《Java数据结构和算法》第二版 Robert lafore 编程作业 第十章

《Java数据结构和算法》第二版 Robert lafore  编程作业 第十章

 	10.1 这个作业很容易。编写一个方法能返回2-3-4树中的最小值.
	10.2 编写方法中序遍历2-3-4树。它能有序地显示所有的数据项。
	10.3 2-3-4树可以用于排序。编写sort()方法,从main()方法中传入关键字的数组
	10.4 修改tree234.java程序(清单10.1),使它可以创建并操作2-3树。要求显示
 	10.5 扩展编程作业10.4的程序,使split()方法是递归的并可以处理一个满的子节
package chap10;

// tree234.java
// demonstrates 234 tree
// to run this program: C>java Tree234App
import java.io.*;

class DataItem {
	public long dData;          // one data item

	// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem(long dd)    // constructor
		dData = dd;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayItem()   // display item, format "/27"
		System.out.print("/" + dData);
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class DataItem
// //

class Node {
	private static final int ORDER = 4;
	private int numItems;
	private Node parent;
	private Node childArray[] = new Node[ORDER];
	private DataItem itemArray[] = new DataItem[ORDER - 1];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// connect child to this node
	public void connectChild(int childNum, Node child) {
		childArray[childNum] = child;
		if (child != null)
			child.parent = this;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// disconnect child from this node, return it
	public Node disconnectChild(int childNum) {
		Node tempNode = childArray[childNum];
		childArray[childNum] = null;
		return tempNode;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public Node getChild(int childNum) {
		return childArray[childNum];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public Node getParent() {
		return parent;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isLeaf() {
		return (childArray[0] == null) ? true : false;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int getNumItems() {
		return numItems;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public DataItem getItem(int index)   // get DataItem at index
		return itemArray[index];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isFull() {
		return (numItems == ORDER - 1) ? true : false;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int findItem(long key)       // return index of
	{                                    // item (within node)
		for (int j = 0; j < ORDER - 1; j++)         // if found,
		{                                 // otherwise,
			if (itemArray[j] == null)          // return -1
			else if (itemArray[j].dData == key)
				return j;
		return -1;
	}  // end findItem
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public int insertItem(DataItem newItem) {
		// assumes node is not full
		numItems++;                          // will add new item
		long newKey = newItem.dData;         // key of new item

		for (int j = ORDER - 2; j >= 0; j--)        // start on right,
		{                                 // examine items
			if (itemArray[j] == null)          // if item null,
				continue;                      // go left one cell
			else                              // not null,
			{                              // get its key
				long itsKey = itemArray[j].dData;
				if (newKey < itsKey)            // if it's bigger
					itemArray[j + 1] = itemArray[j]; // shift it right
				else {
					itemArray[j + 1] = newItem;   // insert new item
					return j + 1;                 // return index to
				}                           // new item
			}  // end else (not null)
		}  // end for // shifted all items,
		itemArray[0] = newItem;              // insert new item
		return 0;
	}  // end insertItem()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem removeItem()        // remove largest item
		// assumes node not empty
		DataItem temp = itemArray[numItems - 1];  // save item
		itemArray[numItems - 1] = null;           // disconnect it
		numItems--;                             // one less item
		return temp;                            // return item

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayNode()           // format "/24/56/74/"
		for (int j = 0; j < numItems; j++)
			itemArray[j].displayItem();   // "/56"
		System.out.println("/");         // final "/"
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Node
// //

class Tree234 {
	private Node root = new Node();            // make root node

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public int find(long key) {
		Node curNode = root;
		int childNumber;
		while (true) {
			if ((childNumber = curNode.findItem(key)) != -1)
				return childNumber;               // found it
			else if (curNode.isLeaf())
				return -1;                        // can't find it
				// search deeper
				curNode = getNextChild(curNode, key);
		}  // end while

