OCP-042 privilege to log in as SYSDBA in iSQL*Plus

5. Which step do you need to perform to enable a user with the SYSDBA privilege to log in as SYSDBA in
A. The user must be granted the database administrator (DBA) privilege.
B. The user must be listed in the password file for the authentication.
C. No special setup is needed for the user to connect as SYSDBA in iSQL*Plus.
D. Set up a user in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) user manager, and grant
the webDba role to the user.
Answer: D

Enabling iSQL*Plus DBA Access

To access the iSQL*Plus DBA URL, you must set up the OC4J user manager. You can set up OC4J to use:

  • The XML-based provider type, jazn-data.xml

  • The LDAP-based provider type, Oracle Internet Directory

You need to stop the iSQL*Plus Application Server to enable iSQL*Plus DBA access.

This document discusses how to set up the iSQL*Plus DBA URL to use the XML-based provider. For more information, refer to the Oracle Application Server documentation, which you can find at http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/.

To set up the iSQL*Plus DBA URL

  1. Create users for the iSQL*Plus DBA URL.

  2. Grant the webDba role to users.

  3. Restart the iSQL*Plus server after making any changes to the JAZN authentication file, jazn-data.xml. The JAZN authentication file is changed when you use the JAZN admin tool to set up users for the iSQL*Plus DBA URL.

  4. Test iSQL*Plus DBA Access.

The Oracle JAAS Provider, otherwise known as JAZN (Java AuthoriZatioN), is Oracle's implementation of the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). Oracle's JAAS Provider is referred to as JAZN in the remainder of this document. See the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/oc4j/index.html for more information about JAZN, the Oracle JAAS Provider.

Create and Manage Users for the iSQL*Plus DBA URL

The actions available to manage users for the iSQL*Plus DBA URL are:

  1. Create users

  2. List users

  3. Grant the webDba role

  4. Remove users

  5. Revoke the webDba role

  6. Change user passwords


You perform these actions from the  $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/isqlplus/application-deployments/isqlplus directory.

$JAVA_HOME is the location of your JDK (1.4 or above). It should be set to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk.

admin_password is the password for the iSQL*Plus DBA realm administrator user, admin. The password for the admin user is set to 'welcome' by default. You should change this password as soon as possible. See Change User Passwords for more information.

A JAZN shell option, and a command-line option are given for all steps.

To start the JAZN shell, enter:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Djava.security.properties=$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/home/config/jazn.security.props -jar $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/home/jazn.jar -user "iSQL*Plus DBA/admin" -password admin_password -shell

To exit the JAZN shell, enter:






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