







[learnpython@localhost learn]$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jan 22 2014, 09:42:36) 
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> help(re.compile)
Help on function compile in module re:

compile(pattern, flags=0)
    Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object.


        1).re.I(re.IGNORECASE): 忽略大小写

        2).re.M(MULTILINE): 多行模式,改变'^'和'$'的行为

        3).re.S(DOTALL): 点任意匹配模式,改变'.'的行为

        4).re.L(LOCALE): 使预定字符类 \w \W \b \B \s \S 取决于当前区域设定

        5).re.U(UNICODE): 使预定字符类 \w \W \b \B \s \S \d \D 取决于unicode定义的字符属性

        6).re.X(VERBOSE): 详细模式。这个模式下正则表达式可以是多行,忽略空白字符,并可以加入注释


import re

pattern = re.compile(r're')
pattern.match('This is re module of python')
re.compile(r're', 'This is re module of python')
# 以上两种方式是一样的
# 以下两种方式是一样的
pattern1 = re.compile(r"""\d + #整数部分
                          \.   #小数点
                          \d * #小数部分""", re.X)
pattern2 = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d*')


>>> help(re.match)

Help on function match in module re:

match(pattern, string, flags=0)
    Try to apply the pattern at the start of the string, returning
    a match object, or None if no match was found.

>>> match = re.match(r'This', 'This is re module of python')
>>> print match
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0d047d1988>
>>> print match.group()
>>> match = re.match(r'python', 'This is re module of python')    
>>> print match



>>> help(re.search)

Help on function search in module re:

search(pattern, string, flags=0)
    Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning
    a match object, or None if no match was found.

>>> match = re.search(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'This is test for python group')  >>> print match
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x23f62d8>
>>> print match.group()
test for
>>> print match.group(0)
test for
>>> print match.group(1)
>>> print match.group(2)


>>> match = re.search(r'(?P<first>\bt\w+)\W+(?P<second>\w+)', 'This is test for python group')     
>>> print match
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x23f6250>
>>> print match.group()
test for
>>> print match.group(0)
test for
>>> print match.group(1)
>>> print match.group(2)
>>> print match.groupdict()     
{'second': 'for', 'first': 'test'}
>>> print match.groupdict()['first']
>>> print match.groupdict()['second']


>>> help(re.split)

Help on function split in module re:

split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0)
    Split the source string by the occurrences of the pattern,
    returning a list containing the resulting substrings.

>>> results = re.split(r'\d+', 'shdf23jdhf8jasdhf3hjd90')
>>> type(results)
<type 'list'>
>>> print results
['shdf', 'jdhf', 'jasdhf', 'hjd', '']



>>> help(re.findall)

Help on function findall in module re:

findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
    Return a list of all non-overlapping matches in the string.
    If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a
    list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern
    has more than one group.
    Empty matches are included in the result.

>>> results = re.findall(r'\bt\w+\W+\w+', 'this is test for python findall') 
>>> results
['this is', 'test for']
>>> results = re.findall(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'this is test for python findall')
>>> results
[('this', 'is'), ('test', 'for')]



>>> help(re.finditer)

Help on function finditer in module re:

finditer(pattern, string, flags=0)
    Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches in the
    string.  For each match, the iterator returns a match object.
    Empty matches are included in the result.

>>> results = re.finditer(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'this is test for python finditer')
>>> type(results)
<type 'callable-iterator'>
>>> for it in results:
...     print 'type:', type(it), ', it:', it, ', data:', it.group()
type: <type '_sre.SRE_Match'> , it: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x220e250> , data: this is
type: <type '_sre.SRE_Match'> , it: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x220e2d8> , data: test for



>>> help(re.sub)

Help on function sub in module re:

sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0)
    Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost
    non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in string by the
    replacement repl.  repl can be either a string or a callable;
    if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed.  If it is
    a callable, it's passed the match object and must return
    a replacement string to be used.

>>> print re.sub(r'(\w+) (\w+)', r'\2 \1', 'i say, hello world!')
say i, world hello!
>>> def func(m):
...     print 'm:', m, ', first:', m.group(1).title(), ', second:', m.group(2).title()
...     return m.group(1).title() + ' ' + m.group(2).title() 
>>> print re.sub(r'(\w+) (\w+)', func, 'i say, hello world!')
m: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x220e250> , first: I , second: Say
m: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x220e250> , first: Hello , second: World
I Say, Hello World!



>>> help(re.subn)

Help on function subn in module re:

subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0)
    Return a 2-tuple containing (new_string, number).
    new_string is the string obtained by replacing the leftmost
    non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in the source
    string by the replacement repl.  number is the number of
    substitutions that were made. repl can be either a string or a
    callable; if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed.
    If it is a callable, it's passed the match object and must
    return a replacement string to be used.

