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原创 code-push login http://xxx:3000 提示 Not Found

安装好 code-push-server 私服后,我们登陆 code-push login http://xxx:3000 会在浏览器中找不到 404http://xxx:3000/cli-login?hostname=MaindeMBP-2.lanNot Found因为本地安装的 code-push-cli 版本是最新版本,当前最新版本是 3.0.0而我们的 code-push-server 私服匹配的没有这么高的版本,所以需要把本地的 code-push-cli 降低版本先删除当

2021-04-13 15:52:27 1254 1

原创 code-push-server 安装后提示css 和 jquery 资源文件无法正常加载问题解决记录

安装启动后访问 codepush 服务器 Console 报错指向“http://xxxxx:3000/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js”的 <script> 加载失败。找到code-push-server/app.js 文件,注释下面2行代码// var helmet = require('helmet');// app.use(helmet());然后重新执行npm install重新启动 codepush 服务器pm2 restart.

2021-04-13 15:16:39 192

原创 codepush 启动失败 TypeError: sequelize.import is not a function

降级 nodejs 版本为 10.10.0 修改 code-push-server package.json 里面的 sequelize 的版本为 5.22.4 重新进入 code-push-server 执行 npm install 执行 pm2 kill 启动 pm2 start process.json 搞定code-push 私服安装参考 https://github.com/lisong/code-push-server/blob/master/docs/README.md...

2021-04-13 02:05:23 334

原创 判断用户界面是ipad的还是phone的代码

[code="java"]- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application{ NSString *nibTitle = @"PadContent"; if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { nibTitl...

2012-02-14 02:37:24 143

原创 IOS字符串按特定字符拆分成数组

[code="java"]NSString * fruits = @"apple,pair,banana,orange";NSArray * array= [fruits componentsSeparatedByString:@","];[/code]

2012-02-11 19:02:12 319

原创 列出程序目录中的指定文件夹的所有文件

[code="java"] NSFileManager *m = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSArray *fileList = [m directoryContentsAtPath:[[[[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"] ...

2012-02-06 01:56:52 152

原创 在UINavigationBar中添加左箭头返回按钮

[code="java"]//在iPhone里面最讨厌的控件之一就是UINavigationBar了。这个控件样式修改不方便,连添加按钮也特别麻烦。下面的例子是如何手动添加带箭头的按钮:UINavigationItem * item = [navBar.items objectAtIndex: 0];UINavigationItem * back = [[UINavigationItem ...

2012-01-13 17:24:13 249

原创 给UIImageview 添加边框 或者设置成圆角

代码如下[code="java"] //设置layer CALayer *layer=[backView layer]; //是否设置边框以及是否可见 [layer setMasksToBounds:YES]; //设置边框圆角的弧度 [layer setCornerRadius:10.0]; //设置边框线的宽...

2012-01-12 14:33:15 248

原创 日期格式化

[code="java"]NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"];NSTimeZone* timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"Asia/Shanghai"];...

2012-01-12 01:38:28 164

原创 iphone缩略图处理

[code="java"]-(UIImage * ) generatePhotoThumbnail: (UIImage * ) image { // Create a thumbnail version of the image for the event object. CGSize size = image.size; CGSize croppedSize;...

2012-01-12 01:33:54 306

原创 怎样使图片填充且不变形呢? so easy!

[code="java"]//设置UIImageView的对象的以下两个属性,可以图片不变形且充满图片框为前提进行填充。imageview.clipsToBounds = YES;imageview.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;[/code]转载自:[url]http://blog.sina.com....

2012-01-12 01:25:25 362

原创 解决@selector无法传参的办法,通过tag标记传递更多数据

tag 是一个整型,那么就意味着可以放任何东西。怎么放喃,放对象指针。例如[code="java"] // 放字符串 NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] stringByAppendingString:@"内容"]; [button setTag:(int)str]; // 放自定义数据 N...

2012-01-12 00:33:23 116

原创 通过UITableVIewCell 对象获得UITableViewController的方法

[code="java"]UITableView *tv = (UITableView *) self.superview; SuperMarketViewController *vc = (SuperMarketViewController *) tv.dataSource;[/code]

2012-01-11 23:58:49 146

原创 给UIImageView加手势

默认情况下UIImageView是不支持事件的,要想给他加事件比较麻烦,通过在类中定义下面的方法就可以方便的位UIImageView加事件 imageTaped方法会被调用,在方法中做要处理的内容。[code="java"]- (void) addGestureRecognizer:(UIImageView *)imageView{ UITapGestureRecognizer *s...