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// insert a DataItem
	public void insert(long dValue) {
		Node curNode = root;
		DataItem tempItem = new DataItem(dValue);

		while (true) {
			if (curNode.isFull())               // if node full,
				split(curNode);                   // split it
				curNode = curNode.getParent();    // back up
												// search once
				curNode = getNextChild(curNode, dValue);
			}  // end if(node is full)

			else if (curNode.isLeaf())          // if node is leaf,
				break;                            // go insert
			// node is not full, not a leaf; so go to lower level
				curNode = getNextChild(curNode, dValue);
		}  // end while

		curNode.insertItem(tempItem);       // insert new DataItem
	}  // end insert()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public void split(Node thisNode)     // split the node
		// assumes node is full
		DataItem itemB, itemC;
		Node parent, child2, child3;
		int itemIndex;

		itemC = thisNode.removeItem();    // remove items from
		itemB = thisNode.removeItem();    // this node
		child2 = thisNode.disconnectChild(2); // remove children
		child3 = thisNode.disconnectChild(3); // from this node

		Node newRight = new Node();       // make new node

		if (thisNode == root)                // if this is the root,
			root = new Node();                // make new root
			parent = root;                    // root is our parent
			root.connectChild(0, thisNode);   // connect to parent
		} else
			// this node not the root
			parent = thisNode.getParent();    // get parent

		// deal with parent
		itemIndex = parent.insertItem(itemB); // item B to parent
		int n = parent.getNumItems();         // total items?

		for (int j = n - 1; j > itemIndex; j--)          // move parent's
		{                                      // connections
			Node temp = parent.disconnectChild(j); // one child
			parent.connectChild(j + 1, temp);        // to the right
		// connect newRight to parent
		parent.connectChild(itemIndex + 1, newRight);

		// deal with newRight
		newRight.insertItem(itemC);       // item C to newRight
		newRight.connectChild(0, child2); // connect to 0 and 1
		newRight.connectChild(1, child3); // on newRight
	}  // end split()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------
		// gets appropriate child of node during search for value

	public Node getNextChild(Node theNode, long theValue) {
		int j;
		// assumes node is not empty, not full, not a leaf
		int numItems = theNode.getNumItems();
		for (j = 0; j < numItems; j++)          // for each item in node
		{                               // are we less?
			if (theValue < theNode.getItem(j).dData)
				return theNode.getChild(j);  // return left child
		}  // end for // we're greater, so
		return theNode.getChild(j);        // return right child

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTree() {
		recDisplayTree(root, 0, 0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	private void recDisplayTree(Node thisNode, int level, int childNumber) {
		System.out.print("level=" + level + " child=" + childNumber + " ");
		thisNode.displayNode();               // display this node

		// call ourselves for each child of this node
		int numItems = thisNode.getNumItems();
		for (int j = 0; j < numItems + 1; j++) {
			Node nextNode = thisNode.getChild(j);
			if (nextNode != null)
				recDisplayTree(nextNode, level + 1, j);
	}  // end recDisplayTree()

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// ==============================================================
	// 编程作业 10.1
	// 这里没有考虑空树的情况,调用前确保树不为空
	public long getMinValue() {
		Node parent = root;
		Node current = root;
		while (current != null) {
			parent = current;
			current = current.getChild(0);
		return parent.getItem(0).dData;

	// ==============================================================
	public void traverse(int traverseType) {
		switch (traverseType) {
		case 1:
			System.out.print("\nPreorder traversal: ");
			// preOrder(root);
		case 2:
			System.out.print("\nInorder traversal:  ");
		case 3:
			System.out.print("\nPostorder traversal: ");
			// postOrder(root);

	// ==============================================================
	// 编程作业 10.2
	private void inOrder(Node root) {
		if (root == null) {
		int i = 0;
		for (; i < root.getNumItems(); i++) {
			System.out.print(root.getItem(i).dData + " ");
		if (i != 0) {

