
我这里只列出从网上获取的代码的实现, 我修改了一些, 可以很方便的使用到你的代码里面。

AES 比DES算法的强度更强。AES使用128位的加密密钥就足够了, 不需要使用更长的密钥。毕竟密钥太长浪费CPU资源。

#ifndef _AES_H
#define _AES_H

/*************** Header files *********************************************/
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
//#include "cryptcom.h"

#define AES_ModeType  AI_ECB
#define AES_PadType   AI_PKCS_PADDING

/*************** Assertions ***********************************************/
	Define the Endianness	


#if defined(USER_BIG_ENDIAN)
	#define BIG_ENDIAN
#elif defined(USER_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
	#if 0
		#define BIG_ENDIAN		//	Big-Endian machine with pointer casting
	#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
		#define LITTLE_ENDIAN	//	Little-Endian machine with pointer casting

/*************** Macros ***************************************************/
	rotate by using shift operations	
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
	#define ROTL_DWORD(x, n) _lrotl((x), (n))
	#define ROTR_DWORD(x, n) _lrotr((x), (n))
	#define ROTL_DWORD(x, n) ( (DWORD)((x) << (n)) | (DWORD)((x) >> (32-(n))) )
	#define ROTR_DWORD(x, n) ( (DWORD)((x) >> (n)) | (DWORD)((x) << (32-(n))) )

	reverse the byte order of DWORD(DWORD:4-bytes integer) and WORD.
#define ENDIAN_REVERSE_DWORD(dwS)	( (ROTL_DWORD((dwS),  8) & 0x00ff00ff) | (ROTL_DWORD((dwS), 24) & 0xff00ff00) )

	move DWORD type to BYTE type and BYTE type to DWORD type
#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN)			Big-Endian machine
	#define BIG_B2D(B, D)		D = *(DWORD *)(B)
	#define BIG_D2B(D, B)		*(DWORD *)(B) = (DWORD)(D)
#elif defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)		Little-Endian machine
	#define LITTLE_B2D(B, D)	D = *(DWORD *)(B)
	#define LITTLE_D2B(D, B)	*(DWORD *)(B) = (DWORD)(D)
	#error ERROR : Invalid DataChangeType

/*************** Definitions / Macros *************************************/
	泅犁 酒贰狼 4俺 规侥阑 瘤盔茄促.
#define AI_ECB					1
#define AI_CBC					2
#define AI_OFB					3
#define AI_CFB					4
	泅犁 酒贰狼 滴 padding阑 瘤盔茄促.
#define AI_NO_PADDING			1	//	Padding 绝澜(涝仿捞 16官捞飘狼 硅荐)
#define AI_PKCS_PADDING			2	//	padding登绰 官捞飘 荐肺 padding

	AES俊 包访等 惑荐甸
#define AES_BLOCK_LEN			16		//	in BYTEs
#define AES_USER_KEY_LEN		32		//	(16,24,32) in BYTEs
#define AES_NO_ROUNDS			10
#define AES_NO_ROUNDKEY			68		//	in DWORDs

/*************** New Data Types *******************************************/
	Determine data types depand on the processor and compiler.
#define BOOL	int					//	1-bit data type
#define BYTE	unsigned char		//	unsigned 1-byte data type
#define WORD	unsigned short int	//	unsigned 2-bytes data type
#define DWORD	unsigned int		//	unsigned 4-bytes data type
#define RET_VAL		DWORD			//	return values

typedef struct{
	DWORD		ModeID;						//	ECB or CBC
	DWORD		PadType;					//	喉废鞠龋狼 Padding type
	BYTE		IV[AES_BLOCK_LEN];			//	Initial Vector
	BYTE		ChainVar[AES_BLOCK_LEN];	//	Chaining Variable
	BYTE		Buffer[AES_BLOCK_LEN];		//	Buffer for unfilled block
	DWORD		BufLen; 					//	Buffer狼 蜡瓤 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		RoundKey[AES_NO_ROUNDKEY];	//	扼款靛 虐狼 DWORD 荐
/*************** Constant (Error Code) ************************************/
	Error Code - 沥府窍绊, 利寸洒 免仿秦具 窃.
#define CTR_SUCCESS					0
#define CTR_FATAL_ERROR				0x1001
#define CTR_INVALID_USERKEYLEN		0x1002	//	厚剐虐狼 辨捞啊 何利例窃.
#define CTR_PAD_CHECK_ERROR			0x1003	//	
#define CTR_DATA_LEN_ERROR			0x1004	//	乞巩狼 辨捞啊 何利例窃.
#define CTR_CIPHER_LEN_ERROR		0x1005	//	鞠龋巩捞 喉废狼 硅荐啊 酒丛.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/*************** Prototypes ***********************************************/
	单捞鸥 鸥涝 AES_ALG_INFO俊 mode, padding 辆幅 棺 IV 蔼阑 檬扁拳茄促.
void	AES_SetAlgInfo(
		DWORD			ModeID,
		DWORD			PadType,
		BYTE			*IV,
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo);

	涝仿等 AES_USER_KEY_LEN官牢飘狼 厚剐虐肺 扼款靛 虐 积己
RET_VAL AES_EncKeySchedule(
		BYTE			*UserKey,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐甫 涝仿窃.
		DWORD			UserKeyLen,
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo);		//	鞠汗龋侩 Round Key啊 历厘凳.
RET_VAL AES_DecKeySchedule(
		BYTE			*UserKey,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐甫 涝仿窃.
		DWORD			UserKeyLen,
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo);		//	鞠汗龋侩 Round Key啊 历厘凳.