2012-01-10 00:41:35 239

jqTransform 下拉框赋值ui不变化bug修复 以及下拉框不显示的两个bug

jqTransform是一个web界面美化的jquery插件,实用过程中发现对select赋值后,他美化后的下拉框不变化,研究了一下源码。增加如下代码即可修复bug[code="js"]//这样当我们 $('#select').val('abc');的时候就正常了。否则select的值变化了。但是显示的ui不变化。$('select.jqTransformHidden').live...

2012-01-08 14:44:51 338

原创 objective-c 延迟执行某个函数,类似于jquery中的延迟执行

[code="java"]/*performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:Invokes a method of the receiver on the current thread using the default mode after a delay.- (void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withOb...

2011-12-25 15:17:49 163

原创 从UIImage转换到NSData类型

[code="java"]//sdk中提供了方法可以直接调用UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"some.png"];NSData *dataObj = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, 1.0);//下面是sdk中UIImage.h头文件中的内容UIKIT_EXTERN NSData *UIImagePNG...

2011-12-22 23:09:55 106

原创 动态设定界面样式

[code="js"]//通过执行下面的代码可以动态设定程序的状态栏和导航栏的样式[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent; self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack...

2011-12-22 22:32:06 117

原创 保存图片到相册

[code="java"]//接口中定义这个方法,然后在实现类中实现他- (void)imageSavedToPhotosAlbum:(UIImage *)image didFinishSavingWithError:(NSError *)error contextInfo:(void *) contextInfo;//实现类中实现- (void)imageSavedToP...

2011-12-22 22:27:56 107

原创 浏览Document文件夹下面的所有文件夹和文件列表

[code="java"]NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; //在这里获取应用程序Documents文件夹里的文件及文件夹列表 NSString *documentDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocument...

2011-12-15 23:35:26 316

原创 Three20通过三种方式加载图片

[code="java"]self.photoSource = [[MockPhotoSource alloc] initWithType:MockPhotoSourceNormal title:@"Flickr Photos" pictures...

2011-12-15 23:27:48 1105

原创 在ios中的Document中创建多级文件夹以及文件

[code="java"]- (NSString *)dataPath:(NSString *)file{ NSString *path = [[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"badge"]; BO...

2011-12-15 22:54:33 218

原创 iphone移动加载网络图片

[code="java"]@interface AsyncImageView: UIView { NSURLConnection * connection; NSMutableData * data;}@end@implementation AsyncImageView- (void) loadImageFromURL: (NSURL * ) u...

2011-12-11 15:39:35 108

原创 让UILabel具有链接功能,点击后调用safari打开网址

[code="c#"] //侬侬官网连接 UILabel *labelGovUrl = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(73.0, 330.0, 180.0, 40.0)]; labelGovUrl.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAuto...

2011-12-08 23:28:50 340

原创 通过代码判断iphone 4的Retina屏幕分辨率

iPhone 4 发布以来,开发者面临的一大问题就是软件要适应2种分辨率的屏幕。以下这段代码能判断当前运行的设备是否是 iPhone 4 的 Retina 屏,以便做出图标加载等调整。 [code="c#"]//在头上门定义#define isRetina ([UIScreen instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(currentMode)] ?...

2011-12-08 23:21:51 270

原创 Objective-C中动态识别的方法-转载自codeios论坛

[code="java"] - (BOOL) isKindOfClass: classObj //是否是其子孙或一员 - (BOOL) isMemberOfClass: classObj //是否是其一员 - (BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector //是否有这种方法 + (BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector...

2011-10-29 09:22:27 83

通过编程实现UINavigationController 包含 UITableViewController

[code="java"]//应用程序代理@interface SimpleTableViewAppDelegate : NSObject { UIWindow *window; //程序主窗体 UINavigationController *navigationController; //在接口中定义导航控制器}@property (nonatomic, ...

2011-10-28 04:01:47 189

原创 通过配置json-plugin的结果包含来解决迟加载异常问题

[code="java"]org.apache.struts2.json.JSONException: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException[/code][code="xml"] page true results.*,recordSize results.*\.permission...

2010-11-05 15:12:51 132

原创 Oracle笔记

[code="sql"]--某年的前一年的最后一天SELECT add_months(to_date('2009'||'-12-31','yyyy-MM-dd'), -12) FROM dual;--获得12个月select lpad(level, 2, 0) from dual connect by level < 13 --获得当前月份的第一天和最后一天sele...

2010-08-19 11:39:59 83

EXTJS 3.0 网狗盘之上传组件[开源]

自从EXTJS3.0发布后,很多同学后网友都要求我共享基于EXTJS3.0的多文件上传组件.我特地做了一个基于3.0和struts2的示例,特此奉上.w_e_ibo: [url]http://t.cn/zjqEaRh[/url] [url]http://weibo.com/liao27[/url][img]http://dl.iteye.com/upload/attach...

