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转载 12个优秀的开源UML工具


2013-09-27 15:08:21 1058

转载 UML类图几种关系的总结


2013-09-27 11:38:57 759

原创 IOS检测版本更新

.h//// myCheckUpdate.h// //// Created by X on 13-9-25.////#import // 检查更新@interface myCheckUpdate : NSObject +(void) check;@end.m//// myCheckUpdate.m// //// Created

2013-09-25 16:18:43 2976 1

原创 IOS获取当前App的信息

NSDictionary *dicInfo = [[NSBundlemainBundle] infoDictionary];NSLog(@"App Info: %@", [dicInfodebugDescription]);

2013-09-25 14:42:33 1929

转载 对软件开发有利的5个敏捷编程方法


2013-09-25 13:39:51 1067

转载 iOS Objective-C 與 PHP DES 加解密演算法實作

原文:http://blog.toright.com/archives/2657在使用 php-mcrypt 函式庫進行 DES 加解密時,常常會碰到在其他平台無法正確解密資料>,是因為 PHP Mcrypt Library 沒有提供將明文訊息轉換為標準 PKCS#7 的格式 (定義在 RFC 5652) 所造成。以下程式碼說明使用 PHP mcrypt_encrypt function 依據

2013-09-25 12:51:11 3912

原创 objective-c检测网络状态

Reachability *r = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName:@"www.apple.com"]; switch ([r currentReachabilityStatus]) { case NotReachable:// 没有网络连接 result=nil; break;

2013-09-24 15:27:00 3254 1

转载 phpMyAdmin简明安装教程

原文:http://faq.comsenz.com/viewnews-484phpMyAdmin 就是一种 MySQL 数据库的管理工具,安装该工具后,即可以通过 web 形式直接管理 MySQL 数据,而不需要通过执行系统命令来管理,非常适合对数据库操作命令不熟悉的数据库管理者,下面详细说明该工具的安装方法。一、下载先到互联网上下载 phpMyAdmin,也可以到 php

2013-09-24 09:18:17 797

原创 批处理获得文件大小

@echo offsetlocal enabledelayedexpansionfor /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /a-d /b *.*') do ( echo %%i:文件大小=%%~zi字节&echo.)pause

2013-09-23 11:22:32 9786

原创 批处理迭代目录

for /f %%i in ('dir /b /a "dir\*.png"') do ( echo %%i )

2013-09-23 11:18:27 1103

原创 批处理读取文件

for /f %%i in (file.txt) do ( echo %%i )

2013-09-23 11:15:33 1185

转载 精益化运营:10款移动统计分析工具推荐


2013-09-18 17:07:57 663

转载 雪中送炭:十大前沿移动应用开发工具


2013-09-18 16:57:35 667

转载 跨平台的加密算法XXTEA的封装


2013-09-18 12:42:04 1749

转载 利用TEA算法进行数据加密

http://www.cnblogs.com/pengyingh/articles/2536864.htmlhttp://blog.chukong-inc.com/index.php/2012/02/14/利用tea算法进行数据加密/TEA(Tiny Encryption Algorithm)是一种小型的对称加密解密算法,最初是由剑桥计算机实验室的 David Wheeler

2013-09-18 10:12:45 1750

转载 10款免费且开源的项目管理工具


2013-09-18 00:07:41 2580 1

转载 iOS开发者必备:九大设计类工具


2013-09-14 12:49:02 634

原创 15个步骤创立技术公司,并收获千万用户(完结)


2013-09-14 12:48:35 702

转载 留住你的用户:8款第三方移动推送服务


2013-09-14 12:47:29 801

转载 iOS开发者必备:五大编程类工具


2013-09-14 12:46:03 886

原创 【开源专访】禅道创始人王春生:覆盖项目全周期,回归管理的本质


2013-09-14 12:34:18 1249

转载 iphone开发之通过unix系统底层获取和系统相关的硬件信息

原文:http://blog.csdn.net/ArthurChenJS/article/details/6261776在获取和系统相关的硬件信息的时候,api的接口有时并不是很多。但是我的理解是iOS终究是一个操作系统,是一个基于unix的衍生系统,从操作系统的角度来理解的话,系统底层的东西是很丰富的。内核 sysctl 含义详解:l  compat子树:内核二进制兼容相关的控制

2013-09-06 14:23:10 1269

原创 ios获取内存信息

#import "sysSystemInfo.h"#import #import #import #import #import #import -(void) logMemoryInfo { int mib[6]; mib[0] = CTL_HW; mib[1] = HW_PAGESIZE; int pagesize;

2013-09-05 10:23:05 6163

原创 ios内购二次认证服务器代码

<?php// 获取认证结果的状态值function get_status($arr) { while(list($key, $value) = each($arr)) { if ($key == "status") { return $value; } } return 10000;}// 认证function verify($check_data, $is_