	Init/Update/Final 屈侥阑 鞠龋拳.
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo);
RET_VAL	AES_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE			*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 涝仿凳.
		DWORD			PlainTxtLen,
		BYTE			*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿凳.
		DWORD			*CipherTxtLen);
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE			*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿凳.
		DWORD			*CipherTxtLen);

	Init/Update/Final 屈侥阑 汗龋拳.
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo);
RET_VAL	AES_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE			*CipherTxt,		//	鞠龋巩捞 涝仿凳.
		DWORD			CipherTxtLen,
		BYTE			*PlainTxt,		//	汗龋巩捞 免仿凳.
		DWORD			*PlainTxtLen);
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE			*PlainTxt,		//	汗龋巩捞 免仿凳.
		DWORD			*PlainTxtLen);

/*************** END OF FILE **********************************************/
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif	//	_AES_H

<pre name="code" class="cpp">/*************** Header files *********************************************/
#include "aes.h"

/*************** Assertions ***********************************************/

/*************** Definitions / Macros  ************************************/
#define BlockCopy(pbDst, pbSrc) {					/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[0] = ((DWORD *)(pbSrc))[0];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[1] = ((DWORD *)(pbSrc))[1];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[2] = ((DWORD *)(pbSrc))[2];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[3] = ((DWORD *)(pbSrc))[3];	/
#define BlockXor(pbDst, phSrc1, phSrc2) {			/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[0] = ((DWORD *)(phSrc1))[0]	/
						  ^ ((DWORD *)(phSrc2))[0];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[1] = ((DWORD *)(phSrc1))[1]	/
						  ^ ((DWORD *)(phSrc2))[1];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[2] = ((DWORD *)(phSrc1))[2]	/
						  ^ ((DWORD *)(phSrc2))[2];	/
	((DWORD *)(pbDst))[3] = ((DWORD *)(phSrc1))[3]	/
						  ^ ((DWORD *)(phSrc2))[3];	/

/*************** New Data Types *******************************************/

/*************** Global Variables *****************************************/

/*************** Prototypes ***********************************************/
void	AES_Encrypt(
		void		*CipherKey,		//	鞠/汗龋侩 Round Key
		BYTE		*Data);			//	涝免仿阑 困茄 喉废阑 啊府虐绰 pointer
void	AES_Decrypt(
		void		*CipherKey,		//	鞠/汗龋侩 Round Key
		BYTE		*Data);			//	涝免仿阑 困茄 喉废阑 啊府虐绰 pointer

/*************** Constants ************************************************/

/*************** Constants ************************************************/

/*************** Macros ***************************************************/

/*************** Global Variables *****************************************/

/*************** Function *************************************************
void	AES_SetAlgInfo(
		DWORD			ModeID,
		DWORD			PadType,
		BYTE			*IV,
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo)
	AlgInfo->ModeID = ModeID;
	AlgInfo->PadType = PadType;

	if( IV!=NULL )
		memcpy(AlgInfo->IV, IV, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
		memset(AlgInfo->IV, 0, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
/*************** Function *************************************************
static RET_VAL PaddSet(
			BYTE	*pbOutBuffer,
			DWORD	dRmdLen,
			DWORD	dBlockLen,
			DWORD	dPaddingType)
	DWORD dPadLen;

	switch( dPaddingType ) 
		case AI_NO_PADDING :
			if( dRmdLen==0 )	return 0;
			else				return CTR_DATA_LEN_ERROR;

			dPadLen = dBlockLen - dRmdLen;
			memset(pbOutBuffer+dRmdLen, (char)dPadLen, (int)dPadLen);
			return dPadLen;

		default :
			return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;
/*************** Function *************************************************
static RET_VAL PaddCheck(
			BYTE	*pbOutBuffer,
			DWORD	dBlockLen,
			DWORD	dPaddingType)
	DWORD i, dPadLen;

	switch( dPaddingType ) {
		case AI_NO_PADDING :
			return 0;			//	padding等 单捞鸥啊 0官捞飘烙.

			dPadLen = pbOutBuffer[dBlockLen-1];
			if( ((int)dPadLen<=0) || (dPadLen>(int)dBlockLen) )
			for( i=1; i<=dPadLen; i++)
				if( pbOutBuffer[dBlockLen-i] != dPadLen )
					return CTR_PAD_CHECK_ERROR;
			return dPadLen;

		default :
			return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo)
	AlgInfo->BufLen = 0;
	if( AlgInfo->ModeID!=AI_ECB )
		memcpy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->IV, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
	return CTR_SUCCESS;

static RET_VAL ECB_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,		//	
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		PlainTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen + PlainTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( *CipherTxtLen<BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += PlainTxtLen;
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that PlainTxt and CipherTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	PlainTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);
	CipherTxt += BlockLen;
	while( PlainTxtLen>=BlockLen ) 
		BlockCopy(CipherTxt, PlainTxt);
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = PlainTxtLen;
	*CipherTxtLen -= PlainTxtLen;

	//	control the case that PlainTxt and CipherTxt are the same buffer
	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CBC_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,		//	
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		PlainTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen + PlainTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( *CipherTxtLen<BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += PlainTxtLen;
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that PlainTxt and CipherTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	PlainTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	BlockXor(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);
	CipherTxt += BlockLen;
	while( PlainTxtLen>=BlockLen ) 
		BlockXor(CipherTxt, CipherTxt-BlockLen, PlainTxt);
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen;
	BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt-BlockLen);

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = PlainTxtLen;
	*CipherTxtLen -= PlainTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL OFB_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,		//	
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		PlainTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen + PlainTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( *CipherTxtLen<BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += PlainTxtLen;
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that PlainTxt and CipherTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	PlainTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	CipherTxt += BlockLen;
	while( PlainTxtLen>=BlockLen ) 
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
		BlockXor(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, PlainTxt);
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + PlainTxtLen;
	*CipherTxtLen -= PlainTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CFB_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,		//	
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		PlainTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen + PlainTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( *CipherTxtLen<BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += PlainTxtLen;
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that PlainTxt and CipherTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, PlainTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	PlainTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	BlockCopy(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	CipherTxt += BlockLen;
	while( PlainTxtLen>=BlockLen ) 
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
		BlockXor(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->ChainVar, PlainTxt);
		BlockCopy(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, PlainTxt, (int)PlainTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + PlainTxtLen;
	*CipherTxtLen -= PlainTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
RET_VAL	AES_EncUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		PlainTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	switch( AlgInfo->ModeID ) 
		case AI_ECB :	return ECB_EncUpdate(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_CBC :	return CBC_EncUpdate(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_OFB :	return OFB_EncUpdate(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_CFB :	return CFB_EncUpdate(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		default :		return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;
static RET_VAL ECB_EncFinal(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,		//	
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;
	DWORD		PaddByte;

	//	Padding
	PaddByte = PaddSet(AlgInfo->Buffer, BufLen, BlockLen, AlgInfo->PadType);
	if( PaddByte>BlockLen )		return PaddByte;

	if( PaddByte==0 ) 
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);

	*CipherTxtLen = BlockLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CBC_EncFinal(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;
	DWORD		PaddByte;

