Embedded Systems Architecture programming and design--Chapter 1 Summary

  • The embeded system is a sophisticated system consisting of several hardware and software componets,and its design may be serveral times more complex than that of a PC and the programs running on a PC.
  • The embeded system processor can be a general-purpose processor chosen from number of families of processors,microcontrollers,embedded processors and digital signal processors(DSPs).Alternatively, an application specific instruction processor(ASIP)may be designed for specific application on a VLSI chip.An ASSP may be additionally used for fast hardwired implementation of a certain part of a certain part of the embeded software.A sophisticated embedded system may use multiprocessor unit also.
  • Embedded system embedded (locates)a software image in the ROM. The image mostly consists of the following:(i)Boot up Program.(ii)Initialization data(iii)Strings for an initial screendisplay or system state.(iv)Programs for the multiple tasks that the system performs.(v)RTOS kernel.
  •  The embedded system needs a power source and controlled and optimized power-dissipation from the total energy requirement for given hardware and software.The charge pump provides a power-supply-less system in certain embedded system.
  • The embedded system needs clock and reset circuits. Use of clock manager is a recent innovation.
  • The embded system needs interfaces:IO ports,serial UART and other pots to accept inputs and to send outputs by interacting with the peripherals,display units,keypad or keyboard.
  • The embedded system may need bus controllers for networking its buses with other systems.
  • The embedded system needs timers and a watchdog timer for the system clock and for realtime program scheduling and control.
  • The embedded system needs an interrupt controlling unit.
  • The embedded system may need ADC for taking analog input from one or multiple sourcesIt needs DAC using PWM for sending analog putput to motors,speaker,sound systems,etc.
  • The embedded system may need an LED or LCD display units,keypad and keyboard,pulse dialer,modem,transmitter,multiplexers and demultiplexers.
  • Embedded software is usually made in the high-level languages C or C++ or JAva with certain features added,enabled or disabledfor programming .'C' and C++ also facilitates the incorporation assembly language codes.
  • The embedded system most often needs a real-time operating system for real-time programming and scheduling,device drivers,device management and multitasking.
  • There are a number of software tools needed in the development and design phase of an embedded system.
  • There are a large number of applications and products that employ embedded systems.
  • A VLSI chip can embed IPs for the specific applications ,besides the ASIP or a GPP core.A system-on-chip is the latest concept in embedded systems,for example, a mobile phone. A contact-less smart card is one such application.
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嵌入式系统架构是一本面向工程师和程序员的综合指南。嵌入式系统是一种嵌入到其他设备中的计算机系统,具有特定的功能和任务。这本指南旨在帮助工程师和程序员了解和构建嵌入式系统的架构。 嵌入式系统的架构设计是非常重要的,因为它决定了系统的性能、可靠性、功耗和成本。此指南提供了一种系统性的方法来设计和评估嵌入式系统架构。 首先,这本指南介绍了嵌入式系统的基本原理和概念。它解释了嵌入式系统的组成部分,如处理器、存储器、输入/输出接口等。此外,它还介绍了嵌入式系统的主要特性,例如实时性、可靠性和安全性。 然后,该指南探讨了嵌入式系统架构设计的几个关键方面。它介绍了不同的架构风格,如单处理器、多处理器和分布式系统,以及它们各自的优缺点。此外,它还讨论了嵌入式系统中的任务调度和资源管理,以确保系统能够高效地运行。 此外,该指南还包括了一些实际案例研究和示例代码。这些案例研究涵盖了不同领域的嵌入式系统应用,如汽车、医疗设备和消费类电子产品。通过这些案例研究,工程师和程序员可以更好地理解和应用嵌入式系统架构设计的原则。 总之,嵌入式系统架构是一本针对工程师和程序员的全面指南,旨在帮助他们设计和构建高性能、可靠和高效的嵌入式系统。它涵盖了嵌入式系统的基本原理和概念,讨论了架构设计的关键方面,并提供了实际案例研究和示例代码。这本指南将成为工程师和程序员在嵌入式系统开发中的重要参考资料。


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