Linux HugePages 配置 与 Oracle 性能关系说明

1.1 HugePages 介绍

HugePages is afeature integrated into the Linux kernel with release 2.6. This featurebasically provides the alternative to the 4K page size (16Kfor IA64) providing bigger pages.



(1)  Page Table: A page table is thedata structure of a virtual memory system in an operating system to store themapping between virtual addresses and physical addresses. This means that on avirtual memory system, the memory is accessed by first accessing a page tableand then accessing the actual memory location implicitly.

--Page Table 是操作系统上的虚拟内存系统的数据结构,其用来存储虚拟内存地址和物理内存地址之间的映射关系。这就意味着在虚拟内存系统上,我们访问内存时,是先访问Page Table,然后根据Page Table 中的映射关系,隐式的转移到物理的内存位置。


(2)  TLB: A Translation LookasideBuffer (TLB) is a buffer (or cache) in a CPU that contains parts ofthe page table. This is a fixed size buffer being used to do virtual addresstranslation faster.

--TLB(Translation Lookaside Buffer) 是CPU 中的一块buffer 或者cache,其大小的固定的, TLB中包含了部分Page Table,用来快速进行虚拟地址的转换。


(3)  hugetlb: This is an entryin the TLB that points to a HugePage (a large/big page larger than regular 4Kand predefined in size). HugePages are implemented via hugetlb entries, i.e. wecan say that a HugePage is handled by a "hugetlb page entry". The'hugetlb" term is also (and mostly) used synonymously with a HugePage(See Note261889.1). In this document the term "HugePage" is going to beused but keep in mind that mostly "hugetlb" refers to the sameconcept.

--hugetlb 是TLB中的一个entry,其指向HugePage(大于4k或预定义的一个large page)。 HugePage 通过hugetlb entries来实现,我们也可以说HugePage 是hugetlb page entry的一个句柄。 在MOS 文档:Note 261889.1中,二者是几乎是相同的概念。


(4)  hugetlbfs: This is a newin-memory filesystem like tmpfs and is presented by 2.6 kernel. Pages allocatedon hugetlbfs type filesystem are allocated in HugePages.

--hugetlbfs 是2.6内核中提出的一个新的in-memory filesystem,就像tmpfs一样。


1.2 常见的错误概念

WRONG: HugePages is a method to be able to use large SGA on 32-bit VLM systems

RIGHT: HugePages is a method to have larger pages where it is useful for working with very large memory. It is both useful in 32- and 64-bit configurations

WRONG: HugePages cannot be used without USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS

RIGHT: HugePages can be used without indirect buffers. 64-bit systems does not need to use indirect buffers to have a large buffer cache for the RDBMS instance and HugePages can be used there too.

WRONG: hugetlbfs means hugetlb

RIGHT: hugetlbfs is a filesystem type **BUT** hugetlb is the mechanism employed in the back where hugetlb can be employed WITHOUT hugetlbfs

WRONG: hugetlbfs means hugepages

RIGHT: hugetlbfs is a filesystem type **BUT** HugePages is the mechanism employed in the back (synonymously with hugetlb) where HugePages can be employed WITHOUT hugetlbfs.



1.3 Regular Pages 与 HugePages 说明


When a singleprocess works with a piece of memory, the pages that the process uses arereference in a local page table for the specific process. The entries in thistable also contain references to the System-Wide Page Table which actually hasreferences to actual physical memory addresses. So theoretically a user modeprocess (i.e. Oracle processes), follows its local page table to access to thesystem page table and then can reference the actual physical table virtually. Asyou can see below, it is also possible (and very common to Oracle RDBMS due toSGA use) that two different O/S processes can point to the same entry in thesystem-wide page table.

