Java语言规范基于JavaSE9 第七章 包和模块(六)

7.5 Import Declarations

7.5 导入声明

An import declaration allows a named type or a static member to be referred to by a simple name (§6.2) that consists of a single identifier.


Without the use of an appropriate import declaration, the only way to refer to a type declared in another package, or a static member of another type, is to use a fully qualified name (§6.7).



• A single-type-import declaration (§7.5.1) imports a single named type, by mentioning its canonical name (§6.7).

• 单类型导入声明(第7.5.1节)可以通过提及单个具名类型的规范名(第6.7节)而导入它。

• A type-import-on-demand declaration (§7.5.2) imports all the accessible types of a named type or named package as needed, by mentioning the canonical name of a type or package.

• 按需类型导入声明(第7.5.2节)可以通过提及类型或包的规范名而导入具名类型或具名包中所有需要的可访问类型。

• A single-static-import declaration (§7.5.3) imports all accessible static
members with a given name from a type, by giving its canonical name.

• 单静态导入声明(第7.5.3节)可以通过给定规范名而导入类型中给定名字的所有可访问的static成员。

• A static-import-on-demand declaration (§7.5.4) imports all accessible static
members of a named type as needed, by mentioning the canonical name of a type.

• 按需静态导入声明(第7.5.4节)可以通过提及类型的规范名而导入具名类型中所有需要的可访问static成员。

The scope and shadowing of a type or member imported by these declarations is specified in §6.3 and §6.4.


An import declaration makes types or members available by their simple names only within the compilation unit that actually contains the import declaration. The scope of the type(s) or member(s) introduced by an import declaration specifically does not include other compilation units in the same package, other import declarations in the current compilation unit, or a package declaration in the current compilation unit (except for the annotations of a package declaration).

import声明使得在实际包含该import声明的编译单元中只需要使用简单名就可获得类或成员。由import声明引入的类型或成员的作用域并不包含在同一个包中声明的其他编译单元、在当前编译单元中的其他 import声明,或当前编译单元中的package声明(除了package声明的注解)。

7.5.1 Single-Type-Import Declarations

7.5.1 单类型导入声明

A single-type-import declaration imports a single type by giving its canonical name, making it available under a simple name in the module, class, and interface declarations of the compilation unit in which the single-type-import declaration appears.


import TypeName ;

The TypeName must be the canonical name of a class type, interface type, enum type, or annotation type (§6.7).


The type must be either a member of a named package, or a member of a type whose outermost lexically enclosing type declaration (§8.1.3) is a member of a named package, or a compile-time error occurs.


It is a compile-time error if the named type is not accessible (§6.6).


If two single-type-import declarations in the same compilation unit attempt to import types with the same simple name, then a compile-time error occurs, unless the two types are the same type, in which case the duplicate declaration is ignored.


If the type imported by the single-type-import declaration is declared in the compilation unit that contains the import declaration, the import declaration is ignored.


If a single-type-import declaration imports a type whose simple name is n, and the compilation unit also declares a top level type (§7.6) whose simple name is n, a compile-time error occurs.


If a compilation unit contains both a single-type-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n, and a single-static-import declaration (§7.5.3) that imports a type whose simple name is n, a compile-time error occurs.


Example 7.5.1-1. Single-Type-Import

例7.5.1-1. 单类型导入

import java.util.Vector;

causes the simple name Vector to be available within the class and interface declarations in a compilation unit. Thus, the simple name Vector refers to the type declaration Vector in the package java.util in all places where it is not shadowed (§6.4.1) or obscured (§6.4.2) by a declaration of a field, parameter, local variable, or nested type declaration with the same name.


Note that the actual declaration of java.util.Vector is generic (§8.1.2). Once imported, the name Vector can be used without qualification in a parameterized type such as Vector, or as the raw type Vector. A related limitation of the import declaration is that a nested type declared inside a generic type declaration can be imported, but its outer type is always erased.

注意java.util.Vector被声明为泛型(第8.1.2节)。一旦被导入,Vector这个名字就可以在参数化类型中不经限定而使用,例如Vector <String>,或者当作原生类型Vector使用。这里要强调import声明的限制:在泛型声明内部嵌套的类型可以被导入,但是其外部类总是会被擦除。

Example 7.5.1-2. Duplicate Type Declarations

例7.5.1-2. 重复类型导入

This program:


import java.util.Vector;
class Vector { Object[] vec; }

causes a compile-time error because of the duplicate declaration of Vector, as does:


import java.util.Vector; 
import myVector.Vector;

where myVector is a package containing the compilation unit:


package myVector;
public class Vector { Object[] vec; }

Example 7.5.1-3. No Import of a Subpackage

例7.5.1-3. 不导入子包

Note that an import declaration cannot import a subpackage, only a type.


