CVPR 2011图像检索相关论文


Image Ranking and Retrieval based on Multi-Attribute Queries
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR) 2011,(Oral Presentation)
Behjat Siddiquie, Rogerio S. Feris and Larry S. Davis


“Image Ranking and Retrieval based on Multi-Attribute Queries”这篇文章主要思想是通过一个多属性的查询(例如:戴墨镜擦口红的亚洲长发年轻姑娘),通过把这个查询提交给模型,模型可以综合“墨镜”“口红”“亚洲”“长发”“年轻”“姑娘”这些属性综合进行检索,并且能够学习这些属性之前的关系wp,学习方法用到的是reverse learning的东西,并且和multi-label learning进行集成,优化方法借鉴了structured learning(Thorsten Joachims做了好多structured learning),评测通过ROC面积以及NDCG@100进行的。

效果有改善,感觉不错,不愧是CVPR的Oral,我觉得胜在这个Multi-Attribute Queries点子上了,其他的都是先有的模型和技术。例如求解的时候用的“Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization” BMRM solver(link),用到的图像特征有:

Color based features include color histograms, color corelograms, color wavelets and color moments. Texture is encoded using wavelet texture and LBP histograms, while shape information is represented using edge histograms, shape moments and SIFT based visual words. To encode spatial information, we extract feature vectors of each feature type from individual grids of five different configurations (Fig. 2) and concatenate them.


  1. Binary classification
    • Hinge [2,7]
    • Squared hinge [3]
    • Huber-hinge [3]
    • Logistic regression [4]
    • Exponential [5]
    • ROC Score [6]
    • Fbeta Score [6]
  2. Univariate regression
    • $\epsilon$-insensitive [8]
    • Huber robust [9]
    • Least Mean Squares [10]
    • Least Absolute Deviation
  3. Novelty detection (1-class SVM) [11]
  4. Quantile regression [12]
  5. Poisson regression [13]
  6. Ranking
    • NDCG (normalized discounted cummulative gain) [14]
  7. Graph Matching [16]
  8. Sequence Segmentation and Classification [17]


CVPR 2011关于Image and Video Retrieval的Paper List如下:

805729Asymmetric Distances for Binary EmbeddingsAlbert Gordo (CVC / XRCE); Florent Perronnin;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
1319737City-Scale Landmark Identification on Mobile DevicesDavid Chen (Stanford University); Georges Baatz (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich); Kevin Koeser;Sam Tsai;Ramakrishna Vedantham (Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto); Timo Pylvanainen (Nokia Research Center, Tampere); kimmo Roimela (Nokia Research Center); Xin Chen (Navteq); Jeff Bach (Navteq); Marc Pollefeys;Bernd Girod;Radek Grzeszczuk;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
1261745Combining attributes and Fisher vectors for efficient image retrievalMatthijs Douze;Arnau Ramisa (INRIA); Cordelia Schmid;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
859753Compact Hashing with Joint Optimization of Search Accuracy and TimeJunfeng He (Columbia University); Regunathan Radhakrishnan;Shih-Fu Chang;Claus Bauer;OralImage and Video Retrieval
630761Edgel Inverted Index for Large-Scale Sketch-based Image SearchYang Cao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Wang Changhu (microsoft); Zhang Liqing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
670769Face Image Retrieval by Shape ManipulationBrandon Smith (University of Wisconsin-Madiso); Shengqi Zhu (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Li Zhang;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
277777Hello neighbor: accurate object retrieval with k-reciprocal nearest neighborsQin Danfeng (ETH Zurich); Stephan Gammeter (ETH Zurich); Lukas Bossard (ETH Zurich); Till Quack;Luc VanGool;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
857785Hierarchical Semantic Indexing for Large Scale Image RetrievalJia Deng (Princeton University); Alexander Berg (Stony Brook University); Li Fei-Fei;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
298793Image Annotation via Preferential Random Walk on Bi-relational Graph of Images and Semantic LabelsHua Wang (Univ. of Texas at Arlington); Heng Huang (University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering); Chris Ding;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
84801Image Ranking and Retrieval Based on Multi-Attribute QueriesBehjat Siddiquie (University of Maryland); Rogerio Feris;Larry Davis;OralImage and Video Retrieval
912809Image Retrieval with Geometry-Preserving Visual PhrasesYimeng Zhang (Cornell University); Zhaoyin Jia (Cornell University); Tsuhan Chen;OralImage and Video Retrieval
502817Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary CodesYunchao Gong (UNC Chapel Hill); Svetlana Lazebnik (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill);OralImage and Video Retrieval
1113825Learning Image Vicept Description via Mixed-Norm Regularization for Large Scale Semantic Image SearchLiang LI (ICT, CAS); Shuqiang Jiang;Qingming Huang (Graduate Univ of Chinese Academy of Sciences);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
300833Learning structured prediction models for interactive image labelingThomas Mensink (XRCE); Jakob Verbeek;Gabriela Csurka (XRCE);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
297841Locality-Sensitive Support Vector Machine by Exploring Local Feature Correlation for Web Image AnnotationGuo-Jun Qi (ECE, UIUC); Qi Tian (University of Texas at San Antonio); Thomas Huang (UIUC);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
45849Noise Resistant Graph Ranking for Improved Web Image SearchWei Liu (Columbia University); Yu-Gang Jiang (Columbia University); Jiebo Luo;Shih-Fu Chang;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
361857Query-Specific Visual Semantic Spaces for Web Image Re-rankingKe Liu (CUHK); Xiaogang Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
734865Random Forest Voting for Fast Action SearchGang YU (Nanyang technological Univ); Junsong Yuan (Nanyang Technological University); Zicheng Liu;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
1795873Random Maximum Margin HashingAlexis Joly (INRIA); olivier buisson (ina);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
790881Tag Localization with Spatial Correlations and Joint Group SparsityYang Yang (The University of Queensland); Yi Yang (The University of Queensland); Zi Huang (The University of Queensland); Heng Tao Shen (The University of Queensland); Feiping Nie (University of Texas, Arlington);PosterImage and Video Retrieval
1288889Total Recall II: Query Expansion RevisitedOndrej Chum;Andrej Mikulik (CMP, CTU in Prague); Michal Perdoch (CMP, CTU in Prague); Jiri Matas;PosterImage and Video Retrieval
22897Towards Cross-Cateogory Knowledge Propagation for Learning Visual ConceptsGuo-Jun Qi (ECE, UIUC); Yong Rui (Microsoft Corporation); Qi Tian (University of Texas at San Antonio); Thomas Huang (UIUC);OralImage and Video Retrieval
1492905Unsupervised Auxiliary Visual Words Discovery for Large-Scale Image Object RetrievalYin-Hsi Kuo (National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica); Hsuan-Tien Lin;Wen-Huang Cheng;Yi-Hsuan Yang;Winston Hsu;PosterImage and Video Retrieval





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