	//	Padding
	PaddByte = PaddSet(AlgInfo->Buffer, BufLen, BlockLen, AlgInfo->PadType);
	if( PaddByte>BlockLen )		return PaddByte;

	if( PaddByte==0 ) 
		*CipherTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	core part
	BlockXor(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, CipherTxt);
	BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt);

	*CipherTxtLen = BlockLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL OFB_EncFinal(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;
	DWORD		i;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*CipherTxtLen = BlockLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	for( i=0; i<BufLen; i++)
		CipherTxt[i] = (BYTE) (AlgInfo->Buffer[i] ^ AlgInfo->ChainVar[i]);

	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CFB_EncFinal(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	memcpy(CipherTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, BufLen);

	*CipherTxtLen = BufLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*CipherTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	switch( AlgInfo->ModeID ) 
		case AI_ECB :	return ECB_EncFinal(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_CBC :	return CBC_EncFinal(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_OFB :	return OFB_EncFinal(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		case AI_CFB :	return CFB_EncFinal(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen);
		default :		return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;
	AlgInfo->BufLen = 0;
	if( AlgInfo->ModeID!=AI_ECB )
		memcpy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->IV, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL ECB_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		CipherTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( BufLen+CipherTxtLen <= BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += CipherTxtLen;
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that CipherTxt and PlainTxt are the same buffer
	if( CipherTxt==PlainTxt )	return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;

	//	first block
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	CipherTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
	PlainTxt += BlockLen;
	while( CipherTxtLen>BlockLen ) 
		BlockCopy(PlainTxt, CipherTxt);
		AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + CipherTxtLen;
	*PlainTxtLen -= CipherTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CBC_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		CipherTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( BufLen+CipherTxtLen <= BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += CipherTxtLen;
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that CipherTxt and PlainTxt are the same buffer
	if( CipherTxt==PlainTxt )	return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;

	//	first block
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	CipherTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
	BlockXor(PlainTxt, PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	PlainTxt += BlockLen;
	if( CipherTxtLen<=BlockLen ) 
		BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
		if( CipherTxtLen>BlockLen ) 
			BlockCopy(PlainTxt, CipherTxt);
			AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
			BlockXor(PlainTxt, PlainTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
			CipherTxt += BlockLen;
			PlainTxt += BlockLen;
			CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen;
		while( CipherTxtLen>BlockLen ) 
			BlockCopy(PlainTxt, CipherTxt);
			AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
			BlockXor(PlainTxt, PlainTxt, CipherTxt-BlockLen);
			CipherTxt += BlockLen;
			PlainTxt += BlockLen;
			CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen;
		BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt-BlockLen);

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + CipherTxtLen;
	*PlainTxtLen -= CipherTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL OFB_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		CipherTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( BufLen+CipherTxtLen <= BlockLen )
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += CipherTxtLen;
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that CipherTxt and PlainTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	CipherTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	PlainTxt += BlockLen;
	while( CipherTxtLen>BlockLen ) 
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
		BlockXor(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt);
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + CipherTxtLen;
	*PlainTxtLen -= CipherTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
static RET_VAL CFB_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		CipherTxtLen,	//	涝仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;

	//	No one block
	if( BufLen+CipherTxtLen <= BlockLen ) 
		memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
		AlgInfo->BufLen += CipherTxtLen;
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;

	//	control the case that CipherTxt and PlainTxt are the same buffer
	if( PlainTxt==CipherTxt )

	//	first block
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen + CipherTxtLen;
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer+BufLen, CipherTxt, (int)(BlockLen - BufLen));
	CipherTxt += BlockLen - BufLen;
	CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen - BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	PlainTxt += BlockLen;
	while( CipherTxtLen>BlockLen ) 
		AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
		BlockXor(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt);
		BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, CipherTxt);
		CipherTxt += BlockLen;
		PlainTxt += BlockLen;
		CipherTxtLen -= BlockLen;

	//	save remained data
	memcpy(AlgInfo->Buffer, CipherTxt, (int)CipherTxtLen);
	AlgInfo->BufLen = (AlgInfo->BufLen&0xF0000000) + CipherTxtLen;
	*PlainTxtLen -= CipherTxtLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
RET_VAL	AES_DecUpdate(
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*CipherTxt, 	//	鞠龋巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		CipherTxtLen,	//	免仿登绰 鞠龋巩狼 官捞飘 荐
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	switch( AlgInfo->ModeID ) 
		case AI_ECB :	return ECB_DecUpdate(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_CBC :	return CBC_DecUpdate(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_OFB :	return OFB_DecUpdate(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_CFB :	return CFB_DecUpdate(AlgInfo, CipherTxt, CipherTxtLen, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		default :		return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;
	RET_VAL		ret;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	if( BufLen==0 ) 
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;
	*PlainTxtLen = BlockLen;

	if( BufLen!=BlockLen )	return CTR_CIPHER_LEN_ERROR;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);

	//	Padding Check
	ret = PaddCheck(PlainTxt, BlockLen, AlgInfo->PadType);
	if( ret==(DWORD)-3 )	return CTR_PAD_CHECK_ERROR;
	if( ret==(DWORD)-1 )	return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;

	*PlainTxtLen = BlockLen - ret;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BlockLen=AES_BLOCK_LEN, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;
	RET_VAL		ret;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	if( BufLen==0 ) 
		*PlainTxtLen = 0;
		return CTR_SUCCESS;
	*PlainTxtLen = BlockLen;

	if( BufLen!=BlockLen )	return CTR_CIPHER_LEN_ERROR;

	//	core part
	BlockCopy(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	AES_Decrypt(ScheduledKey, PlainTxt);
	BlockXor(PlainTxt, PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockCopy(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);

	//	Padding Check
	ret = PaddCheck(PlainTxt, BlockLen, AlgInfo->PadType);
	if( ret==(DWORD)-3 )	return CTR_PAD_CHECK_ERROR;
	if( ret==(DWORD)-1 )	return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;

	*PlainTxtLen = BlockLen - ret;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		i, BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	for( i=0; i<BufLen; i++)
		PlainTxt[i] = (BYTE) (AlgInfo->Buffer[i] ^ AlgInfo->ChainVar[i]);

	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	乞巩捞 免仿瞪 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	免仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	DWORD		*ScheduledKey=AlgInfo->RoundKey;
	DWORD		BufLen=AlgInfo->BufLen;

	//	Check Output Memory Size
	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen;