2009-12-16 00:57:59 152

EXTJS3.0 火狐小字体补丁css文件


2009-12-03 20:29:50 102


Struts2的josn插件 josn-plugin 对我们开发extjs程序很方便,但是他每次返回的数据格式都是以一个对象的方式返回的,对象中可以包含其他格式的数据,比如数组.这就是一般的返回格式[code="js"]{"root":[{"address":"shenzhen","company":"Bank of China","manager":&quot

2009-09-26 10:25:14 114

ExtJS 技巧笔记

[code="js"]Ext.fly(grid.getView().getRow(0)).slideIn('t'); //选择第一条有从上往下的插入效果Ext.fly(grid.getView().getRow(0)).frame('#cadaf9',3);//选择一条记录带蓝色光晕效果enableKeyEvents:true //激活键盘事件 ,TextField 的键盘事件...

2009-09-08 13:07:31 122

原创 感谢JavaEye图灵杯第8届问答大赛奖品


2009-08-20 13:21:23 209

原创 感谢 JavaEye华章杯第7届问答大赛奖品!

现世一下 :D 谢谢javaeye,机械工业出版社,华章公司.书已经收到了.这次的书都非常好.我很喜欢.[img]/upload/attachment/128924/cb0a3b0e-559c-3ddd-a06c-0832b8a430f4.jpg[/img]...

2009-07-25 21:56:16 162

感谢 JavaEye图灵杯第6届问答大赛奖品!


2009-05-15 21:08:28 132

感谢 JavaEye图灵杯第5届问答大赛奖品!


2009-04-13 10:18:14 163

ExtJS 2.2 开源网络硬盘系统(吐血奉献)

这个是我的一个开源项目:技术架构:Struts2(json-plugin) + Spring2 + ExtJS2.2 无数据库已经实现的功能:1.多文件队列批量上传,友好的上传进度条,完整的上传进度信息.2.实现了文件在线压缩解压功能(可以压缩成zip格式,可以直接解压缩RAR文件格式)3.实现了新建文件夹,以及删除文件和文件夹.存在的问题:删除文件有时候会异常....

2009-03-23 02:12:47 197

原创 解决ExtJS在火狐浏览器中汉字显示为小字体的样式补丁


2009-03-09 00:01:19 155

ExtJS 核心的抽奖程序(共享源代码)

最近公司举行15周年司庆晚会,公司首改以往丑旧的抽奖模式。领导要求我开发一套抽奖程序。简单需求如下: 1.要求数字随机闪动,当点击抽奖时,抽奖号码一个个停止下来。 2.共设置纪念奖100名,每次抽取20,分5次抽取。 3.共设置三等奖30名,每次抽取10名,分3次抽取。 4.共设置二等奖10名,每次抽取5名,分两次抽取。 5.共设置一等奖2名,每次抽取1名,...

2009-02-11 20:21:02 143


胆视频分析 获取Bilibili视频的真实地址


ExtJS 3.2 聊天室程序(类QQ群)

老早就说要分享这份代码,知道现在才有事件整理给各位朋友. 这个程序是模仿QQ实现的群聊功能,基本类似聊天室.聊天记录每5条保存到数据库,具体请各位朋友细看. 技术:ExtJS 3.2 DWR 3.0 Struts 2.16 Spring 2.0 Hibernate 3.2 MySql 5.0 原文地址: http://yourgame.javaeye.com/blog/681537 火狐浏览器,谷歌浏览器测试通过. 讨论Q_群:91986229(群3) 76202406(群2) 62150370(群1)一起讨论 (请不要一号多群)


ExtJS 2.2 开源网络硬盘系统(吐血奉献)!!!

基本架构 Struts2 + Spring2 + ExtJS2.2 无数据库 实现了多文件批量队列上传,有完美进度条列表,已经详细的上传信息显示. 实现了多文件压缩,以及解压缩文件,包括解压缩rar文件 实现了文件下载.等基本功能 此项目继续开发中... 共享给大家,希望能够帮助朋友:) 讨论Q_群:62150370(群1) 76202406(群2) 91986229(群3) 一起讨论 我的博客:http://yourgame.javaeye.com