>>> print re.subn(r'(\w+) (\w+)', r'\2 \1', 'i say, hello world!')
('say i, world hello!', 2)
>>> print re.subn(r'(\w+) (\w+)', r'\2 \1', 'i say, hello world!', count=1)
('say i, hello world!', 1)





# match和search
>>> match = re.match(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'This is test for python match')   
>>> type(match)
<type 'NoneType'>
>>> match = re.search(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'This is test for python match')  
>>> print match.group()
test for

# search和findall
>>> match = re.search(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'this is test for python search')
>>> print match.group()
this is
>>> match = re.findall(r'(\bt\w+)\W+(\w+)', 'this is test for python search') 
>>> print match
[('this', 'is'), ('test', 'for')]


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Python的设计哲学是“优雅”、“明确”、“简单。Python用途极广。图形处理:有PIL、Tkinter等图形库支持,能方便进行图形处理。 数学处理:NumPy扩展提供大量与许多标准数学库的接口。 文本处理:python提供的re模块能支持正则表达式,还提供SGML,XML分析模块,许多程序员利用python进行XML程序的开发。 数据库编程:程序员可通过遵循Python DB-API(数据库应用程序编程接口)规范的模块与Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle,Sybase,DB2,MySQL、SQLite等数据库通信。python自带有一个Gadfly模块,提供了一个完整的SQL环境。 网络编程:提供丰富的模块支持sockets编程,能方便快速地开发分布式应用程序。很多大规模软件开发计划例如Zope,Mnet 及BitTorrent. Google都在广泛地使用它。 Web编程:应用的开发语言,支持最新的XML技术。 多媒体应用:Python的PyOpenGL模块封装了“OpenGL应用程序编程接口”,能进行二维和三维图像处理。PyGame模块可用于编写游戏软件。 pymo引擎:PYMO全称为python memories off,是一款运行于Symbian S60V3,Symbian3,S60V5, Symbian3, Android系统上的AVG游戏引擎。因其基于python2.0平台开发,并且适用于创建秋之回忆(memories off)风格的AVG游戏,故命名为PYMO。 黑客编程:python有一个hack的库,内置了你熟悉的或不熟悉的函数,但是缺少成就感。 用Python写简单爬虫
1. 核心模块 o 1.1. 介绍 o 1.2. _ _builtin_ _ 模块 o 1.3. exceptions 模块 o 1.4. os 模块 o 1.5. os.path 模块 o 1.6. stat 模块 o 1.7. string 模块 o 1.8. re 模块 o 1.9. math 模块 o 1.10. cmath 模块 o 1.11. operator 模块 o 1.12. copy 模块 o 1.13. sys 模块 o 1.14. atexit 模块 o 1.15. time 模块 o 1.16. types 模块 o 1.17. gc 模块 2. 更多标准模块 o 2.1. 概览 o 2.2. fileinput 模块 o 2.3. shutil 模块 o 2.4. tempfile 模块 o 2.5. StringIO 模块 o 2.6. cStringIO 模块 o 2.7. mmap 模块 o 2.8. UserDict 模块 o 2.9. UserList 模块 o 2.10. UserString 模块 www.aibbt.com 让未来触手可及o 2.11. traceback 模块 o 2.12. errno 模块 o 2.13. getopt 模块 o 2.14. getpass 模块 o 2.15. glob 模块 o 2.16. fnmatch 模块 o 2.17. random 模块 o 2.18. whrandom 模块 o 2.19. md5 模块 o 2.20. sha 模块 o 2.21. crypt 模块 o 2.22. rotor 模块 o 2.23. zlib 模块 o 2.24. code 模块 3. 线程和进程 o 3.1. 概览 o 3.2. threading 模块 o 3.3. Queue 模块 o 3.4. thread 模块 o 3.5. commands 模块 o 3.6. pipes 模块 o 3.7. popen2 模块 o 3.8. signal 模块 4. 数据表示 o 4.1. 概览 o 4.2. array 模块 o 4.3. struct 模块 o 4.4. xdrlib 模块 o 4.5. marshal 模块 o 4.6. pickle 模块 o 4.7. cPickle 模块 o 4.8. copy_reg 模块 o 4.9. pprint 模块 o 4.10. repr 模块 o 4.11. base64 模块 o 4.12. binhex 模块 o 4.13. quopri 模块 o 4.14. uu 模块 o 4.15. binascii 模块 5. 文件格式 o 5.1. 概览 o 5.2. xmllib 模块 o 5.3. xml.parsers.expat 模块 o 5.4. sgmllib 模块 www.aibbt.com 让未来触手可及o 5.5. htmllib 模块 o 5.6. htmlentitydefs 模块 o 5.7. formatter 模块 o 5.8. ConfigParser 模块 o 5.9. netrc 模块 o 5.10. shlex 模块 o 5.11. zipfile 模块 o 5.12. gzip 模块 6. 邮件和新闻消息处理 o 6.1. 概览 o 6.2. rfc822 模块 o 6.3. mimetools 模块 o 6.4. MimeWriter 模块 o 6.5. mailbox 模块 o 6.6. mailcap 模块 o 6.7. mimetypes 模块 o 6.8. packmail 模块 o 6.9. mimify 模块 o 6.10. multifile 模块 7. 网络协议 o 7.1. 概览 o 7.2. socket 模块 o 7.3. select 模块 o 7.4. asyncore 模块 o 7.5. asynchat 模块 o 7.6. urllib 模块 o 7.7. urlparse 模块 o 7.8. cookie 模块 o 7.9. robotparser 模块 o 7.10. ftplib 模块 o 7.11. gopherlib 模块 o 7.12. httplib 模块 o 7.13. poplib 模块 o 7.14. imaplib 模块 o 7.15. smtplib 模块 o 7.16. telnetlib 模块 o 7.17. nntplib 模块 o 7.18. SocketServer 模块 o 7.19. BaseHTTPServer 模块 o 7.20. SimpleHTTPServer 模块 o 7.21. CGIHTTPServer 模块 o 7.22. cgi 模块 o 7.23. webbrowser 模块


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