关于chrome Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html的问题

这是由于服务器端给你发回的javascript http响应的content-type值是text/plain(默认。)而你所期望返回的是兼容javascript类型的。

解决方法,可以在服务器端的返回字段里增加:content-type : application/x-javascript

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asp+excel多用途查询系统 1.8 更新说明: 1.解决首次访问验证码不显问题. 2.使用更方便 只要修改conn.asp一个地方,就可以实现通用。无需修改查询页面,JS等。 3.更新:JS以.asp格式显示的错误:Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html:。 4.对页面排版(html、css)都做了优化。 asp+excel成绩/工资/物业多用途查询系统是一个简单却用途广泛的查询系统,可以用于学校成绩查询,企业工资查询,物业费用查询等,并且支持多月,多类别。如果你熟悉asp代码那么使用起来就极为方便了,代码附工资、成绩、物业多种情况的测试数据,现将代码公布供大家学习使用。 asp+excel成绩/工资/物业多用途查询系统优点 1. 使用简单。 只要维护好你的EXCEL数据文件即可,而查询结果都由你的数据库来控制。查询页面的选项由你的文件名控制,查询的表格标题栏由你的表格第一行控制。 2. 适用广泛。 简单的修改代码,实现支持多月、多类别、多列数的查询系统,让你一次定制,实现多月(可以放置多个月的数据),多个类别(比如可以分车间),多种情况可以查(查询结果项目数不同,有时候5项,有时候6项)。 3. 用户体验佳。 js验证输入的内容,比如名字只能是2-4个汉字,否则提示并且不能提交查询。这样也可以减轻服务器负担。验证码验证等,姓名空格也能匹配。
Go, the open-source programming language originally developed at Google, makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. It’s a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. Its concurrency mechanisms, coupled with modern hardware, makes Go an effective general purpose programming language for a wide range of applications such as, system programming and embedded systems, desktop development and distributed systems, backend services for mobile and web, DevOps, and cloud application development. Web Development with Go will teach you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Go. The book starts off by covering Go programming language fundamentals as a prerequisite for web development. After a thorough understanding of the basics, the book delves into web development using the built-in package, net/http. With each chapter you’ll be introduced to new concepts for gradually building a real-world web system. The book further shows you how to integrate Go with other technologies. For example, it provides an overview of using MongoDB as a means of persistent storage, and providesan end-to-end REST API sample features MongoDB as well. Developers looking for a full-fledged web development framework for building web apps will be introduced to Beego. The book then moves on to demonstrate how to deploy web apps to the cloud using the Google Cloud platform. Finally, the book introduces Docker, a revolutionary container technology platform for deploying containerized Go web apps to the Cloud. Web Development with Go provides: Basic fundamentals for building real-world web apps in Go. Through coverage of prerequisites and practical code examples. Demo web apps for attaining a deeper understandi ng of web development A reference REST API app which can be used to build scalable real-world backend services in Go. A through demonstration of deploying web apps to the Cloud using the Google Cloud platform, and Docker for deploying Go Servers. In totality, Go is a high-performance language while providing greater level of developer productivity, therefore Web Development with Go equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge required for effectively building robust and efficient web apps by leveraging the features of Go, and find yourself become the sought after person on Go among your peers and employers alike, in no time.
QAD ERP专用数据库及程序开发语言手册 ABL Reference Preface This Preface contains the following sections: * Purpose * Audience * Organization * Using this manual * Typographical conventions * Examples of syntax descriptions * Example procedures * OpenEdge messages * Third party acknowledgements Purpose This book describes ABL (Advanced Business Language), which is the OpenEdge® programming language for building business applications. It covers all ABL statements, functions, phrases, operators, preprocessor directives, special symbols, widgets, handles, classes, interfaces, attributes, methods, properties, and events. Audience This book is intended for programmers who develop applications using ABL and for anyone who needs to read and understand ABL code. Organization This book consists of the following sections: * A dictionary of ABL statements, functions, phrases, operators, preprocessors, and special symbols. * A dictionary of ABL widgets. * A dictionary of ABL handles. * A dictionary of ABL attributes and methods (for handles). * A dictionary of ABL handle-based object events. * A dictionary of ABL classes and interfaces. * A dictionary of ABL properties and methods (for classes). * A dictionary of ABL class events and event methods * An index of ABL keywords. Using this manual OpenEdge provides a special purpose programming language for building business applications. In the documentation, the formal name for this language is ABL (Advanced Business Language). With few exceptions, all keywords of the language appear in all UPPERCASE, using a font that is appropriate to the context. All other alphabetic language content appears in mixed case. For the latest documentation updates see the OpenEdge Product Documentation Overview page on PSDN: http://communities.progress.com/pcom/docs/DOC-16074. References to ABL compiler and run-time features ABL is both a compiled and an interpreted language that executes in a run-time engine.


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