

OpenVswitch call stack
1. 虚拟设备的生命周期接口
2. 虚拟设备的业务配置接口
3. 二层基础协议的运行启动
4. Openflow协议的运行开启与流表下发



struct netdev_class {
    /* Type of netdevs in this class, e.g. "system", "tap", "gre", etc.
     * One of the providers should supply a "system" type, since this is
     * the type assumed if no type is specified when opening a netdev.
     * The "system" type corresponds to an existing network device on
     * the system. */
    const char *type;

    /* If 'true' then this netdev should be polled by PMD threads. */
    bool is_pmd;

/* ## ------------------- ## */
/* ## Top-Level Functions ## */
/* ## ------------------- ## */

    /* Called when the netdev provider is registered, typically at program
     * startup.  Returning an error from this function will prevent any network
     * device in this class from being opened.
     * This function may be set to null if a network device class needs no
     * initialization at registration time. */
    int (*init)(void);

    /* Performs periodic work needed by netdevs of this class.  May be null if
     * no periodic work is necessary.
     * 'netdev_class' points to the class.  It is useful in case the same
     * function is used to implement different classes. */
    void (*run)(const struct netdev_class *netdev_class);

    /* Arranges for poll_block() to wake up if the "run" member function needs
     * to be called.  Implementations are additionally required to wake
     * whenever something changes in any of its netdevs which would cause their
     * ->change_seq() function to change its result.  May be null if nothing is
     * needed here.
     * 'netdev_class' points to the class.  It is useful in case the same
     * function is used to implement different classes. */
    void (*wait)(const struct netdev_class *netdev_class);

/* ## ---------------- ## */
/* ## netdev Functions ## */
/* ## ---------------- ## */

    /* Life-cycle functions for a netdev.  See the large comment above on
     * struct netdev_class. */
    struct netdev *(*alloc)(void);
    int (*construct)(struct netdev *);
    void (*destruct)(struct netdev *);
    void (*dealloc)(struct netdev *);


    /* Datapath interface class structure, to be defined by each implementation of
 * a datapath interface.
 * These functions return 0 if successful or a positive errno value on failure,
 * except where otherwise noted.
 * These functions are expected to execute synchronously, that is, to block as
 * necessary to obtain a result.  Thus, they may not return EAGAIN or
 * EWOULDBLOCK or EINPROGRESS.  We may relax this requirement in the future if
 * and when we encounter performance problems. */
struct dpif_class {
    /* Type of dpif in this class, e.g. "system", "netdev", etc.
     * One of the providers should supply a "system" type, since this is
     * the type assumed if no type is specified when opening a dpif. */
    const char *type;

    /* Called when the dpif provider is registered, typically at program
     * startup.  Returning an error from this function will prevent any
     * datapath with this class from being created.
     * This function may be set to null if a datapath class needs no
     * initialization at registration time. */
    int (*init)(void);

    /* Enumerates the names of all known created datapaths (of class
     * 'dpif_class'), if possible, into 'all_dps'.  The caller has already
     * initialized 'all_dps' and other dpif classes might already have added
     * names to it.
     * This is used by the vswitch at startup, so that it can delete any
     * datapaths that are not configured.
     * Some kinds of datapaths might not be practically enumerable, in which
     * case this function may be a null pointer. */
    int (*enumerate)(struct sset *all_dps, const struct dpif_class *dpif_class);

    /* Returns the type to pass to netdev_open() when a dpif of class
     * 'dpif_class' has a port of type 'type', for a few special cases
     * when a netdev type differs from a port type.  For example, when
     * using the userspace datapath, a port of type "internal" needs to
     * be opened as "tap".
     * Returns either 'type' itself or a string literal, which must not
     * be freed. */
    const char *(*port_open_type)(const struct dpif_class *dpif_class,
                                  const char *type);

