


1.       VDBE



1.1          Opcode实例分析

1.1.1           Opcode










Addr14: transaction p1为0,所以是maindatabase;p2为0,所以是“读事务”;P3为3,p5为1,这些与schema相关;


Addr1:OpenRead打开数据库表的只读游标,P2指向root page的页号3,P5这里不限定P2的值,P3表示当前是main数据库,P1则是游标的ID,P4则表示当前表的列数8;


Addr3:Column进行列操作,P1是游标ID,P2是column id,p3存储P2的数据,P4做数据存储的备用,用来处理P4_MEM类型数据,P5是flag;

Addr11: ResultRow提供返回结果,r(p1)到r(p1+p2-1);








1.1.1           Init



/* Opcode: Init P1 P2 * P4 *

** Synopsis: Start at P2


** Programs contain a single instance ofthis opcode as the very first

** opcode.


** If tracing is enabled (by thesqlite3_trace()) interface, then

** the UTF-8 string contained in P4 isemitted on the trace callback.

** Or if P4 is blank, use the stringreturned by sqlite3_sql().


** If P2 is not zero, jump toinstruction P2.


** Increment the value of P1 so thatOP_Once opcodes will jump the

** first time they are evaluated forthis run.


case OP_Init: {          /* jump */

 char *zTrace;

 int i;


 /* If the P4 argument is not NULL, then it must be an SQL commentstring.

 ** The "--" string is broken up to prevent false-positiveswith srcck1.c.


 ** This assert() provides evidence for:

 ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-50676-09860 The callback can compute the same textthat

 ** would have been returned by the legacy sqlite3_trace() interface by

  ** using the X argument when X begins with"--" and invoking

 ** sqlite3_expanded_sql(P) otherwise.


 assert( pOp->p4.z==0 || strncmp(pOp->p4.z, "-" "-", 3)==0 );

 assert( pOp==p->aOp );  /*Always instruction 0 */




  && !p->doingRerun

  && (zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0



   if( db->mTrace & SQLITE_TRACE_LEGACY ){

     void (*x)(void*,const char*) = (void(*)(void*,constchar*))db->xTrace;

     char *z = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(p, zTrace);

     x(db->pTraceArg, z);





     (void)db->xTrace(SQLITE_TRACE_STMT, db->pTraceArg, p, zTrace);




 zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql);

 if( zTrace ){

   int j;

   for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){

     if( DbMaskTest(p->btreeMask, j)==0 ) continue;

     sqlite3_file_control(db, db->aDb[j].zDbSName, SQLITE_FCNTL_TRACE,zTrace);





 if( (db->flags & SQLITE_SqlTrace)!=0

  && (zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0


   sqlite3DebugPrintf("SQL-trace: %s\n", zTrace);


#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */

#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE */

 assert( pOp->p2>0 );

 if( pOp->p1>=sqlite3GlobalConfig.iOnceResetThreshold ){

   for(i=1; i<p->nOp; i++){

     if( p->aOp[i].opcode==OP_Once ) p->aOp[i].p1 = 0;


   pOp->p1 = 0;



 goto jump_to_p2;





 pOp = &aOp[pOp->p2 - 1];




1.1.2           Transaction





/* Opcode: Transaction P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


** Begin a transaction on database P1 ifa transaction is not already

** active.

** If P2 is non-zero, then awrite-transaction is started, or if a

** read-transaction is already active,it is upgraded to a write-transaction.

** If P2 is zero, then aread-transaction is started.


** P1 is the index of the database fileon which the transaction is

** started.  Index 0 is the main database file and index 1is the

** file used for temporary tables.  Indices of 2 or more are used for

** attached databases.


** If a write-transaction is started andthe Vdbe.usesStmtJournal flag is

** true (this flag is set if the Vdbemay modify more than one row and may

** throw an ABORT exception), astatement transaction may also be opened.

** More specifically, a statementtransaction is opened iff the database

** connection is currently not inautocommit mode, or if there are other

** active statements. A statementtransaction allows the changes made by this

** VDBE to be rolled back after an errorwithout having to roll back the

** entire transaction. If no error isencountered, the statement transaction

** will automatically commit when theVDBE halts.


** If P5!=0 then this opcode also checksthe schema cookie against P3

** and the schema generation counteragainst P4.

** The cookie changes its value wheneverthe database schema changes.

** This operation is used to detect whenthat the cookie has changed

** and that the current process needs toreread the schema.  If the schema

** cookie in P3 differs from the schemacookie in the database header or

** if the schema generation counter in P4differs from the current

** generation counter, then anSQLITE_SCHEMA error is raised and execution

** halts.  The sqlite3_step() wrapper function mightthen reprepare the

** statement and rerun it from thebeginning.


case OP_Transaction: {

 Btree *pBt;

 int iMeta;

 int iGen;


 assert( p->bIsReader );

 assert( p->readOnly==0 || pOp->p2==0 );

 assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );

 assert( DbMaskTest(p->btreeMask, pOp->p1) );

 if( pOp->p2 && (db->flags & SQLITE_QueryOnly)!=0 ){


   goto abort_due_to_error;


 pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;


 if( pBt ){

   rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pBt,pOp->p2);

   testcase( rc==SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT );

   testcase( rc==SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY );

   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){

     if( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_BUSY ){

       p->pc = (int)(pOp - aOp);

       p->rc = rc;

       goto vdbe_return;


     goto abort_due_to_error;



   if( pOp->p2 && p->usesStmtJournal

    && (db->autoCommit==0 || db->nVdbeRead>1)


     assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) );

     if( p->iStatement==0 ){

       assert( db->nStatement>=0 && db->nSavepoint>=0 );


       p->iStatement = db->nSavepoint + db->nStatement;



     rc = sqlite3VtabSavepoint(db, SAVEPOINT_BEGIN, p->iStatement-1);

