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原创 使用adb输入中文字符

由于目前adb shell input 不支持unicode字符输入,因此绕个小弯路实现中文输入 链接:https://github.com/bingwei/inputchineseviaadb 安装apk文件(可以从pyscript下找到) 运行python pyscript/testScript.py试验 最终输入的字符将被保存到粘贴板里。 原理:使用unic

2012-11-20 17:27:52 10335 3


探索性测试的文档,介绍了理论,以及方法和相关工具。可以作为入门读物对探索性测试建立初步的印象。 探索性测试的文档,介绍了理论,以及方法和相关工具。可以作为入门读物对探索性测试建立初步的印象。


Deep Learning with Keras(书签版)

Deep Learning with Keras 清晰,书签版


[源码] Android sms备份至Gmail

将sms备份至Gmail 源码 高级选项可进行备份定制


Android ADT 14.0.0



Unlocking Android 2009

You’ve heard about Android. You’ve read about Android. Now it is time to Unlock Android. Android is the software platform from Google and the Open Handset Alliance that has the potential to revolutionize the global cell phone market. This chapter introduces Android – what it is, and importantly, what it is not. After reading this chapter you will have an understanding of how Android is constructed, how it compares with other offerings in the market, Android’s foundational technologies, and a preview of Android application architecture. The chapter concludes with a simple Android application to get things started quickly. This introductory chapter answers some of the basic questions about what Android is and where it fits. While there are code examples in this chapter, they are not very in-depth – just enough to get a taste for Android application development and to convey the key concepts introduced. Aside from some context-setting discussion in the introductory chapter, this book is about unlocking Android’s capabilities and will hopefully inspire you to join the effort to unlock the latent potential in the cell phone of the very near future.


professional_android_application_development 第一版

android开发进阶 This book is for anyone interested in creating applications for the Android mobile phone platform. It includes information that will be valuable, whether you’re an experienced mobile developer or making your fi rst foray, via Android, into writing mobile applications. It will help if readers have used mobile phones (particularly phones running Android), but it’s not nec- essary, nor is prior experience in mobile phone development. It’s expected that you’ll have some experi- ence in software development and be familiar with basic development practices. While knowledge of Java is helpful, it’s not a necessity. Chapters 1 and 2 introduce mobile development and contain instructions to get you started in Android. Beyond that, there’s no requirement to read the chapters in order, although a good understanding of the core components described in Chapters 3 through 6 is important before you venture into the remaining chapters. Chapters 7 through 11 cover a variety of optional and advanced functionality and can be read in whatever order interest or need dictates.


McGraw.Hill - Hacking.Linux.exposed

内含阅读器 很详细的内容 物有所值 Today's world of computing and networking is filled with security- related threats. Although it is always wise to be skeptical about statis- tics, reasonable evidence exists that over 300 million people worldwide now use the Internet. Although most Internet users are scrupulous when they access the Internet, a small percentage is not. Unfortunately, this small percentage has made an extremely disproportionate impact. Unscrupulous users have opened Pandora's box, causing privacy violations, disruption and denial of service, modification of data and systems, and even extortion and hoaxes. Perhaps most tragically, they have undermined many users' enjoyment and confidence as they engage in computing activity.


McGraw.Hill - Hacking.Exposed.Windows.3rd.Edition.Dec.2007

Security is a broad topic that is only becoming broader as we become more reliant on computers for everything we do, from work to home to leisure, and our computers become more and more interconnected. Most of our computing experiences now require, or are enriched by, Internet connections, which means our systems are constantly exposed to foreign data of unknown or uncertain integrity. When you click search links, download applications, or configure Internet-facing servers, every line of code through which the data flows is potentially subject to a storm of probing for vulnerable configuration, flawed programming logic, and buggy implementation—even within the confines of a corporate network. Your data and computing resources are worth money in the Web 2.0 economy, and where there’s money, there are people who want to steal it. As the Web has evolved, we’ve also seen the criminals evolve. Ten years ago, the threat was an e-mail-borne macro virus that deleted your data. Five years ago, it was automatically propagating worms that used buffer overflows to enlist computers into distributed denial of service attack networks. Three years ago, the prevalent threat became malware that spreads to your computer when you visit infected websites and that subsequently delivers popup ads and upsells you rogue anti-malware. More recently, malware uses all these propagation techniques to spread into a stealthy distributed network of general-purpose “bots” that serve up your data, perform denial of service, or spew spam. The future is one of targeted malware that is deliberately low-volume and customized for classes of users, specific corporations, or even a single individual. We’ve also seen computer security evolve. Antivirus is everywhere, from the routers on the edge to servers, clients, and soon, mobile devices. Firewalls are equally ubiquitous and lock down unused entry and exit pathways. Operating systems and applications are written with security in mind and are hardened with defense-in-depth measures such as no-execute and address layout randomization. Users can’t access corporate networks without passing health assessments. One thing is clear: there’s no declaration of victory possible in this battle. It’s a constant struggle where winning means keeping the criminals at bay another day. And there’s also no clear cut strategy for success. Security in practice requires risk assessment, and successful risk assessment requires a deep understanding of both the threats and the defensive technologies.


Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition 2008

Overview Hacking is the art of creative problem solving, whether that means finding an unconventional solution to a difficult problem or exploiting holes in sloppy programming. Many people call themselves hackers, but few have the strong technical foundation needed to really push the envelope. Rather than merely showing how to run existing exploits, author Jon Erickson explains how arcane hacking techniques actually work. To share the art and science of hacking in a way that is accessible to everyone, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition introduces the fundamentals of C programming from a hacker's perspective. ...


Professional Rootkits 2007

Providing step-by-step instructions and examples required to produce full-featured, robust rootkits, this book walks you through all of the capabilities of rootkits, the technology they use, and the detection methods to impede their distribution.



Overview: Why Is Metasploit Here? Metasploit came about primarily to provide a framework for penetration testers to develop exploits.The typical life cycle of a vulnerability and its exploitation is as follows: 1. Discovery A security researcher or the vendor discovers a critical security vulner- ability in the software. 2. Disclosure The security researcher either adheres to a responsible disclosure policy and informs the vendor, or discloses it on a public mailing list. Either way, the vendor needs to come up with a patch for the vulnerability. 3. Analysis The researcher or others across the world begin analyzing the vulnera- bility to determine its exploitability. Can it be exploited? Remotely? Would the exploitation result in remote code execution, or would it simply crash the remote service? What is the length of the exploit code that can be injected? This phase also involves debugging the vulnerable application as malicious input is injected to the vulnerable piece of code. 4. Exploit Development Once the answers to the key questions are determined, the process of developing the exploit begins.This has usually been considered a bit of a black art, requiring an in-depth understanding of the processor’s registers, assembly code, offsets, and payloads.


Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel

Rootkits will be of interest to any Windows security researcher or security programmer


Hacker Disassembling Uncovered

This text shows how to analyze programs without its source code, using a debugger and a disassembler, and covers hacking methods including virtual functions, local and global variables, branching, loops, objects and their hierarchy, and more.


Hacker Linux Uncovered

Detailed and thorough, this guide demonstrates how to install Linux for the highest security and best performance, how to scan the network and encrypt the traffic, and how to monitor and log the system to detect security problems.



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