    /* Attempts to open an existing dpif called 'name', if 'create' is false,
     * or to open an existing dpif or create a new one, if 'create' is true.
     * 'dpif_class' is the class of dpif to open.
     * If successful, stores a pointer to the new dpif in '*dpifp', which must
     * have class 'dpif_class'.  On failure there are no requirements on what
     * is stored in '*dpifp'. */
    int (*open)(const struct dpif_class *dpif_class,
                const char *name, bool create, struct dpif **dpifp);

    /* Closes 'dpif' and frees associated memory. */
    void (*close)(struct dpif *dpif);

    /* Attempts to destroy the dpif underlying 'dpif'.
     * If successful, 'dpif' will not be used again except as an argument for
     * the 'close' member function. */
    int (*destroy)(struct dpif *dpif);

    /* Performs periodic work needed by 'dpif', if any is necessary.
     * Returns true if need to revalidate. */
    bool (*run)(struct dpif *dpif);

    /* Arranges for poll_block() to wake up if the "run" member function needs
     * to be called for 'dpif'. */
    void (*wait)(struct dpif *dpif);



struct netdev_class {
    /* Fetches the device 'netdev''s configuration, storing it in 'args'.
     * The caller owns 'args' and pre-initializes it to an empty smap.
     * If this netdev class does not have any configuration options, this may
     * be a null pointer. */
    int (*get_config)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct smap *args);

    /* Changes the device 'netdev''s configuration to 'args'.
     * If this netdev class does not support configuration, this may be a null
     * pointer.
     * If the return value is not zero (meaning that an error occurred),
     * the provider can allocate a string with an error message in '*errp'.
     * The caller has to call free on it. */
    int (*set_config)(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *args,
                      char **errp);

    /* Returns the tunnel configuration of 'netdev'.  If 'netdev' is
     * not a tunnel, returns null.
     * If this function would always return null, it may be null instead. */
    const struct netdev_tunnel_config *
        (*get_tunnel_config)(const struct netdev *netdev);

    /* Build Tunnel header.  Ethernet and ip header parameters are passed to
     * tunnel implementation to build entire outer header for given flow. */
    int (*build_header)(const struct netdev *, struct ovs_action_push_tnl *data,
                        const struct netdev_tnl_build_header_params *params);

    /* build_header() can not build entire header for all packets for given
     * flow.  Push header is called for packet to build header specific to
     * a packet on actual transmit.  It uses partial header build by
     * build_header() which is passed as data. */
    void (*push_header)(struct dp_packet *packet,
                        const struct ovs_action_push_tnl *data);

    /* Pop tunnel header from packet, build tunnel metadata and resize packet
     * for further processing.
     * Returns NULL in case of error or tunnel implementation queued packet for further
     * processing. */
    struct dp_packet * (*pop_header)(struct dp_packet *packet);

    /* Returns the id of the numa node the 'netdev' is on.  If there is no
     * such info, returns NETDEV_NUMA_UNSPEC. */
    int (*get_numa_id)(const struct netdev *netdev);

    /* Configures the number of tx queues of 'netdev'. Returns 0 if successful,
     * otherwise a positive errno value.
     * 'n_txq' specifies the exact number of transmission queues to create.
     * The caller will call netdev_reconfigure() (if necessary) before using
     * netdev_send() on any of the newly configured queues, giving the provider
     * a chance to adjust its settings.
     * On error, the tx queue configuration is unchanged. */
    int (*set_tx_multiq)(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int n_txq);