	// ==============================================================
	// 编程作业 10.3
	public void sort(long[] array) {
		this.root = new Node();
		for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
		inOrderForSort(array, root, 0);

	// ==============================================================

	private int inOrderForSort(long[] array, Node root, int arrayIndex) {
		if (root == null) {
			return arrayIndex;
		int i = 0;
		for (; i < root.getNumItems(); i++) {
			arrayIndex = inOrderForSort(array, root.getChild(i), arrayIndex);
			array[arrayIndex++] = root.getItem(i).dData; // arrayIndex只在这里增加
		if (i != 0) {
			arrayIndex = inOrderForSort(array, root.getChild(i), arrayIndex);
		return arrayIndex;
	// ==============================================================
}  // end class Tree234
// //

public class Tree234App {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		long value;
		Tree234 theTree = new Tree234();

		// ========================================
		// 编程作业 10.1
		// ========================================
		// 编程作业 10.2
		theTree.traverse(2);// 中序遍历
		// ========================================
		// 编程作业 10.3
		long[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 6, 5 };
		for (long l : array) {
			System.out.print(l + " ");
		// ========================================

	}  // end main()
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public static String getString() throws IOException {
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
		String s = br.readLine();
		return s;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public static char getChar() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return s.charAt(0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static int getInt() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return Integer.parseInt(s);
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Tree234App
// //


package chap10;

// tree234.java
// demonstrates 234 tree
// to run this program: C>java Tree234App
import java.io.*;

class Node1 {
	private static final int ORDER = 3;
	private int numItems;
	private Node1 parent;
	private Node1 childArray[] = new Node1[ORDER];
	private DataItem itemArray[] = new DataItem[ORDER - 1];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// connect child to this node
	public void connectChild(int childNum, Node1 child) {
		childArray[childNum] = child;
		if (child != null)
			child.parent = this;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// disconnect child from this node, return it
	public Node1 disconnectChild(int childNum) {
		Node1 tempNode = childArray[childNum];
		childArray[childNum] = null;
		return tempNode;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public Node1 getChild(int childNum) {
		return childArray[childNum];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public Node1 getParent() {
		return parent;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isLeaf() {
		return (childArray[0] == null) ? true : false;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int getNumItems() {
		return numItems;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public DataItem getItem(int index)   // get DataItem at index
		return itemArray[index];

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public boolean isFull() {
		return (numItems == ORDER - 1) ? true : false;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int findItem(long key)       // return index of
	{                                    // item (within node)
		for (int j = 0; j < ORDER - 1; j++)         // if found,
		{                                 // otherwise,
			if (itemArray[j] == null)          // return -1
			else if (itemArray[j].dData == key)
				return j;
		return -1;
	}  // end findItem
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public int insertItem(DataItem newItem) {
		// assumes node is not full
		numItems++;                          // will add new item
		long newKey = newItem.dData;         // key of new item

		for (int j = ORDER - 2; j >= 0; j--)        // start on right,
		{                                 // examine items
			if (itemArray[j] == null)          // if item null,
				continue;                      // go left one cell
			else                              // not null,
			{                              // get its key
				long itsKey = itemArray[j].dData;
				if (newKey < itsKey)            // if it's bigger
					itemArray[j + 1] = itemArray[j]; // shift it right
				else {
					itemArray[j + 1] = newItem;   // insert new item
					return j + 1;                 // return index to
				}                           // new item
			}  // end else (not null)
		}  // end for // shifted all items,
		itemArray[0] = newItem;              // insert new item
		return 0;
	}  // end insertItem()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem removeItem()        // remove largest item
		// assumes node not empty
		DataItem temp = itemArray[numItems - 1];  // save item
		itemArray[numItems - 1] = null;           // disconnect it
		numItems--;                             // one less item
		return temp;                            // return item