"This book is a must for anyone attempting to examine the iPhone. The level of forensic detail is excellent. If only all guides to forensics were written with this clarity!" -Andrew Sheldon, Director of Evidence Talks, computer forensics experts With iPhone use increasing in business networks, IT and security professionals face a serious challenge: these devices store an enormous amount of information. If your staff conducts business with an iPhone, you need to know how to recover, analyze, and securely destroy sensitive data. iPhone Forensics supplies the knowledge necessary to conduct complete and highly specialized forensic analysis of the iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod Touch. This book helps you: Determine what type of data is stored on the device Break v1.x and v2.x passcode-protected iPhones to gain access to the device Build a custom recovery toolkit for the iPhone Interrupt iPhone 3G's "secure wipe" process Conduct data recovery of a v1.x and v2.x iPhone user disk partition, and preserve and recover the entire raw user disk partition Recover deleted voicemail, images, email, and other personal data, using data carving techniques Recover geotagged metadata from camera photos Discover Google map lookups, typing cache, and other data stored on the live file system Extract contact information from the iPhone's database Use different recovery strategies based on case needs And more. iPhone Forensics includes techniques used by more than 200 law enforcement agencies worldwide, and is a must-have for any corporate compliance and disaster recovery plan.


(iPhone开发C)The Objective-C 2.0 Programming.pdf

This document is about the first component of the development environment—the programming language and its runtime environment. It fully describes the Objective-C language, and provides a foundation for learning about the second component, the Mac OS X Objective-C application frameworks—collectively known as Cocoa. You can start to learnmore about Cocoa by reading Getting Started with Cocoa. The twomain development tools you use are Xcode and Interface Builder, described in Xcode User Guide and Interface Builder respectively. The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable sophisticated object-oriented programming. Objective-C is defined as a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C language. Its additions to C are mostly based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programming languages. Objective-C is designed to give C full object-oriented programming capabilities, and to do so in a simple and straightforward way. For those who have never used object-oriented programming to create applications before, this document is also designed to help you become familiar with object-oriented development. It spells out some of the implications of object-oriented design and gives you a flavor of what writing an object-oriented program is really like



THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE WAS pioneered by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. It was not until the late 1970s, however, that this pro- gramming language began to gain widespread popularity and support.This was because until that time C compilers were not readily available for commercial use outside of Bell Laboratories. Initially, C’s growth in popularity was also spurred on in part by the equal, if not faster, growth in popularity of the Unix operating system.This operating system, which was also developed at Bell Laboratories, had C as its “standard” programming lan- guage. In fact, well over 90% of the operating system itself was written in the C lan- guage! The enormous success of the IBM PC and its look-alikes soon made MS-DOS the most popular environment for the C language.As C grew in popularity across different operating systems, more and more vendors hopped on the bandwagon and started mar- keting their own C compilers. For the most part, their version of the C language was based on an appendix found in the first C programming text—The C Programming Language—by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. Unfortunately, this appendix did not provide a complete and unambiguous definition of C, meaning that vendors were left to interpret some aspects of the language on their own. In the early 1980s, a need was seen to standardize the definition of the C language. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the organization that handles such things, so in 1983 an ANSI C committee (called X3J11) was formed to standardize C. In 1989, the committee’s work was ratified, and in 1990, the first official ANSI standard def- inition of C was published. Because C is used around the world, the International Standard Organization (ISO) soon got involved.They adopted the standard, where it was called ISO/IEC 9899:1990. Since that time, additional changes have been made to the C language.The most recent standard was adopted in 1999. It is known as ANSI C99, or ISO/IEC 9899:1999. It is this version of the language upon which this book is based. C is a “higher-level language,” yet it provides capabilities that enable the user to “get in close” with the hardware and deal with the computer on a much lower level.This is 01 0672326663 CH01 6/10/04 2:04 PM Page 12 Chapter 1 Introduction because, although C is a general-purpose structured programming language, it was origi- nally designed with systems programming applications in mind and, as such, provides the user with an enormous amount of power and flexibility. This book proposes to teach you how to program in C. It assumes no previous expo- sure to the language and was designed to appeal to novice and experienced programmers alike. If you have previous programming experience, you will find that C has a unique way of doing things that probably differs from other languages you have used. Every feature of the C language is treated in this text.As each new feature is present- ed, a small complete program example is usually provided to illustrate the feature.This reflects the overriding philosophy that has been used in writing this book: to teach by example. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a properly chosen program example. If you have access to a computer facility that supports the C programming lan- guage, you are strongly encouraged to download and run each program presented in this book and to compare the results obtained on your system to those shown in the text. By doing so, not only will you learn the language and its syntax, but you will also become familiar with the process of typing in, compiling, and running C programs. You will find that program readability has been stressed throughout the book.This is because I strongly believe that programs should be written so that they can be easily read—either by the author or by somebody else.Through experience and common sense, you will find that such programs are almost always easier to write, debug, and modify. Furthermore, developing programs that are readable is a natural result of a true adherence to a structured programming discipline. Because this book was written as a tutorial, the material covered in each chapter is based on previously presented material.Therefore, maximum benefit will be derived from this book by reading each chapter in succession, and you are highly discouraged from “skipping around.”You should also work through the exercises that are presented at the end of each chapter before proceeding on to the next chapter. Chapter 2,“Some Fundamentals,” which covers some fundamental terminology about higher-level programming languages and the process of compiling programs, has been included to ensure that you understand the language used throughout the remainder of the text. From Chapter 3,“Compiling and Running Your First Program,” on, you will be slowly introduced to the C language. By the time Chapter 16,“Input and Output Operations in C,” rolls around, all the essential features of the language will have been covered. Chapter 16 goes into more depth about I/O operations in C. Chapter 17, “Miscellaneous and Advanced Features,” includes those features of the language that are of a more advanced or esoteric nature. Chapter 18,“Debugging Programs,” shows how you can use the C preprocessor to help debug your programs. It also introduces you to interactive debugging.The popular debugger gdb was chosen to illustrate this debugging technique. Over the last decade, the programming world has been abuzz with the notion of object-oriented programming, or OOP for short. C is not an OOP language; however, several other programming languages that are based on C are OOP languages. Chapter 19,“Object-Oriented Programming,” gives a brief introduction to OOP and some of its 01 0672326663 CH01 6/10/04 2:04 PM Page 23 Introduction terminology. It also gives a brief overview of three OOP languages that are based on C, namely C++, C#, and Objective-C. Appendix A,“C Language Summary,” provides a complete summary of the language and is provided for reference purposes. Appendix B,“The Standard C Library,” provides a summary of many of the standard library routines that you will find on all systems that support C. Appendix C,“Compiling Programs with gcc,” summarizes many of the commonly used options when compiling programs with GNU’s C compiler gcc. In Appendix D,“Common Programming Mistakes,” you’ll find a list of common pro- gramming mistakes. Finally,Appendix E,“Resources,” provides a list of resources you can turn to for more information about the C language and to further your studies. Answers to the quizzes at the end of chapters can be found at www.kochan-wood.com. This book makes no assumptions about a particular computer system or operating system on which the C language is implemented.The text makes brief mention of how to compile and execute programs using the popular GNU C compiler gcc. I want to thank the following people for their help in the preparation of various ver- sions of this text: Douglas McCormick, Jim Scharf, Henry Tabickman, Dick Fritz, Steve Levy,Tony Ianinno, and Ken Brown. I also want to thank Henry Mullish of New York University for teaching me so much about writing and for getting me started in the publishing business. An earlier edition of this book was also dedicated to the memory of Maureen Connelly, a former production editor at Hayden Book Company, the publishers of the first edition of this book


