H.264 RTP Streaming

根據RFC3984以RTP 封裝H.264 raw data來作video streaming.

1.H.264 raw data
以00 00 01 或 00 00 00 01作為開頭(Start Code),接著是8 bit NALU 
      |F|NRI|  Type   |

F      :   forbidden zero bit, 一定為0
NRI :  nal_ref_idc, 表示資料的重要性, 00為最不重要.
Type :nal_unit_type, H.264只定義1~23的範圍

一個H.264 raw data看起來像這樣
00 00 00 01 09 30 ......

2.RTP header
因為一個H.264 video frame資料的大小往往會在數k bytes到數十K bytes,
接收端可以正確組合被分割的video frame.這也是RFC3984最主要的目的.

RTP header 中有三個參數要注意
timestamp : 以90KHz作為基準,以30 fps為例,timestamp遞增 90000 / 30.
            實務上是以payload實際間隔時間作計算.同一個video frame的
sequence : 每個RTP封包sequence number都遞增.
mark bit : RTP封包封裝的是最後一個分割的video frame時mark bit 為 1.

2.Payload format
1~23 : Single NAL unit packet.

RFC3984使用了H.264 NALU中未定義的type 24~29 (相當於增加H.264 nal_unit_type定義)

24 : STAP-A 單一時間組合
25 : STAP-B 單一時間組合
26 : MTAP16 多個時間組合
27 : MTAP32 多個時間組合
28 : FU-A 分割資料
29 : FU-B 分割資料


3.Single NAL unit packet
H.264 raw data foramt 為 [Start code][NALU][Raw Data]
封裝時去掉Start Code即可.Format 如下
[RTP Header][NALU][Raw Date]

4.FU-A (Fragmentation unit)
H.264 raw data foramt 為 [Start code][NALU][Raw Data]
去掉[Start code],[NALU],以不超過MTU大小分割[Raw Data]
以NALU產生FU indicator, FU Header.

RFC 3984

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      | FU indicator  |   FU header   |                               |
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                         FU payload                            |
      |                                                               |
      |                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      |                               :...OPTIONAL RTP padding        |

      Figure 14.  RTP payload format for FU-A

   The FU indicator octet has the following format:

      |F|NRI|  Type   |

   The FU header has the following format:

      |S|E|R|  Type   |

[FU indicator] = (NALU & 0x60) | 28;
[FU Header] = (start << 7) | (end << 6) | (NALU & 0x1f);


[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][Raw Data Part 0]
[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][Raw Data Part 1]
[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][Raw Data Part 2]

5.FU-B (Fragmentation unit)

RFC 3984

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      | FU indicator  |   FU header   |               DON             |
      |                                                               |
      |                         FU payload                            |
      |                                                               |
      |                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      |                               :...OPTIONAL RTP padding        |

      Figure 15.  RTP payload format for FU-B

[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][DON][Raw Data Part 0]
[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][DON][Raw Data Part 1]
[RTP Header][FU indicator][FU header][DON][Raw Data Part 2]

6.Encoding sample code with TI DSP

        /* Write the encoded frame to the network */
        if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)) {
            struct iovec data[3];
            rtp_hdr_t rtp;
            rtp.version = 2;
            rtp.p = 0;
            rtp.x = 0;
            rtp.cc = 0;
            rtp.m = 0;
            rtp.pt = 96;
            rtp.seq = htons( sequence );
            rtp.ts = htonl( timestamp );
            rtp.ssrc = 10;

            data[0].iov_base = &rtp;
            data[0].iov_len = sizeof(rtp_hdr_t);

            unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf);
            size_t len = Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf);
            size_t mtu = DEFAULT_MTU;

            /* Skip NAL Start Code 00 00 00 01 */
            unsigned char nalType = ptr[4] & 0x1f;
            //printf("Processing Buffer with NAL TYPE=%d\n", nalType);

            if(len < (mtu - sizeof(rtp_hdr_t))) {
              /* Remove NAL Start Code 00 00 00 01 */
              data[1].iov_base = (void *)ptr + 4;
              data[1].iov_len = len - 4;

              //printf("NAL Unit fit in one packet size=%d\n", len);
              /* only set the marker bit on packets containing access units */
              if (IS_ACCESS_UNIT (nalType))
                rtp.m = 1;

              writev(sfd, data, 2);
            } else  {
              int start = 1, end = 0;
              /* We keep 2 bytes for FU indicator and FU Header */
              unsigned payload_len = mtu - sizeof(rtp_hdr_t) - 2; 
              unsigned char nalHeader = ptr[4];

              /* Remove NAL Start Code 00 00 00 01 and NAL Type*/
              ptr += 5;
              len -= 5;

              //printf("Using FU-A fragmentation for data size=%d\n", len);

              while(end == 0)  {
                unsigned char fu[2];
                payload_len = len < payload_len ? len : payload_len;
                if (payload_len == len)
                  end = 1;

                if (IS_ACCESS_UNIT (nalType))
                  rtp.m = end;