     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){

       rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(pBt, p->iStatement);



     /* Store the current value of the database handles deferred constraint

     ** counter. If the statement transaction needs to be rolled back,

     ** the value of this counter needs to be restored too.  */

     p->nStmtDefCons = db->nDeferredCons;

     p->nStmtDefImmCons = db->nDeferredImmCons;



   /* Gather the schema version number for checking:

   ** IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-03189-51135 As each SQL statement runs, theschema

   ** version is checked to ensure that the schema has not changed sincethe

   ** SQL statement was prepared.


   sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&iMeta);

   iGen = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->iGeneration;


   iGen = iMeta = 0;


 assert( pOp->p5==0 || pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );

 if( pOp->p5 && (iMeta!=pOp->p3 || iGen!=pOp->p4.i) ){

   sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg);

   p->zErrMsg = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, "database schema haschanged");

   /* If the schema-cookie from the database file matches the cookie

   ** stored with the in-memory representation of the schema, do

   ** not reload the schema from the database file.


   ** If virtual-tables are in use, this is not just an optimization.

   ** Often, v-tables store their data in other SQLite tables, which

   ** are queried from within xNext() and other v-table methods using

   ** prepared queries. If such a query is out-of-date, we do not want to

   ** discard the database schema, as the user code implementing the

   ** v-table would have to be ready for the sqlite3_vtab structure itself

   ** to be invalidated whenever sqlite3_step() is called from within

   ** a v-table method.


   if( db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->schema_cookie!=iMeta ){



   p->expired = 1;



 if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;









int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, intwrflag){

 BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;

 int rc = SQLITE_OK;


  sqlite3BtreeEnter(p); // 给btree加mutex

 btreeIntegrity(p);  //完整性检查,就是transcation相关值的检查


 /* If the btree is already in a write-transaction, or it

 ** is already in a read-transaction and a read-transaction

 ** is requested, this is a no-op.


 if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE || (p->inTrans==TRANS_READ &&!wrflag) ){

   goto trans_begun;


 assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE ||IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate)==0 );


 /* Write transactions are not possible on a read-only database */

 if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 && wrflag ){


   goto trans_begun;





   sqlite3 *pBlock = 0;

   /* If another database handle has already opened a write transaction

   ** on this shared-btree structure and a second write transaction is

   ** requested, return SQLITE_LOCKED.


   if( (wrflag && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE)

    || (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_PENDING)!=0


     pBlock = pBt->pWriter->db;

   }else if( wrflag>1 ){

     BtLock *pIter;

     for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){

       if( pIter->pBtree!=p ){

         pBlock = pIter->pBtree->db;





   if( pBlock ){

     sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p->db, pBlock);


     goto trans_begun;





 /* Any read-only or read-write transaction implies a read-lock on

 ** page 1. So if some other shared-cache client already has a write-lock

 ** on page 1, the transaction cannot be opened. */

 rc = querySharedCacheTableLock(p, MASTER_ROOT, READ_LOCK); //共享缓存的处理

 if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ) goto trans_begun;


 pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;

 if( pBt->nPage==0 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;

 do {

   /* Call lockBtree() until either pBt->pPage1 is populated or

   ** lockBtree() returns something other than SQLITE_OK. lockBtree()

   ** may return SQLITE_OK but leave pBt->pPage1 set to 0 if after

   ** reading page 1 it discovers that the page-size of the database

   ** file is not pBt->pageSize. In this case lockBtree() will update

   ** pBt->pageSize to the page-size of the file on disk.


   while( pBt->pPage1==0 && SQLITE_OK==(rc = lockBtree(pBt)) );


   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && wrflag ){

     if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 ){

       rc = SQLITE_READONLY;


       rc = sqlite3PagerBegin(pBt->pPager,wrflag>1,sqlite3TempInMemory(p->db));//开始锁pager

       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){

         rc = newDatabase(pBt);//加锁成功后,对于空的db,要添加头信息。





   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){



 }while( (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_BUSY &&pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE &&

         btreeInvokeBusyHandler(pBt) );


 if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){

   if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ){



     if( p->sharable ){

       assert( p->lock.pBtree==p && p->lock.iTable==1 );

       p->lock.eLock = READ_LOCK;

       p->lock.pNext = pBt->pLock;

       pBt->pLock = &p->lock;




   p->inTrans = (wrflag?TRANS_WRITE:TRANS_READ);

   if( p->inTrans>pBt->inTransaction ){

     pBt->inTransaction = p->inTrans;


   if( wrflag ){

     MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;


     assert( !pBt->pWriter );

     pBt->pWriter = p;

     pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_EXCLUSIVE;

     if( wrflag>1 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_EXCLUSIVE;



     /* If the db-size header field is incorrect (as it may be if an old

     ** client has been writing the database file), update it now. Doing

     ** this sooner rather than later means the database size can safely

     ** re-read the database size from page 1 if a savepoint or transaction

     ** rollback occurs within the transaction.


     if( pBt->nPage!=get4byte(&pPage1->aData[28]) ){

       rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage1->pDbPage);

       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){

         put4byte(&pPage1->aData[28], pBt->nPage);








 if( rc==SQLITE_OK && wrflag ){

   /* This call makes sure that the pager has the correct number of

   ** open savepoints. If the second parameter is greater than 0 and

   ** the sub-journal is not already open, then it will be opened here.


   rc = sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pBt->pPager, p->db->nSavepoint);




  sqlite3BtreeLeave(p); // 释放互斥锁。

 return rc;





1.1.1           Goto





/* Opcode:  Goto * P2 * * *


** An unconditional jump to address P2.

** The next instruction executed will be

** the one at index P2 from thebeginning of

** the program.


** The P1 parameter is not actually usedby this opcode.  However, it

** is sometimes set to 1 instead of 0 asa hint to the command-line shell

** that this Goto is the bottom of a loopand that the lines from P2 down

** to the current line should beindented for EXPLAIN output.


case OP_Goto: {             /* jump */


 pOp = &aOp[pOp->p2 - 1];


