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原创 专注FLEX,专注RIA,专注用户体验,专心写博客-2008-1-21


2008-01-20 20:32:00 717

原创 【strike Fish】构筑Render的两种途径的思考

导读:ib render的构建曾经深深缠绕过我,这里我介绍一篇关于这方面的文章,看看作者的态度。我个人觉得可以用MXML解决的代码不必要动用AS,当然我也非常同意作者的观点AS更加强大,更加体现程序员的价值  I was recently working with item renderers on a project and wanted to post an example of u

2008-01-10 21:48:00 861

原创 【AS3 LOVER】AS3 Effects 视频学习站

导读:   很久很久以前,就看到过Lee Brimelow的ActionScript3学习网站GotoAndLearn,与其他教学资源网站不同,GotoAndLearn是全程的视频资料。   我看得第一个视频教程是讲解Math类的用法,还是AS1、2时代的教程了。Lee清晰的发音和流畅的FLV画面让我这个非英语母语的人听起来也完全可以理解。当时,Lee只是用类似Flex的一个框架简单地搭建

2008-01-10 21:38:00 789

原创 【组件】控制程序的过期时间

One of the thing that is very handy useful is make a Flex Application expire in a certain period of time after 30 days or a specify counter for access and application.手头有一件很有趣的事情就是,让自己的FLEX应用程序在

2008-01-07 21:14:00 841

原创 【ADOBE COUNSULT】Flex 和 ScaleMode

导读:   Flex’s underlying Flash Player has various ScaleModes that dictate how the screen should respond when the Flash ‘window’ is resized. By default, Flex apps use the NO_SCALE, which means that

2008-01-05 21:14:00 1742

原创 【】SWF的进化,5种开发方法

Evolution of SWF : 5 approaches to RIA development 2008, the Flex-Flash world is at its maturity and developing rich Internet applications (RIAs) has become an official web 2.0 buzzword. In the

2008-01-02 20:48:00 1557

原创 【flash开发】通用例子系统

导读:   Configurable rule based particle behavior.   Easily extensible   Both a full featured object orientated syntax, and a simplified quick object syntax.   The example below uses the simplified

2008-01-02 20:43:00 966

原创 【来自KSHEN】AIR Beta 2.0与AIR Beta3.0的差异和AIR Beta 3.0新增API

导读:   如果您觉得界面有些错位,或者想要一个清爽的界面,那么请点击这里   自从Adobe将AIR由Beta 2.0升级到Beta 3.0(下称Beta 2.0、Beta 3.0),就发现了越来越多的朋友在Beta2.0下面编写的程序,却无法在Beta 3.0下面运行。我在这里总结一下Beta 3.0新增了哪些API?和Beta 2.0与Beta 3.0 之间的差异!   升级你的Be

2008-01-02 20:40:00 994

原创 【Adobe Consult】AS3线程

导读:   Every once in a while, someone decides they would like to see threading or background processing in Actionscript. While the underlying Flash Player and Operating System use threads, the exec

2008-01-02 20:37:00 2005

原创 命令行的妙用

晚上看一个FTP上DOWN下来的网页文档,由于从FTP下来的文件名被加上上传者的ID了,于是我在原来的网页内部点击原来的URL时,URL失效了,阅读器来相当的不爽,怎么办呢?问题就是要把文件名后面的ID部分去掉,不过有大概100个网页文件,怎样偷懒呢?很自然的就想到了SHELL ,然而这次,稍稍动动脑子,想到其实连SHELL 都不必写,只要用一个命令就可以了,rename命令加上wildc

2007-12-29 23:08:00 692

原创 【教程】使用BitmapData来管理和进行纸牌游戏【2】

导读: 还记得前几天说过的用Bitmap来管理纸牌游戏的帖子嘛,作者又发出了他最近的代码,介绍如下  At the moment the prototype has all messages and a game over screen with the score recap.   Now I want to include Kongregates highscores APIan

2007-12-29 20:51:00 809

原创 【来自JOVEY】Delegate 类的用法

导读:   之前做过的一些项目的程序中,一直会遇到类中方法的调用范围的一些问题,   如以下这段代码是当flash改变大小时执行一个layOut函数:   class mymovie extends MovieClip {   function mymovie() {   var myListener:Object = new Object();   myListener.onResize

2007-12-29 20:43:00 826

原创 Converted Tween Animation Class in AS3

Converted Tween Animation Class in AS3 是一个挺酷的过度效果,大家可以到原站点看看http://www.reflektions.com/miniml/template_permalink.asp?id=441A few months ago I had released an easing tween class  that I wrote