                /* FU indicator */
                fu[0] = (nalHeader & 0x60) | 28;
                /* FU Header */
                fu[1] = (start << 7) | (end << 6) | (nalHeader & 0x1f);

                rtp.seq = htons( sequence );

                data[1].iov_base = fu;
                data[1].iov_len = 2;

                data[2].iov_base = (void *)ptr;
                data[2].iov_len = payload_len;
                writev(sfd, data, 3);
                start = 0;

                ptr += payload_len;
                len -= payload_len;

            if (Time_delta(hTimestamp, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            //printf("Read time: %uus\n", (Uns)time);
            timestamp += (unsigned int)(0.09 * time);  /*15 fps : 90000 / 15*/

2009年11月3日 星期二

F3F 20091018 龍蟠

OMAP3530 DSP Howto ( Really works by DSPLINK)


1.Before touch anything
目前有兩種方式可以控制DSP,一個是TI DVSDK提供的DSPLINK,另一個則是DSPBRIDGE.

所搭配的media library為
DSPLINK + gstreamer
DSPBRIDGE + openmax + gstreamer




Build and install to target root file system (過程就省略了)


DVSDK : /opt/dvsdk
gstreamer : /opt

DSPLINK透過share memory的方式跟DSP交換資料所以有另一個driver叫cmemk.ko負責建立memory pool. 但這塊memory必須脫離kernel的掌控因此必須要空出一塊memory讓cmemk.ko使用.至於大小要看實際memory size跟DSP所需要的size來決定.




我的target board有256MB DDR,因此記憶體配置如下

# 0x40200000    60 KB   CMEM (internal memory, see comment below)
# 0x80000000    200 MB   Linux
# 0x8C900000    16 MB   CMEM (external memory)
# 0x8D900000     2 MB   DSPLINK (MEM)
# 0x8DB00000     unused

kernel boot command 加上 mem=200M

For kernel 2.6.27

optargs=init=/init omapfb.video_mode=1280x1024MR-16@60 vram=12M omapfb.vram=4M,4M,4M omapfb.debug=1 omap-dss.def_disp=lcd omap-dss.debug=1 mem=200M

For kernel 2.6.29

setenv optargs 'init=/init omapdss.def_disp=dvi omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x1024MR-16@60 vram=12M omapfb.vram=0:4M,1:4M,2:4M mem=200M'

memory pool配置如下

insmod cmemk.ko phys_start=0x8C900000 phys_end=0x8D900000 pools=20x4096,10x131072,2x1048576,1x5250000,4x829440,2x691200


export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gstreamer/bin
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/gstreamer/lib/gstreamer-0.10
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gstreamer/lib

3.Get DSP work


#cd /opt/dvsdk
CMEMK module: built on Oct 30 2009 at 20:23:52
  Reference Linux version 2.6.28
  File /home/gigijoe/OMAP3530/dvsdk_3_00_02_44/linuxutils_2_24_02/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.c
ioremap_nocache(0x8c900000, 16777216)=0xcf000000
allocated heap buffer 0xcf000000 of size 0x32c000
cmem initialized 6 pools between 0x8c900000 and 0x8d900000
DSPLINK Module (1.61.03) created on Date: Oct 30 2009 Time: 20:20:31

# lsmod
lpm_omap3530 8276 0 - Live 0xbf02c000
dsplinkk 114052 1 lpm_omap3530, Live 0xbf00b000
cmemk 24428 0 - Live 0xbf000000

測試omapfb, 應該會在畫面上看到彩色條紋.

gst-launch videotestsrc num-buffers=1000 ! omapfbsink

播放TI h.264 raw data sample

gst-launch --gst-debug-level=1 filesrc location="/media/dcim/100andro/ntsc.264" ! typefind ! TIViddec2 ! omapfbsink

Play avi file

gst-launch --gst-debug-no-color --gst-debug=TI*:2 filesrc location=/media/dcim/100andro/aris.mpeg ! typefind ! qtdemux name=demux demux.audio_00 ! queue max-size-buffers=8000 max-size-time=0 max-size-bytes=0 ! typefind ! TIAuddec1 ! audioconvert ! osssink demux.video_00 ! typefind ! TIViddec2 ! omapfbsink

Play mpeg4 file

gst-launch --gst-debug-no-color --gst-debug=TI*:2 filesrc location=/media/dcim/100andro/KenBlock-TopGear.mp4 ! typefind ! qtdemux name=demux demux.audio_00 ! queue max-size-buffers=8000 max-size-time=0 max-size-bytes=0 ! typefind ! TIAuddec1 ! audioconvert ! osssink demux.video_00 ! typefind ! TIViddec2 ! omapfbsink

Play H.264 mpeg4 file without mp3 audio

gst-launch filesrc location=/media/dcim/100andro/sany0014.mp4  ! typefind ! qtdemux name=demux  demux.video_00 ! typefind ! TIViddec2 ! omapfbsink