 /* Opcodes that are used as the bottom of a loop (OP_Next, OP_Prev,

 ** OP_VNext, OP_RowSetNext, or OP_SorterNext) all jump here upon

 ** completion.  Check to see ifsqlite3_interrupt() has been called

 ** or if the progress callback needs to be invoked.


 ** This code uses unstructured "goto" statements and does notlook clean.

 ** But that is not due to sloppy coding habits. The code is written this

 ** way for performance, to avoid having to run the interrupt andprogress

 ** checks on every opcode.  Thishelps sqlite3_step() to run about 1.5%

 ** faster according to "valgrind --tool=cachegrind" */


 if( db->u1.isInterrupted ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;


 /* Call the progress callback if it is configured and the requirednumber

  ** of VDBE ops have been executed (eithersince this invocation of

 ** sqlite3VdbeExec() or since last time the progress callback wascalled).

 ** If the progress callback returns non-zero, exit the virtual machinewith

 ** a return code SQLITE_ABORT.


 if( db->xProgress!=0 && nVmStep>=nProgressLimit ){

   assert( db->nProgressOps!=0 );

   nProgressLimit = nVmStep + db->nProgressOps -(nVmStep%db->nProgressOps);

   if( db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg) ){


     goto abort_due_to_error;








1.1.2           openRead


OpenRead打开数据库的只读游标,P1存放游标ID,P2指向page no.,P3是数据库,P4是表列数,P5是限定P2的。这个指令主要调用两个函数,allocateCursor分配一个db游标和一个btree游标,初始db游标,sqlite3BtreeCursor则初始btree游标。


/* Opcode: OpenRead P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

** Synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3


** Open a read-only cursor for thedatabase table whose root page is

** P2 in a database file.  The database file is determined by P3.

** P3==0 means the main database, P3==1means the database used for

** temporary tables, and P3>1 meansused the corresponding attached

** database.  Give the new cursor an identifier of P1.  The P1

** values need not be contiguous but allP1 values should be small integers.

** It is an error for P1 to be negative.


** If P5!=0 then use the content ofregister P2 as the root page, not

** the value of P2 itself.


** There will be a read lock on thedatabase whenever there is an

** open cursor.  If the database was unlocked prior to thisinstruction

** then a read lock is acquired as partof this instruction.  A read

** lock allows other processes to readthe database but prohibits

** any other process from modifying thedatabase.  The read lock is

** released when all cursors areclosed.  If this instruction attempts

** to get a read lock but fails, thescript terminates with an

** SQLITE_BUSY error code.


** The P4 value may be either an integer(P4_INT32) or a pointer to

** a KeyInfo structure (P4_KEYINFO). Ifit is a pointer to a KeyInfo

** structure, then said structuredefines the content and collating

** sequence of the index being opened.Otherwise, if P4 is an integer

** value, it is set to the number ofcolumns in the table.


** See also: OpenWrite, ReopenIdx


case OP_OpenRead:

case OP_OpenWrite:


 assert( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite || pOp->p5==0 ||pOp->p5==OPFLAG_SEEKEQ );

 assert( p->bIsReader );

 assert( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenRead || pOp->opcode==OP_ReopenIdx

         || p->readOnly==0 );


 if( p->expired ){


   goto abort_due_to_error;



 nField = 0;

 pKeyInfo = 0;

 p2 = pOp->p2;

 iDb = pOp->p3;

 assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );

 assert( DbMaskTest(p->btreeMask, iDb) );

 pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];

 pX = pDb->pBt;

 assert( pX!=0 );

 if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite ){


   wrFlag = BTREE_WRCSR | (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_FORDELETE);

   assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) );

   if( pDb->pSchema->file_format < p->minWriteFileFormat ){

     p->minWriteFileFormat = pDb->pSchema->file_format;



   wrFlag = 0;


 if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_P2ISREG ){

   assert( p2>0 );

   assert( p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );

   pIn2 = &aMem[p2];

   assert( memIsValid(pIn2) );

   assert( (pIn2->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );


   p2 = (int)pIn2->u.i;

   /* The p2 value always comes from a prior OP_CreateTable opcode and

   ** that opcode will always set the p2 value to 2 or more or else fail.

   ** If there were a failure, the prepared statement would have halted

   ** before reaching this instruction. */

   assert( p2>=2 );


 if( pOp->p4type==P4_KEYINFO ){

   pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;

   assert( pKeyInfo->enc==ENC(db) );

   assert( pKeyInfo->db==db );

   nField = pKeyInfo->nField+pKeyInfo->nXField;

 }else if( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 ){

   nField = pOp->p4.i;


 assert( pOp->p1>=0 );

 assert( nField>=0 );

 testcase( nField==0 );  /* Tablewith INTEGER PRIMARY KEY and nothing else */

 pCur = allocateCursor(p,pOp->p1, nField, iDb, CURTYPE_BTREE);

 if( pCur==0 ) goto no_mem;

 pCur->nullRow = 1;

 pCur->isOrdered = 1;

 pCur->pgnoRoot = p2;


 pCur->wrFlag = wrFlag;


 rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(pX,p2, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur->uc.pCursor);

 pCur->pKeyInfo = pKeyInfo;

 /* Set the VdbeCursor.isTable variable. Previous versions of

 ** SQLite used to check if the root-page flags were sane at this point

 ** and report database corruption if they were not, but this check has

 ** since moved into the btree layer. */ 

 pCur->isTable = pOp->p4type!=P4_KEYINFO;





 testcase( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_BULKCSR );


 testcase( pOp->p2 & OPFLAG_SEEKEQ );



                               (pOp->p5& (OPFLAG_BULKCSR|OPFLAG_SEEKEQ)));

 if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;









