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原创 Apache2.2.4 + PHP5.2.4在Windows下的安装配置

前面边学PHP,边帮别人作了一个网站。这里过了两三个月没管它,现在又要改一些东西的时候,却发现连环境都不记得怎么搭建了!搞了好久,才把网站运行起来。所以马上过来把我的安装过程记一下,以便今后查阅:1. 安装Apache2.2.4我是用Windows安装文件直接安装的,这样就添加了一个系统服务。我的安装位置是:D:/DevServers/Apache/Apache2.2配置文件先不管它,只要端口没被

2008-05-21 14:41:00 2749

转载 oracle常用系统表

dba_开头.....   dba_users      数据库用户信息   dba_segments 表段信息   dba_extents    数据区信息   dba_objects    数据库对象信息   dba_tablespaces   数据库表空间信息   dba_data_files    数据文件设置信息   dba_temp_files   临时数据

2008-05-14 22:18:00 1197

转载 如何查看Oracle中有哪些表

可以通过查询语句对系统表 user_tables 进行查询。例如要列出用户表中都存在那些表,它们所使用的表空间是那个,可以用下面的语句进行查询select table_name,tablespace_name from user_tables;

2008-05-14 17:57:00 34656

原创 如何在Oracle中复制表结构和表数据

1. 复制表结构及其数据: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old  2. 只复制表结构: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old where 1=2; 或者: create table table_name_new

2008-05-04 09:33:00 21384 8


O'Reilly.Java.Cookbook.2nd.Edition.Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition gets you to the heart of what you need to know when you need to know it. The completely revised and updated recipes in Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition cover all of the major APIs from Java 1.4 as well as the new 1.5 version. It includes many specialized APIs--like those for working with Struts, Ant, and other Open Source tools--and delivers expanded Mac OS coverage.


Effective Java 2nd Edition

Effective Java 2nd Edition, English edition. 英文版。清晰完整。 THIS book is designed to help you make the most effective use of the Java™ programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util, and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and java.io. The book discusses other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices. This book consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule. The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each concerning one broad aspect of software design. The book is not intended to be read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the book. Many new features were added to the platform in Java 5 (release 1.5). Most of the items in this book use these features in some way.


Head First Design Patterns 中文版

Head First Design Patterns 中文版。完整清晰。 《深入浅出设计模式》(影印版)的编写运用许多最新的研究,包括神经生物学、认知科学以及学习理论,这使得《深入浅出设计模式》(影印版)能够将这些设计模式深深地烙印在你的脑海中,不容易被遗忘。你将会更擅长于解决软件设计中的问题,并能够和你的团队成员用模式的语言来更好地沟通。



绝对专业的计算机专业词汇查询手册! The Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition is designed to be a comprehensive and authoritative source of definitions for computer-related terms and abbreviations. The dictionary includes terms drawn from a wide variety of topics relevant to computer users, including software, hardware, networking, data storage, graphics, games, information processing, the Internet and the World Wide Web, gaming, history, jargon and slang, organizations, programming, and standards. Although this book covers nearly every aspect of computing, it does not include entries on most companies or on most makes and models of computers, nor does it contain entries on most application software products. The few exceptions to this rule of thumb are key companies and products that have a historical or universal importance within the computing industry. This dictionary emphasizes terminology that the average computer user will encounter in documentation, online help, computer manuals, marketing and sales materials, the popular media, and the computer trade press. Because most computer users operate personal computers and desktop systems at home, work, or both, the majority of the entries in this dictionary cover the terminology used in describing and working with these systems. However, some specialized or highly technical language is included that pertains to areas of industry, academia, software and hardware development, and research. These terms have been included because they have a bearing on more common computer terminology or because they are of historical significance.


Oracle To Postgres

Oracle与Postgres之间的不同。很好很详细。从Oracle转Postgres的时候非常需要的一个文档。 If you are starting to use PostgreSQL or you will migrate from Oracle database server, I hope this document helps. If you have Java applications and use JDBC, the “Data types and JDBC” section will be particularly useful. Oracle and PostgreSQL both conform to standard SQL. However, they contain several extensions and implementation details that differentiate one from the other. The most important differences are listed in this document.



Threads are a fundamental part of the Java platform. As multicore processors become the norm, using concurrency effectively becomes essential for building high-performance applications. Java SE 5 and 6 are a huge step forward for the development of concurrent applications, with improvements to the Java Virtual Machine to support high-performance, highly scalable concurrent classes and a rich set of new concurrency building blocks. In Java Concurrency in Practice, the creators of these new facilities explain not only how they work and how to use them, but also the motivation and design patterns behind them. However, developing, testing, and debugging multithreaded programs can still be very difficult; it is all too easy to create concurrent programs that appear to work, but fail when it matters most: in production, under heavy load. Java Concurrency in Practice arms readers with both the theoretical underpinnings and concrete techniques for building reliable, scalable, maintainable concurrent applications. Rather than simply offering an inventory of concurrency APIs and mechanisms, it provides design rules, patterns, and mental models that make it easier to build concurrent programs that are both correct and performant. This book covers: Basic concepts of concurrency and thread safety Techniques for building and composing thread-safe classes Using the concurrency building blocks in java.util.concurrent Performance optimization dos and don'ts Testing concurrent programs Advanced topics such as atomic variables, nonblocking algorithms, and the Java Memory Model


Head First Design Patterns

Head First Design Patterns. Java. 英文原版。完整清晰。





Head First Python

Head First Python English Edition。Head First Python英文完整版。






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