一開始有一段時間kernel-2.6.29 DSP_init總是失敗

# ./messagegpp ./message.out 1000
========== Sample Application : Failure [0x8000800b] in [0x401] at line 522
MESSAGE ==========
Entered MESSFailure [0x8000802d] in [0x401] at line 544
AGE_Create ()
Failure [0x8000802d] in [0x401] at line 544
Failure [0x8000802d] in [0x401] at line 544
request_irq 28
request_irq failed with error: -16
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x502] at line 459
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x80a] at line 824
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x80a] at line 1061
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x801] at line 597
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x701] at line 370
 DSP_init status [0x80008008] 
Assertion failed ((isrObj!= NULL) && (ISR_InstalledIsrs [isrObj->dspId][isrObj->irq] == isrObj)). File : /home/gigijoe/OMAP3530/dvsdk_3_00_02_44/dsplink_1_61_03/packages/dsplink/gp
p/src/../../gpp/src/osal/Linux/2.6.18/isr.c Line : 507
Failure [0x80008000] in [0x502] at line 515
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x300] at line 476
Failure [0x80008008] in [0x300] at line 563
PROC_attach () failed. Status = [0x80008008]
PROC_setup () failed. Status = [0x80008008]
Leaving MESSAGE_Create ()
Entered MESSAGE_Delete ()
Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 484
MSGQ_release () failed. Status = [0x8000800b]
Assertion failed (IS_VALID_MSGQ (msgqQueue)). File : msgq.c Line : 335
Leaving MESSAGE_Delete ()

Trace DSPLINK driver發現request_irq 28 居然失敗了.很明顯IRQ被佔據了.
cat /proc/interrupts

 11:          0        INTC  prcm
 12:          1        INTC  DMA
 18:          0        INTC  sr1
 19:          0        INTC  sr2
 24:          0        INTC  omap-iommu.1, Omap 3 Camera ISP
 25:          1        INTC  OMAP DSS
 28:          0        INTC  omap-iommu.2
 56:        347        INTC  i2c_omap
 61:          0        INTC  i2c_omap
 72:          1        INTC  serial idle
 73:          1        INTC  serial idle
 74:         94        INTC  serial idle, serial
 77:          0        INTC  ehci_hcd:usb2
 83:          0        INTC  mmc0
 86:         14        INTC  mmc1
 92:          0        INTC  musb_hdrc
 93:          0        INTC  musb_hdrc
 95:        641        INTC  gp timer
160:          0        GPIO  mmc1
167:          0        GPIO  user
181:          8        GPIO  eth0
378:          0     twl4030  twl4030_usb
379:          0     twl4030  rtc0
384:          0     twl4030  mmc0

原來是iommu啊,OK,調整一下kernel config

Device Drivers->Multimedia Devices->Video Capture Adapters->OMAP 3 Camera Support
System Type->TI OMAP Implemenation->IOMMU Support


IOMMU 以 Shared IRQ 方式 request_irq而DSPLINK Driver request_irq 並不是.
因此造成問題,DSPLINK Driver是否應該以Shared IRQ方式request_irq呢?

Problem :

# gst-launch --gst-debug=TI*:2 v4l2src always_copy=FALSE num-buffers=100 ! video
/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! TIVidenc1 codecName=h264enc
 engineName=codecServer contiguousInputFrame=FALSE genTimeStamps=FALSE ! filesin
k location=/tmp/enc.264 

(gst-launch-0.10:636): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
0:00:01.011901868   636    0x9ebb0 WARN             TIVidenc1 gsttividenc1.c:1432:gst_tividenc1_codec_start: error: failed to open codec engine "codecServer"

ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTIVidenc1:tividenc10: failed to open codec engine "codecServer"

Additional debug info:
gsttividenc1.c(1432): gst_tividenc1_codec_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTIVidenc1:tividenc10
Execution ended after 382354731 ns.
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
0:00:01.016387951   636    0x9ebb0 WARN             TIVidenc1 gsttividenc1.c:1601:gst_tividenc1_encode_thread: error: failed to start codec

gst-launch-0.10: BufTab.c:440: BufTab_getNumBufs: Assertion `hBufTab' failed.

重新compile ti-gstreamer就好了...


ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTIViddec2:tividdec20: Failed to determine target board

這個問題是因為所使用的OMAP3530 board不是TI support的.
Get board name first
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor       : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
BogoMIPS        : 499.92
Features        : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant     : 0x1
CPU part        : 0xc08
CPU revision    : 3

Hardware        : OMAP3 Thunder Board
Revision        : 0020
Serial          : 0000000000000000

So, the board name is OMAP3 Thunder Board

Edit dmai_2_05_00_04/packages/ti/sdo/dmai/linux/Cpu.c


    else if ((strcmp(valBuf,"OMAP3EVM Board") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(valBuf, "OMAP3 EVM") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(valBuf, "OMAP3 Beagle Board") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(valBuf, "OMAP3 Thunder Board") == 0)) {  <<-- Add here
            *device = Cpu_Device_OMAP3530;
    else {
        Dmai_err0("Unknown Cpu Type!\n");
        return Dmai_EFAIL;

    return Dmai_EOK;


Then rebuild again ...





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