(珍贵资源)Object-Oriented Programming And The Objective-C Language

Object-oriented programming, like most interesting new developments, builds on some old ideas, extends them, and puts them together in novel ways. The result is many-faceted and a clear step forward for the art of programming. An object-oriented approach makes programs more intuitive to design, faster to develop, more amenable to modifications, and easier to understand. It leads not only to new ways of constructing programs, but also to new ways of conceiving the programming task. Nevertheless, object-oriented programming presents some formidable obstacles to those who would like to understand what it’s all about or begin trying it out. It introduces a new way of doing things that may seem strange at first, and it comes with an extensive terminology that can take some getting used to. The terminology will help in the end, but it’s not always easy to learn. Moreover, there are as yet few full-fledged object-oriented development environments available to try out. It can be difficult to get started. That’s where this book comes in. It’s designed to help you become familiar with object-oriented programming and get over the hurdle its terminology presents. It spells out some of the implications of object-oriented design and tries to give you a flavor of what writing an object-oriented program is really like. It fully documents the Objective-C language, an object-oriented programming language based on standard C, and introduces the most extensive object- oriented development environment currently available—OPENSTEP.


(学习Objective-C最新最好的稀缺图书,配示例代码)Learn Objective-C On The Mac, 2009

w Hello elcome to Learn Objective- C on the Mac! This book is designed to teach you the basics of the Objective- C language. Objective- C is a superset of C and is the language used by many (if not most) applications that have a true Mac OS X look and feel. This book teaches you the Objective- C language and introduces you to its companion, Apple’s Cocoa toolkit. Cocoa is written in Objective- C and contains all the elements of the Mac OS X user interface, plus a whole lot more. Once you learn Objective- C in this book, you’ll be ready to dive into Cocoa with a full- blown project or another book such as Learn Cocoa on the Mac or Begin- ning iPhone Development, both by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche (Apress 2009). In this chapter, we’ll let you know the basic information you need before you get started with this book. We’ll also serve up a bit of history about Objective- C and give you a thumbnail sketch of what’s to come in future chapters.


