插件管理框架 for Delphi(二)

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1       前言

2       插件框架(untDllManager


2.2   实现代码

unit untDllManager; interface uses  Windows, Classes, SysUtils, forms; type   EDllError = Class(Exception);   TDllClass = Class of TDll;  TDll = Class;   TDllEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ADll: TDll) of Object;   { TDllManager    o 提供对 Dll 的管理功能;     o Add 时自动创建 TDll 对象,但不尝试装载;    o Delete 时自动销毁 TDll 对象;  }   TDllManager = Class(TList)  private    FLock: TRTLCriticalSection;    FDllClass: TDllClass;    FOnDllLoad: TDllEvent;    FOnDllBe foreUnLoaded: TDllEvent;    function GetDlls(const Index: Integer): TDll;    function GetDllsByName(const FileName: String): TDll;  protected    procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;  public    constructor Create;    destructor Destroy; override;    function Add(const FileName: String): Integer; overload;    function IndexOf(const FileName: String): Integer; overload;    function Remove(const FileName: String): Integer; overload;    procedure Lock;    procedure UnLock;    property DllClass: TDllClass read FDllClass write FDllClass;    property Dlls[const Index: Integer]: TDll read GetDlls; default;    property DllsByName[const FileName: String]: TDll read GetDllsByName;    property OnDllLoaded: TDllEvent read FOnDllLoad write FOnDllLoad;    property OnDllBe foreUnLoaded: TDllEvent read FOnDllBe foreUnLoaded write FOnDllBe foreUnLoaded;  end;   { TDll    o 代表一个 Dll, Windows.HModule    o 销毁时自动在 Owner 中删除自身;    o 子类可通过覆盖override DoDllLoaded, 以及DoDllUnLoaded进行功能扩展;  }   TDll = Class(TObject)  private    FOwner: TDllManager;    FModule: HMODULE;    FFileName: String;    FPermit: Boolean;    procedure SetFileName(const Value: String);    function GetLoaded: Boolean;    procedure SetLoaded(const Value: Boolean);    procedure SetPermit(const Value: Boolean);  protected    procedure DoDllLoaded; virtual;    procedure DoBe foreDllUnLoaded; virtual;    procedure DoDllUnLoaded; virtual;    procedure DoFileNameChange; virtual;    procedure DoPermitChange; virtual;  public    constructor Create; virtual;    destructor Destroy; override;    function GetProcAddress(const Order: Longint): FARPROC; overload;    function GetProcAddress(const ProcName: String): FARPROC; overload;    property FileName: String read FFileName write SetFileName;    property Loaded: Boolean read GetLoaded write SetLoaded;    property Owner: TDllManager read FOwner;    property Permit: Boolean read FPermit write SetPermit;  end; implementation { TDll } constructor TDll.Create;begin  FOwner := nil;  FFileName := '';  FModule := 0;  FPermit := True;end; destructor TDll.Destroy;var  Manager: TDllManager;begin  Loaded := False;  if FOwner <> nil then  begin    //在拥有者中删除自身    Manager := FOwner;    //未防止在 TDllManager中重复删除,因此需要将    //FOwner设置为 nil; <-- 此段代码和 TDllManager.Notify 需要配合    //才能确保正确。     FOwner := nil;    Manager.Remove(Self);  end;  inherited;end; function TDll.GetLoaded: Boolean;begin  result := FModule <> 0;end; function TDll.GetProcAddress(const Order: Longint): FARPROC;begin  if Loaded then    result := Windows.GetProcAddress(FModule, Pointer(Order))  else    raise EDllError.CreateFmt('Do Load be fore GetProcAddress of "%u"', [DWORD(Order)]);end; function TDll.GetProcAddress(const ProcName: String): FARPROC;begin  if Loaded then    result := Windows.GetProcAddress(FModule, PChar(ProcName))  else    raise EDllError.CreateFmt('Do Load be fore GetProcAddress of "%s"', [ProcName]);end; procedure TDll.SetLoaded(const Value: Boolean);begin  if Loaded <> Value then  begin    if not Value then    begin      Assert(FModule <> 0);      DoBe foreDllUnLoaded;      try        FreeLibrary(FModule);        FModule := 0;      except        Application.HandleException(Self);      end;      DoDllUnLoaded;    end    else    begin      FModule := LoadLibrary(PChar(FFileName));      try        Win32Check(FModule <> 0);        DoDllLoaded;      except        On E: Exception do        begin          if FModule <> 0 then          begin            FreeLibrary(FModule);            FModule := 0;          end;          raise EDllError.CreateFmt('LoadLibrary Error: %s', [E.Message]);        end;      end;    end;  end;end; procedure TDll.SetFileName(const Value: String);begin  if Loaded then    raise EDllError.CreateFmt('Do Unload be fore load another Module named: "%s"',      [Value]);  if FFileName <> Value then  begin    FFileName := Value;    DoFileNameChange;  end;end; procedure TDll.DoFileNameChange;begin  // do nonthing.end; procedure TDll.DoDllLoaded;begin  if Assigned(FOwner) and Assigned(FOwner.OnDllLoaded) then    FOwner.OnDllLoaded(FOwner, Self);end; procedure TDll.DoDllUnLoaded;begin  //do nonthing.end; procedure TDll.DoPermitChange;begin  //do nonthing.end; procedure TDll.SetPermit(const Value: Boolean);begin  if FPermit <> Value then  begin    FPermit := Value;    DoPermitChange;  end;end; procedure TDll.DoBe foreDllUnLoaded;begin  if Assigned(FOwner) and Assigned(FOwner.OnDllBe foreUnLoaded) then    FOwner.OnDllBe foreUnLoaded(FOwner, Self);end; { TDllManager } function TDllManager.Add(const FileName: String): Integer;var  Dll: TDll;begin  result := -1;  Lock;  try    if DllsByName[FileName] = nil then    begin      Dll := FDllClass.Create;      Dll.FileName := FileName;      result := Add(Dll);    end    else      result := -1;  finally    UnLock;  end;end; constructor TDllManager.Create;begin  FDllClass := TDll;  InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);end; destructor TDllManager.Destroy;begin  DeleteCriticalSection(FLock);  inherited;end; function TDllManager.GetDlls(const Index: Integer): TDll;begin  Lock;  try    if (Index >=0) and (Index <= Count - 1) then      result := Items[Index]    else      raise EDllError.CreateFmt('Error Index of GetDlls, Value: %d, Total Count: %d', [Index, Count]);  finally    UnLock;  end;end; function TDllManager.GetDllsByName(const FileName: String): TDll;var  I: Integer;begin  Lock;  try    I := IndexOf(FileName);    if I >= 0 then      result := Dlls[I]    else      result := nil;  finally    UnLock;  end;end; function TDllManager.IndexOf(const FileName: String): Integer;var  I: Integer;begin  result := -1;  Lock;  try    for I := 0 to Count - 1 do      if CompareText(FileName, Dlls[I].FileName) = 0 then      begin        result := I;        break;      end;  finally    UnLock;  end;end; procedure TDllManager.Lock;begin  OutputDebugString(Pchar('TRLock DM' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId) + ':' + IntToStr(DWORD(Self))));  EnterCriticalSection(FLock);  OutputDebugString(Pchar('Locked DM' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId) + ':' + IntToStr(DWORD(Self))));end; procedure TDllManager.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);begin  if Action = lnDeleted then  begin    //若TDll(Ptr).Owner和Self不同,则    //表明由 TDll.Destroy 触发;    if TDll(Ptr).Owner = Self then    begin      //防止FOwner设置为nil之后相关事件不能触发      TDll(Ptr).DoBe foreDllUnLoaded;      TDll(Ptr).FOwner := nil;      TDll(Ptr).Free;    end;  end  else  if Action = lnAdded then    TDll(Ptr).FOwner := Self;  inherited;end; function TDllManager.Remove(const FileName: String): Integer;var  I: Integer;begin  result := -1;  Lock;  try    I := IndexOf(FileName);    if I >= 0 then      result := Remove(Dlls[I])    else      result := -1;  finally    UnLock;  end;end; procedure TDllManager.UnLock;begin  LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);  OutputDebugString(Pchar('UnLock DM' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId) + ':' + IntToStr(DWORD(Self))));end; end.  <script type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script>
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