Dephi 7.0安装你EnLib.v3.5组件

 直接打开project 时出错, 找不到 DBSumlst.dcu文件


1. 把 EhLib 中的 common 和 DataService 文件拷贝到 Delphi7 目录中.
2.在 TOOLS->Environment Options->Library->Library Path 中添入EHLIB路径。
5. 组件面板中出现一个EhLib的组件页。
6. 打开附带的DEMOS,编译并运行,测试安装成功。


+ A new property SelectionDrawParams: TGridSelectionDrawParamsEh SelectionDrawParams property is added in DBGridEh and DBVertGridEh component, which allows you to customize the style of the currently selected cell. The property has the following sub-properties: SelectionStyle: TGridSelectionDrawStyleEh - paint style of the currently selected cell DrawFocusFrame: Boolean - Specifies whether to draw a dotted border around the currently selected cell. TGridSelectionStyleEh type contains the following values: gsdsDefaultEh - The default style is determined depending on the version of the OS and included Windows schemas and Delphi schemas.If Windows schemes is on the gssListViewThemedEh is used. If the active style of Delphi XE is on the GridThemed style is used. gsdsClassicEh - Classic style. The cell is painted by uniform clSelected color. gsdsGridThemedEh - The Delphi XE style is used to draw a celeced cell. gsdsListViewThemedEh - Windows ListView style is to draw a celeced cell. For a global management of style use the properties of the global object GridDrawStyle of TGridDrawStyleEh type. Use the procedure GridDefaultDrawStyleEh, SetGridDefaultDrawStyleEh, declared in a module GridsEh.pas to access GridDrawStyle the object. TGridDrawStyleEh type has the following properties: SelectionStyle: TGridSelectionStyleEh - style shading display the currently selected cell. DrawFocusFrame: Boolean - Specifies whether to draw a dotted border around the currently selected cell. To change the style of lighting in all grids of project, use code like this: unit MyMainForm; uses ... GridsEh; .... initialization GridDefaultDrawStyleEh.SelectionStyle := gsdsClassicEh; //Draw selected cell by the classic style. end. Setting Lookup relationships directly in the columns of the grid without using of lookup fields. + A new property - Column.LookupParams: TDBLookupDataEh in columns of DBGridEh and DBVertGridEh. The property allows you to setup lookup relationship in the grid columns. The property consists of the following sub-properties: KeyFieldNames: String - Identifies the field or fields in the dataset that must be matched in a lookup dataset when doing a lookup. LookupCache: Boolean - Determines whether the values of a lookup field are cached or looked up dynamically every time the current record in the dataset changes. LookupDataSet: TDataSet - Identifies the dataset used to look up field values. LookupDisplayFieldName: String - Identifies the field from the lookup dataset whose value is displayed in place of KeyFields. LookupKeyFieldNames: String - Identifies the field or fields in the lookup dataset to match when doing a lookup. Other features of this version + New property - TBaseColumnEh.CaseInsensitiveTextSearch: Boolean default True. Defines CaseInsensitive search in a text editor for the dropdownbox items. The property as added in columns of DBGridEh, DBVertGridEh and in TDBComboboxEh TDBLookupcomboboxEh controls. + LimitTextToListValues property of Boolean type. Defines to limit of values in the edit box by the list of values in the dropdownbox. The property as added in columns of DBGridEh DBVertGridEh and in TDBComboboxEh control. + In DBGridEh. At Design-Time it is allowed select DataSet from the list of Favorite DataSets DataSet is created via the Grid Design Panel. + In the Filter Drop-down lists of the DBGridEh it is allowed to selected several values quickly by pressing and dragging the pressed mouse. + In DBGridEh. If gioShowRowselCheckboxesEh value is in the DBGridEh.IndicatorOptions property then it is allowed to selected several records quickly by