    /* Sends buffers on 'netdev'.
     * Returns 0 if successful (for every buffer), otherwise a positive errno
     * value.  Returns EAGAIN without blocking if one or more packets cannot be
     * queued immediately. Returns EMSGSIZE if a partial packet was transmitted
     * or if a packet is too big or too small to transmit on the device.
     * If the function returns a non-zero value, some of the packets might have
     * been sent anyway.
     * If 'may_steal' is false, the caller retains ownership of all the
     * packets.  If 'may_steal' is true, the caller transfers ownership of all
     * the packets to the network device, regardless of success.
     * If 'concurrent_txq' is true, the caller may perform concurrent calls
     * to netdev_send() with the same 'qid'. The netdev provider is responsible
     * for making sure that these concurrent calls do not create a race
     * condition by using locking or other synchronization if required.
     * The network device is expected to maintain one or more packet
     * transmission queues, so that the caller does not ordinarily have to
     * do additional queuing of packets.  'qid' specifies the queue to use
     * and can be ignored if the implementation does not support multiple
     * queues.
     * May return EOPNOTSUPP if a network device does not implement packet
     * transmission through this interface.  This function may be set to null
     * if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP anyhow.  (This will prevent the
     * network device from being usefully used by the netdev-based "userspace
     * datapath".  It will also prevent the OVS implementation of bonding from
     * working properly over 'netdev'.) */
    int (*send)(struct netdev *netdev, int qid, struct dp_packet_batch *batch,
                bool may_steal, bool concurrent_txq);

    /* Registers with the poll loop to wake up from the next call to
     * poll_block() when the packet transmission queue for 'netdev' has
     * sufficient room to transmit a packet with netdev_send().
     * The network device is expected to maintain one or more packet
     * transmission queues, so that the caller does not ordinarily have to
     * do additional queuing of packets.  'qid' specifies the queue to use
     * and can be ignored if the implementation does not support multiple
     * queues.
     * May be null if not needed, such as for a network device that does not
     * implement packet transmission through the 'send' member function. */
    void (*send_wait)(struct netdev *netdev, int qid);

    /* Sets 'netdev''s Ethernet address to 'mac' */
    int (*set_etheraddr)(struct netdev *netdev, const struct eth_addr mac);

    /* Retrieves 'netdev''s Ethernet address into 'mac'.
     * This address will be advertised as 'netdev''s MAC address through the
     * OpenFlow protocol, among other uses. */
    int (*get_etheraddr)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct eth_addr *mac);

    /* Retrieves 'netdev''s MTU into '*mtup'.
     * The MTU is the maximum size of transmitted (and received) packets, in
     * bytes, not including the hardware header; thus, this is typically 1500
     * bytes for Ethernet devices.
     * If 'netdev' does not have an MTU (e.g. as some tunnels do not), then
     * this function should return EOPNOTSUPP.  This function may be set to
     * null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP. */
    int (*get_mtu)(const struct netdev *netdev, int *mtup);

    /* Sets 'netdev''s MTU to 'mtu'.
     * If 'netdev' does not have an MTU (e.g. as some tunnels do not), then
     * this function should return EOPNOTSUPP.  This function may be set to
     * null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP. */
    int (*set_mtu)(struct netdev *netdev, int mtu);

    /* Returns the ifindex of 'netdev', if successful, as a positive number.
     * On failure, returns a negative errno value.
     * The desired semantics of the ifindex value are a combination of those
     * specified by POSIX for if_nametoindex() and by SNMP for ifIndex.  An
     * ifindex value should be unique within a host and remain stable at least
     * until reboot.  SNMP says an ifindex "ranges between 1 and the value of
     * ifNumber" but many systems do not follow this rule anyhow.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return -EOPNOTSUPP.
    int (*get_ifindex)(const struct netdev *netdev);

    /* Sets 'carrier' to true if carrier is active (link light is on) on
     * 'netdev'.
     * May be null if device does not provide carrier status (will be always
     * up as long as device is up).
    int (*get_carrier)(const struct netdev *netdev, bool *carrier);

    /* Returns the number of times 'netdev''s carrier has changed since being
     * initialized.
     * If null, callers will assume the number of carrier resets is zero. */
    long long int (*get_carrier_resets)(const struct netdev *netdev);

    /* Forces ->get_carrier() to poll 'netdev''s MII registers for link status
     * instead of checking 'netdev''s carrier.  'netdev''s MII registers will
     * be polled once every 'interval' milliseconds.  If 'netdev' does not
     * support MII, another method may be used as a fallback.  If 'interval' is
     * less than or equal to zero, reverts ->get_carrier() to its normal
     * behavior.
     * Most network devices won't support this feature and will set this
     * function pointer to NULL, which is equivalent to returning EOPNOTSUPP.
    int (*set_miimon_interval)(struct netdev *netdev, long long int interval);