2007-12-29 20:39:00 767

原创 【教程】定制下拉列表选中时的样式

导读:   The mouse-hover and selection boxes in a Flex TileList only have styles for changing the colors. If you want more advanced things like changing the shape or having a border youll need to ex

2007-12-29 20:18:00 993

原创 【教程】使用BitmapData来管理和进行纸牌游戏

导读:   I have already published a tutorial about BitmapData in the post Shuffle an image with BitmapData, but this time I want to show you how to manage a deck of cards using BitmapData.   Managing

2007-12-28 20:31:00 737

原创 【来自DCAT】Adboe on all devices

导读:   終於,終於,這一天來了。   Adobe 昨天正式將 QVM (as3 vm for mobile device) 的 source code 移交給 Mozilla,這代表著很快的,我們就可以在手機與各種行動裝置上使用 as3 開發應用程式了,更讚的是,整個 flex framework 也可以在手機上跑了啊~ flashlite 1/2/3 時代的 as1/as2 惡夢終於

2007-12-24 20:36:00 636

原创 【来自KEVIN HOYT】【代码下载】【强烈推荐】Samples Updated for AIR Beta 3 | Kevin Hoyt

导读: 我只说两件事:第一件事是这篇文章提供了很多的AIR源代码下载。第二件事就是下载的地址是: available for download.Every new update to Adobe AIR means one thing for me - a lot of additional work. When I first started putting together sa

2007-12-23 20:57:00 731

原创 【来自FRATA系统】如何支持鼠标滚动事件

导读:   Mouse wheel support in FlexDecember 21, 2007 at 12:41 pm   The problem   Just two of the text fields on your Flex window have to support the mouse wheel. The user turns the wheel, the numeri

2007-12-23 20:53:00 986

原创 【来自KENSHEN】Flex Dict Online Beta 1.0

导读:   先说说我对这个作品的评价,应该说查查单词应该可以,不过BUG很多,我就用了一下,发现了最少三个bug,比如开始时候莫名其妙的错误,比如TEXT框莫名其妙的值,比如TEXT框不够长。作品可能注重实用了对UI部分也缺少考虑。批评的多了,当然优点是显然的,开源也是很实在的。希望大家啊多多支持。呵呵不要辜负KESHEN的好意沉寂了半年之久,终于发布了Flex的最新作品:Flex Di

2007-12-23 20:37:00 753

原创 【翻译】如何让flex组件看起来更美观

导读: Every so often I find the need to venture further beyond the bland world of default Flex skins that usually fail to enhance my rapid web application prototypes. When I do this, I usually turn

2007-12-23 20:28:00 1425

原创 【翻译】Flash播放器9的安全设置变动(第一部分)


2007-12-22 18:24:00 2259

原创 学习中..FeedBurner


2007-12-22 13:43:00 655

原创 【转载】Flex 调用外部JS(中级篇) - Uyang - Photoshop Flash Flex Apollo 教程 组件 开发 源代码

导读:   用FLASH CS3开发,或者在FLEX里建立AS项目开发,与FLEX里建立FLEX项目开发,在对于调用外部的问题,比如ExternalInterface类这个命令:结果一样吗?答案是不一样,这是个很奇怪的问题,其实是源于FLEX在建立的时候内部包含的东西很多,还加了个框架,如果你按照FLASH CS3里开发那样的命令,去调用外部JS,结果会很糟糕.应该说完全不同.   首先来

2007-12-21 20:41:00 3403


导读:   Strangely I never heard about ASTRA althrough I already knew Yahoo! had a Flash developer center. 我从没听说过Astra,虽然我知道雅虎有一个flash的开发中心  So what is ASTRA? Well,         ASTRA, the ActionScript T

2007-12-21 20:26:00 1286


 FLEX应用展示之CARPICKER汽车挑选 这回带来的是汽车的在线选购系统,不过这个系统貌似刚刚投入运行,因为我进去的时候只有一辆宝马和奥迪可以挑选,所以那么一大堆的花花绿绿的挑选功能我愣是没怎么用上,不管怎么样记得有这么网站,以后买汽车的时候可以上去看看,那些参数都很全的,不过汽车的展示做的不是很好。下面是两张截图1.2. 

