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转载 10023---会员管理系统的设计和开发


2016-04-27 16:13:57 1274

转载 10029---Nginx、LVS及HAProxy负载均衡软件的优缺点详解

原文【编者按】负载均衡 (Load Balancing) 建立在现有网络结构之上,它提供了一种廉价有效透明的方法扩展网络设备和服务器的带宽、增加吞吐量、加强网络数据处理能力,同时能够提高网络的灵活性和可用性。目前使用最为广泛的负载均衡软件是Nginx、LVS、HAProxy,本文作者结合自己的实践经验总结了三者各自的优缺点。Nginx/LVS/HAProxy是目前使用最广泛的三种负载均

2016-04-27 10:55:22 276

转载 10034---Jaxb2 实现JavaBean与xml互转

原文一、简介      JAXB(Java Architecture for XML Binding) 是一个业界的标准,是一项可以根据XML Schema产生Java类的技术。该过程中,JAXB也提供了将XML实例文档反向生成Java对象树的方法,并能将Java对象树的内容重新写到 XML实例文档。      Jaxb 2.0是JDK 1.6的组成部分。我们不需要

2016-04-26 18:08:28 383

转载 10032---HttpClient访问,需要用户名密码时

把用户名密码放在Header中HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);post.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encode((userName + ":" + password).getBytes()));

2016-04-25 14:41:56 490

转载 10007---全文检索引擎Solr系列——整合MySQL、MongoDB

原文MySQL拷贝mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar到E:\solr-4.8.0\example\solr-webapp\webapp\WEB-INF\lib目录下面配置E:\solr-4.8.0\example\solr\collection1\conf\solrconfig.xml<requestHandler name="/data

2016-04-19 07:50:23 396

转载 10006---全文检索引擎Solr系列——Solr核心概念、配置文件

原文DocumentDocument是Solr索引(动词,indexing)和搜索的最基本单元,它类似于关系数据库表中的一条记录,可以包含一个或多个字段(Field),每个字段包含一个name和文本值。字段在被索引的同时可以存储在索引中,搜索时就能返回该字段的值,通常文档都应该包含一个能唯一表示该文档的id字段。例如: company123 Atlant

2016-04-18 21:42:41 302

转载 10005---全文检索引擎Solr系列—–全文检索基本原理


2016-04-16 02:17:33 373

转载 10021---Compose and Model the Merchandise Shop

OverviewThis chapter is divided into 3 major steps:Modelling the dataApplying the model to the items' XML definitionTesting the buildModelling the dataData modelling is a very importan

2016-04-10 00:48:20 483

转载 10021---Creating a Code Base for Your Project

OverviewIn this step we are going to create a completely new storefront.Create the accelerator code base for the projectThe accelerator templates are delivered as source code. When you dev

2016-04-09 16:24:41 537

转载 10020---

Let's checkout the structure of the main extensions and addons that come with the b2c hybris distribution and we are going to use soon.Module Responsibilities5.7.0 Extension Name

2016-04-09 16:17:01 408

转载 10019---Installing the Accelerator Extension Set

OverviewTo get started, we'll download and install the hybris Commerce Suite, modifying it somewhat to remove some extensions we won't be using in this trail, which will improve performance. 

2016-04-09 16:14:52 493

转载 10018---SolrFacetSearch - Installation Guide

Below you can find information about the installationofsolrfacetsearch extension.OverviewThe solrfacetsearch is an extension developed by hybris. Once you have installed the hybris C

2016-04-09 14:32:00 480

转载 10033---ArrayList的实现原理

原文目录:      一、 ArrayList概述      二、 ArrayList的实现                  1) 私有属性                 2) 构造方法                 3) 元素存储                 4) 元素读取                 

2016-04-09 14:20:35 264

转载 10018---solrserver Extension

This document introduces the hybris solrserverextension.Before ImplementingA hybris extension may provide functionality that is licensed through different hybris modules. Make sure t

2016-04-09 13:58:36 538

转载 10017---Managing Solr Search Configuration

Currently there are two applications which you can use to configure the Solr facet search: the hybris Management Console (hMC) and the Backoffice Administration Cockpit.Overview The hybr

2016-04-09 09:25:52 929

转载 10016---SolrFacetSearch - Changes from 5.6 to 5.7

Below you can find information about the changes that have been made to the solrfacetsearch extension for version 5.7.ValidityThis document is valid for users who use the 5.7 hybris

2016-04-09 00:32:43 557

转载 10015---Synchronization Guide

Catalog versions can be synchronized in aone-directional way for updating a catalog version according to another. This way you can transfer catalog content between the catalog versions whichrepr

2016-04-08 22:22:51 748

转载 10032---java实现图片裁剪缩放工具类

原文BufferedImage处理图片及创建图片package out; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp; import java

2016-04-07 22:27:05 359

转载 10014---Trail ~ CronJobs

MotivationCronJobs provide a means for performing business logic at particular times and intervals. For example, an administrator might want to perform an inventory every Sunday at midnight,

2016-04-04 16:56:26 1903

转载 10013---Trail ~ Catalogs

IntroductionA hybris catalog, as its name suggests, is similar to the concept of a printed catalog. It keeps a collection of your items together in one version. Unlike a printed catalog, howev

2016-04-04 00:40:32 1237

转载 10012---Trail ~ MediaConversion

IntroductionWe want to connect the stadium type with images as is typically done with products; i.e. the same image has to be available in different formats.For example, a small image for a ba

2016-04-03 02:55:09 1415

转载 10010---Trail ~ Testing the Façades

MotivationIn this step you will learn how to write a façade using TDD (Test Driven Development).The role of a Façade can be defined as follows:A Façade provides business level methods to the

2016-04-02 23:29:20 898

转载 10030---5分钟了解Mockito

原文一、什么是mock测试,什么是mock对象?先来看看下面这个示例:从上图可以看出如果我们要对A进行测试,那么就要先把整个依赖树构建出来,也就是BCDE的实例。 一种替代方案就是使用mocks从图中可以清晰的看出mock对象就是在调试期间用来作为真实对象的替代品。mock测试就是在测试过程中,对那些不容易构建的对

2016-04-02 23:02:13 420

转载 10009---Trail ~ Testing the Services

MotivationIn this step we describe how the Stadium Service is developed using TDD (Test-Driven Development). The StadiumService should present business-level methods to other services and clie

2016-04-02 22:51:38 834

转载 10008---Trail ~ Testing the DAO

MotivationIn this step, we will develop an interface and implementation for the Stadium DAO - a class responsible for retrieving Stadium data in the persistence layer. In line with Test Driv

2016-04-02 19:55:08 907



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