    /* Retrieves current device stats for 'netdev' into 'stats'.
     * A network device that supports some statistics but not others, it should
     * set the values of the unsupported statistics to all-1-bits
     * (UINT64_MAX). */
    int (*get_stats)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct netdev_stats *);

    /* Stores the features supported by 'netdev' into each of '*current',
     * '*advertised', '*supported', and '*peer'.  Each value is a bitmap of
     * NETDEV_F_* bits.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP.
    int (*get_features)(const struct netdev *netdev,
                        enum netdev_features *current,
                        enum netdev_features *advertised,
                        enum netdev_features *supported,
                        enum netdev_features *peer);

    /* Set the features advertised by 'netdev' to 'advertise', which is a
     * set of NETDEV_F_* bits.
     * This function may be set to null for a network device that does not
     * support configuring advertisements. */
    int (*set_advertisements)(struct netdev *netdev,
                              enum netdev_features advertise);

    /* Attempts to set input rate limiting (policing) policy, such that up to
     * 'kbits_rate' kbps of traffic is accepted, with a maximum accumulative
     * burst size of 'kbits' kb.
     * This function may be set to null if policing is not supported. */
    int (*set_policing)(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int kbits_rate,
                        unsigned int kbits_burst);

    /* Adds to 'types' all of the forms of QoS supported by 'netdev', or leaves
     * it empty if 'netdev' does not support QoS.  Any names added to 'types'
     * should be documented as valid for the "type" column in the "QoS" table
     * in vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).
     * Every network device must support disabling QoS with a type of "", but
     * this function must not add "" to 'types'.
     * The caller is responsible for initializing 'types' (e.g. with
     * sset_init()) before calling this function.  The caller retains ownership
     * of 'types'.
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*get_qos_types)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct sset *types);

    /* Queries 'netdev' for its capabilities regarding the specified 'type' of
     * QoS.  On success, initializes 'caps' with the QoS capabilities.
     * Should return EOPNOTSUPP if 'netdev' does not support 'type'.  May be
     * NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*get_qos_capabilities)(const struct netdev *netdev,
                                const char *type,
                                struct netdev_qos_capabilities *caps);

    /* Queries 'netdev' about its currently configured form of QoS.  If
     * successful, stores the name of the current form of QoS into '*typep'
     * and any details of configuration as string key-value pairs in
     * 'details'.
     * A '*typep' of "" indicates that QoS is currently disabled on 'netdev'.
     * The caller initializes 'details' before calling this function.  The
     * caller takes ownership of the string key-values pairs added to
     * 'details'.
     * The netdev retains ownership of '*typep'.
     * '*typep' will be one of the types returned by netdev_get_qos_types() for
     * 'netdev'.  The contents of 'details' should be documented as valid for
     * '*typep' in the "other_config" column in the "QoS" table in
     * vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*get_qos)(const struct netdev *netdev,
                   const char **typep, struct smap *details);

    /* Attempts to reconfigure QoS on 'netdev', changing the form of QoS to
     * 'type' with details of configuration from 'details'.
     * On error, the previous QoS configuration is retained.
     * When this function changes the type of QoS (not just 'details'), this
     * also resets all queue configuration for 'netdev' to their defaults
     * (which depend on the specific type of QoS).  Otherwise, the queue
     * configuration for 'netdev' is unchanged.
     * 'type' should be "" (to disable QoS) or one of the types returned by
     * netdev_get_qos_types() for 'netdev'.  The contents of 'details' should
     * be documented as valid for the given 'type' in the "other_config" column
     * in the "QoS" table in vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as
     * ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*set_qos)(struct netdev *netdev,
                   const char *type, const struct smap *details);

