



在之前的文章中已经多次介绍了Flux这一款文生图模型。Flux模型是由是目前笔者体验下来,整体感觉和体验最好的文生图模型。它不仅拥有增强的图像质量、照片真实感、几乎完美出手概率、强大英文文字渲染,以及复杂提示语遵循。不仅减少了文生图直出图后期手指、脚趾的处理,同时它还是一个万能的基础模型,能够实现包括:中国元素-书山画卷、重组生物生命体、精美封面设计、促销文稿设计,甚至包括前端研发中的用户体验设计稿。Flux能实现的主题内容不止这点,还有待一起更多的探索。FLUX 优秀特点详细阐述如下:

  • • 增强的图像质量:以更高的分辨率生成令人惊叹的视觉效果。支持任意分辨率比例的直出绘图。在很多方面美学评分 ELO 上,FLUX 分数超越 SD3 和 MJ6。

  • • 先进的人体解剖学和照片真实感:实现高度逼真和解剖学精确的图像。

  • • 解决直出完美手指、脚趾绘图:FLUX 近乎完美解决直出完美手指、脚趾绘图,最显著表现就是出现多指、畸形概率明显降低。

  • • 英文文字渲染与复杂提示精确直出::能够精确的处理英文文字渲染,以及精准的复杂的提示语遵循能力。


Flux LORA ComfyUI整合包



A whimsical and surreal (**主体**) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This (**主体**) is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate with exquisite copywriting carved in golden gold, with the golden text “AGI” engraved on the plate, contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism. 一个异想天开和超现实主义的(**主体**)插图是创造性地用极简主义的盘子上的食物制作的。这个(**主体**)是由充满活力的热腾腾的热干面条和白面饺子组成,然后撒上黑色芝麻。金黄色的黄金雕琢的精美文案的盘子,盘子上刻着黄金色文字"AGI",与盘中的食物形成鲜明的对比,增强了视觉吸引力。盘子旁边放着一个蘸着深色液体的小蘸酱盘和一双由翡翠玉石打造的筷子,这也增加了菜肴的构图,暗示着亚洲烹饪的主题,诱色可餐的诱惑魅力。灯光柔和而均匀,投射出微妙的阴影,增加了图像的深度和维度。整体风格是俏皮而优雅,让人联想到幻想艺术与现代极简主义的触摸。

01. 美女脸

A whimsical and surreal (beauty face) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This beauty face is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate with exquisite copywriting carved in golden gold, with the golden text “AGI” engraved on the plate, contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

02. 老虎头

A whimsical and surreal (tiger head) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This tiger head is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate is beautifully carved with golden gold, and the plate is engraved with the golden text “AGI”, which contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

03. 猪头

A whimsical and surreal (Pig’s head) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This Pig’s head is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate is beautifully carved with golden gold, and the plate is engraved with the golden text “AGI”, which contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

04. 牛头

A whimsical and surreal (cow head) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This cow head is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate is beautifully carved with golden gold, and the plate is engraved with the golden text “AGI”, which contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

05. 白兔

A whimsical and surreal (white rabbit) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. The white rabbit is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate is beautifully carved with golden gold, and the plate is engraved with the golden text “AGI”, which contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

06. 凤凰

A whimsical and surreal (Phoenix) illustration is creatively made with food on a minimalist plate. This phoenix is composed of vibrant hot dried noodles and white flour dumplings, then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. The plate is beautifully carved with golden gold, and the plate is engraved with the golden text “AGI”, which contrasts with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. A small dipping sauce plate with dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade are placed next to the plate, which also add to the composition of the dish, suggesting the theme of Asian cooking, the seductive charm of tempting food. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows, adding depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful and elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.

07. 福利-增强提示

A whimsical and surrealistic illustration of a woman is creatively made using food on a minimalist plate. The woman’s hair, which hangs down like a waterfall, consists of vibrant hot, hot, dry noodles, while two suitably steamed dumplings represent her breasts. The beautifully written plate carved in golden gold, engraved with the yellow gold text “AGI”, contrasts sharply with the food on the plate and enhances the visual appeal. Next to the plate is a small dipping saucer dipped in dark liquid and a pair of chopsticks made of jade and jade, which also adds to the composition of the dish, alluding to the theme of Asian cooking and seducing the charm of dining. The lighting is soft and even, casting subtle shadows that add depth and dimension to the image. The overall style is playful yet elegant, reminiscent of fantasy art with a touch of modern minimalism.



学好 AI绘画 不论是就业还是做副业赚钱都不错,但要学会 AI绘画 还是要有一个学习规划。最后大家分享一份全套的 AI绘画 学习资料,给那些想学习 AI绘画 的小伙伴们一点帮助!





















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