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原创 grep参数

grep--line-buffered       flush output on every line-o, --only-matching       show only the part of a line matching PATTERNtail -f smart.log | grep --line-buffered -o 'Com2Cn -[0-9.]*' |

2016-10-31 11:59:53 782

原创 C# winform webbrowser指定内核为IE11

1)假设你应用程序的名字为MyApplication.exe2)运行Regedit,打开注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION3)添加以下项MyApplicatio

2016-08-22 15:35:27 5784

原创 python访问coind rpc使用python-jsonrpc

https://github.com/bmjames/python-jsonrpcaccess = ServiceProxy("http://"+user+":"+password+"@"+str(port) )print access.listtransactions("", num)

2016-08-17 19:39:26 1008

原创 编译运行java程序

编译javajavac -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib Go.java运行javaLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib Go

2016-07-13 19:05:58 340

原创 硬盘序列号

hdparm -i /dev/sdaVMWare中SCSI硬盘查不到序列号,IDE硬盘可以。

2016-07-04 20:19:11 2013

原创 ssh反向隧道

ssh -CfNg -R 12345: xxx@ -M 5678 -CfNgR 12345:localhost:22 xxx@

2016-05-04 13:52:49 445

原创 maven编译jar

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package assembly:single

2016-05-03 11:38:49 300

原创 linux2T以上分区格式化

parted /dev/sdcmklabel gptmkpart primary 0.00TB 4.00TBprintmkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/sdc1blkidfstabUUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /mnt/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ext3 defaults 0 0

2016-04-18 15:50:53 604

原创 AWS Elastic Beanstalk

eb open

2016-03-03 08:54:13 955

原创 conda使用

conda create -n helloword django

2016-02-26 00:42:47 498

原创 git 使用

列出当前分支和所有分支git branch创建新的分支git checkout -b developmentSwitched to a new branch 'development'git pull origin development

2016-02-26 00:41:38 350

原创 django时区

TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Shanghai'USE_TZ = Truesettings.py

2016-02-14 15:59:50 388

原创 x201i装win7 64位系统


2016-01-28 00:08:30 5839

原创 mysql修改列属性

alter table t modify body varchar(1000) not null;

2015-12-21 16:42:03 1471

原创 ubuntu服务器硬件配置

1. 系统cat /etc/issue2. 内存free -h3. 硬盘df -h4. CPUcat /proc/cpuinfocpu个数cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort | uniq | wc -l

2015-12-21 10:01:45 1682

原创 mysql批量插入


2015-12-18 10:25:42 361

原创 mongodb查询


2015-12-18 09:44:34 281

原创 mongodb建索引

db.zk.ensureIndex({"u":1},{"unique":true})删除重复from pymongo import MongoClientclient = MongoClient()db = client.vipdocumentname = db.zkkeys = {}for k in documentname.find(): key = k['u'

2015-12-17 17:28:50 412

原创 ubuntu安装mongodb


2015-12-16 15:52:03 357

原创 ps命令查看进程启动时加的参数

ps -ef

2015-11-26 18:17:27 8059 1

原创 javascript发送DELETE请求

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();xmlhttp.open("DELETE", "https://xxx.com/aaa", true);xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("x-xsrf-token", "fregvfre=");xmlhttp.send();

2015-11-23 21:13:05 3059

原创 python获取系统时间戳

import datetimeimport timecurrent_time = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())*1000)

2015-10-28 15:26:31 846

原创 css定义select样式

select { width : 104px; height : 28px; line-height : 18px; padding-right

2015-10-23 00:06:04 446

原创 设置mysql数据库使用utf8编码

vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf[client]default-character-set=utf8[mysqld_safe]default-character-set=utf8[mysqld]character_set_server=utf8[mysql]default-character-set=utf8show variables like

2015-10-15 17:45:21 495

转载 django中文用户名


2015-10-12 12:25:55 836

原创 python smtp发送邮件

http://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/001374738125095c955c1e6d8bb493182103fac9270762a000/001386832745198026a685614e7462fb57dbf733cc9f3ad000def send_mail(receiver, subject, body): print "send mail: ",

2015-09-29 12:28:53 370

原创 python生成html

https://code.google.com/p/pyh/pyh moduledef html_table(data): table = pyh.table(border=1) for row in data: tr = pyh.tr() for i in row: tr << pyh.td(i)

2015-09-29 12:26:47 752

原创 网页打开速度测量

WebPagetestis an open source project that is primarily being developed and supported by Google as part of our efforts to make the web faster.

2015-09-25 15:41:35 454

原创 GlusterFS错误

df: `/mnt/gluster/xx': Transport endpoint is not connectedumount /mnt/gluster/xxmount /mnt/gluster/xx

2015-09-14 09:33:54 1021

原创 python中set比list更耗内存

set1000000 917292 899754 104808 [14:06:05] 85M, 284M2000000 1836102 1795411 210149 [14:06:51] 162M, 360M3000000 2766704 2706924 300209 [14:07:36] 222M, 421M4000000 3705532 3623674 381064 [14:08:2

2015-09-11 14:20:49 2748

原创 python内存使用情况

pip install psutil pid = os.getpid() process = psutil.Process(pid=pid) rss, vms = process.memory_info() print "[%s] %dM, %dM" % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), rs

2015-09-11 10:14:20 545

原创 python关闭stdout输出缓冲

加-u参数python -u xxx.py或class Unbuffered(object): def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush

2015-09-02 14:52:40 2452

原创 python写csv文件

writer = csv.writer(file('your.csv', 'wb'), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)writer.writerow(['a','b'])QUOTE_NONNUMERIC对所有非整数或浮点数的字段加引号。

2015-08-28 15:13:24 613

原创 按行号输出文件

sed -n '2,8p' 1.txt 显示的是从第2行到第8行

2015-08-26 14:34:34 480

转载 http请求 Icy-MetaData头

http://www.smackfu.com/stuff/programming/shoutcast.htmlShoutcast Metadata ProtocolHow To Parse Titles from MP3 StreamsI wanted to add the ability to show titles from Shoutcast stream

2015-08-11 09:30:29 5301

原创 网络端口被占用情况查看

49402 端口号 lsof -i :4940227765 进程id ps -aux | grep 27765

2015-08-07 10:52:54 410

原创 DNS服务测试IPv4 IPv6

nslookup - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> set class=IN> set type=A> baidu.com> set type=AAAA> baidu.com

2015-07-31 13:34:33 1403

原创 mysql表内复制行数据

mysql> insert into auth_user select id+1 , concat(username, '1') , first_name , last_name , email , password from auth_user where id=1;

2015-07-30 09:28:05 2337

原创 android app私有数据


2015-07-29 14:19:20 409

原创 Android手机网络代理

ProxyDroidTransparent Proxy

2015-07-29 13:38:14 1365



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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