pressing and dragging the pressed mouse. + In DBGridEh.Pas A new property ColWidthsOptimizationMaxWaitingTime is added in the global class TDBGridEhCenter. This property can be assigned by a maximum time, which will be used to calculate the widths of the columns when the user double click on the line that separates columns. If the time of calculation of column widths is exceeded the value that was set in ColWidthsOptimizationMaxWaitingTime then grid cancels a calculation of the remaining records. The default value is 2000 (2 seconds). + New property ShowImageAndText is added in the TColumnTitleEh class. If ShowImageAndText = True and the title of the grid is set to display images from TitleParams.Images, then the text of the column header will be displayed along with the picture. If ShowImageAndText = False, it will only display the picture without the text. + New methods GetColCellParams GetTitleParams RowDetailPanelShow and RowDetailPanelHide are added in the global class TDBGridEhCenter, This mathods are virtual methods so you can override them in new derived class TMyDBGridEhCenter and control corresponding events for all Grids of the project. (DBVertGridsEh.pas) + A new property OptionsEh of TDBVHGridOptionsEh type is added in the TDBVertGridEh component. TDBVHGridOptionsEh type contains the following values: dgvhHighlightFocusEh - Highlight the current cell when the grid has focus. dgvhClearSelectionEh - Clear a selected area when a user navigates the current cell in the grid. dgvhEnterToNextRowEh - Move the current cell to the next row in a grid when user presses an Enter key. dgvhTabToNextRowEh - Move the current cell to the next row in a grid when user presses an Tab key. dgvhRowsIsTabControlsEh - Rows in the grid are operated as a list of edit controls. ie : - Does not allow to leave the current record of DataSet with keyboard keys. - When the current cell in the grid is on the last line, the Tab key on the grid translates the input focus to the next TabStop Control of a Form (dgvhTabToNextRowEh property must be included). - When the current cell in the grid is on the first line , then by Alt+Tab key in the Grid will put focus to the previous TabStop Control of a Form (dgvhTabToNextRowEh property must be included). + TDBVertGridEh allows to select lines and rectangular region of cells with mouse or keyboard and supports ClipBoard operations. + A new property - AllowedSelections of TDBVertGridAllowedSelectionsEh. Specifies the permitted types of selections in the grid. vgstRowsEh - Allows to select lines in the grid with the mouse or with the keyboard. vgstRectangleEh - Allows the select square area in the grid with the mouse or with the keyboard. vgstAllEh - Allows to the select all the data in the grid by a Ctrl+A key combination. + A new property - EditActions of TGridEditActionsEh type. Defines the permitted operations with the selected area. geaCutEh, geaCopyEh, geaPasteEh, geaDeleteEh, geaSelectAllEh. + New Property - Selection of TDBVertGridSelectionEh type. The property contains information about the selected area in the Grid. + Added TDBVertGridEh.OnRowCategoriesNodeExpanded and TDBVertGridEh.OnRowCategoriesNodeCollapsed events. (DataDriverEh.pas) * Changes: Published parameter - TConnectionProviderEh.OnGetServerSpecOperations: TResolverGetServerSpecOperationsEh was changed. Old declaration: TResolverGetServerSpecOperationsEh = function (var Processed: Boolean): TServerSpecOperationsEh of object; New declaration: TResolverGetServerSpecOperationsEh = procedure (var Processed: Boolean; var ServerSpecOperations: TServerSpecOperationsEh) of object; Announcement via function caused an inexplicable error in compile-time in C++ Builder. (DBCtrlsEh.pas) + New events (OnCloseDropDownForm OnOpenDropDownForm) are added in TDBEditEh, TDBDateTimeEditEh, TDBComboBoxEh controls.