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayNode()           // format "/24/56/74/"
		for (int j = 0; j < numItems; j++)
			itemArray[j].displayItem();   // "/56"
		System.out.println("/");         // final "/"
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Node
// //

class Tree23 {
	private Node1 root = new Node1();            // make root node

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public int find(long key) {
		Node1 curNode = root;
		int childNumber;
		while (true) {
			if ((childNumber = curNode.findItem(key)) != -1)
				return childNumber;               // found it
			else if (curNode.isLeaf())
				return -1;                        // can't find it
				// search deeper
				curNode = getNextChild(curNode, key);
		}  // end while

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// insert a DataItem
	public void insert(long dValue) {
		Node1 curNode = root;
		DataItem tempItem = new DataItem(dValue);

		while (true) {
			if (curNode.isLeaf())          // if node is leaf,
				break;                            // go insert
			// node is not full, not a leaf; so go to lower level
				curNode = getNextChild(curNode, dValue);
		}  // end while
		if (curNode.isFull()) {
			// split(curNode, tempItem); //只能分裂叶节点
			split1(curNode, tempItem, null); // 可以递归分裂
		} else {
			curNode.insertItem(tempItem);       // insert new DataItem
	}  // end insert()

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	// =============================================================
	// 编程作业 10.4
	// thisNode 当前要分裂的节点 ,只能为叶子这点
	// newItem 要插入的数据项
	public void split(Node1 thisNode, DataItem newItem)     // split the node
		// assumes node is full
		DataItem itemB, itemC; // itemB保存中间数据项,itemC保存最大数据项
		Node1 parent, child1, child2;
		int itemIndex;

		// 分裂当前节点
		// 根据新数据项与当前节点中两个数据项的比较,分三种情况:
		if (thisNode.getItem(0).dData > newItem.dData) { // 1.新数据项最小
			itemC = thisNode.removeItem();
			itemB = thisNode.removeItem();
		} else if (thisNode.getItem(1).dData < newItem.dData) {// 2.新数据项最大
			itemC = newItem;
			itemB = thisNode.removeItem();
		} else {// 3.新数据项在中间
			itemC = thisNode.removeItem();
			itemB = newItem;
		// 新节点
		Node1 newRight = new Node1();       // make new node
		newRight.insertItem(itemC);       // item C to newRight

		// 得到父节点
		if (thisNode != root) {
			parent = thisNode.getParent();
		} else {
			root = new Node1();                // make new root
			parent = root;                    // root is our parent
			root.connectChild(0, thisNode);   // connect to parent

		// 中间数据项插入到父节点
		if (parent.isFull()) {
		} else {
			itemIndex = parent.insertItem(itemB);
			int n = parent.getNumItems();         // total items?
			for (int j = n - 1; j > itemIndex; j--)          // move parent's
			{                                      // connections
				Node1 temp = parent.disconnectChild(j); // one child
				parent.connectChild(j + 1, temp);        // to the right
			// connect newRight to parent
			parent.connectChild(itemIndex + 1, newRight);
	}  // end split()

	// =============================================================
	// 编程作业 10.5
	// thisNode 当前要分裂的节点
	// newItem 要插入的数据项
	// newNode 上次分裂(子节点分裂)得到的新节点,如果是第一次分裂(叶节点分裂),则为null
	public void split1(Node1 thisNode, DataItem newItem, Node1 newNode) {
		// assumes node is full
		DataItem itemB, itemC; // itemB保存中间数据项,itemC保存最大数据项
		Node1 parent, child1, child2, newRight;
		int itemIndex;