	//	core part
	AES_Encrypt(ScheduledKey, AlgInfo->ChainVar);
	BlockXor(AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->ChainVar, AlgInfo->Buffer);
	memcpy(PlainTxt, AlgInfo->ChainVar, BufLen);

	*PlainTxtLen = BufLen;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo,
		BYTE		*PlainTxt,		//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 pointer
		DWORD		*PlainTxtLen)	//	涝仿登绰 乞巩狼 官捞飘 荐
	switch( AlgInfo->ModeID ) 
		case AI_ECB :	return ECB_DecFinal(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_CBC :	return CBC_DecFinal(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_OFB :	return OFB_DecFinal(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		case AI_CFB :	return CFB_DecFinal(AlgInfo, PlainTxt, PlainTxtLen);
		default :		return CTR_FATAL_ERROR;

/*************** END OF FILE **********************************************/

<pre name="code" class="cpp">/*************** Header files *********************************************/
#include "aes.h"

/*************** Assertions ***********************************************/

/*************** New Data Types *******************************************/
typedef struct {
	DWORD	k_len;
	DWORD	RK[64];

/*************** Definitions / Macros  ************************************/
#define u1byte	BYTE
#define u4byte	DWORD
#define rotl	ROTL_DWORD
#define rotr	ROTR_DWORD
#define byte(x,n)	((u1byte)((x) >> (8 * n)))


#define ff_mult(a,b)	(a && b ? pow_tab[(log_tab[a] + log_tab[b]) % 255] : 0)

	#define ls_box(x)				 /
		( fl_tab[0][byte(x, 0)] ^	 /
		  fl_tab[1][byte(x, 1)] ^	 /
		  fl_tab[2][byte(x, 2)] ^	 /
		  fl_tab[3][byte(x, 3)] )
	#define ls_box(x)							 /
		((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(x, 0)] <<  0) ^	 /
		((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(x, 1)] <<  8) ^	 /
		((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(x, 2)] << 16) ^	 /
		((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(x, 3)] << 24)
/*************** Global Variables *****************************************/
static u1byte	log_tab[256];
static u1byte	pow_tab[256];
static u1byte	sbx_tab[256];
static u1byte	isb_tab[256];
static u4byte	rco_tab[ 10];
static u4byte	ft_tab[4][256];
static u4byte	it_tab[4][256];

  static u4byte  fl_tab[4][256];
  static u4byte  il_tab[4][256];
static u4byte	tab_gen = 0;

/*************** Prototypes ***********************************************/
static void gen_tabs(void)
	u4byte	i, t;
	u1byte	p, q;

	/* log and power tables for GF(2**8) finite field with	*/
	/* 0x11b as modular polynomial - the simplest prmitive	*/
	/* root is 0x11, used here to generate the tables		*/

	log_tab[7] = 0;
	for(i = 0,p = 1; i < 256; ++i)
		pow_tab[i] = (BYTE)p;
		log_tab[p] = (BYTE)i;

		p = (BYTE)(p ^ (p << 1) ^ (p & 0x80 ? 0x01b : 0));

	log_tab[1] = 0;
	p = 1;

	for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		rco_tab[i] = p; 

		p = (BYTE)((p << 1) ^ (p & 0x80 ? 0x1b : 0));
	/* note that the affine byte transformation matrix in	*/
	/* rijndael specification is in big endian format with	*/
	/* bit 0 as the most significant bit. In the remainder	*/
	/* of the specification the bits are numbered from the	*/
	/* least significant end of a byte. 					*/

	for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
		p = (BYTE)(i ? pow_tab[255 - log_tab[i]] : 0);
		q = p;
		q = (BYTE)((q >> 7) | (q << 1));
		p ^= q;
		q = (BYTE)((q >> 7) | (q << 1));
		p ^= q;
		q = (BYTE)((q >> 7) | (q << 1));
		p ^= q;
		q = (BYTE)((q >> 7) | (q << 1));
		p ^= q ^ 0x63;
		sbx_tab[i] = (u1byte)p;
		isb_tab[p] = (u1byte)i;

	for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
		p = sbx_tab[i]; 
		t = p;
		fl_tab[0][i] = t;
		fl_tab[1][i] = rotl(t,  8);
		fl_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
		fl_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
		t = ((u4byte)ff_mult(2, p)) |
			((u4byte)p <<  8) |
			((u4byte)p << 16) |
			((u4byte)ff_mult(3, p) << 24);
		ft_tab[0][i] = t;
		ft_tab[1][i] = rotl(t,	8);
		ft_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
		ft_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);

		p = isb_tab[i]; 
		t = p; il_tab[0][i] = t; 
		il_tab[1][i] = rotl(t,	8); 
		il_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16); 
		il_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
		t = ((u4byte)ff_mult(14, p)) |
			((u4byte)ff_mult( 9, p) <<	8) |
			((u4byte)ff_mult(13, p) << 16) |
			((u4byte)ff_mult(11, p) << 24);
		it_tab[0][i] = t; 
		it_tab[1][i] = rotl(t,	8); 
		it_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16); 
		it_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24); 

	tab_gen = 1;
#define star_x(x) (((x) & 0x7f7f7f7f) << 1) ^ ((((x) & 0x80808080) >> 7) * 0x1b)
#define imix_col(y,x)		/
	 u	= star_x(x);		/
	 v	= star_x(u);		/
	 w	= star_x(v);		/
	 t	= w ^ (x);			/
	(y) = u ^ v ^ w;		/
	(y) ^= rotr(u ^ t,  8) ^ /
		  rotr(v ^ t, 16) ^ /
*	Function Description ...
*	Return values:
*		- CTR_SUCCESS						窃荐啊 己傍利栏肺 荐青凳.
*		...
static void RIJNDAEL_KeySchedule(
		BYTE		*UserKey,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐 涝仿
		DWORD		k_len,			//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐狼 DWORD 荐
		DWORD		*e_key)			//	鞠龋侩 Round Key 积己/免仿
	u4byte	i, t;


	LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[ 0]), e_key[0]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[ 4]), e_key[1]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[ 8]), e_key[2]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[12]), e_key[3]);

		case 4:
				t = e_key[3];
				for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
					t = ls_box(rotr(t,  8)) ^ rco_tab[i];
					t ^= e_key[4 * i];     e_key[4 * i + 4] = t;
					t ^= e_key[4 * i + 1]; e_key[4 * i + 5] = t;
					t ^= e_key[4 * i + 2]; e_key[4 * i + 6] = t;
					t ^= e_key[4 * i + 3]; e_key[4 * i + 7] = t;

		case 6:
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[16]), e_key[4]);
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[20]), e_key[5]);
				t = e_key[5];
				for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
					t = ls_box(rotr(t,	8)) ^ rco_tab[i];
					t ^= e_key[6 * i];	   e_key[6 * i + 6] = t;
					t ^= e_key[6 * i + 1]; e_key[6 * i + 7] = t;
					t ^= e_key[6 * i + 2]; e_key[6 * i + 8] = t;
					t ^= e_key[6 * i + 3]; e_key[6 * i + 9] = t;
					t ^= e_key[6 * i + 4]; e_key[6 * i + 10] = t;
					t ^= e_key[6 * i + 5]; e_key[6 * i + 11] = t;
//					loop6(i);

		case 8:
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[16]), e_key[4]);
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[20]), e_key[5]);
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[24]), e_key[6]);
				LITTLE_B2D(&(UserKey[28]), e_key[7]);
				t = e_key[7];
				for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
					t = ls_box(rotr(t,	8)) ^ rco_tab[i];
					t ^= e_key[8 * i];	   e_key[8 * i + 8] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 1]; e_key[8 * i + 9] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 2]; e_key[8 * i + 10] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 3]; e_key[8 * i + 11] = t;
					t  = e_key[8 * i + 4] ^ ls_box(t);
					e_key[8 * i + 12] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 5]; e_key[8 * i + 13] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 6]; e_key[8 * i + 14] = t;
					t ^= e_key[8 * i + 7]; e_key[8 * i + 15] = t;
//					loop8(i);
/*************** Function *************************************************
RET_VAL AES_EncKeySchedule(
		BYTE		*UserKey,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐 涝仿
		DWORD		UserKeyLen,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐狼 官捞飘 荐
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo)	//	鞠龋侩/汗龋侩 Round Key 积己/历厘
	DWORD	*e_key=RK_Struct->RK;	//	64 DWORDs
	DWORD	k_len;

	//	UserKey狼 辨捞啊 何利例茄 版快 error 贸府
	if( (UserKeyLen!=16) && (UserKeyLen!=24) && (UserKeyLen!=32) )

	k_len = (UserKeyLen + 3) / 4;
	RK_Struct->k_len = k_len;

	RIJNDAEL_KeySchedule(UserKey, k_len, e_key);

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
/*************** Function *************************************************
RET_VAL AES_DecKeySchedule(
		BYTE		*UserKey,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐 涝仿
		DWORD		UserKeyLen,		//	荤侩磊 厚剐虐狼 官捞飘 荐
		AES_ALG_INFO	*AlgInfo)	//	鞠龋侩/汗龋侩 Round Key 积己/历厘
	DWORD	*d_key=RK_Struct->RK;	//	64 DWORDs
	DWORD	k_len, t_key[64];
	u4byte	i, t, u, v, w;

	//	UserKey狼 辨捞啊 何利例茄 版快 error 贸府
	if( (UserKeyLen!=16) && (UserKeyLen!=24) && (UserKeyLen!=32) )

	k_len = (UserKeyLen + 3) / 4;
	RK_Struct->k_len = k_len;

	RIJNDAEL_KeySchedule(UserKey, k_len, t_key);

	d_key[0] = t_key[4 * k_len + 24];
	d_key[1] = t_key[4 * k_len + 25];
	d_key[2] = t_key[4 * k_len + 26];
	d_key[3] = t_key[4 * k_len + 27];

	for( i=4; i<4*(k_len+6); i+=4) {
		imix_col(d_key[i+0], t_key[4*k_len+24-i+0]);
		imix_col(d_key[i+1], t_key[4*k_len+24-i+1]);
		imix_col(d_key[i+2], t_key[4*k_len+24-i+2]);
		imix_col(d_key[i+3], t_key[4*k_len+24-i+3]);
	d_key[i+0] = t_key[4*k_len+24-i+0];
	d_key[i+1] = t_key[4*k_len+24-i+1];
	d_key[i+2] = t_key[4*k_len+24-i+2];
	d_key[i+3] = t_key[4*k_len+24-i+3];

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
	DWORD	A, B, C, D, T0, T1, *K=AlgInfo->RoundKey;

	if( UserKeyLen!=SEED_USER_KEY_LEN )
	BIG_B2D( &(UserKey[0]), A);
	BIG_B2D( &(UserKey[4]), B);
	BIG_B2D( &(UserKey[8]), C);
	BIG_B2D( &(UserKey[12]), D);

	T0 = A + C - KC0;
	T1 = B - D + KC0;
	K[0] = SEED_SL[0][(T0    )&0xFF] ^ SEED_SL[1][(T0>> 8)&0xFF]
		 ^ SEED_SL[2][(T0>>16)&0xFF] ^ SEED_SL[3][(T0>>24)&0xFF];
	K[1] = SEED_SL[0][(T1    )&0xFF] ^ SEED_SL[1][(T1>> 8)&0xFF]
		 ^ SEED_SL[2][(T1>>16)&0xFF] ^ SEED_SL[3][(T1>>24)&0xFF];;

	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+ 2, A, B, C, D, KC1 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+ 4, A, B, C, D, KC2 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+ 6, A, B, C, D, KC3 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+ 8, A, B, C, D, KC4 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+10, A, B, C, D, KC5 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+12, A, B, C, D, KC6 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+14, A, B, C, D, KC7 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+16, A, B, C, D, KC8 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+18, A, B, C, D, KC9 );
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+20, A, B, C, D, KC10);
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+22, A, B, C, D, KC11);
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+24, A, B, C, D, KC12);
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+26, A, B, C, D, KC13);
	EncRoundKeyUpdate1(K+28, A, B, C, D, KC14);
	EncRoundKeyUpdate0(K+30, A, B, C, D, KC15);