    /* Queries 'netdev' for information about the queue numbered 'queue_id'.
     * If successful, adds that information as string key-value pairs to
     * 'details'.  Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a positive errno value.
     * Should return EINVAL if 'queue_id' is greater than or equal to the
     * number of supported queues (as reported in the 'n_queues' member of
     * struct netdev_qos_capabilities by 'get_qos_capabilities').
     * The caller initializes 'details' before calling this function.  The
     * caller takes ownership of the string key-values pairs added to
     * 'details'.
     * The returned contents of 'details' should be documented as valid for the
     * given 'type' in the "other_config" column in the "Queue" table in
     * vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).
    int (*get_queue)(const struct netdev *netdev,
                     unsigned int queue_id, struct smap *details);

    /* Configures the queue numbered 'queue_id' on 'netdev' with the key-value
     * string pairs in 'details'.  The contents of 'details' should be
     * documented as valid for the given 'type' in the "other_config" column in
     * the "Queue" table in vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as
     * ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).  Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a positive
     * errno value.  On failure, the given queue's configuration should be
     * unmodified.
     * Should return EINVAL if 'queue_id' is greater than or equal to the
     * number of supported queues (as reported in the 'n_queues' member of
     * struct netdev_qos_capabilities by 'get_qos_capabilities'), or if
     * 'details' is invalid for the type of queue.
     * This function does not modify 'details', and the caller retains
     * ownership of it.
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*set_queue)(struct netdev *netdev,
                     unsigned int queue_id, const struct smap *details);

    /* Attempts to delete the queue numbered 'queue_id' from 'netdev'.
     * Should return EINVAL if 'queue_id' is greater than or equal to the
     * number of supported queues (as reported in the 'n_queues' member of
     * struct netdev_qos_capabilities by 'get_qos_capabilities').  Should
     * return EOPNOTSUPP if 'queue_id' is valid but may not be deleted (e.g. if
     * 'netdev' has a fixed set of queues with the current QoS mode).
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all, or if all of its
     * QoS modes have fixed sets of queues. */
    int (*delete_queue)(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int queue_id);

    /* Obtains statistics about 'queue_id' on 'netdev'.  Fills 'stats' with the
     * queue's statistics.  May set individual members of 'stats' to all-1-bits
     * if the statistic is unavailable.
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*get_queue_stats)(const struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int queue_id,
                           struct netdev_queue_stats *stats);

    /* Attempts to begin dumping the queues in 'netdev'.  On success, returns 0
     * and initializes '*statep' with any data needed for iteration.  On
     * failure, returns a positive errno value.
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*queue_dump_start)(const struct netdev *netdev, void **statep);

    /* Attempts to retrieve another queue from 'netdev' for 'state', which was
     * initialized by a successful call to the 'queue_dump_start' function for
     * 'netdev'.  On success, stores a queue ID into '*queue_id' and fills
     * 'details' with the configuration of the queue with that ID.  Returns EOF
     * if the last queue has been dumped, or a positive errno value on error.
     * This function will not be called again once it returns nonzero once for
     * a given iteration (but the 'queue_dump_done' function will be called
     * afterward).
     * The caller initializes and clears 'details' before calling this
     * function.  The caller takes ownership of the string key-values pairs
     * added to 'details'.
     * The returned contents of 'details' should be documented as valid for the
     * given 'type' in the "other_config" column in the "Queue" table in
     * vswitchd/vswitch.xml (which is built as ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(8)).
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*queue_dump_next)(const struct netdev *netdev, void *state,
                           unsigned int *queue_id, struct smap *details);

    /* Releases resources from 'netdev' for 'state', which was initialized by a
     * successful call to the 'queue_dump_start' function for 'netdev'.
     * May be NULL if 'netdev' does not support QoS at all. */
    int (*queue_dump_done)(const struct netdev *netdev, void *state);

    /* Iterates over all of 'netdev''s queues, calling 'cb' with the queue's
     * ID, its statistics, and the 'aux' specified by the caller.  The order of
     * iteration is unspecified, but (when successful) each queue must be
     * visited exactly once.
     * 'cb' will not modify or free the statistics passed in. */
    int (*dump_queue_stats)(const struct netdev *netdev,
                            void (*cb)(unsigned int queue_id,
                                       struct netdev_queue_stats *,
                                       void *aux),
                            void *aux);