		// 分裂当前节点
		// 根据新数据项与当前节点中两个数据项的比较,分三种情况:
		if (thisNode.getItem(0).dData > newItem.dData) { // 1.新数据项最小
			itemC = thisNode.removeItem();
			itemB = thisNode.removeItem();

			child1 = thisNode.disconnectChild(1);
			child2 = thisNode.disconnectChild(2);
			thisNode.connectChild(1, newNode);

			newRight = new Node1();       // make new node
			newRight.insertItem(itemC);       // item C to newRight
			newRight.connectChild(0, child1);
			newRight.connectChild(1, child2);
		} else if (thisNode.getItem(1).dData < newItem.dData) { // 2.新数据项最大
			itemC = newItem;
			itemB = thisNode.removeItem();
			child2 = thisNode.disconnectChild(2);

			newRight = new Node1();       // make new node
			newRight.insertItem(itemC);       // item C to newRight
			newRight.connectChild(0, child2);
			newRight.connectChild(1, newNode);
		} else { // 3.新数据项在中间
			itemC = thisNode.removeItem();
			itemB = newItem;
			child2 = thisNode.disconnectChild(2);

			newRight = new Node1();       // make new node
			newRight.insertItem(itemC);       // item C to newRight
			newRight.connectChild(0, newNode);
			newRight.connectChild(1, child2);

		// 得到父节点
		if (thisNode != root) { // 当前节点是非根节点
			parent = thisNode.getParent();
		} else {// 当前节点是根节点
			root = new Node1();                // make new root
			parent = root;                    // root is our parent
			root.connectChild(0, thisNode);   // connect to parent

		// 中间数据项插入到父节点
		if (parent.isFull()) { // 父节点是满,则递归分裂父节点
			split1(parent, itemB, newRight);
		} else { // 父节点不满,直接插入
			itemIndex = parent.insertItem(itemB);
			// 调整相应的子节点
			if (itemIndex == 0) {// 插入到第一个
				parent.connectChild(2, parent.disconnectChild(1));
				parent.connectChild(1, newRight);
			} else { // 插入到第二个
				parent.connectChild(2, newRight);
	}  // end split()

	// =============================================================
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// gets appropriate child of node during search for value

	public Node1 getNextChild(Node1 theNode, long theValue) {
		int j;
		// assumes node is not empty, not full, not a leaf
		int numItems = theNode.getNumItems();
		for (j = 0; j < numItems; j++)          // for each item in node
		{                               // are we less?
			if (theValue < theNode.getItem(j).dData)
				return theNode.getChild(j);  // return left child
		}  // end for // we're greater, so
		return theNode.getChild(j);        // return right child

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTree() {
		recDisplayTree(root, 0, 0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	private void recDisplayTree(Node1 thisNode, int level, int childNumber) {
		System.out.print("level=" + level + " child=" + childNumber + " ");
		thisNode.displayNode();               // display this node

		// call ourselves for each child of this node
		int numItems = thisNode.getNumItems();
		for (int j = 0; j < numItems + 1; j++) {
			Node1 nextNode = thisNode.getChild(j);
			if (nextNode != null)
				recDisplayTree(nextNode, level + 1, j);
	}  // end recDisplayTree()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------\
}  // end class Tree234
// //

public class Tree23App {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		long value;
		Tree23 theTree = new Tree23();

		// ==================================================
		// 编程作业 10.4
		// theTree.insert(50);
		// theTree.insert(40);
		// theTree.insert(60);
		// theTree.insert(30);
		// theTree.insert(70);
		// theTree.insert(80);
		// theTree.insert(90);
		// theTree.insert(65);
		// // theTree.insert(20); //只能插入少于9个数据项

		// ==================================================
		// 编程作业 10.5
		// ==================================================

		while (true) {
			System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
			System.out.print("show, insert, or find: ");
			char choice = getChar();
			switch (choice) {
			case 's':
			case 'i':
				System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");
				value = getInt();
			case 'f':
				System.out.print("Enter value to find: ");
				value = getInt();
				int found = theTree.find(value);
				if (found != -1)
					System.out.println("Found " + value);
					System.out.println("Could not find " + value);
				System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
			}  // end switch
		}  // end while
	}  // end main()
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public static String getString() throws IOException {
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
		String s = br.readLine();
		return s;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public static char getChar() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return s.charAt(0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static int getInt() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return Integer.parseInt(s);
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Tree234App
// //






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