** Allocate VdbeCursor number iCur.  Return a pointer to it.  Return NULL

** if we run out of memory.


static VdbeCursor *allocateCursor(

 Vdbe *p,              /* Thevirtual machine */

 int iCur,             /* Index ofthe new VdbeCursor */

 int nField,           /* Number offields in the table or index */

 int iDb,              /* Databasethe cursor belongs to, or -1 */

 u8 eCurType           /* Type ofthe new cursor */


 /* Find the memory cell that will be used to store the blob of memory

 ** required for this VdbeCursor structure. It is convenient to use a

 ** vdbe memory cell to manage the memory allocation required for a

 ** VdbeCursor structure for the following reasons:


 **   * Sometimes cursor numbersare used for a couple of different

 **     purposes in a vdbe program.The different uses might require

 **     different sized allocations. Memory cellsprovide growable

 **     allocations.


 **   * When usingENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, memory cell buffers can

 **     be freed lazily via thesqlite3_release_memory() API. This

 **     minimizes the number ofmalloc calls made by the system.


 ** The memory cell for cursor 0 is aMem[0]. The rest are allocated from

 ** the top of the register space. Cursor 1 is at Mem[p->nMem-1].

 ** Cursor 2 is at Mem[p->nMem-2]. And so forth.


 Mem *pMem = iCur>0 ? &p->aMem[p->nMem-iCur] : p->aMem;


 int nByte;

 VdbeCursor *pCx = 0;

 nByte =

     ROUND8(sizeof(VdbeCursor)) + 2*sizeof(u32)*nField +



 assert( iCur>=0 && iCur<p->nCursor );

 if( p->apCsr[iCur] ){ /*OPTIMIZATION-IF-FALSE*/

   sqlite3VdbeFreeCursor(p, p->apCsr[iCur]);

   p->apCsr[iCur] = 0;


 if( SQLITE_OK==sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pMem, nByte) ){

   p->apCsr[iCur] = pCx = (VdbeCursor*)pMem->z;

   memset(pCx, 0, offsetof(VdbeCursor,pAltCursor));

   pCx->eCurType = eCurType;

   pCx->iDb = iDb;

   pCx->nField = nField;

   pCx->aOffset = &pCx->aType[nField];

   if( eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE ){

     pCx->uc.pCursor= (BtCursor*)  //注意这句,给btree分配一个游标





 return pCx;






1.1.3           Rewind






/* Opcode: Rewind P1 P2 * * *


** The next use of the Rowid or Columnor Next instruction for P1

** will refer to the first entry in thedatabase table or index.

** If the table or index is empty, jumpimmediately to P2.

** If the table or index is not empty,fall through to the following

** instruction.


** This opcode leaves the cursorconfigured to move in forward order,

** from the beginning toward theend.  In other words, the cursor is

** configured to use Next, not Prev.


case OP_Rewind: {        /* jump */

 VdbeCursor *pC;

 BtCursor *pCrsr;

 int res;


 assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );

 pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];

 assert( pC!=0 );

 assert( isSorter(pC)==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterSort) );

 res = 1;


 pC->seekOp = OP_Rewind;


 if( isSorter(pC) ){

   rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(pC, &res);


   assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );

   pCrsr = pC->uc.pCursor;

   assert( pCrsr );

   rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(pCrsr,&res);

   pC->deferredMoveto = 0;

   pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;


 if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;

 pC->nullRow = (u8)res;

 assert( pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2<p->nOp );


 if( res ) goto jump_to_p2;





/* Move the cursor to the first entry inthe table.  Return SQLITE_OK

** on success.  Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually pointsto something

** or set *pRes to 1 if the table isempty.


int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor *pCur,int *pRes){

 int rc;


 assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );

 assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );

 rc = moveToRoot(pCur);

 if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){

   if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){

     assert( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 ||pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->nCell==0 );

     *pRes = 1;


     assert( pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->nCell>0 );

     *pRes = 0;

     rc = moveToLeftmost(pCur);



 return rc;








** Get a page from the pager and initializeit.


** If pCur!=0 then the page is beingfetched as part of a moveToChild()

** call. Do additional sanity checking on the page in this case.

** And if the fetch fails, this routinemust decrement pCur->iPage.


** The page is fetched as read-writeunless pCur is not NULL and is

** a read-only cursor.


** If an error occurs, then *ppPage isundefined. It

** may remain unchanged, or it may beset to an invalid value.


static int getAndInitPage(

 BtShared *pBt,                  /*The database file */

 Pgno pgno,                      /*Number of the page to get */

 MemPage **ppPage,               /*Write the page pointer here */

 BtCursor *pCur,                 /*Cursor to receive the page, or NULL */

 int bReadOnly                   /*True for a read-only page */


 int rc;

 DbPage *pDbPage;

 assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );

 assert( pCur==0 || ppPage==&pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage] );

 assert( pCur==0 || bReadOnly==pCur->curPagerFlags );

 assert( pCur==0 || pCur->iPage>0 );


 if( pgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){


   goto getAndInitPage_error;


 rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, pgno,(DbPage**)&pDbPage, bReadOnly);

 if( rc ){

   goto getAndInitPage_error;


 *ppPage = (MemPage*)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDbPage);

 if( (*ppPage)->isInit==0 ){

   btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);

   rc = btreeInitPage(*ppPage);

   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){


     goto getAndInitPage_error;



 assert( (*ppPage)->pgno==pgno );

 assert( (*ppPage)->aData==sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage) );


