List of algorithms

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The following is a list of algorithms along with one-line descriptions for each.


[ hide]

[edit] Combinatorial algorithms

Further information: Combinatorics

[edit] General combinatorial algorithms

[edit] Graph algorithms

Further information: Graph theory and  Category:Graph algorithms

[edit] Graph drawing

Further information: Graph drawing

[edit] Network theory

Further information: Network theory

[edit] Routing

[edit] Search

Further information: State space search and  Graph search algorithm

[edit] Subgraphs

[edit] Sequence algorithms

Further information: Sequences

[edit] Approximate matching

[edit] Item search

[edit] Merging

Main article: Merge algorithm
  • Simple Merge algorithm
  • k-way Merge algorithm
  • Union (merge, with elements on the output not repeated)

[edit] Permutations

Further information: Permutations

[edit] Sequence alignment

[edit] Sorting

Main article: Sorting algorithms
Accuracy dispute
This article appears to contradict the article Sorting_algorithm#Comparison_of_algorithms. Please see discussion on the linked talk page. Please do not remove this message until the contradictions are resolved. (March 2011)

[edit] Subsequences

Further information: Subsequence

[edit] Substrings

Further information: Substring

[edit] Computational mathematics

Further information: Computational mathematics

[edit] Abstract algebra

Further information: Abstract Algebra

[edit] Computer algebra

Further information: Computer algebra

[edit] Geometry

Further information: Computational geometry

[edit] Number theoretic algorithms

Further information: Number theory

[edit] Numerical algorithms

[edit] Elementary and special functions

Further information: Special functions

[edit] Geometric

[edit] Interpolation and extrapolation

Further information: Interpolation and  Extrapolation

[edit] Linear algebra

Further information: Numerical linear algebra

[edit] Monte Carlo

Further information: Monte Carlo method

[edit] Numerical integration

Further information: Numerical integration

[edit] Root finding

Main article: Root-finding algorithm

[edit] Optimization algorithms

[edit] Computational science

Further information: Computational science

[edit] Astronomy

Main article: Astronomical algorithms

[edit] Bioinformatics

Further information: Bioinformatics

[edit] Geoscience

Further information: Geoscience
  • Vincenty's formulae: a fast algorithm to calculate the distance between two latitude/longitude points on an ellipsoid

[edit] Linguistics

[edit] Medicine

Further information: Medical algorithms

[edit] Physics

Further information: Computational physics

[edit] Statistics

Further information: Computational statistics

[edit] Computer science

Further information: Computer science

[edit] Computer architecture

Further information: Computer architecture
  • Tomasulo algorithm: allows sequential instructions that would normally be stalled due to certain dependencies to execute non-sequentially

[edit] Computer graphics

Further information: Computer graphics

[edit] Cryptography

Further information: Cryptography and  Topics in cryptography

[edit] Digital logic

[edit] Machine learning and statistical classification

Further information: Machine Learning and  Statistical classification

[edit] Programming language theory

Further information: Programming language theory

[edit] Parsing

Further information: Parsing

[edit] Quantum algorithms

Further information: Quantum algorithm

[edit] Theory of computation and automata

Further information: Theory of computation

[edit] Information theory and signal processing

[edit] Coding theory

Further information: Coding theory

[edit] Error detection and correction

Further information: Error detection and correction

[edit] Lossless compression algorithms

[edit] Lossy compression algorithms

[edit] Digital signal processing

Further information: Digital signal processing

[edit] Image processing

Further information: Image processing

[edit] Software engineering

Further information: Software engineering

[edit] Database algorithms

Further information: Database

[edit] Distributed systems algorithms

Further information: Distributed systems

[edit] Memory allocation and deallocation algorithms

[edit] Operating systems algorithms

Further information: Operating systems

[edit] Disk scheduling

Further information: Disk scheduling

[edit] Networking

Further information: Computer Network

[edit] Process synchronization

Further information: Process synchronization

[edit] Scheduling

Further information: Scheduling (computing)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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### 回答1: "list of synthesis algorithms"的意思是“合成算法列表”,通常指音频合成方面的算法列表。这些算法可以用来生成声音、音乐、语音等。常见的合成算法包括频率调制合成(FM Synthesis)、加法合成(Additive Synthesis)、物理建模合成(Physical Modeling Synthesis)、渐变波表合成(Wavetable Synthesis)等等。 ### 回答2: "list of synthesis algorithms"的意思是合成算法列表。在计算机科学和工程领域,算法是一组有序的、逐步规定的操作步骤,用于解决特定问题或完成特定任务。合成算法是一类特定的算法,用于将给定的输入转换为所需的输出。 合成算法可以应用于各种领域,例如音频合成、图像合成、语音合成等。音频合成算法可以生成各种类型的声音,包括音乐、人声、环境音效等。图像合成算法可以根据给定的参数和规则生成新的图像,如计算机生成的图像、特效等。语音合成算法可以将文字或符号转化为能够听到的声音。 "list of synthesis algorithms"通常指的是列举出不同类型的合成算法,并可能提供相关的详细描述、参数和应用示例。这个列表可以帮助研究人员、开发人员或艺术家选择适合他们需求的合成算法,并了解每种算法的特点和用途。 总之,“list of synthesis algorithms”指的是一个包含各种类型合成算法的列表,用于生成各种类型的输出,包括音频、图像和语音等,以解决特定问题或实现特定任务。 ### 回答3: "List of synthesis algorithms" 意思是“合成算法列表”。在计算机科学和信号处理领域,合成(synthesis)是指通过组合不同的元素或步骤来生成新的实体或数据。因此,合成算法是一系列用于生成特定实体(如音频、图像或文本)的算法的集合。 合成算法的目的是将多个输入元素(如音频信号的频率、幅度和相位)合并起来,生成一个新的输出(如混合音频)。这些算法通常具有特定的数学和计算机操作,以执行合成过程。合成算法可以根据应用程序的需求和目标进行选择和应用。 合成算法可以应用于多个领域,例如音乐合成、语音合成、图像生成和文本生成。在音乐合成中,合成算法可以根据用户的输入和参数自动生成音乐片段。在语音合成中,合成算法可以根据文本输入生成人工语音。在图像生成中,合成算法可以使用输入的特征和参数生成新的图像。在文本生成中,合成算法可以根据给定的文本生成相关的内容。 合成算法的选择取决于所需生成实体的类型和目标。不同的算法可以应用不同的技术,例如加法合成、FM合成、渐进合成等。通过使用合成算法,我们能够以自动化的方式生成新的数据和实体,从而实现各种应用和创意的需要。


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