为什么parseInt(1 / 0,19)返回18?

本文翻译自:Why does parseInt(1/0, 19) return 18?

I have an annoying problem in JavaScript. 我在JavaScript中遇到了烦人的问题。

> parseInt(1 / 0, 19)
> 18

Why does the parseInt function return 18 ? 为什么parseInt函数返回18




The result of 1/0 is Infinity . 1/0的结果是Infinity

parseInt treats its first argument as a string which means first of all Infinity.toString() is called, producing the string "Infinity" . parseInt将其第一个参数视为字符串,这意味着首先调用Infinity.toString() ,生成字符串"Infinity" So it works the same as if you asked it to convert "Infinity" in base 19 to decimal. 因此它的工作原理与您要求它将基数19中的"Infinity"转换为十进制相同。

Here are the digits in base 19 along with their decimal values: 以下是基数19中的数字及其小数值:

Base 19   Base 10 (decimal)
   0            0
   1            1
   2            2
   3            3
   4            4
   5            5
   6            6
   7            7
   8            8
   9            9
   a            10
   b            11
   c            12
   d            13
   e            14
   f            15
   g            16
   h            17
   i            18

What happens next is that parseInt scans the input "Infinity" to find which part of it can be parsed and stops after accepting the first I (because n is not a valid digit in base 19). 接下来发生的是parseInt扫描输入"Infinity"以找到它的哪个部分可以被解析并在接受第一个I之后停止(因为n不是基数19中的有效数字)。

Therefore it behaves as if you called parseInt("I", 19) , which converts to decimal 18 by the table above. 因此,它的行为就像你调用了parseInt("I", 19) ,它被上面的表转换为十进制18。


Here's the sequence of events: 这是事件的顺序:

  • 1/0 evaluates to Infinity 1/0评估为Infinity
  • parseInt reads Infinity and happily notes that I is 18 in base 19 parseInt读取Infinity并愉快地注意到I在19岁时是18岁
  • parseInt ignores the remainder of the string, since it can't be converted. parseInt忽略字符串的其余部分,因为它无法转换。

Note that you'd get a result for any base >= 19 , but not for bases below that. 请注意,您将获得任何基数>= 19 ,但不会获得低于此值的基数。 For bases >= 24 , you'll get a larger result, as n becomes a valid digit at that point. 对于>= 24基数,您将得到更大的结果,因为n在该点变为有效数字。


To add to the above answers: 要添加上述答案:

parseInt is intended to parse strings into numbers (the clue is in the name). parseInt旨在将字符串解析为数字(线索在名称中)。 In your situation, you don't want to do any parsing at all since 1/0 is already a number, so it's a strange choice of function. 在你的情况下,你根本不想做任何解析,因为1/0 已经是一个数字,所以这是一个奇怪的功能选择。 If you have a number (which you do) and want to convert it to a particular base, you should use toString with a radix instead. 如果您有一个数字(您这样做)并希望将其转换为特定基数,则应使用带有基数的toString

var num = 1 / 0;
var numInBase19 = num.toString(19); // returns the string "Infinity"


To add to the above answers 添加到上面的答案

parseInt(1/0,19) is equivalent to parseInt("Infinity",19) parseInt(1/0,19)相当于parseInt("Infinity",19)

Within base 19 numbers 0-9 and AI (or ai) are a valid numbers. 在基数19内,数字0-9AI (or ai)是有效数字。 So, from the "Infinity" it takes I of base 19 and converts to base 10 which becomes 18 Then it tries to take the next character ie n which is not present in base 19 so discards next characters (as per javascript's behavior of converting string to number) 因此,从“Infinity”开始, I需要基数为19并转换为基数10,然后它变为18然后它尝试获取下一个字符,即基数19中不存在的n ,因此丢弃下一个字符(根据javascript转换字符串的行为)到数字)

So, if you write parseInt("Infinity",19) OR parseInt("I",19) OR parseInt("i",19) the result will be same ie 18 . 因此,如果您编写parseInt("Infinity",19)parseInt("I",19)parseInt("i",19) ,结果将是相同的,即18

Now, if you write parseInt("I0",19) the result will be 342 as IX 19 (the base)^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19 + 0 X 1 = 342 现在,如果你写parseInt("I0",19) ,结果将是342作为IX 19 (the base)^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19 + 0 X 1 = 342

Similarly, parseInt("I11",19) will result in 6518 类似地, parseInt("I11",19)将导致6518


  18 X 19^2  +   1 X 19^1   +  1 X 19^0
= 18 X 19^2  +   1 X 19^1   +  1 X 19^0
= 18 X 361   +   1 X 19     +  1 X 1
= 6498  +  19  +  1
= 6518




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