 /* If obtaining a child page for a cursor, we must verify that the pageis

 ** compatible with the root page. */

 if( pCur && ((*ppPage)->nCell<1 ||(*ppPage)->intKey!=pCur->curIntKey) ){



   goto getAndInitPage_error;


 return SQLITE_OK;



 if( pCur ) pCur->iPage--;

 testcase( pgno==0 );

 assert( pgno!=0 || rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT );

 return rc;






int sqlite3PagerGet(

 Pager *pPager,      /* The pageropen on the database file */

 Pgno pgno,          /* Page numberto fetch */

 DbPage **ppPage,    /* Write apointer to the page here */

 int flags           /*PAGER_GET_XXX flags */


 return pPager->xGet(pPager,pgno, ppPage, flags);









int sqlite3OsRead(sqlite3_file *id, void*pBuf, int amt, i64 offset){


 return id->pMethods->xRead(id, pBuf, amt, offset);







static const sqlite3_io_methods METHOD ={                                   \

  VERSION,                    /*iVersion */                               \

  CLOSE,                      /*xClose */                                 \

  unixRead,                   /*xRead */                                  \

  unixWrite,                  /*xWrite */                                 \

  unixTruncate,               /* xTruncate */                               \

  unixSync,                   /*xSync */                                  \

  unixFileSize,               /*xFileSize */                              \

  LOCK,                       /*xLock */                                  \

  UNLOCK,                     /*xUnlock */                                \

  CKLOCK,                     /*xCheckReservedLock */                     \

  unixFileControl,            /*xFileControl */                            \

  unixSectorSize,             /*xSectorSize */                            \

  unixDeviceCharacteristics,  /*xDeviceCapabilities */                    \

  SHMMAP,                     /*xShmMap */                                \

  unixShmLock,                /*xShmLock */                               \

  unixShmBarrier,             /*xShmBarrier */                            \

  unixShmUnmap,               /*xShmUnmap */                              \

  unixFetch,                  /* xFetch */                                  \

  unixUnfetch,                /*xUnfetch */                               \

};                                                                          \





** Read data from a file into abuffer.  Return SQLITE_OK if all

** bytes were read successfully andSQLITE_IOERR if anything goes

** wrong.


static int unixRead(

 sqlite3_file *id,

 void *pBuf,

 int amt,

 sqlite3_int64 offset


 unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;

 int got;


 /* If this is a database file (not a journal, master-journal or temp

 ** file), the bytes in the locking range should never be read orwritten. */



 /* Deal with as much of this read request as possible by transfering

 ** data from the memory mapping using memcpy().  */

 if( offset<pFile->mmapSize ){

   if( offset+amt <= pFile->mmapSize ){

     memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], amt);

     return SQLITE_OK;


     int nCopy = pFile->mmapSize - offset;

     memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], nCopy);

     pBuf = &((u8 *)pBuf)[nCopy];

     amt -= nCopy;

     offset += nCopy;





 got = seekAndRead(pFile,offset, pBuf, amt);

 if( got==amt ){

   return SQLITE_OK;

 }else if( got<0 ){

   /* lastErrno set by seekAndRead */



   storeLastErrno(pFile, 0);   /* nota system error */

   /* Unread parts of the buffer must be zero-filled */

   memset(&((char*)pBuf)[got], 0, amt-got);







1.1.1           Column

Column进行列操作,P1是游标ID,P2是column id,p3存储P2的数据,P4做数据存储的备用,用来处理P4_MEM类型数据,P5是flag。





/* Opcode: Column P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

** Synopsis: r[P3]=PX


** Interpret the data that cursor P1points to as a structure built using

** the MakeRecord instruction.  (See the MakeRecord opcode for additional

** information about the format of thedata.)  Extract the P2-th column

** from this record.  If there are less that (P2+1)

** values in the record, extract a NULL.


** The value extracted is stored inregister P3.


** If the column contains fewer than P2fields, then extract a NULL.  Or,

** if the P4 argument is a P4_MEM usethe value of the P4 argument as

** the result.


** If the OPFLAG_CLEARCACHE bit is seton P5 and P1 is a pseudo-table cursor,

** then the cache of the cursor is resetprior to extracting the column.

** The first OP_Column against apseudo-table after the value of the content

** register has changed should have thisbit set.


** If the OPFLAG_LENGTHARG andOPFLAG_TYPEOFARG bits are set on P5 when

** the result is guaranteed to only beused as the argument of a length()

** or typeof() function,respectively.  The loading of large blobscan be

** skipped for length() and all contentloading can be skipped for typeof().


case OP_Column: {

 int p2;            /* columnnumber to retrieve */

 VdbeCursor *pC;    /* The VDBEcursor */

 BtCursor *pCrsr;   /* The BTreecursor */

 u32 *aOffset;      /* aOffset[i]is offset to start of data for i-th column */

 int len;           /* The lengthof the serialized data for the column */

 int i;             /* Loop counter*/

 Mem *pDest;        /* Where towrite the extracted value */

 Mem sMem;          /* For storingthe record being decoded */

 const u8 *zData;   /* Part of therecord being decoded */

 const u8 *zHdr;    /* Next unparsedbyte of the header */

 const u8 *zEndHdr; /* Pointer to first byte after the header */

 u32 offset;        /* Offset intothe data */

 u64 offset64;      /* 64-bitoffset */

 u32 avail;         /* Number ofbytes of available data */

 u32 t;             /* A type code from the recordheader */

 Mem *pReg;         /* PseudoTableinput register */


 pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];

 p2 = pOp->p2;





static SQLITE_NOINLINE voidgetCellInfo(BtCursor *pCur){

 if( pCur->info.nSize==0 ){

   int iPage = pCur->iPage;

   pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_ValidNKey;








因为root page、leaf page以及index的page格式不相同,所以在解析cell的时候,虽然使用了统一的解析函数xParseCell,但对不同的page,实现并不一样。


static void btreeParseCell(

 MemPage *pPage,         /* Pagecontaining the cell */

 int iCell,              /* The cell index.  First cell is 0 */

 CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill inthis structure */


 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, findCell(pPage, iCell), pInfo);