    /* Assigns 'addr' as 'netdev''s IPv4 address and 'mask' as its netmask.  If
     * 'addr' is INADDR_ANY, 'netdev''s IPv4 address is cleared.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP
     * anyhow. */
    int (*set_in4)(struct netdev *netdev, struct in_addr addr,
                   struct in_addr mask);

    /* Returns all assigned IP address to  'netdev' and returns 0.
     * API allocates array of address and masks and set it to
     * '*addr' and '*mask'.
     * Otherwise, returns a positive errno value and sets '*addr', '*mask
     * and '*n_addr' to NULL.
     * The following error values have well-defined meanings:
     *   - EADDRNOTAVAIL: 'netdev' has no assigned IPv6 address.
     *   - EOPNOTSUPP: No IPv6 network stack attached to 'netdev'.
     * 'addr' may be null, in which case the address itself is not reported. */
    int (*get_addr_list)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct in6_addr **in,
                         struct in6_addr **mask, int *n_in6);

    /* Adds 'router' as a default IP gateway for the TCP/IP stack that
     * corresponds to 'netdev'.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP
     * anyhow. */
    int (*add_router)(struct netdev *netdev, struct in_addr router);

    /* Looks up the next hop for 'host' in the host's routing table.  If
     * successful, stores the next hop gateway's address (0 if 'host' is on a
     * directly connected network) in '*next_hop' and a copy of the name of the
     * device to reach 'host' in '*netdev_name', and returns 0.  The caller is
     * responsible for freeing '*netdev_name' (by calling free()).
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP
     * anyhow. */
    int (*get_next_hop)(const struct in_addr *host, struct in_addr *next_hop,
                        char **netdev_name);

    /* Retrieves driver information of the device.
     * Populates 'smap' with key-value pairs representing the status of the
     * device.  'smap' is a set of key-value string pairs representing netdev
     * type specific information.  For more information see
     * ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5).
     * The caller is responsible for destroying 'smap' and its data.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP
     * anyhow. */
    int (*get_status)(const struct netdev *netdev, struct smap *smap);

    /* Looks up the ARP table entry for 'ip' on 'netdev' and stores the
     * corresponding MAC address in 'mac'.  A return value of ENXIO, in
     * particular, indicates that there is no ARP table entry for 'ip' on
     * 'netdev'.
     * This function may be set to null if it would always return EOPNOTSUPP
     * anyhow. */
    int (*arp_lookup)(const struct netdev *netdev, ovs_be32 ip,
                      struct eth_addr *mac);

    /* Retrieves the current set of flags on 'netdev' into '*old_flags'.  Then,
     * turns off the flags that are set to 1 in 'off' and turns on the flags
     * that are set to 1 in 'on'.  (No bit will be set to 1 in both 'off' and
     * 'on'; that is, off & on == 0.)
     * This function may be invoked from a signal handler.  Therefore, it
     * should not do anything that is not signal-safe (such as logging). */
    int (*update_flags)(struct netdev *netdev, enum netdev_flags off,
                        enum netdev_flags on, enum netdev_flags *old_flags);

    /* If the provider called netdev_request_reconfigure(), the upper layer
     * will eventually call this.  The provider can update the device
     * configuration knowing that the upper layer will not call rxq_recv() or
     * send() until this function returns.
     * On error, the configuration is indeterminant and the device cannot be
     * used to send and receive packets until a successful configuration is
     * applied. */
    int (*reconfigure)(struct netdev *netdev);
/* ## -------------------- ## */
/* ## netdev_rxq Functions ## */
/* ## -------------------- ## */

/* If a particular netdev class does not support receiving packets, all these
 * function pointers must be NULL. */