	//	Remove sensitive data
	A = B = C = D = T0 = T1 = 0;
	K = NULL;

	return CTR_SUCCESS;
/*************** Macros ***************************************************/
#define f_nround(bo, bi, k) {				/
	bo[0] = ft_tab[0][byte(bi[0],0)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[1][byte(bi[1],1)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[2][byte(bi[2],2)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[3][byte(bi[3],3)] ^ k[0];/
	bo[1] = ft_tab[0][byte(bi[1],0)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[1][byte(bi[2],1)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[2][byte(bi[3],2)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[3][byte(bi[0],3)] ^ k[1];/
	bo[2] = ft_tab[0][byte(bi[2],0)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[1][byte(bi[3],1)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[2][byte(bi[0],2)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[3][byte(bi[1],3)] ^ k[2];/
	bo[3] = ft_tab[0][byte(bi[3],0)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[1][byte(bi[0],1)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[2][byte(bi[1],2)]		/
		  ^ ft_tab[3][byte(bi[2],3)] ^ k[3];/
	k += 4;									/
#define i_nround(bo, bi, k) {				/
	bo[0] = it_tab[0][byte(bi[0],0)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[1][byte(bi[3],1)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[2][byte(bi[2],2)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[3][byte(bi[1],3)] ^ k[0];/
	bo[1] = it_tab[0][byte(bi[1],0)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[1][byte(bi[0],1)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[2][byte(bi[3],2)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[3][byte(bi[2],3)] ^ k[1];/
	bo[2] = it_tab[0][byte(bi[2],0)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[1][byte(bi[1],1)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[2][byte(bi[0],2)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[3][byte(bi[3],3)] ^ k[2];/
	bo[3] = it_tab[0][byte(bi[3],0)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[1][byte(bi[2],1)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[2][byte(bi[1],2)]		/
		  ^ it_tab[3][byte(bi[0],3)] ^ k[3];/
	k += 4;					/
	#define f_lround(bo, bi, k) {				/
		bo[0] = fl_tab[0][byte(bi[0],0)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[1][byte(bi[1],1)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[2][byte(bi[2],2)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[3][byte(bi[3],3)] ^ k[0];/
		bo[1] = fl_tab[0][byte(bi[1],0)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[1][byte(bi[2],1)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[2][byte(bi[3],2)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[3][byte(bi[0],3)] ^ k[1];/
		bo[2] = fl_tab[0][byte(bi[2],0)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[1][byte(bi[3],1)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[2][byte(bi[0],2)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[3][byte(bi[1],3)] ^ k[2];/
		bo[3] = fl_tab[0][byte(bi[3],0)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[1][byte(bi[0],1)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[2][byte(bi[1],2)]		/
			  ^ fl_tab[3][byte(bi[2],3)] ^ k[3];/

	#define i_lround(bo, bi, k) {				/
		bo[0] = il_tab[0][byte(bi[0],0)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[1][byte(bi[3],1)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[2][byte(bi[2],2)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[3][byte(bi[1],3)] ^ k[0];/
		bo[1] = il_tab[0][byte(bi[1],0)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[1][byte(bi[0],1)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[2][byte(bi[3],2)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[3][byte(bi[2],3)] ^ k[1];/
		bo[2] = il_tab[0][byte(bi[2],0)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[1][byte(bi[1],1)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[2][byte(bi[0],2)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[3][byte(bi[3],3)] ^ k[2];/
		bo[3] = il_tab[0][byte(bi[3],0)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[1][byte(bi[2],1)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[2][byte(bi[1],2)]		/
			  ^ il_tab[3][byte(bi[0],3)] ^ k[3];/
	#define f_rl(bo, bi, n, k)										/
		bo[n] = (u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(bi[n],0)] ^					/
			rotl(((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],1)]),  8) ^	/
			rotl(((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)]), 16) ^	/
			rotl(((u4byte)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],3)]), 24) ^ *(k + n)
	#define i_rl(bo, bi, n, k)										/
		bo[n] = (u4byte)isb_tab[byte(bi[n],0)] ^					/
			rotl(((u4byte)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],1)]),  8) ^	/
			rotl(((u4byte)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)]), 16) ^	/
			rotl(((u4byte)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],3)]), 24) ^ *(k + n)
	#define f_lround(bo, bi, k) /
		f_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); 	/
		f_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); 	/
		f_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); 	/
		f_rl(bo, bi, 3, k)

	#define i_lround(bo, bi, k) /
		i_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); 	/
		i_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); 	/
		i_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); 	/
		i_rl(bo, bi, 3, k)
/************** Function *************************************************
void	AES_Encrypt(
		void		*CipherKey,		//	鞠/汗龋侩 Round Key
		BYTE		*Data)			//	涝免仿阑 困茄 喉废阑 啊府虐绰 pointer
	DWORD	*e_key=RK_Struct->RK;	//	64 DWORDs
	DWORD	k_len=RK_Struct->k_len;
	u4byte	b0[4], b1[4], *kp;

	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 0]), b0[0]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 4]), b0[1]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 8]), b0[2]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[12]), b0[3]);
	b0[0] ^= e_key[0];
	b0[1] ^= e_key[1];
	b0[2] ^= e_key[2];
	b0[3] ^= e_key[3];

	kp = e_key + 4;

	switch( k_len ) {
		case 8 :
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
		case 6 :
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
		case 4 :
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_lround(b0, b1, kp);
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[0], &(Data[ 0]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[1], &(Data[ 4]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[2], &(Data[ 8]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[3], &(Data[12]));
/*************** Function *************************************************
void	AES_Decrypt(
		void		*CipherKey,		//	鞠/汗龋侩 Round Key
		BYTE		*Data)			//	涝免仿阑 困茄 喉废阑 啊府虐绰 pointer
	DWORD	*d_key=RK_Struct->RK;	//	64 DWORDs
	DWORD	k_len=RK_Struct->k_len;
	u4byte	b0[4], b1[4], *kp;
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 0]), b0[0]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 4]), b0[1]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[ 8]), b0[2]);
	LITTLE_B2D(&(Data[12]), b0[3]);
	b0[0] ^= d_key[0];
	b0[1] ^= d_key[1];
	b0[2] ^= d_key[2];
	b0[3] ^= d_key[3];

	kp = d_key + 4;

	switch( k_len ) {
		case 8 :
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
		case 6 :
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
		case 4 :
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
			i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_lround(b0, b1, kp);
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[0], &(Data[ 0]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[1], &(Data[ 4]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[2], &(Data[ 8]));
	LITTLE_D2B(b0[3], &(Data[12]));
/*************** END OF FILE **********************************************/