我们分析其中leaf page对应的btreeParseCellPtr,


首先,这个函数功能就是将物理磁盘的叶子页数据填充到内存CellInfo的数据结构里面,物理磁盘的数据其实已经被读出来存放到内存里,被pcell指针指向,但数据还是raw的,raw data的格式如下。



static void btreeParseCellPtr(

 MemPage *pPage,         /* Pagecontaining the cell */

 u8 *pCell,              /* Pointerto the cell text. */

 CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill inthis structure */


 u8 *pIter;              /* Forscanning through pCell */

 u32 nPayload;           /* Numberof bytes of cell payload */

 u64 iKey;               /*Extracted Key value */


 assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );

 assert( pPage->leaf==0 || pPage->leaf==1 );

 assert( pPage->intKeyLeaf );

 assert( pPage->childPtrSize==0 );

 pIter = pCell;


 /* The next block of code is equivalent to:


 **     pIter += getVarint32(pIter,nPayload);


 ** The code is inlined to avoid a function call.


 nPayload = *pIter; //获取地址指针

 if( nPayload>=0x80 ){  //获取第一个可变长整数

   u8 *pEnd = &pIter[8];

   nPayload &= 0x7f;


     nPayload = (nPayload<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);

   }while( (*pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );




 /* The next block of code is equivalent to:


 **     pIter += getVarint(pIter,(u64*)&pInfo->nKey);


 ** The code is inlined to avoid a function call.


 iKey = *pIter;

  if( iKey>=0x80 ){  //获取第二个可变长整数

   u8 *pEnd = &pIter[7];

   iKey &= 0x7f;


     iKey = (iKey<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);

     if( (*pIter)<0x80 ) break;

     if( pIter>=pEnd ){

       iKey = (iKey<<8) | *++pIter;





 pIter++; //指向内容


 pInfo->nKey = *(i64*)&iKey;

 pInfo->nPayload = nPayload;

 pInfo->pPayload = pIter;

 testcase( nPayload==pPage->maxLocal );

 testcase( nPayload==pPage->maxLocal+1 );

 if( nPayload<=pPage->maxLocal ){ 

   /* This is the (easy) common case where the entire payload fits

   ** on the local page.  No overflowis required.


   pInfo->nSize = nPayload + (u16)(pIter - pCell);

   if( pInfo->nSize<4 ) pInfo->nSize = 4;

   pInfo->nLocal = (u16)nPayload;

 }else{  //处理over flow

   btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(pPage, pCell, pInfo);








** Return a pointer to payloadinformation from the entry that the

** pCur cursor is pointing to.  The pointer is to the beginning of

** the key if index btrees(pPage->intKey==0) and is the data for

** table btrees (pPage->intKey==1).The number of bytes of available

** key/data is written into *pAmt.  If *pAmt==0, then the value

** returned will not be a valid pointer.


** This routine is an optimization.  It is common for the entire key

** and data to fit on the local page andfor there to be no overflow

** pages.  When that is so, this routine can be used toaccess the

** key and data without making acopy.  If the key and/or data spills

** onto overflow pages, thenaccessPayload() must be used to reassemble

** the key/data and copy it into apreallocated buffer.


** The pointer returned by this routinelooks directly into the cached

** page of the database.  The data might change or move the next time

** any btree routine is called.


static const void *fetchPayload(

 BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursorpointing to entry to read from */

 u32 *pAmt            /* Write thenumber of available bytes here */


 u32 amt;

 assert( pCur!=0 && pCur->iPage>=0 &&pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]);

 assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );

 assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );

  assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );

 assert(pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage]<pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->nCell );

 assert( pCur->info.nSize>0 );

 assert(pCur->info.pPayload>pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->aData ||CORRUPT_DB );

 assert( pCur->info.pPayload<pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->aDataEnd||CORRUPT_DB);

 amt = (int)(pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->aDataEnd -pCur->info.pPayload);

 if( pCur->info.nLocal<amt ) amt = pCur->info.nLocal;

 *pAmt = amt;

 return (void*)pCur->info.pPayload;







** For the entry that cursor pCur ispoint to, return as

** many bytes of the key or data as areavailable on the local

** b-tree page.  Write the number of available bytes into*pAmt.


** The pointer returned isephemeral.  The key/data may move

** or be destroyed on the next call toany Btree routine,

** including calls from other threadsagainst the same cache.

** Hence, a mutex on the BtShared shouldbe held prior to calling

** this routine.


** These routines is used to get quickaccess to key and data

** in the common case where no overflowpages are used.


const void*sqlite3BtreePayloadFetch(BtCursor *pCur, u32 *pAmt){

 return fetchPayload(pCur, pAmt);






** Return a pointer to payloadinformation from the entry that the

** pCur cursor is pointing to.  The pointer is to the beginning of

** the key if index btrees(pPage->intKey==0) and is the data for

** table btrees (pPage->intKey==1).The number of bytes of available

** key/data is written into *pAmt.  If *pAmt==0, then the value

** returned will not be a valid pointer.


** This routine is an optimization.  It is common for the entire key

** and data to fit on the local page andfor there to be no overflow

** pages.  When that is so, this routine can be used toaccess the

** key and data without making acopy.  If the key and/or data spills

** onto overflow pages, thenaccessPayload() must be used to reassemble

** the key/data and copy it into apreallocated buffer.


** The pointer returned by this routinelooks directly into the cached

** page of the database.  The data might change or move the next time

** any btree routine is called.


static const void *fetchPayload(

 BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursorpointing to entry to read from */

 u32 *pAmt            /* Write thenumber of available bytes here */


 u32 amt;

 assert( pCur!=0 && pCur->iPage>=0 &&pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]);

 assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );

 assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );

 assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );

 assert( pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage]<pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->nCell);

 assert( pCur->info.nSize>0 );

 assert(pCur->info.pPayload>pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->aData ||CORRUPT_DB );


 amt = (int)(pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]->aDataEnd -pCur->info.pPayload);

 if( pCur->info.nLocal<amt ) amt = pCur->info.nLocal;