For example, it does not work to try to import java.util and then use the name util.Random to refer to the type java.util.Random:


import java.util;
class Test { util.Random generator; }
// incorrect: compile-time error

Example 7.5.1-4. Importing a Type Name that is also a Package Name

例7.5.1-4. 导入也是包名的类型名

Package names and type names are usually different under the naming conventions described in §6.1. Nevertheless, in a contrived example where there is an unconventionally- named package Vector, which declares a public class whose name is Mosquito:

包名和类型名在第6.1节的命名惯用法下通常是不同的。尽管如此,在下面这个刻意设计的示例中,有一个不按照惯用法命名的包Vector,它声明了名字为Mosquito的公共类 :

package Vector;
public class Mosquito { int capacity; }

and then the compilation unit:


package strange;
import java.util.Vector; 
import Vector.Mosquito; 
class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(new Vector().getClass());
        System.out.println(new Mosquito().getClass());

the single-type-import declaration importing class Vector from package java.util does not prevent the package name Vector from appearing and being correctly recognized in subsequent import declarations. The example compiles and produces the output:


class java.util.Vector
class Vector.Mosquito

7.5.2 Type-Import-on-Demand Declarations

7.5.2 按需类型导入声明

A type-import-on-demand declaration allows all accessible types of a named package or type to be imported as needed.


import PackageOrTypeName . * ;

The PackageOrTypeName must be the canonical name (§6.7) of a package, a class type, an interface type, an enum type, or an annotation type.


If the PackageOrTypeName denotes a type (§6.5.4), then the type must be either a member of a named package, or a member of a type whose outermost lexically enclosing type declaration (§8.1.3) is a member of a named package, or a compile- time error occurs.


It is a compile-time error if the named package is not uniquely visible to the current module (§7.4.3), or if the named type is not accessible (§6.6).


It is not a compile-time error to name either java.lang or the named package of the current compilation unit in a type-import-on-demand declaration. The type-import- on-demand declaration is ignored in such cases.


Two or more type-import-on-demand declarations in the same compilation unit may name the same type or package. All but one of these declarations are considered redundant; the effect is as if that type was imported only once.


If a compilation unit contains both a type-import-on-demand declaration and a static-import-on-demand declaration (§7.5.4) that name the same type, the effect is as if the static member types of that type (§8.5, §9.5) were imported only once.


Example 7.5.2-1. Type-Import-on-Demand

例7.5.2-1 按需类型导入

import java.util.*;

causes the simple names of all public types declared in the package java.util to be available within the class and interface declarations of the compilation unit. Thus, the simple name Vector refers to the type Vector in the package java.util in all places in the compilation unit where that type declaration is not shadowed (§6.4.1) or obscured (§6.4.2).

上面的代码会导致在java.util包中声明的所有public类型的简单名在该编译单元的类和接口声明内都是可用的。因此,简单名Vector在该编译单元中引用的应该是java.util包中的Vector类型,前提是该类型声明没有被遮蔽(第6.4.1节)或遮掩(第6.4.2节 )。

The declaration might be shadowed by a single-type-import declaration of a type whose simple name is Vector; by a type named Vector and declared in the package to which the compilation unit belongs; or any nested classes or interfaces.


The declaration might be obscured by a declaration of a field, parameter, or local variable named Vector.


(It would be unusual for any of these conditions to occur.)


7.5.3 Single-Static-Import Declarations

7.5.3 单静态导入声明

A single-static-import declaration imports all accessible static members with a given simple name from a type. This makes these static members available under their simple name in the module, class, and interface declarations of the compilation unit in which the single-static-import declaration appears.


import static TypeName . Identifier ;

The TypeName must be the canonical name (§6.7) of a class type, interface type, enum type, or annotation type.


The type must be either a member of a named package, or a member of a type whose outermost lexically enclosing type declaration (§8.1.3) is a member of a named package, or a compile-time error occurs.


It is a compile-time error if the named type is not accessible (§6.6).


The Identifier must name at least one static member of the named type. It is a compile-time error if there is no static member of that name, or if all of the named members are not accessible.

Identifier必须至少命名该具名类型的一个static成员。如果没有任何具有该名字的static成员,或者所有具有该名字的成员都是不可访问的,则会产生编译时错误 。

It is permissible for one single-static-import declaration to import several fields or types with the same name, or several methods with the same name and signature. This occurs when the named type inherits multiple fields, member types, or methods, all with the same name, from its own supertypes.


If a single-static-import declaration imports a type whose simple name is n, and the compilation unit also declares a top level type (§7.6) whose simple name is n, a compile-time error occurs.


If a compilation unit contains both a single-static-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n, and a single-type-import declaration (§7.5.1) that imports a type whose simple name is n, a compile-time error occurs.


7.5.4 Static-Import-on-Demand Declarations

7.5.4 按需静态导入声明

A static-import-on-demand declaration allows all accessible static members of a named type to be imported as needed.


import static TypeName . ;*

The TypeName must be the canonical name (§6.7) of a class type, interface type, enum type, or annotation type.


The type must be either a member of a named package, or a member of a type whose outermost lexically enclosing type declaration (§8.1.3) is a member of a named package, or a compile-time error occurs.


It is a compile-time error if the named type is not accessible (§6.6).


Two or more static-import-on-demand declarations in the same compilation unit may name the same type; the effect is as if there was exactly one such declaration.


Two or more static-import-on-demand declarations in the same compilation unit may name the same member; the effect is as if the member was imported exactly once.


It is permissible for one static-import-on-demand declaration to import several fields or types with the same name, or several methods with the same name and signature. This occurs when the named type inherits multiple fields, member types, or methods, all with the same name, from its own supertypes.


If a compilation unit contains both a static-import-on-demand declaration and a type-import-on-demand declaration (§7.5.2) that name the same type, the effect is as if the static member types of that type (§8.5, §9.5) were imported only once.


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