

1. 概说
   假如由于你的过失或疏忽引起别人的不快,给别人带来麻烦和损失,那你就必须赔礼道歉。道歉信(letter of apology)常分两个部分。一部分为道歉本身,常用“对不起”、“恐怕”、“抱歉”等词语;另一部分为简短的解释或理由。具体注意以下几点:假如你有理由,就写上几句解释;要是没有丝毫理由,就应该诚恳地致歉,承认错误,表示悔改之意,并保证以后不再发生类似情况;要主动提出赔偿或修理。信要 写得及时、诚恳,有解决问题的合作态度。
2. 常用语句
1)Excuse me for my being absent.
2)I m rather ashamed for failing to keep up our correspondence.
3)I m sorry I couldn t write earlier.
4)We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply
in regard to the above matter.
5)Please accept our apologies.
6)We greatly regret that we have caused you such an inconvenience.
7)We regret not being able to assist you for the time being.
8)I hope you will accept my sincere apologies.
9)I m awfully sorry that I failed to meet you at the bus-stop
yesterday afternoon. I didn
t know that my watch had stopped.
Please forgive me. The material you are studying is compiled by
professor Gong Dongfeng.
3. 范文示例
(1) 因失约致歉
Dear Selma,
    My face has been red all morning! How can I apologize for
missing our luncheon date yesterday?
    You know my mind has been on Margie
s wedding. I was so
absorbed in the details of the reception that I completely
forgot about our date.
    Please forgive me. Let
s make it next Tuesday. I promise
to tie a string around my finger so I won
t forget.
                                                                         Li Ming

(2) 因拖延归还物品致歉
Dear Lee,
    Excuse me for my long delay in returning to you your
Understanding and Using English Grammar which I read through
with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was
about to return it when a friend of mine came to see me.
Never having seen the book, he was so interested in it that I
had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the
additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will
overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.
    Thanking you for the loan.
                                                                                  Yours truly,
                                                                                   Li Ming

(3) 因失物致歉
Dear Laura,
m afraid we can t go to the concert on Sunday. I ve
lost the tickets. I looked for them everywhere but they simply
disappeared. I must apologize for being so careless. I
ll try
to get hold of two tickets again for some other nights. Which
date will be suitable for you?
m sorry for causing all this inconvenience. I hope you
are not too angry.
                                                                           Yours truly,
                                                                            Li Ming

1. 概说     亲戚、朋友若遇到了不愉快或不幸的事,就希望能收到热情洋溢、表 示同情和慰问的信。慰问信 (letter of consolation) 要表示关怀或提供 帮助,写信的口吻根据当时的环境而定。向对方表示慰问,不一定都要 调子低沉,应该充分表示出热情和友谊,能充分理解别人所处的困境。 信要写得及时,辞句要朴素,感情要真挚。
2. 常用短句
1)I am anxious to know how you are getting on.
2)If I can be of any assistance to you, do not hesitate to let
me know.
3)We are sure it won t be long before you re back on your
feet again.
4)I was surprised to learn from today s papers that a severe
typhoon passed over your hometown recently. I hope that your
house did not suffer any damage.
从今日报纸上获悉,你的家乡最近遭遇严重的台风,不胜惊恐。愿你的 住所未遭损坏。
5)I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire which destroyed
your house. I hasten to offer my sympathy.
6)I just can t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your
accident. I hope you weren
t badly injured and that you
ll soon be all right again.
7)I have just heard, with sincere regret, of your illness,
and write to express my sympathy and most earnest good wishes
for your speedy recovery.
刚刚得知你生病的消息,极为难过。现写此信,表示我的慰问和最真挚 的祝愿,祝你早日恢复健康。
8)I was sorry to hear that you were not successful in getting
an admission to the Teacher
s College, Columbia University.
I wish you better luck next time.
9)I m grieved to hear of the breaking off of your marriage. I
know well what you must be feeling. Please accept my sincere
sympathy. The material you are studying is compiled by professor
Gong Dongfeng.
3. 范文示例
(1) 慰问友人落榜
Dear Bill,
    What a shocking news to me when I was told by Tammy that you
could not pass the entrance examination. This means you have to
wait for another year to take the next examination. I quite
understand how you feel now. But there are many chances that you
can try. I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will
get ready to try again. I am sure you will easily succeed next
                                                                                                 Li Ming

(2) 慰问友人生病
Dear Joe,
    James and I are extremely sorry to hear of your illness.
Everyone in our group is thinking of you and they have taken over
that position of the work assigned to you.
    We understand that you will be hospitalized for a week or two.
I have asked Harry to take a novel to you. It is on the best-seller
list of the week. I hope you will find it interesting to while away
the time with. Hurry up and get well again. We all hope to see you
up and about, and your smile face soon.
                                                                                            As ever,
                                                                                            Li Ming

(3) 慰问遭遇灾祸的友人
Dear Mr. Martin,
    I am very sorry to learn from the newspaper that a fire broke out
in your street yesterday afternoon, and your house was burnt down.
    I am very anxious to know how you and your family are. I shall be
very much delighted if I can be of any service to you.
                                                                                   Yours sincerely,
                                                                                   Li Ming

1. 概说
吊唁信 (letter of condolence) 是社交活动中最难写的信。这类信主要是表 示对死者的哀悼和怀念,给对方以真挚的安慰和问候。信要写得及时,用词 要朴素,感情要真实,简明扼要,切忌高谈阔论。
2. 常用语句
1)I was terribly sorry to hear of the death of Prof. Smith.
2)We have just learned with deep sorrow the sad news.
3)I don t have to tell you how deeply we feel for you in your
4)The melancholy news of your husband s death has grieved me
more than I can express.
5)There was no words that can express my deep sorrow at the death
of your wife.
6)I wish there were some way in which we could lighten your burden
of sorrow.
7)I heard with profoundest sorrow that your mother, after protracted
illness, passed away.
8)I was saddened by the news of the death of your father. Please
accept my deepest sympathy.
9)I was shocked to hear the sudden death of Mr. Green. He was a
devoted teacher and was loved by all his students. Please accept
my heartfelt condolence.
惊悉格林先生突然去世。他是一位尽职的教师,深受学生的爱戴。谨表真 挚的悼念。
10)I hasten to offer you my most profound sympathy for the great
grief that has fallen upon you and your household. The material
you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.
3. 范文示例
(1) 唁友丧父
Dear John,
    I am sorry to learn of the passing away of your father. The sad
news grieved me and everybody in the neighborhood as well.
    He was a man of integrity, noble-minded, active for public
interest, upright and devoted to the cause of upholding social
justice. He was respected by all of us in the community. Let the
thoug, , , , hts of a life devoted to the , fundamental interest of the people
be your consolation.
    I know how grieved you feel for the loss of your father but death
is a continuation of life in a changed form, as a poet says, and one
has to accept it.
Margaret and the boys join me in sending our deepest sympathy.
                                             Li Ming




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