 *pAmt = amt;

 return (void*)pCur->info.pPayload;











** Make sure pMem->z points to awritable allocation of at least

** min(n,32) bytes.


** If the bPreserve argument is true,then copy of the content of

** pMem->z into the newallocation.  pMem must be either a stringor

** blob if bPreserve is true.  If bPreserve is false, any prior content

** in pMem->z is discarded.


SQLITE_NOINLINE intsqlite3VdbeMemGrow(Mem *pMem, int n, int bPreserve){

 assert( sqlite3VdbeCheckMemInvariants(pMem) );

 assert( (pMem->flags&MEM_RowSet)==0 );

 testcase( pMem->db==0 );


 /* If the bPreserve flag is set to true, then the memory cell mustalready

 ** contain a valid string or blob value. */

 assert( bPreserve==0 || pMem->flags&(MEM_Blob|MEM_Str) );

 testcase( bPreserve && pMem->z==0 );


 assert( pMem->szMalloc==0

      || pMem->szMalloc==sqlite3DbMallocSize(pMem->db, pMem->zMalloc));

 if( pMem->szMalloc<n ){

   if( n<32 ) n = 32;

   if( bPreserve && pMem->szMalloc>0 &&pMem->z==pMem->zMalloc ){

     pMem->z = pMem->zMalloc = sqlite3DbReallocOrFree(pMem->db,pMem->z, n);

     bPreserve = 0;


     if( pMem->szMalloc>0 ) sqlite3DbFree(pMem->db,pMem->zMalloc);

     pMem->zMalloc = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(pMem->db, n);


   if( pMem->zMalloc==0 ){


     pMem->z = 0;

     pMem->szMalloc = 0;

     return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;


     pMem->szMalloc = sqlite3DbMallocSize(pMem->db, pMem->zMalloc);




 if( bPreserve && pMem->z &&pMem->z!=pMem->zMalloc ){

   memcpy(pMem->zMalloc, pMem->z, pMem->n);


 if( (pMem->flags&MEM_Dyn)!=0 ){

   assert( pMem->xDel!=0 && pMem->xDel!=SQLITE_DYNAMIC );

   pMem->xDel((void *)(pMem->z));



 pMem->z = pMem->zMalloc;

 pMem->flags &= ~(MEM_Dyn|MEM_Ephem|MEM_Static);

 return SQLITE_OK;












1.1.1           ResultRow




/* Opcode: ResultRow P1 P2 * * *

** Synopsis: output=r[P1@P2]


** The registers P1 through P1+P2-1contain a single row of

** results. This opcode causes thesqlite3_step() call to terminate

** with an SQLITE_ROW return code and itsets up the sqlite3_stmt

** structure to provide access to ther(P1)..r(P1+P2-1) values as

** the result row.


case OP_ResultRow: {

 Mem *pMem;

 int i;

 assert( p->nResColumn==pOp->p2 );

 assert( pOp->p1>0 );

 assert( pOp->p1+pOp->p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor)+1 );



 /* Run the progress counter just before returning.


 if( db->xProgress!=0

  && nVmStep>=nProgressLimit

  && db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg)!=0



   goto abort_due_to_error;




 /* If this statement has violated immediate foreign key constraints, do

 ** not return the number of rows modified. And do not RELEASE thestatement

 ** transaction. It needs to be rolled back.  */

 if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p, 0)) ){

   assert( db->flags&SQLITE_CountRows );

   assert( p->usesStmtJournal );

   goto abort_due_to_error;



 /* If the SQLITE_CountRows flag is set in sqlite3.flags mask, then

 ** DML statements invoke this opcode to return the number of rows

 ** modified to the user. This is the only way that a VM that

 ** opens a statement transaction may invoke this opcode.


 ** In case this is such a statement, close any statement transaction

 ** opened by this VM before returning control to the user. This is to

 ** ensure that statement-transactions are always nested, notoverlapping.

 ** If the open statement-transaction is not closed here, then the user

 ** may step another VM that opens its own statement transaction. This

 ** may lead to overlapping statement transactions.


 ** The statement transaction is never a top-level transaction.  Hence

 ** the RELEASE call below can never fail.


 assert( p->iStatement==0 || db->flags&SQLITE_CountRows );

 rc = sqlite3VdbeCloseStatement(p, SAVEPOINT_RELEASE);

 assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );


 /* Invalidate all ephemeral cursor row caches */

 p->cacheCtr = (p->cacheCtr + 2)|1;


 /* Make sure the results of the current row are \000 terminated

 ** and have an assigned type.  Theresults are de-ephemeralized as

 ** a side effect.


 pMem = p->pResultSet = &aMem[pOp->p1];

 for(i=0; i<pOp->p2; i++){

   assert( memIsValid(&pMem[i]) );


   assert( (pMem[i].flags & MEM_Ephem)==0

            || (pMem[i].flags &(MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );


   REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1+i, &pMem[i]);


 if( db->mallocFailed ) goto no_mem;


 if( db->mTrace & SQLITE_TRACE_ROW ){

   db->xTrace(SQLITE_TRACE_ROW, db->pTraceArg, p, 0);



 /* Return SQLITE_ROW


 p->pc = (int)(pOp - aOp) + 1;


 goto vdbe_return;




