Patch workflow with mutt and git

Patch workflow with mutt and git


It's easy to grab a patch from a mailing list with mutt and get it merged on your local git tree.
The steps are quite simple:

1. Save a copy of the e-mail
mutt: shift+c (to copy), it will ask:
Copy to mailbox ('?' for list): =mailboxname
then you just need to provide the path, for example: /tmp/testing.mbox

2. Go to your git tree and merge the patch:
cd /path/to/your/git
git am /tmp/testing.mbox

3. If there is no conflict, you are good! Now you can build everything.


However, if you deal with more patches, then these steps above become annoying. Also, usually people have the e-mail on one system and the git tree one another build system. So, I tried to make life easier using a mutt's macro and a pair of scripts. 

The work flow is: You just need to tag every patch you like to apply using 't'. Then you run the new macro which in my case is 'ctrl+h' and all patches show up in the build system.

The first script is called 'procmail' which just call the real procmail passing a custom configuration:
$ cat mailtogit/procmail
/usr/bin/procmail -m ~/mailtogit/procmailrc -

and the custom configuration saves the e-mail in the ~/incoming directory which can be an autofs dir from your build system. Also, it saves the e-mail on a mbox with the name based on the email's subject.
$ cat mailtogit/procmailrc

`formail -xSubject: | sed -e '{ s/Subject: //; s@\[@@g; s@\]@@g; s@[()]@_@g; s@[/:]@-@g; s@"@_@g; s@^ \+@@; s@\.\.@.@g; s@ \+@_@g; s@-_@_@g; s@__@_@g; s@\.$@@; }'`.mbox

But mutt delivers all tagged messages at once, so instead of changing default's mutt behaviour, I wrote another script to deliver one e-mail at a time to procmail.

$ cat mailtogit/frommutt
formail -cds ~/mailtogit/procmail -
Now that the two scripts are ready, let's create the mutt's macro to use them. It's very simple, just copy the line below to your ~/.muttrc changing the path to the frommutt script:
macro index \Ch '<pipe-entry>/path/to/frommutt^M' "output git patches"

Here is one example of grabbing patches from netdev mailing:
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 2/8] sfc: Reduce size of efx_rx_buffer further by removin
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 3/8] sfc: Read MC firmware version when requested through
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 4/8] sfc: Do not read STAT1.FAULT in efx_mdio_check_mmd()
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 5/8] sfc: Update copyright dates
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 6/8] sfc: Expose TX push and TSO counters through ethtool
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 7/8] sfc: Remove configurable FIFO thresholds for pause f
Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] └─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 8/8] sfc: Bump version to 3.1

Tagging using 't', notice the '*' mark below:
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 2/8] sfc: Reduce size of efx_rx_buffer further by removin
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 3/8] sfc: Read MC firmware version when requested through
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 4/8] sfc: Do not read STAT1.FAULT in efx_mdio_check_mmd()
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 5/8] sfc: Update copyright dates
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 6/8] sfc: Expose TX push and TSO counters through ethtool
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] ├─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 7/8] sfc: Remove configurable FIFO thresholds for pause f
* Mar 01 Ben Hutchings [ ] └─>[PATCH net-next-2.6 8/8] sfc: Bump version to 3.1

then after ctrl+h, this shows up in the ~/incoming directory:
$ ls ~/incoming/

Now applying the patches:
$ ssh buildsystem
$ cd /storage/net-next-2.6/
$ git am /storage/incoming/*.mbox
Applying: sfc: Reduce size of efx_rx_buffer further by removing data member
Applying: sfc: Read MC firmware version when requested through ethtool
Applying: sfc: Do not read STAT1.FAULT in efx_mdio_check_mmd()
Applying: sfc: Update copyright dates
Applying: sfc: Expose TX push and TSO counters through ethtool statistics
Applying: sfc: Remove configurable FIFO thresholds for pause frame generation
Applying: sfc: Bump version to 3.1

That's it! Notice that usually the patch ordering is fine. But sometimes, you will need to pass the patches in the right order. In my example, the first patch didn't have the 1/8, so I had to apply it first and the rest.

You can also tag all patches and then copy using 'shift+c' to a mailbox and try to apply on git as well. But then you won't be able to change the patch order if you need to.

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Git workflow 是指在使用 Git 版本控制时,团队协作开发时所采用的工作流程。常见的 Git workflow 包括集中式工作流、功能分支工作流、Gitflow 工作流、Forking 工作流等。 1. 集中式工作流(Centralized Workflow):团队成员直接在主分支(通常是 master 或 main)上进行开发,每个开发者都有自己的本地分支,完成开发后将本地分支合并到主分支中。 2. 功能分支工作流(Feature Branch Workflow):每个功能或任务都在独立的分支上进行开发,开发完成后合并到主分支。这种工作流程使得团队成员可以并行开发多个功能,减少代码冲突。 3. Gitflow 工作流:Gitflow 是一种在功能分支工作流基础上扩展出的工作流程,主要区别是引入了额外的分支来管理特性开发、发布和维护等不同阶段。它包括主分支(master 或 main)、开发分支(develop)、特性分支(feature)、发布分支(release)、修复分支(hotfix)等。 4. Forking 工作流:适用于开源项目,每个贡献者通过 Fork 项目得到自己的独立仓库,在自己的仓库中进行开发,然后通过 Pull Request 将修改提交给原项目。原项目的维护者可以审查和合并这些提交。 这些只是一些常见的 Git workflow,实际上还有很多其他的变种和组合。选择适合团队的工作流程取决于项目的规模、团队的协作方式和开发流程等因素。


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