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原创 Wee5-3PP attachment 2

Algorithms for PP attachmentAlg0Dumb one, to label all labels as a default label, say lowAlg1: random baselineA random unsupervised baseline would have to label each instance in the test data with a

2015-11-30 17:03:30 456

原创 Week5-2PP attachment 1

PP attachmentHigh(verbal, attached to VP)Low(nominal, attached to NP) with the net is attached to the word caught, and it has no associations with butterfly. We could formulate the PP attachment as

2015-11-30 16:51:30 413

原创 Week5-1Parsing Recap

Programming languages are designed to be disambiguous.Noun-noun compoundHead of the compoundCollege junior - a kind of juniorJunior College - a kind of collegeHead first?Attorney generalAdjective

2015-11-29 16:32:04 239

原创 Week4-5The Penn treebank

DescriptionBackgroundEarly 90’sdeveloped at University of PennsylvaniaMost cited paper in NLP!!!Size40000 training sentences2400 test sentencesGerneMostly Wall Street journal news stories and s

2015-11-28 16:40:26 320

原创 Week4-4Earley Parser

BackgroundDeveloped by Jay Earley in 1970No need to convert grammar to CNFLeft to rightComplexityfast than O(n3)O(n^3) in many casesEarley Parserlook for both full and partial constituentswhen re

2015-11-27 18:01:53 553

原创 Week4-3Classic parsing methods

Parsing as searchThere are 2 types of constraints on the parses from the input sentencefrom the grammarTherefore 2 types of approaches to parsing Top-downBottom-up Shift-reduce parsinga bottom

2015-11-23 15:23:20 539

原创 Week4-2Parsing

Parsing human languageRather different from computer languagesNo types for words(variable, comment, …)No brackets around phrasesAmbiguity wordsparsesImplied informationParsingParsing means asso

2015-11-22 17:59:52 260

原创 Week3-7NLP task 3/3

Q & AJeopardy gameSentiment analysis Understand the sentiment in the text, whether they are positive or negative, or have more polars.Machine TranslationGoogle translateMosesNoise channel model

2015-11-19 14:08:35 460

原创 Week3-6NLP task 2/3

Information ExtractionInput: Sentences or documentsUnderstand different entities and other things, and change it to a form like table that is useful to people.OutputSemanticsFirst order logicInferenc

2015-11-18 16:14:14 285

原创 Week3-5NLP task 1/3

NLP tasksPart of speech tagging Predict the part of speech for every word in the sentence.ParsingPhrase structure grammarParse treeStanford parserParsing resultDependency parsing

2015-11-18 15:49:13 379

原创 Week3-4Dimensionality reduction

Problems with the simple vector approaches to similarityDimensionality reductionlooking for hidden similarities in databased on matrix decompositionMatrix decompositionSVDExampleAssume that we have

2015-11-17 17:52:35 614

原创 Week3-3The vector space model

Document similarityUsed in IR to determine which document(d1 or d2) is more similar to a given query q(the documents and queries are in the same space)The angle, or the cosine of the angle is used as

2015-11-17 17:01:33 259

原创 Week3-2Thesaurus-based Word Similarity Methods

Remember word netGiven 2 words, we could calculate the number of the links between these 2 words in the word net forest(tree). The great the distance, the smaller the similarity.Path similarityVersion

2015-11-17 00:51:04 256

原创 Week4-1Syntax

SyntaxLanguage is more than a bag of words!Grammar rules apply to the categories and groups of words, not individual wordExample - a sentence includes a subject and a predicateLearn the new word a

2015-11-15 23:44:22 255

原创 Week3-1Semantic similarity:Synonymy and other Semantic Relations

Synonyms and paraphrasesSynonymDifferent words(also word compounds) can have similar meanings.True synonyms are actually relatively rare.Polysemy Polysemy is the property of words to have multiple

2015-11-15 23:35:30 303

原创 Week1-1Human language and animal communication systems

About the courseAll about the language varietySimilarities between languagesDifference between animal communication system and human languageThree dimensionsdiscrete infinity: Although the alphabet

2015-11-08 22:08:15 828

原创 Week2-7Preprocessing

Convert the raw text to the format that is easier to process.Text preprocessingType and tokens Type is any sequence of characters that represent a specific word, token is any occurrence of type. So

2015-11-07 14:45:03 214

原创 Week2-6NACLO


2015-11-07 14:24:24 242

原创 Week2-5Spelling similarity:edit distance

Spelling similarityTyposVariants in spellingEdit operationsInsertionDeletionSubstitutionMultiple editsLevenstein methodBased on dynamic programmingInsertions, deletions and substitutions usua

2015-11-07 01:29:44 269

原创 Week2-4Morphological similarity:stemming

Whether 2 words are morphologically related.Stemming to reduce the word to its basic form, which is called the stem, after removing various suffixes and endings, and sometimes performing additional

2015-11-05 16:54:30 243

原创 Week2-3Text similarity:introduction

Text similarity People can express the same concepts(or related concepts) in many different ways.Key component of the NLPHuman judgement of similarityPeople are asked to give the similarity of certa

2015-11-05 14:45:55 194

原创 Week2-2Morphology

Mental lexicon We can infer the POS of the certain words or some properties of the unknown words, given the morphological representation of the words.Derivational MorphologyUndoable vs. unbelievable

2015-11-04 21:51:31 378

原创 Week2-1parts of speech

Syntactic categoriesPart of speech 8 general type in EnglishPronounDeterminers and adjectivesVerbsOther parts of speechAdverbPrepositionParticles(phrasal verb, such as take off) Particals vs. Pr

2015-11-03 17:29:05 287

原创 Week1-7Linguistics

IPA chartConsonentsVowalsMany languages are related to each otherLanguage changesDiversity of languagesLanguage universals

2015-11-03 17:05:23 188

原创 Week1-6Background

Linguistic knowledgeExampleConstituentsChildren eat pizza.They eat pizza.My cousin’s neighbor’s children eat pizza.Eat pizza!CollocationsStrong beer, NOT powerful beerbig sister, NOT large siste

2015-11-03 00:14:42 360



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