1.1.2           Next


 Next指令跟在SeekGT,SeekGE, 或 OP_Rewind后面,但不能在SeekLT,SeekLE, or OP_Last后面。



/* Opcode: Next P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


** Advance cursor P1 so that it pointsto the next key/data pair in its

** table or index.  If there are no more key/value pairs thenfall through

** to the following instruction.  But if the cursor advance was successful,

** jump immediately to P2.


** The Next opcode is only validfollowing an SeekGT, SeekGE, or

** OP_Rewind opcode used to position thecursor.  Next is not allowed

** to follow SeekLT, SeekLE, or OP_Last.


** The P1 cursor must be for a realtable, not a pseudo-table.  P1 must have

** been opened prior to this opcode orthe program will segfault.


** The P3 value is a hint to the btreeimplementation. If P3==1, that

** means P1 is an SQL index and thatthis instruction could have been

** omitted if that index had beenunique.  P3 is usually 0.  P3 is

** always either 0 or 1.


** P4 is always of type P4_ADVANCE. Thefunction pointer points to

** sqlite3BtreeNext().


** If P5 is positive and the jump istaken, then event counter

** number P5-1 in the prepared statementis incremented.


case OP_Prev:          /* jump */

case OP_Next:          /* jump */

 assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor ); //参数检查

 assert( pOp->p5<ArraySize(p->aCounter) );

 pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];

 res = pOp->p3;

 assert( pC!=0 );

 assert( pC->deferredMoveto==0 );

 assert( pC->eCurType==CURTYPE_BTREE );

 assert( res==0 || (res==1 && pC->isTable==0) );

 testcase( res==1 );

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Next || pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreeNext );// 对应的执行函数

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Prev ||pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreePrevious );

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_NextIfOpen ||pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreeNext );

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_PrevIfOpen ||pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreePrevious);


 /* The Next opcode is only used after SeekGT, SeekGE, and Rewind.

 ** The Prev opcode is only used after SeekLT, SeekLE, and Last. */

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Next || pOp->opcode!=OP_NextIfOpen

      || pC->seekOp==OP_SeekGT || pC->seekOp==OP_SeekGE

      || pC->seekOp==OP_Rewind || pC->seekOp==OP_Found);

 assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Prev || pOp->opcode!=OP_PrevIfOpen

      || pC->seekOp==OP_SeekLT || pC->seekOp==OP_SeekLE

      || pC->seekOp==OP_Last );


 rc = pOp->p4.xAdvance(pC->uc.pCursor,&res);


 pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;


 if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;

 if( res==0 ){

   pC->nullRow = 0;





   goto jump_to_p2_and_check_for_interrupt; //跳转


   pC->nullRow = 1;


 goto check_for_interrupt;








1.1.3           Halt






/* Opcode:  Halt P1 P2 * P4 P5


** Exit immediately.  All open cursors, etc are closed

** automatically.


** P1 is the result code returned bysqlite3_exec(), sqlite3_reset(),

** or sqlite3_finalize().  For a normal halt, this should be SQLITE_OK(0).

** For errors, it can be some othervalue.  If P1!=0 then P2 will determine

** whether or not to rollback thecurrent transaction.  Do not rollback

** if P2==OE_Fail. Do the rollback ifP2==OE_Rollback.  If P2==OE_Abort,

** then back out all changes that haveoccurred during this execution of the

** VDBE, but do not rollback thetransaction.


** If P4 is not null then it is an errormessage string.


** P5 is a value between 0 and 4,inclusive, that modifies the P4 string.


**   0:  (no change)

**   1:  NOT NULL contraint failed: P4

**   2:  UNIQUE constraint failed: P4

**   3:  CHECK constraint failed: P4

**   4:  FOREIGN KEY constraint failed:P4


** If P5 is not zero and P4 is NULL,then everything after the ":" is

** omitted.


** There is an implied "Halt 0 00" instruction inserted at the very end of

** every program.  So a jump past the last instruction of theprogram

** is the same as executing Halt.


case OP_Halt: {

 VdbeFrame *pFrame;

 int pcx;


 pcx = (int)(pOp - aOp);

 if( pOp->p1==SQLITE_OK && p->pFrame ){

   /* Halt the sub-program. Return control to the parent frame. */

   pFrame = p->pFrame;

   p->pFrame = pFrame->pParent;


   sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(db, p->nChange);

   pcx = sqlite3VdbeFrameRestore(pFrame);

   if( pOp->p2==OE_Ignore ){

     /* Instruction pcx is the OP_Program that invoked the sub-program

     ** currently being halted. If the p2 instruction of this OP_Halt

     ** instruction is set to OE_Ignore, then the sub-program is throwing

     ** an IGNORE exception. In this case jump to the address specified

     ** as the p2 of the calling OP_Program. */

     pcx = p->aOp[pcx].p2-1;


   aOp = p->aOp;

   aMem = p->aMem;

   pOp = &aOp[pcx];



 p->rc = pOp->p1;

 p->errorAction = (u8)pOp->p2;

 p->pc = pcx;

 assert( pOp->p5<=4 );

 if( p->rc ){

   if( pOp->p5 ){

     static const char * const azType[] = { "NOT NULL","UNIQUE", "CHECK",

                                            "FOREIGN KEY" };

     testcase( pOp->p5==1 );

     testcase( pOp->p5==2 );

     testcase( pOp->p5==3 );

     testcase( pOp->p5==4 );

     sqlite3VdbeError(p, "%s constraint failed",azType[pOp->p5-1]);

     if( pOp->p4.z ){

       p->zErrMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%z: %s", p->zErrMsg,pOp->p4.z);



     sqlite3VdbeError(p, "%s", pOp->p4.z);


   sqlite3_log(pOp->p1, "abort at %d in [%s]: %s", pcx,p->zSql, p->zErrMsg);


 rc = sqlite3VdbeHalt(p);

 assert( rc==SQLITE_BUSY || rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_ERROR );

 if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){

   p->rc = SQLITE_BUSY;


   assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->rc&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT );

   assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || db->nDeferredCons>0 ||db->nDeferredImmCons>0 );

   rc = p->rc ? SQLITE_ERROR : SQLITE_DONE;


 goto vdbe_return;








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