一套Developer Express控件包 For Delphi7Developer Express控件简介Express Scheduler Suite可以建立类似于Outlook中日历那样的空间,计划任务。ExpressQuantumGrid Suite一个超级牛的Grid控件,不要告诉我不知道什么是Grid,其中Filter功能也是非常厉害的。ExpressBars Suite非常厉害非常厉害的工具条菜单控件。ExpressPrinting System 打印控件,可以和ExpressQuantumGrid 完美连接,还没发现有没有报表功能,要不就是没有报表功能,完美的ExpressQuantumGrid控件就可以代替了。ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite 非常牛的树状控件,跟ExpressQuantumGrid 结合起来很厉害的。ExpressNavBar 是用来做类似于XP下的浏览器左边的导航条的,非常地帅。ExpressLayout Control 好像是界面布局的控件。ExpressDBTree Suite非常好用的数据库树形列表控件。ExpressMasterView专门用作总单细单甚至多层的关系的GRID显示,它的效率比ExpressQuantumGrid Suite还要高,不过功能不是很强。ExpressDBTree Suite 结合数据库表进行像WINDOWS中浏览器中树结构显示的控件。ExpressOrgChart 结合数据库表进行组织结构显示的控件。ExpressVerticalGrid Suite 表结构以垂直方式(卡片样式)的GRID显示,一般来说,GRID适合用来显示,而VerticalGrid适合用来编辑数据。下面的控件还不知道有什么用,请有知道的介绍一下。ExpressFlowChartExpressSpreadSheet (includes Kylix support) 下面我们开始安装1、 首先关闭delphi7,如果您正在运行着它的话。 2、 安装ExpressLayout Control 1.1.11 for d7 ok3、 安装ExpressBars Suite 5.1.3 ok4、 安装ExpressDBTree Suite Version 1.3.1 ok5、 安装ExpressOrgChart 1.3.2 ok6、 安装ExpressFlowChart.v1.3.2 ok7、 安装DevExpress ExpressMasterView 1.2.1 ok8、 安装ExpressSpreadSheet (includes Kylix support) 1.1.12 ok9、 安装ExpressNavBar v1.3.1 ok10、安装ExpressPrinting System 3.1 ok11、安装ExpressQuantumGrid Suite 5.0 ok12、安装Express Scheduler Suite 1.0 13、安装ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite v4.0.2 14、安装ExpressVerticalGrid Suite 3.0.2 注:经过我反复试验发现Express Scheduler Suite 1.0 ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite v4.0.2 ExpressVerticalGrid Suite 3.0.2 与ExpressQuantumGrid Suite 5.0有冲突只要其中有任何两种控件安装,就不能装入扩展控件包ExpressExtendedEditors Library 5,Grid会少很多控件。15、运行Delphi_7,出现第一个提示框后, 按否在Delphi 7中通过Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library path菜单路径打开Diredtories窗口。 将含有以下路径: ......Developer Express IncExpressDataControllerDelphi 7Lib ......Developer Express IncXP Theme ManagerDelphi 7Lib ......Developer Express IncCX LibraryDelphi 7Lib ......Developer Express IncExpressEditors Library 5Delphi 7Lib ......Developer Express IncExpressPageControl 2Delphi 7Lib ......Developer Express IncExpressQuantumGrid 5Delphi 7Lib 删除,重新添加为,或保留一份修改为: ......Developer Express IncExpressDataControllerDelphi 7Sources ......Developer Express IncXP Theme ManagerDelphi 7Sources ......Developer Express IncCX LibraryDelphi 7Sources ......Developer Express IncExpressEditors Library 5Delphi 7Sources ......Developer Express IncExpressPageControl 2Delphi 7Sources ......Developer Express IncExpressQuantumGrid 5Delphi 7Sources 18、到Grid 5.0目录下的完美补丁目录19、将以下2个文件:cxExtEditorsVCLD7.bpl dclcxExtEditorsVCLD7.bpl 解压到操作系统的System目录(注:W2K/WinXP中应为system32目录)中覆盖原文件。 20、将压缩包中ExpressEditors Library 5目录解压到Program FilesDeveloper Express Inc下覆盖原安装目录; 21、将压缩包中ExpressPageControl 2目录解压到Program FilesDeveloper Express Inc下覆盖原安装目录; 22、将压缩包中ExpressQuantumGrid 5目录解压到Program FilesDeveloper Express Inc下覆盖原安装目录; 23、将压缩包中Bpl目录解压到BorlandDELPHI7Projects下覆盖原目录。 24、到此全部安装完毕,对于ConvertGrid3Demo和ConvertGrid3MasterDetailDemo还必须同时安装“DevExpress ExpressQuantumGrid Suite v3.22 for Delphi7”,才行!
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