    --当一个进程使用一块内存来工作时,进程使用的page 从local page table 中引用。 Local page table中的entries 又引用了System-Wide Page Table的page, 该page 指向了实际的物理内存地址。

所以,理论上,用户的进程(如oracle进程),根据local page table中的entry 指向了system page table中的entry,而System page table中的entry 指向了实际的物理内存。

    当然,也有可能,2个不同的O/S 进程指向了system-wide page table 中同一个entry,如下图所示,最常见的原因是Oracle SGA的使用。




When HugePagesare in the play, the usual page tables are employed. The very basic differenceis that the entries in both process page table and the system page table hasattributes about huge pages. So any page in a page table can be a huge page ora regular page. The following diagram illustrates 4096K hugepages but thediagram would be the same for any huge page size.

    --当配置了HugePage后,最基本的不同是 process page table 和 system page table中的entry 都包含了huge page的属性。所以page table 中的任一page 都可能是huge page 或者regular page。


1.4Some HugePages Facts/Features

(1)  HugePages can be allocated on-the-fly but they must be reservedduring system startup. Otherwise the allocation might fail as the memory isalready paged in 4K mostly.

(2)  HugePage sizes vary from 2MB to 256MB based onkernel version and HW architecture (See related sectionbelow.)

(3)  HugePages are not subject to reservation /  release after thesystem startup unless there is system administrator intervention, basicallychanging the hugepages configuration (i.e. number of pages available or poolsize)


1.5         Advantages of HugePages OverNormal Sharing Or AMM

(1)  Notswappable: 

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Siremis 的安装和配置过程在 Oracle Linux 7.6 上与在 Ubuntu 上略有不同。以下是在 Oracle Linux 7.6 上安装和配置 Siremis 的步骤: 1. 安装 Web 服务器 首先,你需要安装一个 Web 服务器,例如 Apache 或 Nginx。这里以 Apache 为例,安装命令为: ``` sudo yum install httpd ``` 2. 安装 PHP 和依赖项 Siremis 是用 PHP 编写的,因此需要安装 PHP 和相关依赖项。在 Oracle Linux 上,你可以运行以下命令来安装它们: ``` sudo yum install php php-mysqlnd php-curl php-cli php-gd php-mbstring ``` 3. 安装 Kamailio Siremis 是一个 Kamailio 管理界面,因此需要先安装 Kamailio。在 Oracle Linux 上,你可以使用以下命令来安装 Kamailio: ``` sudo yum install kamailio kamailio-tls kamailio-presence kamailio-outbound kamailio-mysql kamailio-xml kamailio-ldap kamailio-json ``` 4. 安装数据库 Siremis 支持 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 数据库。在这里,我们以 MySQL 数据库为例。使用以下命令安装 MySQL: ``` sudo yum install mysql-server ``` 然后,启动 MySQL 服务并设置 root 密码: ``` sudo systemctl start mysqld sudo systemctl enable mysqld sudo mysql_secure_installation ``` 5. 创建 Siremis 数据库 在 MySQL 中创建一个新的数据库和用户,并为该用户授予对该数据库的所有权限。在此示例中,我们将数据库命名为 `siremisdb`,用户名为 `siremisuser`: ``` sudo mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE siremisdb; CREATE USER 'siremisuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'siremispassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON siremisdb.* TO 'siremisuser'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit ``` 6. 下载 Siremis 你可以从官方网站下载 Siremis: ``` wget ``` 7. 解压并安装 Siremis 将下载的 Siremis 解压到 Apache 的 document root 目录(例如 /var/www/html)中。然后,将 config.php.example 重命名为 config.php,并编辑它以配置数据库信息: ``` cp config.php.example config.php nano config.php ``` 在这里,你需要配置数据库的用户名、密码、主机和数据库名称。 8. 配置 Apache 在 Apache 的配置文件中添加以下内容: ``` Alias /siremis /var/www/html/siremis <Directory /var/www/html/siremis> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> ``` 9. 重启 Apache 和 Kamailio 完成上述步骤后,您需要重新启动 Apache 和 Kamailio: ``` sudo systemctl restart httpd sudo systemctl restart kamailio ``` 现在,你可以在浏览器中访问 http://your_ip_address/siremis 来访问 Siremis 管理界面。


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