CSS 动画制作的 12 个技巧

.one .surface {

background: #000;

height: 10em;

width: 1em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 4em);

left: calc(50% + 10em);


@keyframes one {

0%, 15% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 25% {

transform: none;

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1,-1.92,.95,.89);

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);

opacity: 1;


35%, 45% {

transform: translateX(8em);

height: 6em;

width: 2em;

top: calc(50% - 3em);

animation-timing-function: linear;

opacity: 1;


70%, 100% {

transform: translateX(8em) translateY(5em);

height: 6em;

width: 2em;

top: calc(50% - 3em);

opacity: 0;



body {

margin: 0;

background: #e9b59f;

font-family: HelveticaNeue, Arial, Sans-serif;

color: #fff;


.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


二、预备动作 (Anticipation)




.two .shape {

animation: two 5s infinite ease-out;

transform-origin: 50% 7em;


.two .surface {

background: #000;

width: 8em;

height: 1em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% + 4em);

left: calc(50% - 3em);


@keyframes two {

0%, 15% {

opacity: 0;

transform: none;


15%, 25% {

opacity: 1;

transform: none;

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.5,.05,.91,.47);


28%, 38% {

transform: translateX(-2em);


40%, 45% {

transform: translateX(-4em);


50%, 52% {

transform: translateX(-4em) rotateZ(-20deg);


70%, 75% {

transform: translateX(-4em) rotateZ(-10deg);


78% {

transform: translateX(-4em) rotateZ(-24deg);

opacity: 1;


86%, 100% {

transform: translateX(-6em) translateY(4em) rotateZ(-90deg);

opacity: 0;



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


三、演出布局 (Staging)


在网页方面,一种方法是用 model 覆盖在某些内容上。在现有页面添加一个遮罩并把那些主要关注的内容前置展示。



.three .shape.a {

transform: translateX(-12em);


.three .shape.c {

transform: translateX(12em);


.three .shape.b {

animation: three 5s infinite ease-out;

transform-origin: 0 6em;


.three .shape.a, .three .shape.c {

animation: threeb 5s infinite linear;


@keyframes three {

0%, 10% {

transform: none;

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53);


26%, 30% {

transform: rotateZ(-40deg);


32.5% {

transform: rotateZ(-38deg);


35% {

transform: rotateZ(-42deg);


37.5% {

transform: rotateZ(-38deg);


40% {

transform: rotateZ(-40deg);


42.5% {

transform: rotateZ(-38deg);


45% {

transform: rotateZ(-42deg);


47.5% {

transform: rotateZ(-38deg);

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53);


58%, 100% {

transform: none;



@keyframes threeb {

0%, 20% {

filter: none;


40%, 50% {

filter: blur(5px);


65%, 100% {

filter: none;



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


四、连续运动和姿态对应 (Straight-Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose)

连续运动是绘制动画的每一帧,姿态对应是通常由一个 assistant 在定义一系列关键帧后填充间隔。


有一个例外是定时功能 step。通过这个功能,浏览器 “steps” 可以把尽可能多的无序帧串清晰。你可以用这种方式绘制一系列图片并让浏览器按顺序显示出来,这开创了一种逐帧动画的风格。

.four .shape.a {

left: calc(50% - 8em);

animation: four 6s infinite cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53);


.four .shape.b {

left: calc(50% + 8em);

animation: four 6s infinite steps(1);


@keyframes four {

0%, 10% {

transform: none;


26%, 30% {

transform: rotateZ(-45deg) scale(1.25);


40% {

transform: rotateZ(-45deg) translate(2em, -2em) scale(1.8);


50%, 75% {

transform: rotateZ(-45deg) scale(1.1);


90%, 100% {

transform: none;



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


五、跟随和重叠动作 (Follow Through and Overlapping Action)



要创造一个重叠动作的感觉,我们可以让元件以稍微不同的速度移动到每处。这是一种在 iOS 系统的视窗 过渡中被运用得很好的方法。一些按钮和元件以不同速率运动,整体效果会比全部东西以相同速率运动要更逼真,并留出时间让访客去适当理解变化。


.five .shape {

animation: five 4s infinite cubic-bezier(.64,-0.36,.1,1);

position: relative;

left: auto;

top: auto;


.five .shape-container {

animation: five-container 4s infinite cubic-bezier(.64,-0.36,.1,2);

position: absolute;

left: calc(50% - 4em);

top: calc(50% - 4em);


@keyframes five {

0%, 15% {

opacity: 0;

transform: translateX(-12em);


15%, 25% {

transform: translateX(-12em);

opacity: 1;


85%, 90% {

transform: translateX(12em);

opacity: 1;


100% {

transform: translateX(12em);

opacity: 0;



@keyframes five-container {

0%, 35% {

transform: none;


50%, 60% {

transform: skewX(20deg);


90%, 100% {

transform: none;



