 ubuntu 下完整卸载软件

以卸载ruby为例1. 使用dpkg命令,查看所有debian软件,并使用grep命令查找所要卸载的软件dpkg -l | grep ruby2.aptitude purge ruby

2013-07-03 01:31:31 1333

转载 Mark zuckerberg’s Livejournal Blog Post

Hello friends !! I am sharing Mark Zuckerberg’s Livejournal blog Post that is also filmed in the movie The Social Network..I hope you enjoy this 10.28.038:13pm. I need to think of somethin

2013-06-27 22:58:39 1100


If you use OS X or Linux on your desktop/servers, you may be at a point where you have configured a lot of your own settings, configurations, or themes within dotfiles. For the uninformed, dotfiles ar

2013-06-20 03:43:40 1183

原创 Ubuntu 13.04 删除令人厌恶的Amazon suggestions

Ever noticed suggestions of books and other stuff unrelated to your queries when using Ubuntu Dash with Unity Desktop? Well, that’s because Ubuntu 13.04 is shipped with a feature called Shopping Len

2013-06-16 12:37:23 3090

转载 52 Movies Every Tech Geek Must See

Think you know everything about tech? What about movies? If so, then you probably already know about most of these 52 movies every tech geek should see. However, a re-watch with a tech frame of mind o

2013-06-07 13:05:25 72959 1

原创 vi 快捷键

Advanced Vi Cheat SheetStarting/EndingStatusModesInserting TextMotionDeleting TextYankingChanging TextPutting TextBuffersMarkersSearchingReplacing TextRegular ExpressionsCo

2013-06-07 11:09:18 2113

转载 The Top 10 Movies for Computer Science Students

By Nadia JonesComputer movies are often amusingly horrible. Full of misconceptions, fear, and totally wrong information, computer science students can find hours of fun in even the silliest hacker

2013-06-06 08:13:40 6664

原创 ubuntu 13.04 体验wine qq

1.首先安装最新版的wine1.52,没记错版本号应该是这个sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install wine1.5sudo apt-get install winetricks输入这些命令你要耐心等后。。。。。。。注意:64位Ubuntu 可以

2013-06-06 05:30:26 6853

转载 30 Things I did After Installing Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail

And here we go again. Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail was released almost a month ago and unlike previous releases, this has been more of a silent affair. Mainstream blogs and news websites didn't cover

2013-06-05 02:00:41 2360

原创 使用vim.rc配置vim

Your vimrc file is an incredibly powerful, incredibly useful thing. Anything you can do in command-line mode you can do in your vimrc file. This makes it possible to make settings (e.g. :set textwid

2013-05-25 10:43:48 2240

原创 Ubuntu 12.04 升级至13.04 时显卡不兼容问题解决方案

Three terminal-commands:sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6sudo apt-get install dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg0 dh-modaliasessudo apt-get

2013-05-25 00:57:46 2138

转载 11 Tips To Speed Up Computers Running Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13 (Maya)

n this guide, I will try to introduce 11 tips that can be useful for those having old computers with low RAM and want to speed up their system for better performance. These tips are workable under U

2013-05-23 14:25:59 1418

原创 Checking your Ubuntu Version

There are two ways to check which version of Ubuntu you are running. You can either check from within Unity, or put in a short command in the Terminal.In UnityUnity is the default deskto

2013-05-23 00:08:27 1026

原创 Ubuntu install Oracle jdk

Clean up the historical open jdk:sudo apt-get purge openjdk*Add a new repo and install the sdk:sudo apt-get install python-software-propertiessudo add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/javasudo

2013-05-22 23:55:41 1021

原创 20 Most Highly Rated Applications to Install from Ubuntu Software Center

Many long-term Ubuntu users(including me) overlook at the fact that, there are plenty of good quality applications available free of cost in Ubuntu Software Center already. If you look at our review

2013-05-21 09:16:04 1774

原创 Summarizing Data with CUBE and ROLLUP

Looking for a quick, efficient way to summarize the data stored in your database?  The SQL ROLLUP and CUBE commands offer a valuable tool for gaining some quick and dirty insight into your data.  ROLL

2013-05-14 05:26:58 1434

原创 Reading and Writing Perl Config Files

Description:These snippets illustrate the following:Configuration data is aggregated in hashes (just one for these snippets) to cut down on the number of variable names.The configuration hashes

2013-05-07 11:04:15 1162

原创 使用chrome查看http请求

打开chrome中的Tools>Developer Tools点击Network tab.然后使用浏览器进行操作,然后在network窗口中就会出现刚才执行的http请求。点击tab中的headers,可以看到请求的header,form-data等数据。然后就可以先试试在浏览器中用html构造http请求,然后自己依葫芦画瓢就行了,这可能比直接看协议要更形象些。

2013-04-30 08:12:30 5916

原创 GDB 调试汇编程序的方法

假若运行的程序名称为a.out1. gdb ./a.out2. b main        (在main函数设置断点)3. run               (运行到main函数)3. layout asm   (显示汇编代码)4. run                运行到下一个断点  5. i r                   查看所有寄存器的的值

2013-04-24 05:01:33 1360 2

原创 ARM Immediate Values的导入方法

You can’t fit an arbitrary 32-bit value into a 32-bit instruction word. ARM data processing instructions have 12 bits of space for values in their instruction word. This is arranged as a four-bit ro

