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原创 POJ 3084 - Panic Room【网络流 最小割】

DescriptionYou are the lead programmer for the Securitron 9042, the latest and greatest in home security software from Jellern Inc. (Motto: We secure your stuff so YOU can't even get to it). The sof

2016-07-29 16:33:13 487

原创 python——初级定时器

import time as tclass MyTimer(): def __init__(self): self.unit=['year','month','day','hour','minute','sec'] self.prompt='未开始'; self.lasted=[] self.begin=0

2016-07-29 11:45:42 486

原创 poj1966Cable TV Network【顶点连通度=>最小割】

Cable TV NetworkTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 4588 Accepted: 2131DescriptionThe interconnection of the relays in a cable TV network is

2016-07-29 10:50:05 487

原创 python——列表与元组

列表创建普通列表,见上一个for循环的例子。创建混合类型的列表,就是每个元素可以不是相同类型的数据,也可以列表套列表创建空列表>>> li=[]>>> li[]想列表添加元素append()>>> li.append('misszhou')>>> li['misszhou']>>> li.append('zyj','2013')Traceba

2016-07-28 09:58:00 336

原创 poj1815Friendship【最小割】

DescriptionIn modern society, each person has his own friends. Since all the people are very busy, they communicate with each other only by phone. You can assume that people A can keep in touch with

2016-07-27 19:50:58 440

原创 poj3648Wedding【2-SAT】输出任意解


2016-07-27 11:24:52 521 1

原创 hdu5521Meeting【最短路】2015沈阳现场赛

Problem DescriptionBessie and her friend Elsie decide to have a meeting. However, after Farmer John decorated hisfences they were separated into different blocks. John's farm are divided into n

2016-07-26 11:01:25 644

原创 笔试总结——编程基础篇【持续更新】

1.34^17%6 = ((34%6)^17)%6 = 4^17%6 = 4 可以先对34%6求余,得到4  然后是4^17%6 求余, 得到42.哪些特性导致代码膨胀:宏定义模板内联函数这种导致代码膨胀的特性一般是出现在编译阶段,而非运行阶段。而宏定义,模板和内联函数都是出现在程序的编译阶段,都会实现代码替换(宏定义,内联函数)或者生成特定的代

2016-07-25 22:01:21 720

原创 python——基本数据类型+常用操作符+循环

python数据类型数值型:整型(python2中有整型和长整型的区别,长整型后面+L  python3不做区分  可以做大数运算)浮点 布尔(可认为是整数0,1) T F大写!!!非0的整数值也认为是True科学记数法>>> a=0.0000000000000000025>>> print(a)2.5e-18>>> a=12332454313423>>>

2016-07-25 21:41:36 945

原创 UVALive 7264 Kejin Game 2015北京现场赛【最小割】


2016-07-25 10:13:28 1101

原创 2015北京现场赛UVALive 7263 Today Is a Rainy Day 【bfs】

题意:给定两个字符串(只含有123456)问最少用几步可以从后者变换到前者。两种操作:1.每次变一个2.每次把所有某种变成另一种很明显应该多做后一种的操作才会使得整体最优,每个数字都可以有5种变换,一共6种原始字符,想到用bfs预处理123456变成任何情况的步数,定义dx[情况序号]=变换后的结果 stp[情况序号]=步数 step[变换后的结果]=步数然后将给定的字符串带入这些情况中,剩下的用操作1,找最小的步数

2016-07-25 09:25:04 1414

原创 poj3683Priest John's Busiest Day【2-sat二选一输出】

DescriptionJohn is the only priest in his town. September 1st is the John's busiest day in a year because there is an old legend in the town that the couple who get married on that day will be f

2016-07-22 16:01:15 475

原创 uva11183Teen Girl Squad【最小树形图定根模板题】

Problem ITeen Girl Squad Input: Standard InputOutput: Standard OutputTime limit: 3.000 seconds -- 3 spring rolls please.-- MSG'D!!-- Oh! My stomach lining!Str

2016-07-18 19:53:15 1046

原创 hdu4009Transfer water【最小树形图】


2016-07-18 17:43:16 377

原创 python入门——猜数字游戏

学习资料:www.fishc.com我的第一个程序:print('-------MissZhou的第一个游戏-------------')temp=input('猜猜她心里想的是那个数字')guess=int(temp)if guess==8: print("你怎么猜到了") print("猜到了也没用")else: print("猜错啦 想的是8")pr

2016-07-18 17:31:24 5441

原创 bestcoder两周年前三题hdu5718,5719,5720

一周多上山实习只学了一些python,做题的手感差了好多QAQ,昨天晚上最开始电脑还更新重启折腾了好久,换成台式机做的,只做了一个题居然rating还涨了168,始料未及前三个都是乱搞(第三个有一点贪心的意思hdu5718OracleAccepts: 599Submissions: 2576Time Limit: 8000/4000 MS (Java/Oth

2016-07-18 17:25:14 1320

原创 poj1776Task Sequences【竞赛图的哈密顿路径】

DescriptionTom has received a lot of tasks from his boss, which are boring to deal with by hand. Fortunately,Tom got a special machine - Advanced Computing Machine (ACM) to help him.ACM works in a

2016-07-05 21:13:20 955

原创 hduTour Route【竞赛图的哈密顿回路】

Problem DescriptionThe city is so crowded that the mayor can't bear any longer. He issued an order to change all the roads into one-way street. The news is terrible for Jack, who is the director of

2016-07-05 21:05:10 719

原创 hdu4889Scary Path Finding Algorithm【构造】搞坏spfa-slf 2014多校联合


2016-07-05 11:23:32 1107

原创 dhu4864tasks【贪心】201多校联合


2016-07-04 17:22:41 397

原创 FZU 2141 Sub-Bipartite Graph【贪心】

DescriptionGiven a simple undirected graph G with n vertices and m edges, your task is to select a sub-bipartite graph of G with at least m/2 edges.In the mathematical field of graph theory, a b

2016-07-03 15:18:40 487

原创 hdu4966GGS-DDU【最小树形图】 2014多校联合

Problem DescriptionDo you think this is a strange problem name? That is because you don't know its full name---'Good Good Study and Day Day Up!". Very famous sentence! Isn't it?Now "GGS-DDU" is

2016-07-01 14:23:07 407



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