(iPhone程序开发 中文翻译版本)Learn Objective-C(zh)(v2).pdf

原文地址http://cocoadevcentral.com/d/learn_objectivec/    译者前言 在网上看到这篇文章觉得写的很不错,但是貌似没有人翻译成中文,我就大胆翻译 了。本人做软件开发6年了,但是大多数是在Windows平台上,最近才在我的机器上装 了一个leopard,在Objective-C上也是一个新手,对于本文翻译的是否到位心里还 在打鼓。如果有觉得翻译不对不好的地方,请与我联系,我的油箱是: cchenhao at gmail dot com。 cc很好,谢谢大家。


O'Reilly.iPhone SDK Application Development

Certain technologies bring out everyone's hidden geek, and the iPhone did so instantly upon its release. Thousands of programmers want to provide applications on the iPhone, and this book shows you how to achieve the spectacular effects that made the device an immediate hit. You'll learn how to use an open, community-developed toolkit that has been widely downloaded and used. Author Jonathan Zdziarski, the developer of the first fully functional application using the open iPhone toolkit, now explains in clear language how to create applications using Objective-C and the iPhone API, which in some ways resembles Apple's desktop API and in some ways strikes new ground. iPhone Open Application Development covers:


(开发iPhone程序必学的)O'Reilly.Objective-C Pocket Reference (2002)

The Objective-C Pocket Reference is a quick guide to the Objective-C programming language and some of its fundamental support libraries. This reference takes the form of brief explanations interspersed with examples and definitions. If you are experienced with Objective-C, this handbook will supply the definitions and examples you most often need to jog your memory. If you are coming to Objective-C from C++ or Java and prefer to jump right in and write code, this book will give you enough explanation to use the language's features appropriately.


iPhone in Action Introduction to Web and SDK Development.pdf

这个可是稀缺好资源哦 iPhone in Action is an introductory book, intended to teach the basics of iPhone pro- gramming in a tutorial form. It covers the fundamentals of both major styles of pro- gramming for the platform: web development and SDK programming. You can read this book in one of three ways. We encourage you to read it straight through, from chapter 1 to 20. This will intro- duce the platform, introduce both major ways to program for the iPhone, offer advice on when one style of programming is more appropriate than the other, and step you through both styles in turn. If you prefer to read only about web development, you can just read parts 1 and 2. Note that we’ve included an introduction to Objective-C at the end of part 2 that will get you started on iPhone SDK programming, even if you’ve never used a compiled programming language before, so we encourage you to keep on going, and see what else you can learn. If you prefer to read only about SDK programming, you can just read parts 1, 3, and 4. We still encourage you to at least skim the chapters in part 2, because they include advice especially for SDK programmers, showing how lessons learned from the web can apply to the SDK as well.


Professional Iphone And Ipod Touch Programming,Building Applications For Mobile Safari .pdf

The amazing success of iPhone and iPod touch is a clear indication that application developers are entering a brave new world of sophisticated, multifunctional mobile applications. No longer do applications and various media need to live in separate silos. Instead, applications on these Apple devices can bring together elements of Web 2.0 apps, traditional desktop apps, multimedia video and audio, and the cell phone. Professional iPhone ™ and iPod touch ® Programming: Building Applications for Mobile Safari ™ covers the various aspects of developing Web - based applications for the iPhone and iPod touch environments. Specifically, you will discover how to create a mobile application from the ground up, utilize existing open source libraries in your code, emulate the look and feel of built - in Apple applications, capture finger - touch interactions, using AJAX to load external pages, and optimize applications for Wi - Fi and the EDGE network.