2007-12-20 21:17:00 724

原创 【翻译】使用AS3创建雪花效果

导读:   How Does It Work? 我很生气,翻了一遍的文章在‘剪影’里发表的时候死了,我的心血付之东流,因此第二遍再转的时候,便不准备再翻译了,我很讨厌重复劳动,提示大家一定要到原文的页面去看看漂亮的效果  The artwork I got from a stock photo site. I found a bunch of cool vector snowflakes

2007-12-20 21:16:00 1015

原创 【翻译】How to use mx.core.Singleton (Flex2.0.1/Flex3)

导读: mx.core.Singleton is internal class in FlexFramework. I dont know Adobe supports mx.core.Singleton officially or not. Also FlexFrameworkss Singleton isnt like Javas because AS3 doesnt su

2007-12-20 20:44:00 1365

原创 Goo3D 3d图片制作网站

Goo3D 3d图片制作网站 这是一个很酷的概念至少看上去很酷,通过三个侧面的图片就可以合成一个3维的物体,不知道这个网站具体做的怎么样但是忍不住告诉大家,大家或者一起用一下,交流交流 贴一张图片 

2007-12-19 21:31:00 17600

原创 Flex应用展示之ROB PICKER

 Flex应用展示之ROB PICKER这里要介绍的是另一款FLEX应用,从FLEX诞生起,驻定了它风靡WEB的趋势,从部队的作战系统,到一般的计算器,可以说到处充斥着FLEX的影子,这不重工集团开始在他们的网站上采用这种交互性比较强的方式来吸引买家。 这个应用的交互性一般,到底不是FLEX拿手,不过也算为他们那一行开了先河。作为鼓励的性质,在这里予以介绍 1.2.

2007-12-19 21:28:00 755

原创 Flex应用展示之 在线游戏平台

Flex应用展示之 在线游戏平台 FLEX 应用层出不穷,隔两天就有一堆,我想我们开发者就透过这些新的事物学习一些新的东西吧哪怕获得仅仅是体验也好。今天介绍的是某个网站的游戏平台,我个人的体会也就是将我们平常玩的一些FLASH 游戏放到了一起,然后我们选择一个试玩试玩,看看到底怎么样。从我的角度看到的也就是在交互过程中的一些新的效果,这些东西对我们有用。  2.

2007-12-19 21:18:00 845

原创 【TED ON FLEX】支持flashplayer的RIBBIT系统

导读:   Ribbitfor the past 6 months and watching this Silicon Valley start-up emerge as the leader in merging RIA and VOIP. The key is that Ribbitcan integrate voice and PSTN phone features into any

2007-12-19 21:00:00 787


导读:   If anyone can confirm this we appreciate. It seems that after Thermo, Adobe is preparing to release a new Product, the Adobe Bordeaux. This tool will allow you to create flash content easily

2007-12-19 20:47:00 862

原创 【转载】AS3 Library for Facebook

导读:   Jason Kringenpinged me about an AS3 Library for Facebookthats in the works and is up on Google Code. The API lets you make REST calls between Facebook and Flash/Flex applications. The curre

2007-12-19 20:43:00 639

原创 【翻译】AS3语法高亮显示AS3 Syntax Highlighting (with SyntaxHighlighter)

导读:   According to Alex Gorbatchev (the creator of SyntaxHighlighter) it should be added to the next release. But until then, you can download the source here. 根据ALEX的语法高亮显示源代码,我创建了AS3的语法高亮显示,ALE

2007-12-19 20:37:00 1397

原创 【翻译】使用AIR构建的汽车诊断系统Car Diagnostic System built in Adobe AIR

导读: We are currently working on a very interesting application with one of our clients. Its a car diagnostic system built entirely in Flex and AIR. 我们最近的项目很有趣,是一个汽车诊断系统,但是完全是用AIR 构建的In simple

2007-12-19 20:31:00 1075

原创 【翻译,转载】可编程皮肤的按钮Programmatic button skins in Flex 3

导读:   Problem Summary   Creating programmatic skins for buttons on the fly. 为按钮创建可编程的皮肤  Solution Summary   Create programmatic skins on the fly for buttons and other components to save on startu

2007-12-18 22:39:00 1437

原创 【转载,翻译】使用命名空间实现上下文Using Namespaces to provide context in AS3

导读:   Using Namespaces to provide context in AS3December 17th, 2007   Namespacesin ActionScript 3 are particularly useful for providing context in an application. They also provide an added clarit

2007-12-18 22:18:00 1328


导读:   A while ago I posted a FlexBuilder/Eclipse work-flow tip about the working setsfeature, which allows you to hide projects in your navigator pane. This is great if your projects comprise of m

2007-12-18 21:19:00 879

原创 Flex 3- Change Effects Example过渡效果之改变

导读:   When youre displaying a list of items and the underlying data changes (usually as the result of a user gesture), it can be good to feed the change back to the user in a visual way.   Data C

2007-12-18 21:15:00 2024

原创 Developing Flex Components(译自FLEXCUBED)

导读:   Introduction   This tutorial aims to teach you in detail how to develop a Flex component using Actionscript classes. The object of the tutorial is to guide developers on the key steps necess

2007-12-18 20:58:00 1257

Flex SDK 编码习惯和最佳实践

Flex SDK 编码习惯和最佳实践















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