amplxe-cl -help collect-with

Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2011 Update 7 (build 206420) Command Line Tool
Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

-collect-with=<string>        Choose collector.

 Perform a data collection using the specified collector.

Action Options:
-allow-multiple-runs | -no-allow-multiple-runs (default)
                              Enable multiple runs to achieve more precise
                              results for hardware event-based collections.
                              When disabled, the collector multiplexes events
                              running a single collection, which lowers result
-analyze-system | -no-analyze-system (default)
                              Enable analyzing all processes running on the
                              system. When disabled, only the target process is
                              analyzed. This option is applicable to hardware
                              event-based analysis types only.
-app-working-dir=<string>     Specify the working directory to be used when
                              profiling a program.
-auto-finalize (default) | -no-auto-finalize
                              Turn on/off automatic result finalization after
                              data collection/import. --no-auto-finalize option
                              also turns off the summary report (--no-summary).
-call-stack-mode=all | user-only | user-plus-one (user-only)
                              Choose how to show system functions in the stack.
-cpu-mask=<string>            Specify CPU(s) to collect data on (for example:
                              2-8,10,12-14). This option is applicable to
                              hardware event-based analysis types only.
-data-limit=<integer> (100)   Limit the amount of raw data to be collected.
                              This option is not applicable to hardware
                              event-based analysis types.
-discard-raw-data | -no-discard-raw-data (default)
                              Discard raw collector data from the result upon
-duration=<string>            Specify the duration for collection (in seconds).
                              Required for system-wide collection. Can also be
-fast-frames-threshold=<double> (100)
                              Specify a threshold to separate Good and Fast
                              frames. Frame rates higher than this threshold
                              are marked as Fast. This threshold needs to be
                              larger than the Slow frames threshold.
-follow-child (default) | -no-follow-child
                              Collect data on processes launched by the target
                              process. Recommended for applications launched by
                              a script.
-inline-mode=on | off (on)    Choose to show or hide inline functions in the
-k, -knob=<string>            Set knob value for selected analysis type as
                              -knob knobName=knobValue.
-mrte-mode=auto | native | mixed | managed (auto)
                              Select a profiling mode. The Native mode does not
                              attribute data to managed source. The Mixed mode
                              attributes data to managed source where
                              appropriate. The Managed mode tries to limit
                              attribution to managed source when available.
-r, -result-dir=<string> (r@@@{at})
                              Specify result directory path.
-resume-after=<unsigned integer>
                              Specify time (in milliseconds) to delay data
                              collection after the application starts.
-return-app-exitcode | -no-return-app-exitcode
                              Return the target exit code instead of the
                              command-line interface exit code.
-search-dir=<string>          <all | bin | src | sym[:<p | r>]>=<directory>.
                              <directory> is the name of the search directory
                              for binaries (bin), sources (src), symbols (sym),
                              or all these file types (all). Use ':r' to
                              perform a recursive search of all subdirectories.
                              Use ':p' to indicate highest priority search
                              directories (directories that should be searched
                              prior to others, including environment paths and
                              absolute paths). You can use these options
                              together as ':rp'.
-slow-frames-threshold=<double> (40)
                              Specify a threshold to separate Slow and Good
                              frames. Frame rates lower than this threshold are
                              marked as Slow. This threshold needs to be
                              smaller than the Fast frames threshold.
-start-paused                 Start data collection paused.
-strategy=<string>            Specify how exactly child processes should be
                              analyzed. This option is not applicable to
                              hardware event-based analysis types.
-summary (default) | -no-summary
                              Turn on/off showing the summary report after data
-target-duration-type=veryshort | short | medium | long (short)
                              Estimate the application duration time. This
                              value affects the size of collected data. For
                              long running targets, sampling interval is
                              increased to reduce the result size. For hardware
                              event-based analysis types, the duration estimate
                              affects a multiplier applied to the configured
                              Sample after value.
-target-pid=<unsigned integer>
                              Attach collection to a running process specified
                              by process ID.
-target-process=<string>      Attach collection to a running process specified
                              by process name.

Global Options:
-q, -quiet                    Suppress non-essential messages
-user-data-dir=<string>       Specify the base directory for result paths
                              provided by --result-dir option. By default, the
                              current working directory is used.
-v, -verbose                  Print additional information


 1) Perform hardware sampling event-based collection on the given target.
    amplxe-cl -collect-with runsa a.out
 2) Perform user-mode sampling and tracing collection on the given target.
    amplxe-cl -collect-with runss a.out




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