2013-09-03 15:35:56 5402

Xcode OpenGL ES模板

在xcode上安装 OpenGL ES模板,此模板不是Apple提供的模板。你可以解压到下面目录来安装它: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Project Templates/Application/



Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-7 2012-04-20 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: OpenMP Usage: convert.exe [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file Image Settings: -adjoin join images into a single multi-image file -affine matrix affine transform matrix -alpha option activate, deactivate, reset, or set the alpha channel -antialias remove pixel-aliasing -authenticate password decipher image with this password -attenuate value lessen (or intensify) when adding noise to an image -background color background color -bias value add bias when convolving an image -black-point-compensation use black point compensation -blue-primary point chromaticity blue primary point -bordercolor color border color -caption string assign a caption to an image -channel type apply option to select image channels -colors value preferred number of colors in the image -colorspace type alternate image colorspace -comment string annotate image with comment -compose operator set image composite operator -compress type type of pixel compression when writing the image -define format:option define one or more image format options -delay value display the next image after pausing -density geometry horizontal and vertical density of the image -depth value image depth -direction type render text right-to-left or left-to-right -display server get image or font from this X server -dispose method layer disposal method -dither method apply error diffusion to image -encoding type text encoding type -endian type endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image -family name render text with this font family -fill color color to use when filling a graphic primitive -filter type use this filter when resizing an image -font name render text with this font -format "string" output formatted image characteristics -fuzz distance colors within this distance are considered equal -gravity type horizontal and vertical text placement -green-primary point chromaticity green primary point -intent type type of rendering intent when managing the image color -interlace type type of image interlacing scheme -interline-spacing value set the space between two text lines -interpolate method pixel color interpolation method -interword-spacing value set the space between two words -kerning value set the space between two letters -label string assign a label to an image -limit type value pixel cache resource limit -loop iterations add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation -mask filename associate a mask with the image -mattecolor color frame color -monitor monitor progress -orient type image orientation -page geometry size and location of an image canvas (setting) -ping efficiently determine image attributes -pointsize value font point size -precision value maximum number of significant digits to print -preview type image preview type -quality value JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level -quiet suppress all warning messages -red-primary point chromaticity red primary point -regard-warnings pay attention to warning messages -remap filename transform image colors to match this set of colors -respect-parentheses settings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary -sampling-factor geometry horizontal and vertical sampling factor -scene value image scene number -seed value seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers -size geometry width and height of image -stretch type render text with this font stretch -stroke color graphic primitive stroke color -strokewidth value graphic primitive stroke width -style type render text with this font style -synchronize synchronize image to storage device -taint declare the image as modified -texture filename name of texture to tile onto the image background -tile-offset geometry tile offset -treedepth value color tree depth -transparent-color color transparent color -undercolor color annotation bounding box color -units type the units of image resolution -verbose print detailed information about the image -view FlashPix viewing transforms -virtual-pixel method virtual pixel access method -weight type render text with this font weight -white-point point chromaticity white point Image Operators: -adaptive-blur geometry adaptively blur pixels; decrease effect near edges -adaptive-resize geometry adaptively resize image using 'mesh' interpolation -adaptive-sharpen geometry adaptively sharpen pixels; increase effect near edges -alpha option on, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy transparent, extract, background, or shape -annotate geometry text annotate the image with text -auto-gamma automagically adjust gamma level of image -auto-level automagically adjust color levels of image -auto-orient automagically orient (rotate) image -bench iterations measure performance -black-threshold value force all pixels below the threshold into black -blue-shift factor simulate a scene at nighttime in the moonlight -blur geometry reduce image noise and reduce detail levels -border geometry surround image with a border of color -bordercolor color border color -brightness-contrast geometry improve brightness / contrast of the image -cdl filename color correct with a color decision list -charcoal radius simulate a charcoal drawing -chop geometry remove pixels from the image interior -clamp restrict pixel range from 0 to the quantum depth -clip clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile -clip-mask filename associate a clip mask with the image -clip-path id clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile -colorize value colorize the image with the fill color -color-matrix matrix apply color correction to the image -contrast enhance or reduce the image contrast -contrast-stretch geometry improve contrast by `stretching' the intensity range -convolve coefficients apply a convolution kernel to the image -cycle amount cycle the image colormap -decipher filename convert cipher pixels to plain pixels -deskew threshold straighten an image -despeckle reduce the speckles within an image -distort method args distort images according to given method ad args -draw string annotate the image with a graphic primitive -edge radius apply a filter to detect edges in the image -encipher filename convert plain pixels to cipher pixels -emboss radius emboss an image -enhance apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image -equalize perform histogram equalization to an image -evaluate operator value evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression -extent geometry set the image size -extract geometry extract area from image -fft implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -flip flip image vertically -floodfill geometry color floodfill the image with color -flop flop image horizontally -frame geometry surround image with an ornamental border -function name parameters apply function over image values -gamma value level of gamma correction -gaussian-blur geometry reduce image noise and reduce detail levels -geometry geometry preferred size or location of the image -identify identify the format and characteristics of the image -ift implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -implode amount implode image pixels about the center -lat geometry local adaptive thresholding -layers method optimize, merge, or compare image layers -level value adjust the level of image contrast -level-colors color,color level image with the given colors -linear-stretch geometry improve contrast by `stretching with saturation' -liquid-rescale geometry rescale image with seam-carving -median geometry apply a median filter to the image -mode geometry make each pixel the 'predominant color' of the neighborhood -modulate value vary the brightness, saturation, and hue -monochrome transform image to black and white -morphology method kernel apply a morphology method to the image -motion-blur geometry simulate motion blur -negate replace every pixel with its complementary color -noise geometry add or reduce noise in an image -normalize transform image to span the full range of colors -opaque color change this color to the fill color -ordered-dither NxN add a noise pattern to the image with specific amplitudes -paint radius simulate an oil painting -polaroid angle simulate a Polaroid picture -posterize levels reduce the image to a limited number of color levels -profile filename add, delete, or apply an image profile -quantize colorspace reduce colors in this colorspace -radial-blur angle radial blur the image -raise value lighten/darken image edges to create a 3-D effect -random-threshold low,high random threshold the image -region geometry apply options to a portion of the image -render render vector graphics -repage geometry size and location of an image canvas -resample geometry change the resolution of an image -resize geometry resize the image -roll geometry roll an image vertically or horizontally -rotate degrees apply Paeth rotation to the image -sample geometry scale image with pixel sampling -scale geometry scale the image -segment values segment an image -selective-blur geometry selectively blur pixels within a contrast threshold -sepia-tone threshold simulate a sepia-toned photo -set property value set an image property -shade degrees shade the image using a distant light source -shadow geometry simulate an image shadow -sharpen geometry sharpen the image -shave geometry shave pixels from the image edges -shear geometry slide one edge of the image along the X or Y axis -sigmoidal-contrast geometry increase the contrast without saturating highlights or shadows -sketch geometry simulate a pencil sketch -solarize threshold negate all pixels above the threshold level -sparse-color method args fill in a image based on a few color points -splice geometry splice the background color into the image -spread radius displace image pixels by a random amount -statistic type geometry replace each pixel with corresponding statistic from the neighborhood -strip strip image of all profiles and comments -swirl degrees swirl image pixels about the center -threshold value threshold the image -thumbnail geometry create a thumbnail of the image -tile filename tile image when filling a graphic primitive -tint value tint the image with the fill color -transform affine transform image -transparent color make this color transparent within the image -transpose flip image vertically and rotate 90 degrees -transverse flop image horizontally and rotate 270 degrees -trim trim image edges -type type image type -unique-colors discard all but one of any pixel color -unsharp geometry sharpen the image -vignette geometry soften the edges of the image in vignette style -wave geometry alter an image along a sine wave -white-threshold value force all pixels above the threshold into white Image Sequence Operators: -append append an image sequence -clut apply a color lookup table to the image -coalesce merge a sequence of images -combine combine a sequence of images -composite composite image -crop geometry cut out a rectangular region of the image -deconstruct break down an image sequence into constituent parts -evaluate-sequence operator evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression -flatten flatten a sequence of images -fx expression apply mathematical expression to an image channel(s) -hald-clut apply a Hald color lookup table to the image -morph value morph an image sequence -mosaic create a mosaic from an image sequence -print string interpret string and print to console -process arguments process the image with a custom image filter -separate separate an image channel into a grayscale image -smush geometry smush an image sequence together -write filename write images to this file Image Stack Operators: -clone indexes clone an image -delete indexes delete the image from the image sequence -duplicate count,indexes duplicate an image one or more times -insert index insert last image into the image sequence -reverse reverse image sequence -swap indexes swap two images in the image sequence Miscellaneous Options: -debug events display copious debugging information -help print program options -list type print a list of supported option arguments -log format format of debugging information -version print version information By default, the image format of `file' is determined by its magic number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the image type as the filename suffix (i.e. image.ps). Specify 'file' as '-' for standard input or output.





AnimatePacker 2.0

序列帧动画编辑器 AnimatePacker 2.0 支持mac & win32


Win32 控制台中使用 MFC.zip

 在Virtual C++ 6.0创建的Win32 Application 和 Win32 Console Application 中使用 MFC 是可能的,主要的困难在于绕过MFC提供的WinMain函数。下面我提供一个方法以供参考:



 在Virtual C++ 6.0创建的Win32 Application 和 Win32 Console Application 中使用 MFC 是可能的,主要的困难在于绕过MFC提供的WinMain函数。下面我提供一个方法以供参考:



I need to use the functionality of an accelerometer in my iphone game. I just have to move an image by tilting the device. However most videos on youtube just show the tilt feature that is somehow inverted and forget to include the calibration. I want the user to calibrate their device to whatever position they're in. Does anyone know how I should get started on this?



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