下面是我针对上面封装的两个加密解密函数的实现, 很简单的, 密钥是固定的

你可以固定一个16个Byte的字符串, 也可以用我代码里面写死的东西, 0x10 到 0x1F

static int AESEncode (const char* srcString, int srcLen, char** dstString, int* dstLen)
	//16 * (trunc(string_length / 16) + 1)。
	char *pOut=0;
	unsigned int len = 16 * (srcLen/16 + 1);
	DWORD	UKLen, IVLen, SrcLen, DstLen;
	RET_VAL	ret;
	int eelen = 0;
	UKLen = 16;
	IVLen = 16;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	int t = 0x10;
	for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
		UserKey[i] = t+i;
	snprintf ((char*)UserKey, sizeof(UserKey)-1, "%s", g_Config.encryptKey);
	pOut = (char*)calloc (1, len+4);
	if (pOut == NULL)	
		return -1;
	DstLen = len;
	AES_SetAlgInfo(AES_ModeType, AES_PadType, IV, &AlgInfo);
	//	Encryption
	ret = AES_EncKeySchedule(UserKey, UKLen, &AlgInfo);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_EncKeySchedule() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ret = AES_EncInit(&AlgInfo);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_EncInit() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ret = AES_EncUpdate(&AlgInfo, (unsigned char*)srcString, SrcLen, (unsigned char*)pOut, &DstLen);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_EncUpdate() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	eelen = DstLen;
	ret = AES_EncFinal(&AlgInfo, (unsigned char*)pOut+eelen, &DstLen);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_EncFinal() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	eelen += DstLen;
	*dstLen = eelen;
	*dstString = pOut;
	return 0;

static int AESDecode (const char* srcString, int srcLen, char** dstString, int* dstLen)
	//FILE	*pIn, *pOut;
	char* pOut = 0;
	unsigned char UserKey[AES_USER_KEY_LEN]={0};
	unsigned char IV[AES_BLOCK_LEN]={0};
	//unsigned char SrcData[1024+32], DstData[1024+32];
	unsigned int  UKLen, IVLen;
	unsigned int SrcLen, DstLen;
	RET_VAL	ret;
	int ddlen = 0;
	SrcLen = srcLen;
	pOut = (char*)calloc(1, SrcLen+2);
	if (pOut == NULL) return -1;
	DstLen = SrcLen;
	UKLen = 16;
	IVLen = 16;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	int t = 0x10;
	for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
		UserKey[i] = t+i;
	snprintf ((char*)UserKey, sizeof(UserKey)-1, "%s", g_Config.encryptKey);
	AES_SetAlgInfo(AES_ModeType, AES_PadType, IV, &AlgInfo);
	//if( ModeType==AI_ECB || ModeType==AI_CBC )
	ret = AES_DecKeySchedule(UserKey, UKLen, &AlgInfo);
	//else if( ModeType==AI_OFB || ModeType==AI_CFB )
	//	ret = AES_EncKeySchedule(UserKey, UKLen, &AlgInfo);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_DecKeySchedule() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ret = AES_DecInit(&AlgInfo);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_DecInit() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ret = AES_DecUpdate(&AlgInfo, (unsigned char*)srcString, SrcLen, (unsigned char*)pOut, &DstLen);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_DecUpdate() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ddlen = DstLen;
	ret = AES_DecFinal(&AlgInfo, (unsigned char*)pOut+ddlen, &DstLen);
	if( ret!=CTR_SUCCESS )	
		writelog(LOG_DEBUG, "AES_DecFinal() returns.");
		safe_free (pOut);
		return -1;
	ddlen += DstLen;
	*dstLen = ddlen;
	*dstString = pOut;
	return 0;