    /* Life-cycle functions for a netdev_rxq.  See the large comment above on
     * struct netdev_class. */
    struct netdev_rxq *(*rxq_alloc)(void);
    int (*rxq_construct)(struct netdev_rxq *);
    void (*rxq_destruct)(struct netdev_rxq *);
    void (*rxq_dealloc)(struct netdev_rxq *);

    /* Attempts to receive a batch of packets from 'rx'.  In 'batch', the
     * caller supplies 'packets' as the pointer to the beginning of an array
     * of NETDEV_MAX_BURST pointers to dp_packet.  If successful, the
     * implementation stores pointers to up to NETDEV_MAX_BURST dp_packets into
     * the array, transferring ownership of the packets to the caller, stores
     * the number of received packets into 'count', and returns 0.
     * The implementation does not necessarily initialize any non-data members
     * of 'packets' in 'batch'.  That is, the caller must initialize layer
     * pointers and metadata itself, if desired, e.g. with pkt_metadata_init()
     * and miniflow_extract().
     * Implementations should allocate buffers with DP_NETDEV_HEADROOM bytes of
     * headroom.
     * Returns EAGAIN immediately if no packet is ready to be received or
     * another positive errno value if an error was encountered. */
    int (*rxq_recv)(struct netdev_rxq *rx, struct dp_packet_batch *batch);

    /* Registers with the poll loop to wake up from the next call to
     * poll_block() when a packet is ready to be received with
     * netdev_rxq_recv() on 'rx'. */
    void (*rxq_wait)(struct netdev_rxq *rx);

    /* Discards all packets waiting to be received from 'rx'. */
    int (*rxq_drain)(struct netdev_rxq *rx);


/* Attempts to add 'netdev' as a port on 'dpif'.  If 'port_nop' is
 * non-null and its value is not ODPP_NONE, then attempts to use the
 * value as the port number.
 * If successful, returns 0 and sets '*port_nop' to the new port's port
 * number (if 'port_nop' is non-null).  On failure, returns a positive
 * errno value and sets '*port_nop' to ODPP_NONE (if 'port_nop' is
 * non-null). */
dpif_port_add(struct dpif *dpif, struct netdev *netdev, odp_port_t *port_nop)
    const char *netdev_name = netdev_get_name(netdev);
    odp_port_t port_no = ODPP_NONE;
    int error;


    if (port_nop) {
        port_no = *port_nop;

    error = dpif->dpif_class->port_add(dpif, netdev, &port_no);
    if (!error) {
        VLOG_DBG_RL(&dpmsg_rl, "%s: added %s as port %"PRIu32,
                    dpif_name(dpif), netdev_name, port_no);
    } else {
        VLOG_WARN_RL(&error_rl, "%s: failed to add %s as port: %s",
                     dpif_name(dpif), netdev_name, ovs_strerror(error));
        port_no = ODPP_NONE;
    if (port_nop) {
        *port_nop = port_no;
    return error;


static struct genl_ops dp_vport_genl_ops[] = {
    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_NEW,
      .flags = GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM, /* Requires CAP_NET_ADMIN privilege. */
      .policy = vport_policy,
      .doit = ovs_vport_cmd_new
    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_DEL,
      .flags = GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM, /* Requires CAP_NET_ADMIN privilege. */
      .policy = vport_policy,
      .doit = ovs_vport_cmd_del
    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_GET,
      .flags = 0,           /* OK for unprivileged users. */
      .policy = vport_policy,
      .doit = ovs_vport_cmd_get,
      .dumpit = ovs_vport_cmd_dump
    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_SET,
      .flags = GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM, /* Requires CAP_NET_ADMIN privilege. */
      .policy = vport_policy,
      .doit = ovs_vport_cmd_set,

函数ovs_vport_cmd_new会调用static struct vport *new_vport(const struct vport_parms *parms)会继续调用到struct vport *ovs_vport_add(const struct vport_parms *parms)里面会调用vport = ops->create(parms);

    vport->dev = dev_get_by_name(ovs_dp_get_net(vport->dp), name);
    err = netdev_rx_handler_register(vport->dev, netdev_frame_hook,






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