2013-04-23 14:36:15 1981

转载 FP寄存器及frame pointer介绍

理论上来说,ARM的15个通用寄存器是通用的,但实际上并非如此,特别是在过程调用的过程中。PCS(Procedure Call Standard for Arm architecture)就定义了过程调用中,寄存器的特殊用途。Role in the procedure call standardr15 PC The Program Counter.r14 LR

2013-04-18 22:20:21 1769

On the High Density of Leadership Nuclei in Endorsement Social Networks

On the High Density of Leadership Nuclei in Endorsement Social Networks


Measurement-calibrated Graph Models for Social Network Experiments

Measurement-calibrated Graph Models for Social Network Experiments


Learning Based Access Control in Online Social Networks

Learning Based Access Control in Online Social Networks


Inferring Relevant Social Networks from Interpersonal Communication

Inferring Relevant Social Networks from Interpersonal Communication


Earthquake Shakes Twitter Users - Real-time Event Detection by Social Sensors

Earthquake Shakes Twitter Users - Real-time Event Detection by Social Sensors


Inside the C++ object model 高清英文版

Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"-virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs. Highlights Explores the program behavior implicit in the C++ Object Model's support of object-oriented programming. Explains the basic implementation of the object-oriented features and the trade offs implicit in those features. Examines the impact on performance in terms of program transformation. Provides abundant program examples, diagrams, and performance measurements to relate object-oriented concepts to the underlying object model. If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you!


Java 5.0 API 中文版

Java 5.0 API 大全 中文版 .CHM格式


c++课件 超级经典 超级经典

超级经典c++课件,不看绝对后悔 哈哈 下不下有你,绝密资源


c++课件 c++课件 c++课件



人月神话 超清晰.pdf版 中文

超清晰中文版,史诗级的软件工程书籍。 .pdf版,阅读超级方便


codeblocks 8.02版

Code::Blocks 是一个开放源码的全功能的跨平台C/C++集成开发环境.   相比于基于Delphi的Dev-C++共享C++IDE,Code::Blocks是开放源码软件。Code::Blocks由纯粹的C++语言开发完成,它使用了蓍名的图形界面库wxWidgets(2.6.2 unicode)版。对于追求完美的C++程序员,再也不必忍受Eclipse的缓慢,再也不必忍受VS.NET的庞大和高昂的价格。   虽然Code::Blocks从一开始就追求跨平台目标,但是最初的开发重点是Windows系统下的版本,从06年3月21日版本:1.0 revision 2220开始,Code::Blocks在它的每日构建中正式提供Linux版本(分两个版本:ubuntu.deb和fc4.rpm)。这样 Code::Blocks在1.0发布时就会是跨越平台的C/C++IDE,它将支持Windows和Linux的主要版本。长期以来C++开发员在Linux没有好用、通用的C++ IDE的局面就要结束。而这个IDE对于Windows下的用户同样重要,由于它开放源码的特点,Windows用户可以不依赖于VS.NET,编写跨平台C++应用。   Code::Blocks提供了许多工程模板,这包括:控制台应用、DirectX应用、动态连接库、FLTK应用、GLFW应用、Irrlicht工程、OGRE应用、OpenGL应用、QT应用、SDCC应用、SDL应用、SmartWin应用、静态库、Win32 GUI应用、wxWidgets应用、wxSmith工程,另外它还支持用户自定义工程模板。在wxWidgets应用中选择UNICODE支持中文。   Code::Blocks支持语法彩色醒目显示,支持代码完成(目前正在重新设计过程中)支持工程管理、项目构建、调试。   Code::Blocks支持插件,目前的插件包括代码格式化工具AStyle;代码分析器;类向导;代码补全;代码统计;编译器选择;复制字符串到剪贴板;调试器;文件扩展处理器;Dev-C++ DevPak更新/安装器;DragScroll,源码导出器,帮助插件,键盘快捷键配置,插件向导;To-Do列表;wxSmith;;wxSmith MIME插件;wsSmith工程向导插件;WindowsXP外观。   Code::Blocks具有灵活而强大的配置功能,除支持自身的工程文件、C/C++文件外,还支持AngelScript、批处理、CSS文件、D语言文件、Diff/Patch文件、Fortan77文件、GameMonkey脚本文件、Hitachi汇编文件、Lua文件、MASM汇编文件、Mathlab文件、NSIS开源安装程序文件、Ogre Compositor脚本文件、Ogre Material脚本文件、OpenGL Shading语言文件、Python文件、Windows资源文件、XBase文件、XML文件、nVidia cg文件。识别Dev-C++工程、MS VS 6.0-7.0工程文件,工作空间、解决方案文件。   Code::Blocks基于wxWidgets开发,正体现了wxWidgets的强大。以前Borland C++ Builder X宣称基于wxWidgets开发跨平台、兼容性好、最优秀的C++ IDE环境,但没有实现;现在Code::Blocks+GNU GCC正在实现这个理想。让我们拭目以待。国内的Code::Blocks爱好者和跨平台开发员应该尽快建立中文Code::Blocks网站,提供Code::Blocks中文化支持,促进Code::Blocks在国内的发展。


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