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C语言实现的128位AES加密算法,可以运行在JAVA的JNI 中AIS加密算法c语言实现代码 nt cnt for(ent =0: cnt< 8: cnt++) BvtcToBit(*(ch+cnt), bit+(ent<<3)) return /将二进制位串转为长度为8的字符串水 int Bit64ToChar8 (ElemType bitL64, ElemType ch18) int cnt memset(ch, 0, 8) for(ent-0: cnt<8: cnt++i BitToByte(bit+(cnt<<3), ch+cnt) return 0 /*生成子密钥 int DES Make Subkeys(ElemType key _64, ElemType subkeys [16][48]) ElemType temp 56 int cnt DES PCI Transform(key,temp):/*PCI置换* for(cnt=0;cnt<16;cnt+-){*16轮跌代,产生16个子密钥米 DES ROL(tenp, MOVE TIMES[cnt]);循坏左移* DES PC2 Transform(temp, subkeys cnt]);/PC2置换,产生子密钥体 return o /*密钥置換1*/ int DES PCI Transform(ElemType key [64, ElemType tempts[56])t int cnt for(cnt=0: cnt( 56 cnt++) )empts[cnt]= key[ Ilant] r巳turn /*密钥置換2* int DES PC2 Transform(Elem Type key [56], ElemType tempts[48])i t cnt for(ent =0: cnt< 48: cnt+)I )pbts [cnt]= key [PC 2[cnt]] return /*循环左移*/ int DES ROL (Elem Type data[56], int time)t Elem l'ype temp _56 /*保存将要循环栘动到右边的位* memcpy(temp, data, time) memcpy(temg-time, data+28, time) /*前28位移动 (data-28-time, temp, time) /*后28位移动* memcpy(data 28, data+28+time, 28-time memcpy (data-56-time, temp+time, time) return o /*P置换*/ int DES IP) Iransform(Elemlype data[64)[ ElemType temp _64]: for(cnt templet- datalIP Tablelcnt」」 memcpy(data, temp, 64) return o 第3页 AIS加密算法c语言实现代码 /*IP逆置換* int DES IP 1 Transform(ElemType data[64)( int cnt ElemType temp _64 for(cnt =0: cnt 64: cnt+-)i templet」- dataLIP1 Tablelcrt]」 memcpy(data, temp, 64) return o /*扩展置换*/ int DES E Transform(ElemType data[48])( Int cn ElemType temp48」 for(ent-0: cnt 48: cnt-) temp lent= datale Tablelent memcpy( data, temp, 48 return o P置换 int DES P Transform(ElemType data[32])( t ElemType temp_32] for(ent =0; cnt 32; cnt+-) temp ent-datalP Tablel 11 me.mcpy(data, temp, 32) return 0 /水异或* int DES XOR(Elem Type R[48, Elem Type L[48], int count)I int cnt for(cnt-0: cnt< count: cnt++)i RIant]= lent] return 0 /*S盒置换*/ int DES SBOX (Elem Type data[48]) int cnt int line, row, output int curl, cur for(ent=0; cnt( 8: cnt++i curl cnt:6 cur2= cnt<<2 /*计算在S盒中的行与列来 line=(data cur1<<1)+ data[ cur1+5 row=(data[cur1+1]<<3)+(data[cur1+2]<<2) +(data「cur1-31<<1)+data「cur1+41 output s[cnt][line]trow] /*化为2进制*/ data[cur2]=(output&0X08)>>3 data[cur2+1]=(output&0X04)>>2 data (output&0X02)>1 datalcur 2+3= output&0x01 return o 交换 int DES Swap(ElemType left[32], ElemType right [32]) memcpy(temp, left, 32 memcpy(left, right, 32 memcpy (right, temp, 32 return o 第4页 AIS加密算法c语言实现代码 /*加密单个分组 int DES EncryptBlockElem Type plainBlock[8, ElemType subKeys[l6][48, ElemType cipherBlock[8])I ElemT'ype plainTs [54] ElemType copyRight[48] int cnt Char8ToBit64(plainBlock, plairBits) /米初始置换(IP置换)* DES IP Transform(plainBits /*16轮迭代* for(cnt=0: cnt< 16: cnt+-) memcpy(copyRight, plainBits- 32, 32 /*将右半部分进行扩展置换,从32位扩展到48位*/ DES E Trans form(copyRight) /*将右半部分与子密钥进行异或操作 DES XOR (copy Righ 48) /*异或结果进入S盒,输出32位结果*/ DES SBOX (copyRight) /P置换 DES P Transform(copyRight) /*将明文左半部分与右半部分进行异或* DES XOR (plainBits, copyRight, 32) 最终完成左右部的交换* DES Swap(plainBits, plainBits-32) /逆初始置换(IPI置换)* DES IP 1 Transform (plainBits) Bit64ToChar8(plainBits, cipherBlock) turn o /*解密单个分组 int DES DecryptBlock(ElemType cipherBlock[8, ElemType subKeys[16] 18], ElemType plainBlock [81) ElemType cipherBits[ 641 Elem Type copy Right [48] int cnt Char8ToBit64(cipherBlock, cipherBits) /初始置换(IP置换)* DES IP Transform(cipherBits /*16轮迭代*/ for(cnt-15: cnt >-0: cnt--)i memcpy(copyRight, cipherBits+32, 32 /*将右半部分进行扩展置换,从32位扩展到48位 DES T Trans form(copyright) /*将右半部分与子密钥进行异或操作 DES XOR(copy Right, subKeys [ent], 48) /*异或结果进入S盒,输出32位结果* DES SBOX(copyRight) /米P置换* DES P Transform(copyright) /*将明文h半部分与右半部分进行异或* DES XOR (cipherBits, copy Right, 32) f(cnt /米最终完成左右部的交换* DES Swap(cipherBits, cipherBits+32) /*逆初始置换(IP1置换)* DES IP 1 Transform(cipherBits) Bit64ToChar8(cipherBits, plainBlock) return 0: *加密文件 int DES Encrypt (char xplainFile, char *keyStr, char *cipherFile)t FILE xplain, i*cipher; int count ElcmType plainBlock[81, ciphcrBlock [8, keyBlock 8 第5页 AIS加密算法c语言实现代码 Elem Type bEy 64] ElemType subKeys[16][18] if((plain- fopen(plainFilc, " rb"))--NULL) return Plain FILe OPEN ERROR return CIPHER FILE OPEN ERROR: ))== NULL)( if ((cipher fopen(cipherFile, wb /设置密钥 memcpy (keyBlock, key Str, 8) 将密钥转换为二进制流* Char8ToBit64(keyBlock, bKcy /牛成子密钥* DES Make SubKeys(bEy, subKeys while(!feof plain))( /*每次读8个字节,并返回成功读取的字节数* if((count- fread(plainBlock, sizeof(char),8, plain)) 8){ DES EncryptBlock (plainBlock, subKeys, cipherBlock f(count)[ /*填充*/ memset(plainBlock ount, \0, 7- count) /*最后一个字符休存包括最后一个字符在内的所填充的字符数量水 plainblockl7-8-count DES EncryptBlock (plainBlock, subkeys, cipherBlock fwrite(cipherBlock, sizeof (char), 8, cipher) fclose (plain) f'c. lose(cipher return oK /*解密文件* int DES Decrypt(char *cipherFile, char *key Str, char xplainFile)i FILE* plain,米 cipher int count, times 0 long fileLen Eleml'ype plainBlock [8], cipherBlock[8], keyBlock[8 ElemType bEy _6 ElemType subKeys[16][48] if ((cipher fopen(cipherFile, rb ))= NULL)[ return CIPHEr FILe OPEN ERROR if((plain= fopen(plainFile, wb" ))= NULL) rcturn plain FIle OPEN ERROR /*设置密钥* memcpy(key Block, keyStr, 8) /将密钥转换为二进制流* Char8ToBit64 (keyBlock, bKey) /水生成子密钥* ES Make SubKeys(bKey subKeys) /取文什长度*/ fseek( cipher,0, SEEK END);/将文件指针置尾 fi lelen= ftel l( cipher);/*取文件指针当前位置*/ rewind( CIpher);/*将文件指针重指向文件头* while(1)i 密文的字节数一定是8的整数倍* fread(cipherBlock, sizeof(char), 8, cipher DES DecryptBlock(cipherBlock, subKeys, plainBlock) times +-8 if(times< fileLen fwrite(plainBlock, sizeof(char), 8, plain) /*判断末尾是否被填充米 if(plainBlock 71< 8)i 第6页 AIS加密算法c语言实现代码 for(count=8- plainBlock[7]; count< 7; count++)( if(plainBlock[ count!='\0i break if( count==7){/*有填充* fwrite(plairBlock, sizeof (char), 8- plainBlockL7, plain) else{/*无填充 fwrite(plainBlock, sizeof(char), 8, plain) t'close ( plain) fclose(cipher) return OK int main() clock t a, b a= clockO DES Encrypt( 1. txt, key. txt, 2. txt b=clock o printf("加密消耗%毫秒Ⅶn",b-a); system("pause") a= clock( DES Decrypt( 2. txt, key. txt", 3. txt") printf("解密消耗%毫秒、n",o-a) getcharo return 第7页


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