Chapter 1. Introduction The "C" programming language was pioneered by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. It was not until the late 1970s, however, that this programming language began to gain widespread popularity and support. This was because until that time C compilers were not readily available for commercial use outside of Bell Laboratories. Initially, C's growth in popularity was also spurred on in part by the equal, if not faster, growth in popularity of the Unix operating system, which was written almost entirely in C. The Objective-C language was designed by Brad J. Cox in the early 1980s. The language was based on a language called SmallTalk-80. Objective-C was layered on top of the C language, meaning extensions were added to C to create a new programming language that enabled objects to be created and manipulated. NeXT Software licensed the Objective-C language in 1988 and developed its libraries and a development environment called NEXTSTEP. In 1992, Objective-C support was added to the Free Software Foundation's GNU development environment. This software is in the public domain, which means anyone who wants to learn how to program in Objective-C can do so by downloading its tools at no charge. In 1994 NeXT Computer and Sun Microsystems released a standardized specification of the NEXTSTEP system called OPENSTEP. The Free Software Foundation's implementation of OPENSTEP is called GNUStep. There's also a Linux version that includes the Linux kernel and the GNUStep development environment called, appropriately enough, LinuxSTEP. On December 20, 1996, Apple Computer announced that it was acquiring NeXT Software and the NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP environment became the basis for the next major release of Apple's operating system, OS X. Apple's version of this development environment was called Cocoa. With built-in support for the Objective-C language, coupled with development tools such as Project Builder (or its successor Xcode) and Interface Builder, a powerful development environment was created for application development on Mac OS X. When contemplating writing a tutorial on Objective-C, a fundamental decision had to be made. As with all prior texts on Objective-C, I could write mine to assume the reader already knew how to write C programs. I could also teach the language from the perspective of using the rich library of routines, such as the Foundation and Application Kit frameworks. Some texts also take the approach of teaching how to use the development tools, like the Mac's Project Builder and Interface Builder. I had several problems adopting this approach. First, learning the entire C language before learning Objective-C is wrong. C is a procedural language containing many features that are not necessary for programming in Objective-C, especially at the novice level. In fact, resorting to some of these features goes against the grain of adhering to a good object-oriented programming methodology. It's also not a good idea to teach all the details of a procedural language before learning an object-oriented one. This starts the programmer off in the wrong direction, and gives the wrong orientation and mindset for fostering a good object-oriented programming style. Just because Objective-C is an extension to the C language doesn't mean you have to learn C first! So, I decided neither to teach C first nor to assume prior knowledge of the language. Instead, I decided to take the unconventional approach of teaching Objective-C and the underlying C language as a single integrated language, and from an object-oriented programming perspective. The purpose of this book is as its name implies: to teach you how to program in Objective-C. It makes few assumption about the platform you're running under, the development tools you have available, or the library of classes at your disposal. All that material can be learned elsewhere, after you've learned how to write programs in Objective-C. In fact, mastering that material will be much easier after you have a solid foundation on how to program in Objective-C. This book does not assume much, if any, previous programming experience. In fact, if you're a novice programmer, you should be able to learn Objective-C as your first programming language from this text. This book teaches Objective-C by example. As each new feature of the language is presented, a small complete program example is usually provided to illustrate the feature. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a properly chosen program example. If you have access to an Objective-C compiler, you are strongly encouraged to run each program (all of which are available online) and compare the results obtained on your system to those shown in the text. By doing so, not only will you learn the language and its syntax, but you will also become familiar with the process of compiling and running Objective-C programs.


The iPhone Developer's Cookbook.pdf

Few platforms match the iPhone’s unique developer technologies. It combines OS X-based mobile computing with an innovative multitouch screen, location aware- ness, an onboard accelerometer, and more.When Apple introduced the iPhone Cocoa Touch SDK beta in early March 2008, developers responded in numbers that brought Apple’s servers to its knees.Apple delivered more than one hundred thousand SDK downloads in less than one week.The iPhone Developer’s Cookbook was written to address this demand, providing an accessible resource for those new to iPhone programming.


Beginning iPhone Development Exploring the iPhone SDK.pdf



The Objective-C Programming Language-2006.pdf

开发 iPhone程序必须学会的语言 I N T R O D U C T I O N Introduction to The Objective-C Programming Language An object-oriented approach to application development makes programs more intuitive to design, faster to develop, more amenable to modification, and easier to understand. Most object-oriented development environments consist of at least three parts: ■ A library of objects ■ A set of development tools ■ An object-oriented programming language and support library This document is about the third component of the development environment—the programming language and its runtime environment. It fully describes the Objective-C language, and provides a foundation for learning about the Mac OS X Objective-C application development framework—Cocoa. The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable sophisticated object-oriented programming. Objective-C is defined as small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C language. Its additions to C are mostly based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programming languages. Objective-C is designed to give C full object-oriented programming capabilities, and to do so in a simple and straightforward way. For those who have never used object-oriented programming to create applications before, this document is also designed to help you become familiar with object-oriented development. It spells out some of the implications of object-oriented design and gives you a flavor of what writing an object-oriented program is really like.



这本书是国外一本很不错的书籍.从什么是工作流开始讲起,内容又生动有详细.讲解了和其他框架一起整合和优化等.吐血推荐! 虽然图书是英文的.比起看国内乱七八糟翻译的要好多了!推荐一款翻译软件www.youdao.com比金山词霸好用多了. 建议直接从第二章开始读! 共同探讨QQ:3990995(注明OSWorkflow)