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


六、缓入缓出 (Slow In and Slow Out)


在 CSS 方面,缓入缓出很容易被理解,在一个动画过程中计时功能是一种描述变化速率的方式。

使用计时功能,动画可以由慢加速 (ease-in)、由快减速 (ease-out),或者用贝塞尔曲线做出更复杂的效果。

.six .shape {

animation: six 3s infinite cubic-bezier(0.5,0,0.5,1);


@keyframes six {

0%, 5% {

transform: translate(-12em);


45%, 55% {

transform: translate(12em);


95%, 100% {

transform: translate(-12em);



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


七、弧线运动 (Arc)


我们有几种 CSS 的方式来实现弧线运动。一种是结合多个动画,比如在弹力球动画里,可以让球上下移动的同时让它右移,这时候球的显示效果就是沿弧线运动


.sevenb .shape.a {

animation: sevenb 3s infinite linear;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 9em);

transform-origin: 10em 50%;


.sevenb .shape.b {

animation: sevenb 6s infinite linear reverse;

background-color: yellow;

width: 2em;

height: 2em;

left: calc(50% - 1em);

top: calc(50% - 1em);


@keyframes sevenb {

100% {

transform: rotateZ(360deg);



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


八、次要动作 (Secondary Action)



.eight .shape.a {

transform: translateX(-6em);

animation: eight-shape-a 4s cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53) infinite;


.eight .shape.b {

top: calc(50% + 6em);

opacity: 0;

animation: eight-shape-b 4s linear infinite;


.eight .shape.c {

transform: translateX(6em);

animation: eight-shape-c 4s cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53) infinite;


@keyframes eight-shape-a {

0%, 50% {

transform: translateX(-5.5em);


70%, 100% {

transform: translateX(-10em);



@keyframes eight-shape-b {

0% {

transform: none;


20%, 30% {

transform: translateY(-1.5em);

opacity: 1;

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.57,-0.5,.43,1.53);


32% {

transform: translateY(-1.25em);

opacity: 1;


34% {

transform: translateY(-1.75em);

opacity: 1;


36%, 38% {

transform: translateY(-1.25em);

opacity: 1;


42%, 60% {

transform: translateY(-1.5em);

opacity: 1;


75%, 100% {

transform: translateY(-8em);

opacity: 1;



@keyframes eight-shape-c {

0%, 50% {

transform: translateX(5.5em);


70%, 100% {

transform: translateX(10em);



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


九、时间节奏 (Timing)


这在网页上可能只要简单调整 animation-duration 或 transition-duration 值。


.nine .shape.a {

animation: nine 4s infinite cubic-bezier(.93,0,.67,1.21);

left: calc(50% - 12em);

transform-origin: 100% 6em;


.nine .shape.b {

animation: nine 2s infinite cubic-bezier(1,-0.97,.23,1.84);

left: calc(50% + 2em);

transform-origin: 100% 100%;


@keyframes nine {

0%, 10% {

transform: translateX(0);


40%, 60% {

transform: rotateZ(90deg);


90%, 100% {

transform: translateX(0);



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


十、夸张手法 (Exaggeration)



.ten .shape {

animation: ten 4s infinite linear;

transform-origin: 50% 8em;

top: calc(50% - 6em);


@keyframes ten {

0%, 10% {

transform: none;

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.87,-1.05,.66,1.31);


40% {

transform: rotateZ(-45deg) scale(2);

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.16,.54,0,1.38);


70%, 100% {

transform: rotateZ(360deg) scale(1);



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);


十一、扎实的描绘 (Solid drawing)



.eleven .shape {

background: none;

border: none;

perspective: 400px;

perspective-origin: center;


.eleven .shape .container {

animation: eleven 4s infinite cubic-bezier(.6,-0.44,.37,1.44);

transform-style: preserve-3d;


.eleven .shape span {

display: block;

position: absolute;

opacity: 1;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

border: 1em solid #fff;

background: #2d97db;


.eleven .shape span.front {

transform: translateZ(3em);


.eleven .shape span.back {

transform: translateZ(-3em);


.eleven .shape span.left {

transform: rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(-3em);


.eleven .shape span.right {

transform: rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(3em);


.eleven .shape span.top {

transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(-3em);


.eleven .shape span.bottom {

transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(3em);


@keyframes eleven {

0% {

opacity: 0;


10%, 40% {

transform: none;

opacity: 1;


60%, 75% {

transform: rotateX(-20deg) rotateY(-45deg) translateY(4em);

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1,-0.05,.43,-0.16);

opacity: 1;


100% {

transform: translateZ(-180em) translateX(20em);

opacity: 0;



.principle {

width: 100%;

height: 100vh;

position: relative;


.shape {

background: #2d97db;

border: 1em solid #fff;

width: 4em;

height: 4em;

position: absolute;

top: calc(50% - 2em);

left: calc(50% - 2em);






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