毕业设计-酒店住宿管理系统(源码共享) 注意:该程序在IE7下面有脚本错误,火狐下面测试通过! ext-patch.css解决了火狐下中文显示小字体的问题!!!,请一定注意ext-patch.css一定要在ext-all.css后面引入! 酒店住宿管理系统采用EXT+Spring+Hibernate框架开发,因为是java开发的经验和项目开发的时间不足,很多功能并没有实现,许多细节问题也没有完善,整个系统只能实现些基本的业务功能。系统的源码共享,一是体现开源精神,希望大家能积极的加入开源组织。二是让更多的新手对Ext开发有个一定的了解。本系统禁止用于商业用途。 原址:http://www.javaeye.com/topic/211875 其他:http://www.17ext.com/showtopic-2753.aspx 讨论Q_群:62150370(群1) 76202406(群2) 91986229(群3) 一起讨论 如果你没有安装mysql5.0,在安装数据库时,请把root密码设置为neostudio 如果已安装请找到HotelMaster\war\WEB-INFhotel-hibernate.xml该文件 修改数据库密码 <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/> <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/neohotel"/> <property name="username" value="root"/> <property name="password" value="neostudio"/> </bean>


国外第一本 ExtJS书籍 Learning Ext JS



ExtJS 核心的抽奖程序(共享源代码)

最近公司举行15周年司庆晚会,公司首改以往丑旧的抽奖模式。领导要求我开发一套抽奖程序。 简单需求如下: 1.要求数字随机闪动,当点击抽奖时,抽奖号码一个个停止下来。 2.共设置纪念奖100名,每次抽取20,分5次抽取。 3.共设置三等奖30名,每次抽取10名,分3次抽取。 4.共设置二等奖10名,每次抽取5名,分两次抽取。 5.共设置一等奖2名,每次抽取1名,分两次抽取。 6.为了增加气氛,一等奖抽取号码分3位,分别是“百”,“十”,“个”。 7.考虑到抽奖临时突发情况(比如老板高兴说再加10名三等奖等等),增加了纪念奖功能,纪念奖个数临时设定。(增加了开发的难度) 不过多亏ExtJS给我解决了各种难题,让我很快开发出来这套抽奖程序,现在程序圆满完成任务,并且达到了很好的现场气氛,心中很自豪。 由于时间仓促,代码没有布局整理。现在把程序共享出来。有兴趣想玩玩的可以下载直接用浏览器打开。 文章原始地址:http://yourgame.javaeye.com/blog/327013 最佳分辨率:1024*768 推荐浏览器:火狐浏览器 推荐浏览器全屏显示(F11)效果更好。 讨论Q_群:62150370(群1) 76202406(群2) 91986229(群3) 一起讨论





ExtJS 2.2,图书管理系统 (Struts2+spring2+ibatis2+extjs2)

文章原址(截图):http://yourgame.javaeye.com/blog/252853 注意:工程采用MyEclipse5.1+tomcat5.5 。 1.您的MSSQL2000没有打sp4补丁,会提示拒绝链接(refuse connction) 2.tomcat版本没有关系,5和6都可以,但是最好选择解压缩版本 3.如果您不是采用MyEclipse5.1开发,可能无法部署项目,或者提示什么一个文件上锁什么的,请不要使用导入项目,您可以自己建立一个 web工程,名字叫做bmsh(一定要bmsh,因为我页面中的图片和js引用的时候写了绝对路径),然后把源码,和页面、js、jar包等拷贝到相对地方重新发布就可以了。 4.记住要修改ApplicationContext-common.xml中的数据库用户名和密码:) 5.如果还有问题,讨论Q_群:62150370(群1) 76202406(群2) 91986229(群3) 一起讨论


很灵活的javascript 表格排序 功能强大 可自定义排序规则



JAVA ImageJ 支持图片格式转换,图片放大缩小等,功能非常强大,缩略图高清晰,有实例代码

ImageJ 支持图片格式转换,图片放大缩小等是一个不错的选择,压缩包中包括库文件,实例类,以及ImageJ的源代码!还有API帮助文档!DOC文档太大.暂不发送


DWR 在线即时聊天系统,实现了对指定用户发送消息,和即时显示功能

当你有QQ消息时,QQ的小图标会晃动,我们甚至还可以设定QQ有消息时,自动弹出来! 这些在C/S模式下很容易实现!如果要在B/S模式如何来实现呢? 我们的肯定会想到在客服端调用ajax在后台不断的查询服务器.看是否有关于自己的消息.如果有则查询返回.这种做法肯定会大量的占用系统的资源!不可取! 现在DWR的反转AJAX功能.允许我们从服务器端来控制客服端.而不需要客户端来请求.服务器可以自动把消息发给指定的客户端! 我不能把公司的代码贴出来,所以我自己写了一个DEMO,已经实现了对指定用户发送消息的功能,并且即时显示在指定的用户界面上面.当然你可以修改这些,让它弹出来显示,或者像QQ一样在你页面的某个角落让消息的图标闪动:)


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